In Remembrance of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
Jimmy Carter and I were friends for many years. The following are just a few examples of the times we met. The last time we were together both Pat and I had breakfast with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. A funny and most embarrassing incident happened at the table before breakfast was served. For some reason I never got to ask the former First Lady to sign my Holy Bible. She graciously agreed and did so however my camera didn’t work. The batteries were dead. I asked her if she would mind if I ran out to the car and got new batteries. Coming back, I don’t know where I got the nerve but asked Rosalynn if she would stand and pretend, she was signing the Bible. Without hesitation this wonderful woman did what was requested. Both President Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter will be surely missed. R.I.P.

Jimmy Carter’s Family
1. CARTER, Lillian, CARTER, Alton, CARTER, Hugh, CARTER, Amy, CARTER, Billy Wonderful pamphlet Plains Georgia Home of President Jimmy Carter. Twelve pages in color, covers the history and places, events and a section “The Peanut Special.” Inside the last page is a map of Plains, Georgia. Inscribed and signed and dated by Lillian Carter, signed Alton Carter Plains, Ga 12.31.77. Jimmys uncle 89 years (signed two weeks before his death), signed Hugh Carter Senator Jimmy’s 1st Cousin, signed by Billy Carter in front of his gas station, and signed by the young Amy Carter standing with her mother and father. $125.00
2. CARTER, Rosalynn, Lillian Carter and Amy Carter Portrait of Rosalynn Carter, Lillian Carter and Amy Carter. Raising their hands in celebration. Signed by all three. Rosalynn's signature on the dark portion but still readable. $95.00
3. CARTER, Rosalynn Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of the smiling First Lady sitting in The White House beside a large marble column. Inscribed to autograph dealer: “To Nate Sanders, Best wishes, Rosalynn Carter.”. $67.50
4. CARTER, Rosalynn Interesting autograph letter signed on a card titled “Our Mountain Home” (1989) from a 12”x16” oil painting on canvas by Jimmy Carter. On the inside panel Rosalynn writes: “Feb. 1, 1998, Dear Jane, Wanted to let you know that Jimmy is home from the hospital. His rash is much better & we think he will be fine - and I think mother is actually enjoying life now. Hope you are getting along OK. We would love some fruit! Warm regards, Rosalynn.” $135.00
5. CARTER, Rosalynn Autograph document signed. Check on the Carter’s Warehouse, Peanut Account dated 8-27-1969. Made payable in Rosalynn’s hand Roscoe Welch & A.S. Boyette III in the amount of $334.87. Signed “Rosalynn S. Carter.”.” $125.00
6. CARTER, Rosalynn Her dress, one piece, heavy material with lining and belt, in fine condition. Together with a typed letter signed “Rosalynn Carter” on her personal name embossed letterhead. She writes: “This white dress, with black trim and black patent leather belt, was one I owned and used. I wore it as First Lady of the State of Georgia when Jimmy Carter was Governor of Georgia. The dress was donated to the Carter Political Collectors group auction on May 15, 1993, in Plains, Georgia. With original envelope bearing a Jimmy Carter printed free franking label. $775.00
7. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Attractive and colorful U.S. cover of the Georgia Brown Thrasher and Cherokee Rose pictured in full color on the left portion of this cover produced by Fleetwood. U.S. 20 cent Flag stamp affixed to the top right corner cancelled in Atlanta, Ga. On Jan.2.1985. Signed by both J. Carter and Rosalynn Carter. $135.00
8. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter “The 1977 Inaugural  Committee requests the honor of your company at The Inaugural Party...” Measures 5”x7” with the Seal of the Inauguration of the President and ice President centered at the top. Very boldly signed by Jimy Carter (beautiful full vintage signature) and signed in full “Rosalynn Carter.”. $775.00
9. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and Walter and Joan Mondale “The Inaugural Committee requests the honor of your presence and participation in the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter as President of the United States of America and Walter Mondale as Vice President...” Measures 8.5”x5.5” and bears the seal of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President. Signed by all four with full and vintage signatures. $1095.00
10. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Postcard color photograph (1976) of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter in front of several microphones. Measures 4”x6” and signed J. Carter and Rosalynn Carter. $145.00
11. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Color photograph measures 8.5”x11” (1976) of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter in front of several microphones. Beautifully signed “Best Wishes Rosalynn Carter” and a full bold vintage signature “Jimmy Carter.”. $225.00
12. CARTER, Jimmy, CARTER, Rosalynn Typed document signed, The Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. Thursday, January 20, 1977. One page, measures appx. 6”x8”. The Presidential Oath of Office very boldly signed by J. Carter and Rosalynn Carter. Both signatures are unusually large. Matted along with a color portrait of Jimmy Carter being administered the Presidential Oath of Office. Overall size 11”x14”. $750.00
13. CARTER, Jimmy, Rosalyn Carter A fabulous color Great Seal of the United States, measures 7”x8.5” Attractive example signed “J. Carter” and Rosalynn Carter. $295.00
14. Jimmy Carter & Gerald Ford This offering is a color 8 in. by 10 in. color photograph taken at the Carter inauguration in January of 1977. The photograph shows both defeated President Gerald Ford and the new president Jimmy Carter being sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger. The photograph is signed Jimmy Carter and Gerald R. Ford. $950.00
15. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter On a sheet of paper measuring 6”x9” Jimmy Carter signed his name with a huge bold signature. Under his signature Rosalynn Carter has also signed her name. $295.00
16. CARTER, Jimmy A most unusual typescript regarding on how he has looked on a lot of women with lust. This typescript are excerpts from Jimmy Carter’s 1976 interview with Playboy magazine. Appx. 6”x9’ with interesting comments: “I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman with lust in his heart already committed adultery. I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times...” Signed J. Carter. Together with a photo of Carter, 8”x10”, B&W of a smiling Carter standing between Miss Universe and Miss U.S.A. $395.00
17. CARTER, Jimmy Fabulous color photograph, 8”x10” half length pose smiling with many books in the background. On the lower white margin, he has signed his name in full adding a two word sentiment. $175.00
18. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Very desirable Inauguration Day Cover by Artcraft. Choice engraved portrait of the Carter’s. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 13 cent Flag Stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, DC Jan 20, 1977. Signed J. Carter and Roslynn Carter. $295.00
19. CARTER, Jimmy Wonderful 8”x10” color photograph of President Carter, head and shoulders pose smiling. Signed “J. Carter. $167.50
Rare Plains, Ga 1976 Telephone Directory
20. CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Plains Georgia and the area Telephone Directory, Bicentennial Issue, September 1976. On page 16 lists some of the phone numbers of the Carter Family and Billy’s Service Station. Also included is the phone number for the Carter/Mondale Campaign Headquarters. In the Yellow pages there is listings for the Carter’s Worm Farm and Billy Carter’s Service Station. Signed on the cover with in-person signatures of J. Carter and Rosalynn Carter. $395.00
21. CARTER, Jimmy Very desirable Inauguration Day Cover by Artcraft. Choice engraved portrait of the Carters. Affixed are two U.S. postage stamps, the first being an attractive 3 cent stamp picturing The White House and the second stamp is a ten cent crossed American Flags cancelled Inauguration Day, Plains, GA, Jan 20,1977. Choice full signature “Jimmy Carter.”. $295.00
22. CARTER, Jimmy The White House card bearing a facsimile full signature of Jimmy Carter. At the top right corner of the card is a signed “in person” signature “J. Carter.” Note on verso states it was signed by Carter in 2016. For those who collect signed The White House cards, this is the only way to obtain a card personally hand signed by Carter. $495.00
Carter Discusses His Autograph
23. CARTER, Jimmy Interesting content typed letter signed on his personal letterhead. Dated 11/17/ 2011 to his friend Stephen Koschal. Carter writes: “I sign many official documents, using various versions of my name. When I autograph books, it is “J. Carter” only, and when I get cornered by autograph seekers it’s also this briefest version. I try to minimize this, in favor of photographs. Best wishes, signed “Jimmy.” With original envelope was hand addressed by a secretary bearing a printed Jimmy Carter free franking signature. $275.00
24. CARTER, JimmyHammer used at the June 1991 building of a home in Liberty City, Florida. This home was built by Carter and volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. During the building a young girl name Kim DeSince held on to Carter’s stepladder, eluding the Secret Service and yelled “Mr. President! Mr. President!” “Mr. President! I got a Jimmy Carter rap I want to say to you!” She continued with her Carter rap singing praises for “the man with the hammer in his hand.” Carter responded, “Right on!’ He began punching the air with his fist. The hammer offered was purchased from a volunteer at the site who had this well used vintage tool signed by Jimmy Carter. $495.00
RARE, early library card signed by all three
25. CARTER, JAMES (Jimmy), SMITH, Rosalynn CARTER) and Billy Carter.S Rare library card from the Plains High School Building. The town library was located inside. This card was for the book SKYWARD , Richard E. Byrd is the author. Most signatures from the students that took out the book are in pencil. The first date the book was loaned out was on Nov. 16, 1938. At the very bottom of the front of this card is signed Rosalynn Smith (later Carter) date she took out the book was February 13 (1940). Second from the top of the back of the card is signed “James Carter” (Jimmy). Date loaned Jan 30 (1941). Third from the bottom is signed Billy Carter. Date loaned Feb 21 1950. James Carter signed this card when he was 17 years old. Rosalynn was only 13 years old and Billy was only 13 years old. $850.00
26 Carter, Billy Original aluminum can of Billy Beer. Â Printed quote at bottom center: “I had this beer brewed up just for me. I think it’s the best I ever tasted. And I’ve tasted a lot. I think you will like it too. Billy Carter.” Boldly hand signed by Billy Carter on the side of the can. $85.00
27. CARTER, Jimmy Autograph letter signed on his notecard “The Carter Center” oil on canvas 30”x40.” Painted in 2005. When opened Carter has written on both panels: “4/17/06 To Joseph Martin- It was nice to have you and your family visit our church- I’ve enclosed a photo for you- Best Wishes, Jimmy Carter.”. $895.00
28. CARTER, Jimmy Autograph letter signed on his notecard “Our Mountain Home” (1989) is a 12”x16” oil painting on canvas by Jimmy Carter. When opened Carter has written on both panels: “10/13/07 To The Osbornes I’ve just returned from a long book tour & visit to Sudan & found your wonderful birthday gift. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous- We hope to see you more often in the future- Jimmy Carter.”. $950.00
29. CARTER, Jimmy Autograph letter signed, one full page, on his name imprinted letterhead along with the gold embossed seal of the presidency. Carter writes: “ 8/31/05 To Gordon & Ruth Phillips- Thanks for the pamphlet about Civil War weapons- It will be helpful in my writing- Jimmy Carter.” $1075.00
30. CARTER, Jimmy Autograph letter signed one very full page on the letterhead of The Carter Presidential Center. Carter writes: “1/5/93 To Chris Mitchell, I’m already enjoying the screw driver. You always choose great gifts. Many thanks for this and your good work. Jimmy Carter.” Chris most likely was a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. $1075.00
31. CARTER, Jimmy Autograph letter signed, one very full page on his name imprinted letterhead along with the gold embossed seal of the presidency. Carter writes: “6-27-84 To A. Neil Le Dock I was pleased to hear about the formation of C.P.I.C., & to know of your interest in mementos of my campaigns & administrations. Perhaps sometime you’ll be able to come to Plains for a personal visit. I’d be glad to hear about your plans. In the meantime, send me your newsletter- Best wishes Jimmy Carter PS I’m writing a book on the Middle East to be published early in 1985.” $1250.00
Presidential Inaugurations
Very Rare Presidential Oath of Office Signed
1) HOOVER, Herbert Presidential Oath of Office, typed (vintage typewriter) six lines on a 4.25x5.5” piece of light green stationery. Boldly signed with one of the largest signatures of Hoover we have seen. Dated by type Washington, D.C. March 4, 1929. Together with an 8x10” photograph of Hoover taking the Oath from Supreme Court Justice William H. Taft. Photo is #1929-52 from the Herbert Hoover Presidential library. $1250.00
2) ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. Cover commemorating the First Anniversary of the New Deal and The Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Cachet lists all 32 Presidents of the U.S. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 3 cent postage stamp cancelled New Ky. Mar 4, 1934. Roosevelt signed with a wonderful, bold signature and as close to a franking signature which you may never see. $950.00
Rare, Truman’s First Inauguration Cover Signed
3) TRUMAN, Harry S. Rare cover bearing a cachet portrait of Vice-President Harry S. Truman. Inaugurated as the 33rd President of the United States on April 12, 1945. Affixed is a 4.5 cent The White House postage stamp cancelled U.S. Army Postal Service, April 12, 1945. Inscribed and signed by Truman, as President: “To Anna M. Moody Harry S. Truman.” His signature runs through the postage stamp. Top left corner is a printed return address of Capt. Frank L. Teixeira. Together with a FDC commemorating the National Capital Sesquicentennial (1950) signed in full by Vice-President Alben W. Barkley. In addition is a FDC signed by First Lady Bess W. Truman commemorating General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1966. $625.00
4) TRUMAN, Harry S. Inauguration Day cover bearing a cachet of Harry Truman being sworn in as President. “Our New President Carries On.” Affixed is a U.S. 3 cent postage stamp of the First Steamship To Cross The Atlantic. Cancelled, Washington, D.C. April 12, 1945. Signed and dated by Truman: “Harry S. Truman 8/19/58.” $475.00
Truman’s Second Inauguration Cover, Signed
5) TRUMAN, Harry S. ). Colorful Inauguration Cover January 20th, 1949, with a cachet of the U.S. Capitol. Printed beneath: “He Will Now Be an Elected President Instead Of A Man Given The Office At The Death Of Another.” Affixed to this cover is an attractive U.S. 3 Cent postage stamp cancelled Washington, D.C. Jan 20, 1949.” Signed with a wonderful full signature of Harry S. Truman, as President. Hand addressed to a collector in New Hampshire. $475.00
Truman’s Second Inauguration Cover, Signed
6) TRUMAN, Harry S. ). Colorful Inauguration Cover January 20th, 1949, with a cachet of President Truman and crossed American Flags. Affixed is a U.S. 4.5 cent postage stamp of The White House. Cancelled, Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1949. Signed above the cancellation Harry S. Truman. Typed name and address to a collector in The Bronx. $495.00
7) EISENHOWER, Dwight D. Very scarce typescript of the Presidential Oath of Office, 6 lines on a 6”x9” sheet. Very boldly signed with nearly a four inch signature. Together with a B&W photograph, 8”x10” of Eisenhower being sworn in as President of the United States. Standing to one side of Eisenhower is Richard Nixon and standing behind the Chief Justice is Harry S. Truman. Both items in V/F condition. $1450.00
8) EISENHOWER, Dwight D. Very scarce Inauguration Cover January 20th, 1953 (First Inauguration) with a cachet of a smiling Eisenhower. Affixed is a U.S. 3 Cent postage stamp of The White House cancelled, Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1953. Beautiful signature of Dwight D. Eisenhower which graces the top center of the cover. Type written name and address of a collector in Iowa. Together with a matching cover cancelled twice. Once over a U.S. Supreme Court 3 Cent postage stamp, cancelled Jan 20, 1953, and the other over a U.S. Dwight Eisenhower postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue May 22, 1986. Boldly signed with a 3.5” long signature of Mamie Doud Eisenhower. This cover bears the name and address, in pencil of a collector. $675.00
Choice Presidential Signature
9) KENNEDY, John F. Choice Invitation from The Inaugural Committee to attend the Inauguration of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as President and Lyndon Baines Johnson as Vice President on January 20th 1961. Signed in ink by John Kennedy, as President during the ceremonies. $6500.00
Choice Presidential Signature
10) KENNEDY, John F. Very rare Inauguration Day cover bearing a cachet of President John F. Kennedy and another of The White House. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 4 cent postage stamp with a quote by Patrick Henry. Cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington D.C. January 20, 1961. Boldly signed with a choice signature “John F. Kennedy” almost three inches long. $5900.00
Important Cover Signed by the President and Vice-President
11) JOHNSON, Lyndon B. 1964 Democratic National Convention, Last Day 27 August 1964. Cachet of President Johnson and Vice-President Humphrey. Affixed is a John F. Kennedy 5 Cent U.S. Postage stamp cancelled Atlantic City, N.J. AG 27, 1964. Boldly signed by Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey as President and Vice-President. Together with an FDC of The Great Society. A cachet of Lyndon B. Johnson the Seal of the President of the United States. Affixed is a 5 Cent U.S. postage stamp “Plant for a More Beautiful America” cancelled Washington, D.C. Oct. 5, 1966. Signed in full “Lady Bird Johnson.”. $495.00
12) NIXON, Richard Fabulous original Invitation to attend the Inauguration of Richard Milhous Nixon as President of the United States. Measures appx. 8”x11” and signed by Richard Nixon near the gold embossed seal of The Inauguration. $775.00
Very RARE Inaugural Photo Signed by Nixon and Ford
13) NIXON, Richard A magnificent full color official The White House photograph 8”x10” of Nixon’s inauguration with Richard Nixon at the podium speaking and Gerald Ford and Chief Justice Warren Burger looking on. In the background is outgoing President Lyndon B. Johnson and Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey. This remarkable photograph is signed by Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. $1775.00
14) NIXON, Richard Ticket stub #2252, to The Inaugural Ball, The Smithsonian Institution, Monday Evening, January 20, 1969, Washington, D.C. signed “R. Nixon” hastily, as president. $275.00
15) NIXON, Richard Ticket stub #2253, to The Inaugural Ball, The Smithsonian Institution, Monday Evening, January 20, 1969, Washington, D.C. signed “R. Nixon” hastily, as president. $275.00
Only President to Resign the Office of the President and the Vice-President who also Resigned
16) NIXON, Richard Desirable and becoming somewhat uncommon, an Inauguration Day cover bearing a cachet portrait of Nixon and the Seal of the President. Affixed is a U.S. 6 cent American Flag/The White House postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1969. Nixon signed this cover with a choice signature. Together with another Inauguration Day cover, same postage stamp cancelled as the above cover signed by Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew and his wife Judy Agnew. Judy has dated her signature “Jan.20, 1969.” Both covers in fine condition. Nixon’s cover comes with a COA from a high-profile auction house in New Hampshire. $425.00
Very SCARCE Inauguration Day cover signed by Nixon the First Lady and a Daughter
17) NIXON, Richard Attractive Inauguration Day cover. Desirable and becoming somewhat uncommon, an Inauguration Day cover bearing a cachet portrait of Nixon and the Seal of the President. Affixed is a U.S. 6 cent American Flag/The White House postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1969. Nixon signed this cover with a fabulous large signature, signed with the feeling of excitement, most likely on Inauguration Day. In addition, this cover is signed with a scarce genuine signature of Pat Nixon (most covers and The White House cards signed by Pat Nixon are done by the Autopen). Surprisingly, this cover is also signed by Tricia Nixon. Most likely all three signatures were signed on Inauguration Day. $495.00
18) FORD, Gerald R. Typed, Presidential Oath of Office on official The White House presidential paper. Printed The White House Washington, in blue ink. Headed “Oath of Office”, six typed lines of the Oath. The White House, August 9, 1974. Boldly signed and dated “Gerald R. Ford 8/9/74.” $695.00
Gerald R. Ford & Warren E. Burger Rare & Historic Signed Photograph of Ford being Administered the Oath of Office
19) FORD, Gerald R. Rare and Historic Photograph Signed, "Gerald Ford" and "Warren E. Burger". An 8 in. by 10 in. oblong color photograph of Gerald Ford being sworn in as President of the United States by Chief Justice Warren Burger in the aftermath of Richard Nixon’s resignation. With Betty Ford between them, Chief Justice Burger swears in President Gerald Ford following the resignation of President Richard Nixon. $950.00
Very Rare cover Signed
20) FORD, Gerald R. Desirable Cover Gerald R. Ford ‘Confirmation Day’ cover being sworn in as Vice-President by Chief Justice Warren Burger. This cover bears a cachet of Ford, and another of him being sworn in as Vice-President. U.S. 8 cent printed postage stamp cancelled Washington, D.C. Dec 6, 1973. Boldly signed in full by Gerald R. Ford. $295.00
21) FORD, Gerald R. Inauguration Day cover bearing a portrait of Ford being sworn in as President. Affixed is a printed Liberty Bell 10 cent stamp cancelled on Inauguration Day, Washington D.C. Aug 9, 1974. Choice full signature “Gerald R. Ford.” Most likely signed as president. Together with a COA from a high-profile autograph auction house in New Hampshire. $225.00
22) CARTER, Jimmy Typed, Presidential Oath of Office on official The White House presidential paper. Printed The White House Washington, in blue ink. Headed “Oath of Office” six typed lines of the Oath. The White House, January 20, 1977. Boldly signed with a full vintage signature of President Carter, possibly one of a kind. $650.00
23) CARTER, Jimmy & FORD, Gerald Magnificent full color photograph, 8”x10” of the swearing in ceremony of President Jimmy Carter. Carter with his hand raised is being sworn in by the Chief Justice. Standing near is President Gerald R. Ford, Walter Mondale and Nelson Rockefeller. Very boldly signed by both with full vintage signatures. $1250.00
24) CARTER, Jimmy & MONDALE, Walter Wonderful Inauguration Day Cover, bearing a color portrait of Jimmy Carter. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 13 cent American Flag postage stamp, cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, Dc Jan 20,1977. Boldly signed with a vintage full signature of Jimmy Carter above his printed signature. Walter F. Mondale (1928-2021). Forty-second Vice President of the United States. This is a matching cover to the one above bearing a color portrait of Walter Mondale. Affixed is a U.S. 13 cent postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, DC Jan 20, 1977. Boldly signed with a vintage signature of Walter Mondale. Together with a COA from a high profile autograph auction house in New Hampshire. $265.00
25) REAGAN, Ronald & BUSH, George H.W. Wonderful invitation to attend and participate in the Inauguration of Ronald Reagan as President and George H.W. Bush as Vice-President of the United States. January 20, 1981. Signed by both. Signed in the presence of Senator Mark O. Hatfield at the request of Stephen Koschal. Together with a C.O.A. from Todd Mueller Autographs. $2450.00
26) REAGAN, Ronald Wondeful and possibly unique Presidential Oath of Office on official The White House Washington letterhead. January 20, 1981, Reagan’s first inauguration. $1950.00
27) REAGAN, Ronald Scarce Inauguration Day cover (2nd) with a choice engraved portrait of RonalD Reagan and The White House. affixed is a USA 20 cent postage stamp cancelled Inauguraton Day, Tampico. Il Jan. 20, 1985. Boldly signed by Ronald Reagan. REAGAN, Nancy Inauguration Day cover bearing a portrait of Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States. Affixed is a USA 15 cent postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Pacific Palisades, CA Jan 20 1981. Inscribed: "To L.K. Marshall Best Wishes Nancy Reagan." $1350.00
28) REAGAN, Ronald An image of Ronald Reagan being sworn in as the nation’s 40th President. Oblong 10"x8" signed and dated by Reagan on the lower light margin using a black ink pen. In addition also signeing the photograph is Nancy Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, Warren E. Burger and Senator Mark O. Hatfield 1/20/81. Hatfield was Chairman of the Reagan Inaugural Committee. Written on the verso:"All signatures on this photograph personally obtaine by Senator mark O. Hatfield of Oregon. Senator Hatfield was also Chairman of Reagan’s inaugural Committee. $5775.00
29) BUSH, George H.W. 1985 Inauguration Day cover with a portrait of Ronald Reagan and Vice-President George Bush. Affixed is a USA 20 cent American Flag stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Dixon, Il, Jan 21, 1985. Very boldly signed by George Bush. Bush, Barbara (1925-2018) First Lady of the United States (1989-1993). Inauguration Day cover with a portrait of George Bush, Janusry 20, 1981, Vice-President of the United States. Affixed is a USA 15 cent American Flag postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day Washington DC Jan 20, 1981. Signed by Barbara Bush. $225.00
30) BUSH, George H.W. Inauguration Day cover (First Inauguration) bearing a portrait of George H.W. Bush and a portion of The White House. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 25 cent American Flag postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C. JAN 20, 1989, Very boldly signed by George Bush with a choice bold signature of the period. $350.00
31) BUSH, George H.W. Inauguration Day cover (First Inauguration) bearing a portrait of George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Dan Quayle and Marilyn Quayle standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Two U.S. postage stamps, the 4 cent American Flag and the 22 cent The White House stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C., Jan 20 1989. $350.00
George H.W. Bush, Election Day
32) BUSH, George H.W. George Bush Election Day cover bearing a choice portrait of Bush and Quayle. Affixed is a U.S. American Flag 25 cent postage stamp cancelled Washington, D.C. Nov 8, 1988. Boldly signed by George Bush. $275.00
RARE Official Presidential and Vice--Presidential Oath of Office
33) BUSH, George H.W. Inauguration of President and Vice-President, The American Bicentennial Presidential Inaugural document. Measures 6"x8" with the gold embossed seal of the Inauguration and printed below are the printed Oath of Office of both George Herbert Walker Bush and the Oath of Office of James Danforth Quayle January 20, 1989. Signed by Quayle with a choice vintage signature and also signed by Bush later on in years,. Contained in a choice presentation folder with the signed document on the left side and facing a formal portrait of Bush and Quayle on the right side. $1250.00
34) CLINTON, Bill, CLINTON, Hilary & GORE, Al Inauguration Day cover (Second Inauguration) of Clinton and Gore. Fine and attractive portrait of Clinton & Gore. Affixed is a 32 cent U.S. Flag postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day Washington D.C. January 20, 1997. Fine signature “Bill Clinton” under his portrait. Matching Inauguration Day cover, affixed is a 32 cent U.S. Flag postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Hope Arkansas Birthplace January 20, 1997. Hillary has signed her name with her now uncommon full signature. Inauguration Day cover (First Inauguration) bearing a fine portrait of Gore along with the U.S. Capitol. Affixed is a 29 cent U.S. postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C. JAN 20, 1993. Very boldly signed “Al Gore.” Not a common signed cover. $495.00
35) BUSH, George W. Colorful Inauguration Day cover with a portrait of Bush and his Vice-President Dick Cheney. Affixed is a U.S. Statue of Liberty postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day, Austin, Texas January 20, 2001. Signed by George W. Bush with a magnificent bold signature almost 3.5 inches long. Almost certainly signed as president. In V/F-Mint condition. $395.00
36) OBAMA, Barack Presidential Inauguration Day cover with a fine engraved portrait of Obama and Biden. Affixed is a U.S. 42 cent American Flag postage stamp cancelled Presidential Inauguration, January 20, 2009. Washington, D.C. Obama has signed this cover with a choice, large, bold signature. $1200.00
37) TRUMP, Donald J. Very scarce original Inauguration Ceremonies Program The Capitol of the United States of America January 20th Two Thousand Seventeen. Headed with a fabulous, embossed gold seal of the president. Hand signed with his highly desirable full signature “Donald J. Trump” enhanced by using his equally desirable gold ink signature. Beautifully framed using a double floating mat. A lovely piece of eye candy. Together with an attractive ‘in person’ COA. Currently, anything signed relating to Trumps’ Inauguration with a vintage signature can be considered very scarce. $1100.00
38) TRUMP, Donald J. Very scarce original The Committee for The Presidential Inaugural requests the honor of your presence to attend and participate in the Inauguration of Donald John Trump as President of the United States of America and Michael Richard Pence as Vice President of the United States of America. Headed with a fabulous gold embossed seal of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President 2017. At the lower bottom of this document, Donald J. Trump has signed his nam. $1200.00
39) TRUMP, Donald J. Very scarce original Invitation to the Inauguration Ceremonies. Headed by a large gold embossed seal of the President of the United States. The honor of your presence is requested at the ceremonies attending the Inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States January twentieth Two thousand seventeen. The Capitol of the United States of America, City of Washington by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Roy Blunt, Chairman, Mitch McConnell, Charles E. Schumer, Paul D. Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Nancy Pelosi. 11:30 a.m. Boldly signed across the document with a full ink signature of Donald J. Trump. $1200.00
Rare Signed Admission Ticket to Inaugural Ceremonies
40) TRUMP, Donald J. Rare admission ticket to the ceremonies attending the Inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States. January twentieth Two thousand seventeen buy the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Admit the Bearer to Mall Standing Area. At the bottom is the seal of the President of the United States. Very boldly signed with a full signature “Donald J. Trump.” Affixed near the bottom left corner is an authentication seal. In the center is a large embossed seal of the President of the United States. $675.00
41) TRUMP, Donald J. Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump which originally came from the package which contained the Invitation to the Inaugural Ceremony. Portrait, B&W, measures 4.5’x6” with overall size 6.5”x10”. Very boldly hand signed “with the desirable full signature “Donald J. Trump” using a silver ink pen. $275.00
42) TRUMP, Donald J. Official map of the Inauguration Ceremonies. Map and Guidelines January 20, 2017. In color measuring 6.5”x10”. Very boldly hand signed across the map “Donald J. Trump” using a bold black ink marker. Tastefully framed in black with double black floating mats. Overall size 12”x15”. Affixed to the bottom right corner is a seal from an autograph authentication service. $475.00
MONROE, James Vellum document signed, Washington, D.C. Measures 9.5”x15” dated May 25, 1824. A partially-printed land grant signed “James Monroe” and countersigned by Commissioner of General Land Office George Graham. Grant of 80 Acres in Crawfordville in the State of Indiana. SOLD
COOLIDGE, Calvin A superb check of Calvin Coolidge, accomplished in his hand, payable to Northhampton Empire Laundry for Seven dollars and six cents. Dated by Coolidge Mat 4, 1911. Rubber stamp “Paid” cancellation slightly touching the first three letters of Calvin yet not affecting the clarity of his signature. SOLD
Only President to Resign from Office
One of the Finest Signatures of Nixon on a Souvenir Resignation
NIXON, Richard Richard Nixon hand signed souvenir of his Presidential Resignation. Measures 6”x9”, The White House, Washington, August 9, 1974 to Dear Mr. Secretary (Henry A. Kissinger). Very boldly signed Richard Nixon with a signature 3.25 inches long. The finest signature of Nixon we have seen on the souvenir documents. $750.00
Souvenir Pardon of Richard Nixon
FORD, Gerald R. Hand signed and dated souvenir copy of the Pardon of Richard Nixon. Measures 6”x9’ on a tan page, fifteen lines long “The White House”. Boldly signed and dated 11/5/1979. On this date Ford was in New York City signing copies of his book. $95.00
Collection of Ronald Reagan Secretarial Signed Items
REAGAN, Ronald Nice collection of items signed for Ronald Reagan by a secretary. 8”x10 photo inscribed and signed, Choice ink caricature of Reagan’s head, inscribed and signed for RR by a secretary and 3”x5” card inscribed and signed for R.R. by a secretary. $95.00
JOHNSON, Lady Bird Very uncommon autograph note signed on a portion of her bookplate. She writes: “College-with the warm best wishes of the diarist-whose family has ties to your school- Lady Bird Johnson.” $85.00
CARTER, Jimmy 39th President of the United States. One of his major accomplishments was to help negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (2002). Choice signature from a limited edition signed book.” $65.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. 36th President of the United States. His personal bookplate made especially for his book “The Vantage Point” (1971). Gilt embossed Presidential Seal along with his initials. Boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. Most seasoned autograph dealers will tell you that genuine signatures of Lyndon B. Johnson are very difficult to obtain. He used the Autopen machine and secretaries. Many documents are signed with a printed signature. Many books are signed and or inscribed by his secretary. Basically, the only way to ensure you have an absolutely genuine signature of Johnson is to obtain one of these bookplates. Unusually large signature. $167.50
NIXON, Richard 37th president of the United States. First President to resign the Office of the Presidency. Large slip most likely removed from one of his books with a four-word sentiment, signed as “Dick Nixon” and dated 5/2/88. In excellent condition. $165.00
- **********
SUPERB Signed Color Photograph of 4 Presidents Who Assembled At The White House Before Departing for Egyptian President Sadat’s Funeral
4 Presidents: NIXON, Richard, FORD, Gerald R., CARTER, Jimmy, REAGAN Ronald Superb Color Photograph Signed by 4 U.S. Presidents, smiling, appx. 8”x10”, depicting the four – Nixon, Carter, Ford, and - Reagan standing together before an American flag. This historic and formal photograph was taken at The White House when the four met there before Nixon, Carter, and Ford (as Reagan’s representatives) departed for Egypt to attend Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat’s funeral following his assassination (October 6,1981). A superb photograph, and a rare assemblage of signatures on a color photograph. This is one of the rare full sized 8”x10” photographs and not the ones that have a 5”x71/4” image on an 8”x10” photograph. Boldly signed on the image: “Richard Nixon”, “J. Carter’’, ‘Gerald R. Ford”, and “Ronald Reagan” and he adds the date “11/6/87” in his hand (as President). Reagan’s signature was obtained “in person” by Senator Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon, as a favor for Stephen Koschal. $4900.00
Five Presidents, Scarce The White House Color Litho
NIXON, Richard, FORD, Gerald, CARTER, Jimm, BUSH, George and REAGAN, Ronald Superb Color Photograph Signed by 4 U.S. Presidents, smiling, appx. 8”x10”, depicting the four – Nixon, Carter, Ford, and - Reagan standing together before an American flag. This historic and formal photograph was taken at The White House when the four met there before Nixon, Carter, and Ford (as Reagan’s representatives) departed for Egypt to attend Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat’s funeral following his assassination (October 6,1981). A superb photograph, and a rare assemblage of signatures on a color photograph. This is one of the rare full sized 8”x10” photographs and not the ones that have a 5”x71/4” image on an 8”x10” photograph. Boldly signed on the image: “Richard Nixon”, “J. Carter’’, ‘Gerald R. Ford”, and “Ronald Reagan” and he adds the date “11/6/87” in his hand (as President). Reagan’s signature was obtained “in person” by Senator Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon, as a favor for Stephen Koschal. $4250.00
ADAMS, John Very dark and bold old age signature on a slip affixed to a larger slip. SOLD
ADAMS, John Quincy Choice signature “J.Q. Adams” on a .75”x2.5” slip. SOLD
9/11 Collectibles
Air Force One Rare, colorful, and heavy Air Force One, Security Forces, 2001 Badge, three pins on verso for attaching to a uniform. Engraved on verso “Misuse of Badge subject to Prosecution” and number “252.” Together with a 3”x5.5” card with a color portrait of Col. Mark W. Tillman (12th Presidential Pilot of Air Force One.). $375.00
ARTHUR, Chester A.Uncommon, variant #1 Executive Mansion Card with the imprint at the top center of the card. Fine fountain pen, ink signature well centered taking up the length of the card. $875.00
ARTHUR, Chester A. Wonderful, very large signature, as president, dated in his hand “February 3d, 1883.”. SOLD
ARTHUR, Chester A. Twenty-first President of the United States. Excellent full signature on an engraved card depicting the Executive Mansion. No flaws. SOLD
ATCHINSON, D.R. Signature “D.R. Atchinson” on a slip of vellum. A bit light in places but all readable. $295.00
Very Rare Book Inscribed & Signed by LBJ
BELL, Jack His book: “The Splendid Misery, The Story of the Presidency and Power Politics at Close Range.” Doubleday & Co. 1960. Four hundred seventy-four pages. Inscribed and signed by Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson. “To Carl Curtis for his dedication to the Senate of the United States; for his faithful service and for his friendship- Happy Birthday! Lyndon B. Johnson 3/15/63.”. $2,500.00
BIDEN, Joe Tee Shirt, Size XXL. Large color portrait of Biden, half length pose pointing his finger to the words “What? – Joe Biden.” Boldly signed “in person” in Colorado with a black Sharpie pen. $175.00
BIDEN, Joe His book, “Promises Me Dad, A Year Of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.” Hardcover. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. First Edition, First Printing (Full Number Line). Not price-clipped ($27.00 price intact). Published by Flatiron Books, 2017. Octavo. White cloth boards stamped in red with blue endpapers. Signed by Joe Biden on title page. SOLD
An 1846 Autograph Letter Signed. Very Fine. $450.00
BUCHANAN, James Manuscript letter signed, one page as Secretary of State. Department of State, Washington, 11th May 1846. $475.00
Doctor for Three Presidents
BURKLEY, George G. Uncommon First Day cover honoring John Kennedy. Fine cachet of JFK, Jackie and the Connoly’s in their limousine just before JFK’s assassination. Affixed is a 5 cent JFK U.S. postage stamp cancelled Dallas May 29, 1964. Signed: “Vice Adm George G. Burkely MC USN Physician to the President.”. $47.50
- George
H.W. Bush
(b. 1924) & Edward W. Stack (b. 1935 ) . 41st President of the
United States and Chairman of the Baseball Hall of Fame (1977-2000).
A Signed Perez Steel baseball card, #6,770/10,000. A very
unique baseball and presidential collectible. Very few of these
jointly signed cards exist. $595.00
Attractive George H.W. Bush Double Signed Letter:
"We're moving on all fronts..I know victory is within reach..."
BUSH, George H.W. Typed letter signed on his name imprinted stationery, Houston, Tx. Aug. 25, 1979. To Stan Archenhold. Bush writes: “Thanks so much for your thoughtful letter and your contribution. We’re moving forward on all fronts. I’m working very hard and I know victory is within reach. I hope to see you when my travels take me to S. Carolina. Sincerely, George.” In a lengthy handwritten postscript Bush writes: “I miss my previous associations very very much-great hearing from you- GB.”. $595.00
Very Nice Content
BUSH, George H.W. Typed letter signed on his name imprinted stationery, Houston, Tx. August 25,1979. Bush states: “Thanks so much for your thoughtful letter and your contribution. We’re moving forward on all fronts. I’m working very hard and I know victory is within reach. I hope to see you when my travels take me to South Carolina.” Signed “George”. He then adds in his own hand; ‘I miss my previous associations very very much- Great hearing from you-“ Signed “GB”. $495.00
Scarce Presidential Golf Ball signed by President George H.W. Bush
BUSH, George H.W. George Bush Presidential Golf Ball bearing the colorful Presidential Seal and his printed signature. SOLD
BUSH, George H.W. D.S. Original Invitation to the 51st Presidential Inauguration. 20 January 1989. Signed by George Bush in old age. Note on verso states ”Received in mail Sept.18, 2017.” One mailing fold otherwise in very good condition. $395.00
Very Scarce, Signed as Vice President of the United States
BUSH, George H.W. “George Bush A Biography” by Nicholas King. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1980, First Edition, soft cover. One hundred forty-six pages, illustrated. Inscribed on the half title page: “Alan Bush with best wished George Bush 5-26-83.” $275.00
BUSH, George H.W. His book: “Looking Forward An Autobiography.” Doubleday, New York 1987. First Edition, so stated. Two hundred seventy pages, illustrated. On the front free endpaper Bush has written “Good Luck” and signed his name. Vintage signature. $275.00
BUSH, George H.W. His Official golf ball with the Presidential Seal in color and his printed signature. Hand signed by George Bush using a blue ink Sharpie pen. $245.00
Original War Medal Signed by President George H.W. Bush
BUSH, George H.W.Original Gulf War, Kuwait Liberation Medal, 1991 together with the original Bertoni box. Hand signed by George Bush and dated 6-9-01. Included is the box that contains the box holding he medal and also Topps #1 Desert Storm Trading Card depicting George Bush as The Commander in Chief. $225.00
BUSH, George H.W. His name engraved calling card hand signed. A calligrapher has written above his engraved name: “To Barbara Beckinsale.”. $95.00
BUSH, George H.W. Original ticket to the January 20, 1989 Inaugural Ball, President’s Box. The two ticket stubs have not been removed. Full tickets to this Inaugural Ball are very scarce. In excellent condition. $47.50
One of the Most Iconic Photographs of the 21st Century
BUSH, George W. CARD, Andy Color photograph 8”x10” of Andy Card whispering into the ear of President George W. Bush in a Florida school on 9/11/2001. SOLD
BUSH, George W. & EVERT, Chris Former President George H.W. Bush and his partner Chris Evert beat Regis Philbin and Billie Jean King. Wilson, Chris Evert model tennis racket from the tournament boldly autographed on the racket cover by Chris Evert and George Bush. $495.00
BUSH, George W. His book: Decision Points. Crown Publishers, 2010, First Edition, 497 pages with illustrations. Affixed to the half title page is Bush’s bookplate made especially for this book. The bookplate is hand signed by George W. Bush with a signature second to none. Book is in “as new” condition with the dust jacket. $125.00
Rare Portrait of Yitzhak Rabin with President George H.W. Bush
RABIN, Yithzak & Bush George H.W. Splendid Official color White House photograph of both Rabin and Bush, head and shoulders pose, both looking quite serious. Boldly signed by both Rabin and Bush in the light blue area of the sky offering excellent contrast. $595.00
Scarce A.L.S. Baseball Content
CARTER, Jimmy Collector’s letter to Carter, in part: “ know my uncle Dick ‘Lefty” O’Neal the only White, Negro League Baseball Player....who are your favorite baseball players in the Negro League...was there a Negro League in Plains…” Carter writes at the bottom of the letter using black ink: “Jackie: Lefty is a fine man- We never had a Negro team in Plains, and (Carter switches to a pen with blue ink) Satchel Paige & Josh Wilson were my favorites- Best wishes Jimmy C.”
Jimmy Carter typically signed his name this way on handwritten letters. Dick O’Neal was the only person to cross baseball’s black color line and holds the distinction of being the only white baseball player to pitch for two teams in the Negro Leagues (1972-75). In 2012 O’Neal was guest speaker at the Presidential Jimmy Carter Historical site in Plains, Georgia. Together with the original envelope postmarked Atlanta, GA 17 February 2012. $1500.00
- Jimmy
Carter & Gerald Ford A Beautiful Signed Color Photograph of Jimmy
Carter taking the Oath of Office with Gerald Ford looking on.
- Jimmy Carter, Menachem Begin, Anwar Sadat A combination of three signatures, each in ink matted with a black and white photograph of the three world leaders clasping hands in the historic agreement. $695.00
Outstanding A.L.S. Of Jimmy Carter Regarding The Israeli Peace Effort
CARTER, Jimmy Extraordinary content T.L.S. to Carter from the V/P of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach. March 14, 1944 (should be 1994). It is interesting to note that Jimmy Carter kept the original letter for his files and sent a copy back to the original writer adding a wonderful autograph letter. Carter writes: “3/26/94 15th Anniversary (of Camp David). To Douglas Kleiner- Thanks for your good letter. I spoke to P.M. Rabin yesterday and he is determined to succeed in the peace effort. Jimmy C.”. SOLD
CARTER, Jimmy and Rosalynn Typed document signed, The Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. Thursday, January 20, 1977. One page, measures appx. 6”x8”. Presidential Oath of Office very boldly signed by J. Carter and Rosalynn Carter. Both signature are unusually large. Matted along with a color portrait of Jimmy Carter being administered the Presidential Oath of Office. Overall size 11”x14”. $650.00
Rare Presidential Golf Ball Signed by Jimmy Carter
CARTER, Jimmy Top Flite Golf Ball with the colorful Presidential Seal and the words “Jimmy Carter Library & Museum.” Over his printed signature the former president has signed his name with his desirable full signature. SOLD
President Carter Mentions Israeli/Egypt Peace Agreement
CARTER, Jimmy Choice typed document signed, March 26, 1979. Fabulous content document regarding Israel and Egypt. $495.00
CARTER, Jimmy Governor of Georgia. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (2002). Carter is unique in receiving the award for his actions post presidency. Fabulous document signed, folio, one page. $395.00
CARTER, Jimmy & CARTER Rosalyn A fabulous color Great Seal of the United States, measures 7”x8.5” signed by both. Attractive example with a somewhat vintage signed “J. Carter.”. $295.00
CARTER, Jimmy & CARTER Rosalyn Postcard photograph of Jimmy Carter speaking in Plains, Georgia Nov. 3, 1976. Rosalyn stands beside him. Signed by both with a vintage signature “J. Carter.” $275.00
CARTER, Jimmy & CARTER Rosalyn Choice, Inauguration First Day cover, U.S. 13 cent stamp cancelled Plains, Georgia, January 20,1977 signed by both, Jimmy Carter’s signature is somewhat vintage. $250.00
CARTER, Jimmy Wonderful early photograph, B&W, 8”x10” half-length pose looking quite serious. Signed in full “Jimmy Carter.” SOLD
CARTER, Jimmy Postcard photograph, head and shoulders pose, his face shows signs of tension, Feb. 19, 1977. Boldly signed with a somewhat vintage signature “J. Carter. $165.00
CARTER, Jimmy Very unusual large (3.5”) imitation peanut, hand signed “J. Carter.” Encased in an attractive presentation box. SOLD
President Carter Mentions Israeli/PLO Peace Agreement
CARTER, Jimmy Choice typed letter signed, one page of his name imprinted stationery. October 18, 1993 to the Associate Executive Vice-president of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, Florida. Carter writes in part: “..I’m glad to know you share my enthusiasm for the Israeli/PLO peace agreement. Let us hope we can give these neighbors the support they need in the days ahead…” Full large signature of Jimmy Carter. Together with the original envelope. SOLD
One of a Kind?
CHENEY, Dick & WHITTINGTON, Harry M.Very early and uncommon cover with a fine cachet “Presidents of the United States Building the First White House.” Affixed is a four- and one-half cent postage stamp of The White House, cancelled Washington, D.C. July 11, 1938. Signed years later by Dick Cheney. On the verso it is signed: “Harry M. Wittington 11-16-16.” $175.00
Acting President of the U.S. - Vice President of the U.S.- Limited, Signed Edition
CHENEY, Dick His book with Liz Cheney “In My Time” A Personal and Political Memoir. Threshold Editions, New York, 2011, First Edition. 565 pages, illustrations in color. This signed edition has been specially bound by the publisher. Collector’s Numbered and signed edition, copy 3569 out of 5000 copies. $95.00
Signed & Dated Cabinet Photo
CLEVELAND, Grover Cabinet photograph of Cleveland, bust pose by Powelson Photographers, Buffalo, N.Y. Signed and dated July 24, 1883 by Cleveland on the lower photographers mount. $695.00
CLEVELAND, Grover Official Executive Mansion. Washington card from his first administration, variant #2 with Executive Mansion. Washington printed at the top right side. In near fine condition with very light toning around the edges and light mounting traces at the very top of verso. $450.00
CLEVELAND, Grover Choice dark signature on a 2”x3.5” card. Together with a COA from American Historical Guild. $250.00
CLEVELAND, Grover Twenty second President of the United States. Wonderful full signature on a slip. Lightly mounted SOLD
CLEVELAND, Grover Two word sentiment signed and dated: “Yours Sincerely Grover Cleveland Jan. 22, 1907” on a card SOLD
CLINTON, Bill Autograph letter signed, one page on his name and a gold embossed presidential seal. Dated 2-16-01 Clinton writes: “Dear Steven, Thank you for your kind letter and expressions of support, and of course for your father’s book. Your words meant a great deal to me, and I hope to meet you someday. Sincerely, Bill Clinton. $1200.00
CLINTON, Bill Baseball hand signed on the sweet spot adding “Best Wishes” in his hand. Certified authentic by Authentication Direct. Ball is 100% mint and enclosed in a protective baseball holder. $395.00
CLINTON, Bill His book: “My Life” A.A. Knopf, 2004, First Edition, so stated. 957 pages, illustrated, in very fine condition with the dust jacket. Signed by Bill Clinton on the title page in blue ink $395.00
CLINTON, Bill Coffee table size book “Clinton, Portrait of Victory”. Text by Rebecca Taylor, Photographs by P.F. Bentley. Warner Books First Printing, January 1993. One hundred twenty-eight pages very heavily illustrated. In person signature on the half title page. $250.00
CLINTON, Bill His book: Giving, How Each Of Us Can Change The World. Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. 2007, First Edition, 240pages. Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To the Ritter(?) you too Jeanie Thanks Bill Clinton – 9/17/07.” Above the presentation inscription affixed is a plate with a printed quote from Bill Clinton. SOLD
CLINTON, Bill Wilson golf ball hand signed “Bill Clinton” using a dark blue ink Sharpie pen. Not common in signed golf balls. “In Person Authentics” authentication sticker affixed to this golf ball. $245.00
Said by Some, the Most Cheated on Woman in America
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham Boldly signed in full on the title page. Many books which contain a Hillary Clinton signature are forgeries, even those with COA’s from the ABC type companies who claim to authenticate autographs. Others claiming to be signed bear Autopen signatures. Many that containing genuine signatures are simply signed “Hillary”. $135.00
Autograph letter signed along with Free Franked envelope
COLFAX, Schuyler Autograph letter signed, one page, H.R. Washington, May 2, 1864, To Hon. Brutus Clay in the House of representatives. A fine letter sending thanks for a compliance with a request. Together with an ornate House of representatives cover, 38th Congress filled out and signed by Schuyler Colfax adding “Speaker H. Rep” in his hand $195.00
Rare FDC Signed by Calvin Coolidge and Will Rogers
COOLIDGE, Calvin, ROGERS, Will Rare First Day cover, commemorating the Xth Olympiad. Hand drawn cachet of three Olympians doing a handstand on a balance beam. Los Angeles, Calif. July31ST-Aug.14th 1932. US 3 cent Olympia Los Angeles 1932 postage stamp cancelled Los Angeles Jun 15, 1932, Arcade STA. Signed by Calvin Coolidge, and Will Rogers. $775.00
Interesting and most unusual content letter from Calvin Coolidge, as President, to Walter R. Benjamin, noted autograph dealer
COOLIDGE, Calvin Typed letter signed, one page, November 28, 1925 on the imprinted letterhead of The White House, Washington. $750.00
COOLIDGE, Calvin A superb check of Calvin Coolidge, Northampton, Massachusetts accomplished in his hand, payable to Mary Lualey for $10.00 dollars. Calvin Coolidge’s name and “Lawyer” printed in the left margin. Dated by Coolidge June 8, 1915.. Rubber stamp “Cash” cancellation barely touches the choice signature of “Calvin Coolidge.” $575.00
COOLIDGE, Calvin Fabulous Harris & Ewing, Washington, DC photograph. Measures 7.5”x11” head and chest pose, serious looking. Inscribed and signed on the lower light margin: “To Clarence R. Hotchkiss with regards Calvin Coolidge.” 450.00
Very Scarce to Borderline Rare FDC Signed by Coolidge as President
COOLIDGE, Calvin First Day Cover of the U.S. 2 cent Sesquicentennial Exposition postage stamp. Circular postal cancellation Athol, Mas May 10, 1926. Addressed in type and boldly signed by Calvin Coolidge, as President.. $395.00
T.L.S. as Vice-President Elect
COOLIDGE, Calvin T.L.S. as Vice-President elect, Governor of Massachusetts, on the imprinted stationery of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a colorful State Seal. December 22, 1920 to Mr. Francis Prescott. $375.00
COOLIDGE, Calvin A choice signature on a slip with the printing: “Massachusetts Senate. President’s Room, State House, Boston.” 225.00
COOLIDGE, Calvin Thirtieth President of the United States. Full signature on a slip. Typed below “Calvin Coolidge, Former President of the United States.” SOLD
Wonderful Registered Cover Signed by Charles Curtis and Vice-President
CURTIS, Charles Fantastic legal-size cover sent as Air Mail and Registered Mail. Affixed are 9 U.S. postage stamps cancelled. On the verso are 4 cancellation stamps starting with Washington, DC Dec. 30. 1930. Addressed in ink in a secretary’s hand along with writing the return address as “Executive Office, Vice President of the United States Washington, D.C. Below the return address, Curtis has signed his name in full. $175.00
CURTIS, Charles U.S. Air Mail cover bearing 3 U.S. Postage Stamps, with a large circular postal cancellation, Washington Oct.26 D.C. 1933. Signed in the top upper left corner “Charles Curtis.”. $85.00
Daniels/Trump scandal
DANIELS, Stormy Magnificent color photograph half-length pose in the ocean wearing a bathing suit. With both hands she is holding up her breasts. Boldly signed, in person at a collectors show. $95.00
Uncommon Jefferson Davis as Secretary of War
DAVIS, Jefferson Signature on a slip “Jeffn. Davis” adding in his hand “Sec of War.” Not common in this form. Together with a COA from American Historical Guild. $575.00
DAVIS, Jefferson Only President of the Confederate States of America. Choice full signature on a card. He adds: “Beauvoir, Miss. 29 March 1883.” Left top corner of card folded as issued. Mounting traces on verso. SOLD
RARE A.L.S. of Eisenhower as President with Excellent Documentation
In a letter to Mamie from Ike on September 20, 1943, Ike Stated "I write to no one (long hand) except you."
EISENHOWER, Dwight D.Very rare autograph letter signed, as president, on lined paper cut to the size of a postcard. President Eisenhower writes: “Dear Mary Jane, Will you please air mail these, also check addresses on top Two (Mr. Farrel & Mr Slater). D.E.” Together with an engraved card of “Mary Jane McCaffree” who writes on her card: “The Mary Jane in Pres. Eisenhower’s note was addressed to me. Former Chief of Staff to Mrs. Eisenhower 1953-1961 Mary Jane McCaffree.” Included is The White House envelope for this card which bears the gold Presidential Seal on the flap. $3,900.00
Five Presidents of the United Statesr
EISENHOWER, Dwight D., KENNEDY, John F., NIXON, Richard M, , FORD, Gerald R. and CARTER, Jimmy. Card measuring appx. 3”X5.5” signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, signed and dated by John F. Kennedy “61”, and signed by Richard Nixon, Gerald R. Ford and a full vintage signature of Jimmy Carter. Notes on verso in pencil indicate Eisenhower autographed Oct. 11, 1961, Jersey City, New Jersey, Kennedy autographed Dec. 18, 1961, Nixon autographed Dec. 19, 1987, Ford autographed Nov. 6, 1987, Cater autographed Oct 26, 1987. $3,750.00
Original Self-Portrait By Dwight D. Eisenhower
EISENHOWER, Dwight D. Original pencil sketch, self portrait by Eisenhower, head and shoulders pose on a 5”x7" page. To the right are notes in shorthand by Mrs. Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff Mary Jane McCaffree. At the bottom Mrs. McCaffree has written “Original by D.D.E.” with an arrow pointing to the drawing. Included is Mrs. McCaffree’s visiting card of notes dictated to her by Mrs. Eisenhower. In addition we have included a copy of Mrs. McCaffree’s visiting card with her printed notes: “Chief of Staff to Mrs. Eisenhower 1953-1961). This self portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower has been in my possession since our White House days” signed with her initials. The drawing has been encapsulate for preservation however easily removable is so desired. Original sketches by Eisenhower are rare especially as President. This item was purchased directly from Mary Jane McCaffree at her home in West Palm Beach, Florida. $1,500.00
Eisenhower to Basil Rathbone
EISENHOWER, Dwight D.Typed letter signed on the Imprinted stationery of “Office Of Dwight D. Eisenhower.” Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Co 8/11/1952. To the actor Basil Rathbone. In part: “Indeed you are well known to me as “Sherlock Holmes” and I have been familiar with several of your many other capacities. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending me a subscription to “Intelligence Digest”...there seems to be a great deal of substance to it...Your good concern in this matter particularly impresses me, coming at a time when so much depends upon thinking, praying Americans. Hand signed in full by Eisenhower particularly at a time when he was prolifically using the autopen machine. In fine condition together with the original envelope bearing a U.S. paper metered 6 cent stamp, cancelled Denver, Colo Aug.11.52. SOLD
EISENHOWER, Dwight D. Fine cachet of Eisenhower and the Seal of the Territory of Alaska. 7 cent U.S. Airmail Alaska Statehood postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, Juneau Jan 3, 1959, Alaska. Eisenhower has signed with a wonderful bold signature, as president, 3.25 inches long. $450.00
The Only Complete Collection of Executive Mansion Signed Cards in Existence
EXECUTIVE MANSION CARDS, SIGNED This unique collection consists of nine signed Executive Mansion cards. The collection begins with the only known Executive Mansion card signed and dated (as president) by Ulysses S. Grant. The date on this card is of great importance as the great autograph dealer Paul Richards (1939-1993) whose specialty was in the autographs of Presidents of the United States once said “if you really have a card signed by Grant, it was signed during the Hayes administration as Hayes was the first president to sign these cards. Someone got a blank card and had Grant sign it while Hayes was president.” Obviously this is not true. The Grant card is followed by Executive Mansion cards signed by Rutherford B. Hayes, one signed and dated by James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, and one by Grover Cleveland during his first term as president. The collection continues with Executive Mansion cards signed by Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland signed and dated (second term), William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. Executive Mansion cards signed by Benjamin Harrison and Theodore Roosevelt are rare and missing from most collections. Executive Mansion cards were signed by James A. Garfield during his short time as president and are very, very desirable. This collection took over 40 years to complete. It is worthy of placement in the finest presidential signed collections or in a museum. Together with a copy of “History of Collecting Executive Mansion, White House and The White House Cards Signed by the Presidents and their First Ladies.”. $89,000.00
V/P of the United States For a Day
President of the United States For a Day?
FERRY, Thomas W. TyFabulous ink signature: “T.W. Ferry, Mich” on a 1.5”x 4.5” slip. Not a common signature. Together with a printed portrait. $100.00
FILLMORE, Millard Fabulous manuscript document signed by D. Goddard, Secretary of the Interior, ad interim. One-page, Washington, July 25, 1850 on black bordered stationery. $1450.00
FILLMORE, Millard Full signature adding in his hand: “Buffalo, Oct.23, 1868.” 350.00
First Ladies:
First Lady & Second First Lady
BUSH, Barbara Uncommon autograph letter signed on her name engraved card, Nov.19th, Dear Peg (LeBaron) Loved our visit. Thanks so very much for all your help and advice. Hope we have a visit soon-Warmly- Barbara.”. $115.00
Very Uncommon Signed Baseball
BUSH, Barbara Official Ball, American League, Bobby Brown, President. A huge dark bold signature “Barbara Bush” is on the sweet spot. SOLD
First Lady & Second First Lady
BUSH, Barbara Her book: “A Memoir”. Charles Scribner’s Sons, First Edition. Boldly signed by Barbara Bush on the blank page. $45.00
Millie’s earnings quadruple Bush’s
BUSH, Fred The dog’s book: “C. Fred’s Story A Dog’s Life.” Edited by Barbara Bush. Doubleday & Company, New York, 1984. One hundred nine pages, heavily illustrated. Signed on the second flyleaf “Barbara Bush and” then signed with a printed paw-print of C. Fred Bush. $95.00
Signed by the First Lady & her Daughter
BUSH, Laura & Jenna Their children’s book: “Read All About It.” Harper Collins Publisher, 2008 First Edition. Heavily illustrated in color. Signed on the title page by Jenna Bush & Laura Bush. $65.00
Carter and Gacy- one of a kind
- CARTER, Rosalynn & GACY, John Wayne Slip of paper, 4.5”x5.5” signed with a full signature of Roslynn Carter and below by John W. Gacy with the date 1990 (while in prison.) Most likely one of a kind. SOLD
CARTER, Rosalynn S/P, B&W, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose. Signed with a two word sentiment: “Best Wishes Rosalynn Carter.” Photo by Hour Magazine. $57.50
Signed Photograph of the First Lady
CLEVELAND, Francis F. Scarce cabinet photograph by Napoleon Sarony. Copyright 1892. Head and shoulders pose, slight profile, boldly signed “Francis F. Cleveland. $250.00
Desirable Full Signature
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham Her book:” It Takes A Village.” Simon & Schuster 1996, fifth printing, Three hundred eighteen pages. Choice full signature on second blank flyleaf. $85.00
Said by Some, the Most Cheated on Woman in America
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham The finest and boldest signature of Hillary Clinton we have handled, measures 4.5”x5.5.” Together with and attractive portrait, excellent for framing. $65.00
COOLIDGE, Grace First Day cover, 150th Anniversary of Vermont with the 3 cent Vermont Anniversary postage stamp affixed and a circular postal cancellation, Montpelier Mar 4 1941 VT. $95.00
Very Rare A.L.S of Emily Donelson, Unofficial First Lady
DONELSON, Emily A.L.S., 1.5 Pages, 7.5”X10” she writes: My Dear Miss Taney, I have been intending to write to you for some weeks past, but the possibility of seeing you here very soon, has heretofore prevented me. I hope it is not too late to offer my congratulations upon the late result in the Senate. The mess all very much gratified and I am sure no one more so than myself. I hope it will be the means of bringing you all to Washington, although we have but a short time to remain here at any rate you must not forget your promise to pay me a visit this spring. We are quite alone at present and would be very happy if you and Ellen would come some ceremonie and pay some time with us. I have written to Miss Skinne who has also promised us a visit, to know at what time she would come, but expect as her husband is away, she will not be here before the first of May. I shall therefore expect you in the meantime. We have been very gay all winter. There seems to be a _______at present, and your arrival would set us all going again. I am very glad to hear the children have recovered. This fine weather will restore them again. Give my love to your Dear Ma. Tell her she must certainly come and see us, before we go to Tennessee. Present my kind regards to your Papa. My love to all the girls. May sends hers & a kiss to Alice. Believe me Dear Elizabeth to be yours. Truly and affectionately, E. Donelson, Washington April 7th. $1850.00
FORD, Betty Attractive FDC commemorating Our Endangered Flora. Fine cachet of 4 different flowers that are endangered. Affixed to this cover are four 15 cent Endangered Flora stamps, cancelled First Day of Issue, Milwaukee, WI Jun 7, 1979. Signed with an attractive Betty Ford signature. $75.00
HARDING, Florence Kling Attractive FDC commemorating Our Endangered Flora. Fine cachet of 4 different flowers that are endangered. Affixed to this cover are four 15 cent Endangered Flora stamps, cancelled First Day of Issue, Milwaukee, WI Jun 7, 1979. Signed with an attractive Betty Ford signature. $250.00
Very Rare Photograph of First Lady Eisenhower Preparing to Leave The White House and Jacqueline Kennedy Moving In, Signed by Both
KENNEDY, Jacqueline & EISENHOWER, Mamie Extraordinary Official Life Magazine photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, of Mamie Eisenhower, Jacqueline Kennedy and Pat Nixon sitting on a couch in what appears to be The White House. Apparently this took place when the Eisenhower/Nixon administration was leaving and the Kennedy’s were moving in. Boldly signed by Mamie Eisenhower across her light colored coat. Also signed by Jacqueline Kennedy across her light colored coat. Both signatures have excellent contrast. The first signed photograph of this type we have seen. $1950.00
KENNEDY, Jacqueline & EISENHOWER, Mamie Extraordinary photograph, measures 5”x7”, B&W, full length of the two First Ladies probably taken outside of The White House or Capitol. Both wearing winter hats, coats and gloves. This appears to be in January when Eisenhower was leaving The White House and John F. Kennedy was moving in. Signed by both Jacqueline Kennedy and Mamie Eisenhower. SOLD
Autograph Letter Signed. SOLD
- First
Lady Free Frank Collection ~ 8 Matching First Lady Free Franked
Envelopes. SOLD
FORD, Betty S/P, B&W, 8”x10” full face pose, smiling. Signed with excellent contrast. $67.50
- Caroline
Scott Harrison Scarce Full Signature; Very nice example. SOLD
HARRISON, Anna Front panel of an envelope, hand addressed by Anna Harrison to Henry L. Sheldon Esq. Middlebury Vermont. Top right corner she has written “Free Anna Harrison.” Postal marking “Cleves, O. Feb,27.” . $675.00
Scarce Christmas Card of First Lady Mary Lord Harrison
HARRISON, Mary Lord Folding Holiday Greeting card with a color painting of a bouquet of flowers on the cover, signed in print by the artist. When the card is opened, on the third panel Mary Harrison has written: “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both and may the New Year hold much happiness for you, Mary Lord Harrison”. $225.00
HARRISON, Mary Lord Folding Holiday Greeting card with a color painting of a bouquet of flowers on the cover, signed in print by the artist. When the card is opened, on the third panel Mary Harrison has written: “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both and may the New Year hold much happiness for you, Mary Lord Harrison”. $225.00
Very Scarce A.L.S. of Lou Henry Hoover as First Lady
HOOVER, Lou Henry Autograph letter signed, both sides, on her personal name imprinted visiting card which she used as First Lady. Mrs. Hoover writes: “So many thanks for such a lovely basket of delicious things. It has been a constant joy to all of us, Lou Henry Hoover.” With original White House envelope hand addressed by Mrs, Hoover to “Hoover Republican Club, Dayton, Ohio”. $300.00
HOOVER, Lou Henry Choice “The White House” Washington card signed in full. Notation on verso states “October 22, 1932.” During the last several years these The White House cards are slowly disappearing from the autograph marketplace. $235.00
Interesting Content letter from Lou Henry Hoover
HOOVER, Lou Henry Typed letter signed, on her 2300 S Street, Washington, D.C. letterhead. 19 October 1928 she writes: "My Dear Mrs. Reed, Thank you so much for your letter with its interesting little incident. I am sure the people of Massachusetts did not enjoy us half as much as I enjoyed my visit there, seeing and meeting the thousands that I did. You gave us such a royal welcome that we shall never forget it. With much appreciation, I am Yours sincerely.” Signed in full. SOLD
Very Scarce Book Signed by LBJ (as President)
JOHNSON, Rebekah Baines Her book: “A Family Album” McGraw-Hill Co.1965, First Edition, so stated. Introduction by Lyndon Baines Johnson. It is believed that Johnson only signed copies for family members and very close friends. Believed to be signed “as President.”. $450.00
Extraordinary Letter by Lady Bird Johnson
Handwritten Written Just 23 days after Lyndon Johnson Died
JOHNSON, Lady Bird Uncommon autograph letter on her Stonewall, Texas imprinted letterhead. Two full pages dated February 14, 1973. To Dorothy (Nichols) who was one of Johnson’s three secretaries and spent 17 years working in the Capital. $395.00
JOHNSON, Lady Bird T.L.S. one page on the imprinted letterhead of The White House, Washington, November 15, 1966. The First Lady writes: “Dear Fay: Thank you so much for your sweet note, and the pretty snap shots. I will treasure them for my scrapbook of memories of an exciting and wonderful trip full of endless interest. With much appreciation and my warmest wishes, I am, Sincerely”. Signed in full. $100.00
JOHNSON, Lady Bird Very uncommon autograph note signed on a portion of her bookplate. “Hope that readers will feel a little closer to their government, Lady Bird Johnson”. $135.00
- 'Lady
Bird' Johnson Fabulous Photograph Signed, as First Lady, standing on the Truman
Balcony at The White House. $125.00
McKINLEY, Ida Genuine sheet of note paper, unused. Her initials in blue (IMK) top center. $22.50
"The Investigation Is A Spell-binder"
NIXON, Pat 1942 Rare autograph letter signed, one very full page on the printed letterhead of “La Casa Pacificia”. Nixon writes: “Dear Mr. Covington, You were ever so thoughtful to write me the heartwarming letter regarding Julia’s visit to Atlanta. She has told us of her pleasure in visiting with you and of your many kindnesses. The investigation is a spell-binder-- thanks so much for sending it to me. With deep appreciation and warm best wishes, Sincerely, Pat Nixon”. Together with the envelope, hand addressed by Pat Nixon. Postmarked June 28, 1977. Both pieces in excellent condition. SOLD
NIXON, Patricia Engraving of The White House, attractively matted. Signed with a full signature of Patricia Nixon and dated in her hand “1971”. SOLD
NIXON, Patricia Her recipe for Meat Loaf on a 3”x5” index card. Signed with her desirable full signature.SOLD
NIXON, Patricia Bookplate from The Museum Shop of The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace. Hand signed by Pat Nixon. SOLD
POLK, Sara Childress Fabulous signature “Mrs. James K. Polk” adding “Polk Place” in her hand on a wonderful card 2”x3.5” gold trimmed” . $375.00
One of a Kind
- POLK, Sarah Free frank signature “Free Sarah Polk”, on a mourning envelope addressed in her hand to Maj. Wm. H. Polk, Columbia, Tennessee. A dark ink hand stamp at left corner “Nashville, TN, Aug.11” and “Free” handstamp. Intact black wax seal on verso. Collector’s note along front left corner of the cover. SOLD
REAGAN, Nancy Very popular First Lady. “An American Life, Autobiography of Ronald Reagan” Simon & Schuster, 1990. Signed by Nancy Reagan on the dedication page. $75.00
REAGAN, Nancy Her book: “My Turn, The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan.” Random House, 1989, First Edition. Three hundred eighty-four pages, illustrated. Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper. $75.00
Very Uncommon Early Autograph Letter Signed
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor Autograph letter signed, one page on the imprinted letterhead of “Council Rock, Oyster Bay, N.Y.” Roosevelt writes: “My Dear Mrs. Mallon, Thank you so much for your letter-the picture which is very good-most interesting. It was kind of you to think of sending it to me. Sincerely yours, Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb. 2nd.” Together with original hand addressed envelope, with a 2 cent stamp cancelled Feb. 2, 1921”. SOLD
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor Choice, The White House card signed. SOLD
Roosevelt writes as "Cousin Eleanor" as First Lady
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor Typed letter signed, as First Lady, on the imprinted letterhead of The White House. August 24, 1942 to “Dear Nancy.” Roosevelt writes: “I am so sorry the enclosed letter from Mr. Donovan is disappointing. Affectionately, Cousin Eleanor.”. $175.00
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor Nice cachet of FDR and his home in Hyde Park, N.Y. Affixed are 4 one cent FDR postage stamps cancelled First Day of Issue, Hyde Park. July 26, 1945. Signed by Eleanor Roosevelt. $185.00
Very Rare Letter of Helen Taft as First Lady
TAFT, Helen H. Manuscript letter signed, one page, on the imprinted letterhead of The White House, Washington, (DC) October 18,1909. “To My Dear Mrs. Thaw.” Interesting content: “...I was much interested in hearing from you and about your daughter & her husband. I know my sister...will be glad to see the young couple when they come to Washington if I should not be available to do so. With kind regards, believe me...”This letter is most likely penned by the hand of Mrs. Taft’s daughter Helen Taft (Manning) but hand signed by Helen H. Taft. $1,100.00
Scarce A.L.S. Of Helen Taft with wonderful content
TAFT, Helen H. Scarce autograph note signed on a 2”5”x4’5” card. Helen Taft writes: “My Dear Mrs. Deane, Mr. Taft had a bookplate, which he put in many of his books, but moving around so much, it got lost, and he did not have another one made. Sincerely yours, Helen H. Taft November 14th.”. $275.00
Very Rare Hand addressed Free Franked Envelope
TRUMAN, Bess Envelope, hand addressed “Mrs. Roger DeWitt, 412 N. Spring Street, Independence, Missouri” and Free Franked as “Bess W. Truman” in the upper right corner of the envelope”. $295.00
Autograph Letter Signed by Bess Truman
TRUMAN, Bess Autograph letter signed, 2 pages on her personal note paper with the imprint of her initials on the top left corner. Truman writes: “Dear Mary Mildred, How wonderfully kind of you and Roger to send me these beautiful carnations…and they happen to be my favorite variety. I am enjoying them tremendously (and Harry is too). Thank you loads for thinking of me. Fondly, Bess W. Truman”. $150.00
TRUMAN, Bess A very fine The White House card which displays a perfect signature “Bess W. Truman.”. $150.00
Ten Year Affair with Bill Clinton
- FLOWERS, Jennifer Rawlins Official League Baseball. On a side panel, Jennifer Flowers has signed her name using a black ink Sharpie pen. It would be impossible to find a nicer signature. In V/F condition, encased in a sturdy ball cube $77.50
Inscribed to a serial autograph criminal who spent two separate stints in prison for autograph related crimes.
He recently bounced 2 checks over $2200.000 each
- FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.” Simon & Schuster, 1965, Second printing, 510 pages, in G/V/G condition, fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors. On the front endpaper is a lengthy fascinating presentation inscription by Congressman Gerald R. Ford. He writes: “To Gary Zimit, the opportunity to serve on the Warren Commission was both sad because J.F.K. was a friend and as a challenge because it was important to do a good job. In my opinion the Warren Commission conclusions were sound and so far not challenged. No significant new evidence has been found. Lee Harvey Oswald was the culprit. Gerald R. Ford 11/29/80.” $4900.00
R. Ford
Exceptionally Rare and Historic Document Signed, being a typescript of
Executive Order #4311, the Proclamation Granting Pardon to Richard
Nixon. Signed by Presidents Ford and Nixon. $2,750.00
Lengthy Vintage Inscription
- FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.” Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages, in G/V/G condition. Light wear to bottom of covers, fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors. On the front endpaper is a lengthy vintage presentation inscription by Congressman Gerald R. Ford. He writes: “1/16/66 To J. McArt, an ardent, effective, top flight Republican. We deeply appreciate your help for the ‘cause.’ Warmest personal regards, Gerald R. Ford.” $1495.00
Signed Three Times
- FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.” Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages, in V/G condition with fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors. Slight erasure marks top of the front end paper where most likely a former ownership’s name was removed. Signed by Gerald Ford three times. Signed as “Gerald R. Ford,” “Jerry Ford” and “G.R.F.” $950.00
President Gerald R. Ford & Mother Teresa
FORD, Gerald R. & TERESA, Mother Official National League Baseball, William White, President. Hand signed on the sweet spot by Gerald R. Ford. Mother Teresa has also signed her name in ink on a side panel. In very good condition and possibly unique. $1500.00
Gerald Ford gets Sick visiting Australia
- FORD, Gerald R. Wonderful autograph letter signed, one full page on is name imprinted stationery. Nov. 5, 1981. He writes to Robert Nesen, Ambassador from the U.S. to Australia. Ford writes: “Dear Bob, You were most gracious to have such a fine luncheon when I visited the Embassy in Canberra. It was enjoyable, interesting and I hope constructive in furthering our relations with Australia. The trip to Australia was most worthwhile although tough on my health. On my return my Dr. put me to bed for a few days with bronchial pneumonia. All’s well now. Thanks again and warmest best wishes. Gerald R. Ford.” $1495.00
Rare, Proof Copy, Historic Limited Edition Presidential Broadside
- FORD, Gerald R. This beautiful and colorful broadside measures 15”x22”, is limited to only 175 numbered copies. Each individually boldly hand signed by President Ford using a black ink pen. $875.00
Rare, Limited, Numbered Edition, Vice Presidential Broadside
- FORD, Gerald R. This broadside is limited to only 150 numbered copies, hand signed “Gerald R. Ford” using a black ink pen. This is copy number 129. On the right side of this broadside is an illustration of one of the rooms in The White House. $750.00
Very Scarce Free Frank as Minority Leader
- FORD, Gerald R. Very scarce Official Congress of the United States, Office of the Minority Leader, House of Representative envelope bearing a printed Free Franking signature of Gerald R. Ford. Directly below his preprinted signature Ford has signed his name in full. $550.00
FORD, Gerald R. Baseball Bat with the name "Gerald Ford" beautifiully engraved. Hand signed "Gerald R. Ford". $495.00
I’m a Ford, not a Lincoln
- FORD, Gerald R. Full sheet of 1 cent United States Postage Stamps depicting the head and shoulders pose of Abraham Lincoln. Boldly signed: “Gerald R. Ford” on the selvage. Plate number 26245. Ford obviously is pleased with this statement as his writing and signature are forceful and quite large. $395.00
Signed by Leavelle and Gerald R. Ford
- FORD, Gerald R. & LEAVELLE, Jim Original color photograph of Lavelle talking to Ford. Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission. $275.00
FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.” Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages. Very boldly signed “Gerald R. Ford” in the center of the front free endpaper. $275.00
FORD, Gerald R. Typed letter signed, 1 page, letterhead of the House of Representatives, April 30, 1954 to Nicholas Stellman of Grand Rapids, concerning two women who wish to continue their missionary work in India. He sends (present) a copy of a letter he wrote to the Assistant Secretary of State on the subject, and will let him know when he receives a reply. Fine condition and a very early letter and style of Ford’s signature. With the original envelope bearing a printed free frank. $225.00
FORD, Gerald R. & FORD, Betty Their last Presidential Christmas card (1976) hand signed by both. Quite scarce. Together with the original The White House envelope. $225.00
FORD, Gerald R. Full sheet of 3 cent United States Postage Stamps depicting the White House (1950). Boldly signed: “Gerald R. Ford” on the selvage. $195.00
FORD, Gerald R. Thirty eighth President of the United States. Full sheet of 3 cent United States Postage Stamps depicting the National Capital Building (1950). Boldly signed: “Gerald R. Ford” on the selvage. Plate number 24285. Most unusual. $195.00
FORD, Gerald R. Original “Official” book of presidential matches. Gerald R. Ford is print on the front cover over the embossed portrait of The White House. On the verso is a color seal of the President of the United States. Signed “G.R. Ford” top of the front cover. $150.00
Artist Proof Signed by Artist and Gerald Ford
- FORD, Gerald R. & Edita von Uslar-Gleichen OHer color print entitled “The White House in Snow.” At the bottom written by the hand of the artist “Artist’s Proof.” To the right she has signed her name in pencil. Signed “Gerald R. Ford” at the top of the print. Sticker on the verso states “1988.”. $145.00
FORD, Gerald R. U.S. One Dollar Federal Reserve Note, Series 1988 boldly signed “Gerald R. Ford” with excellent contrast. SOLD
Excellent, Historic Quote of Gerald R. Ford
- FORD, Gerald R. Typed quotation on a 3”x5” card. “One of the deepest mysteries at the outset of the hearings was why would lee Harvey Oswald want to kill a President”. Boldly signed ‘Gerald R. Ford”. $137.50
FORD, Gerald R Official 1976 White House Tour Ticket, Tour #35. Unused condition with stub still attached. Signed in full by Gerald R. Ford. $135.00
FORD, Gerald R. Attractive FDC commemorating the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. Colorful cachet of Ford and affixed to this cover is a 22 cent The White House postage stamp, cancelled First Day of Issue, Chicago, IL May 22, 1986, 60601. Boldly signed by Gerald R. Ford. $125.00
FORD, Gerald R. & FORD, BettyThis photograph was taken weeks after Gerald Ford became president. Overall measurement 4”x6”, B&W, very nicely hand signed by both. $95.00
Rare Portrait of Yitzhak Rabin with President Gerald Ford
- RABIN, Yithzak & FORD, Gerald Portrait of Rabin standing at the dinner table in The White House as President Gerald R. Ford, smoking his pipe sits along Rabin’s side and listening intently as he carefully watches Rabin. Signed by both Y. Rabin and Gerald R. Ford on the lower white margin below a printed caption. Overall size 6”x9. $395.00
- Four
Presidents & Three First Ladies A
magnificent Signed Bureau of Engraving White House Card, The
37th through 40th Presidents of the United States, Richard Nixon,
Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and Three First
Ladies, Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, and Rosalyn Carter. SOLD
A Wonderful Starter Set of Presidential Free Franks
- Presidential Free Franks are one of the most coveted items collected by serious collectors of presidential signatures. The privilege of franking an envelope was abolished during the latter part of President’s Grant’s term of office. The U.S. laws permitting franking also required the signature of the sender, along with the word “free”. This rare collection, short a few, is prized by collectors. Some say they give off energy. When you see them and hold them, you’ll have a feast for your eyes. It is said one can receive unusual vibrations, even looking at their illustrations. Caregivers of autographs can receive a refreshing boost from simply viewing this collection. Many of these type items are quickly disappearing from the hobby. Collection includes: WASHINGTON, George, ADAMS, John, JEFFERSON, Thomas ,MADISON, James,
ADAMS, J. Q., JACKSON, Andrew, VAN BUREN, Martin, TYLER, John, FILLMORE, Millard, PIERCE, Franklin, BUCHANAN, James, LINCOLN, Abraham, JOHNSON, Andrew, GARFIELD, James A. $53,750.00
GARFIELD, James A. Exceptionally fine signature of Garfield adding “Hiram Ohio” in his hand on a 2.25”x4” card. This signature is a bit of an oddity. It has an uncommon curlicue in the center of the “J,” which is identical to one sold at a New England auction in December 2014. Another with a curlicue, signed as a Free Frank while Garfield was a member of Congress, is illustrated in Stephen Koschal’s James A. Garfield: A Signature Study With A Focus On His Presidential Signatures (2011). This card is crisp and retains its original sheen with no markings or mounting traces on the verso Together with a COA from History In Ink. $475.00
GARFIELD, James A. Fine signature “J.A. Garfield” with a partial “MC” in his hand. A free franking signature as a Member of Congress, cut from an envelope. $450.00
GARFIELD, James A. Closing of a letter in his hand signed. “Respectfully, Your Obt. Servt. J.A. Garfield, Brig. Gen. Vols” on a slip. SOLD
GARFIELD, James A. Manuscript letter signed, one page, as a member of Congress. Washington, D.C., March 1, 1876. To C.F. Conant (Ass’t Secretary of Treasury). “Will Mr. Conant please send copies of the Finance report for 1872-73-74 to Hon. Reuben P. Harmon of Kirtland Lake Co. Ohio and oblige.” SOLD
GEORGE III King of Great Britain and King of Ireland. Considered America’s last King. Attractive fine signature (George) removed from a document. $195.00
U.S. Grant as President and Much of His Cabinet
- GRANT, U.S., BELKNAP, Wm, ROBESON, Geo, JEWELL, Marshall, DELANO, Columbus, FISH, Hamilton, BABCOCK, O.E., Zalinski, E.L. Program, 3”x5” for the Grand Ball, Closing The Centennial Celebration at Lexington, Monday Evening, April 10th 1875. Promenade Music by Brown’s Brigade Band and Dancing Music by The Germania Orchestra. Eight pages, includes the Program, Musical Selections, Order of Dances, Reception Committee, Floor Committee and sixty members of the Honorary Committee. In the center of this Program, the eight men listed above have signed their names in pencil with Grant signing as President. $2500.00
Rare Autograph Letter From A Losing Proposition
- GRANT, U.S. Autograph letter signed Wall Street, New York, Feby 15th 1883. On the imprinted stationery of Grant & Ward. U.S. Grant, Jr., Ferdinand Ward, Gen’l U.S. Grant and James D. Fish. $1950.00
GRANT, U.S. Choice, purple ink signature on a 3.5”x 2.25” card. Mounting traces on verso otherwise a very nice card. COA from American Historical Guild. $1550.00
HARDING, Warren G. Scarce 8”x11” engraved portrait on a heavy board, of President Harding, inscribed and signed in ink below the vignette: “To A. Barclay Ulman with cordially good wishes Warren G. Harding.” $475.00
HARDING, Warren G. One page 7.75”x4” 15 Sept 1894. Proof of Publication, in full, W.G. Harding, of lawful age, being sworn, says that a printed notice, a copy of which is hereunto attached, was published for three consecutive weeks in Marion Star, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said Marion County, immediately previous to the fifteenth day of Sept. A.D., 1894, and that at the time he was pub of said paper. Countersigned 17 Sept 1894 by F.J Schulz. The referred notice is attached on the left border.” $475.00
- HARDING, Warren G. One page, oblong, appx. 2”x8” “17 December 1898” added by Harding’s hand. Countersigned by a witness, Martin Burke, Probate Judge.” SOLD
Very Scarce Signed Engraved Portrait
- HARRISON, Benjamin Engraved portrait by William G. Phillips, head and shoulders pose, overall, 5.5”x9” removed from the special edition book “The Seventieth Indiana” (1900). Boldly signed “Benj Harrison” below his portrait. $1950.00
HARRISON, Benjamin Wonderful document, as President, on vellum, appointing Frank C. Cosby, Pay Director according to the Rules and Discipline of the Navy. Dated July 11,1889. The signature of Harrison rates a “10.” Countersigned by the Secretary of the Navy, B. F.Tracy. Blue seal completely intact. ” $1250.00
HARRISON, Benjamin Partly printed document signed, appointing Dorsey W. Trump Postmaster of Maquoketa, Iowa a Postmaster, dated October 3, 1890. Bold signature of Harrison and countersigned by the Acting Postmaster General. ” $975.00
HARRISON, Benjamin This card depicts a view of the south portico of the Executive Mansion. Very boldly signed and dated in his hand “March 1st 1893.” SOLD
Benjamin Harrison refers to the Executive Mansion as The White House and most important content, four years after his presidency, he is still signing engraved portraits of the Executive Mansion.
Four Years After His Presidency, Still Signing Engraved Executive Mansion cards
- HARRISON, Benjamin Letter signed on his imprinted name and address stationery.”. $775.00
HARRISON, Benjamin On a 2”x5” slip Harrison writes: “love to all Your Affectionate Brother Benjamin Harrison.” $395.00
HARRISON, Benjamin A very early item cut from an autograph letter signed. On a slip 1.5”x4”. $250.00
HARRISON, Benjamin Wonderful three words and signature by his hand: “Your affectionate brother Benj Harrison.” SOLD
HARRISON, Benjamin Fine signature cut from a check SOLD
HARRISON, Benjamin Choice signature on a slip adding “Iowa” in his hand. SOLD
HARRISON, William Henry Very bold ink signature adding “Cincinnati 16th Sept 1834” in his hand. Together with a COA from American Historical Guild. $1450.00
Eighty -four Gills of Whiskey for the Indians
- HARRISON, William H. Autograph document signed (“Wm H Harrison a d c”) one page, 2.25”x7.25”, Greenville (S.C), 31 July 1795. SOLD
Rutherford Hayes A.L.S. as President
- HAYES, Rutherford B. Autograph letter signed as president, on the imprinted Executive Mansion, Washington stationery. Washington, 30 December 1879. $1750.00
HAYES, Rutherford B. A very desirable Executive Mansion card signed. When starting a collection of these cards, Hayes is the very first you will be able to acquire. SOLD
HAYES, Rutherford B. A very scarce, early signature (R.B. Hayes) seldom seen on heavy paper 1.25”x3.5”. $325.00
HAYES, Rutherford B. A fabulous signature “R.B. Hayes” on a 3”x4” card. As nice a signature of Hayes that one can expect. Together with a COA from American Historical Guild. $295.00
HAYES, Rutherford B. Nineteenth President of the United States. Fine signature on a light gray lined slip. SOLD
HAYES, Rutherford B. One word sentiment signed with his desirable full signature: “Sincerely Rutherford B. Hayes.” SOLD
Rare Book With Signatures of Ronald Reagan and John Hinckley, Jr. From the Library of Governor Richard Lamm of Colorado
- HINCKLEY, Jack & JoAnn The book Breaking Points by Jack & JoAnn Hinckley, 1985, First printing, 375 pages. Inscribed to their Governor: “ To Governor and Mrs. Lamm, with our sincere thanks for your concern and support Jack and JoAnn”. Affixed to the inside cover is a 3”x5” card signed “John Hinckley, Jr.” and a bookplate signed by “Ronald Reagan”. $695.00
Herbert Hoover Very Rare Signed Title Page For His Report On Survey Of Germany, February 1919 and full page letter to Colonel Groome regarding ceasing executions and tribunals being set up.
- HOOVER, Herbert Title page of a report: Report On Survey Of Germany, February 1919. Hoover writes in pencil on this page: “American Relief Administration, Herbert Hoover, Director General. Report Economic Conditions in Europe, Germany, Alonzo Taylor, Feb. 1919”. On a brown sheet of paper Hoover starts a RARE handwritten letter. $1500.00
HOOVER, Herbert Typed document signed, East Portico of the Capitol, Monday, March 4, 1929. One page, measures appx. 4”x5”. Presidential Oath of Office, boldly signed with a large signature, in green ink, of Herbert Hoover. Matted along with a photo of Herbert Hoover being administered the Oath of Office from Supreme Court Justice William Howard Taft. Overall size 9”x12”. From a distinguished collection of rare Presidential Oath’s of Office. This is only the second Hoover signed Oath of Office we have handled in over 45 years. $950.00
Scarce Presidential Document Signed by Herbert Hoover
- HOOVER, Herbert Document signed, folio, Washington, December 16, 1930, measures 18”x22”. Appointment of J. Butler Wright to the Office of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Uruguay. Fine clean signature of Hoover as President and countersigned by Henry L. Stimson as Secretary of War. Large wafer seal affixed to the bottom left of the document. $750.00
HOOVER, Herbert Thirty-first President of the United States. His three volume set of book: “The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover.” Vol. #1 “The Cabinet & the Presidency.” Macmillan Co., 1952, First printing. Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper: “To Victor Emanuel with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.” Vol. #2 “Years of Adventure.” Macmillan Co, 1951, Second Printing. Inscribed and signed: “To Victor Emanuel with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.” Vol. #3. “The Greta Depression.” Macmillan Co. 1952, First printing. $575.00
Hoover An Outstanding
Content Typed Letter Signed. $495.00
Very Rare Book Un-inscribed Yet Signed by Herbert Hoover
HOOVER, Herbert His book: “The New Day, Campaign Speeches of Herbert Hoover.” Stanford University Press, Second Edition, January 1929. Two hundred and thirty pages. Signed “Herbert Hoover” on the front free endpaper. This is the first book we recall seeing not inscribed by Herbert Hoover. The colorful stamps from Morocco affixed to the bottom of the page Hoover signed. $450.00
One if Not the Scarcest of Presidents in Signed Documents
- HOOVER, Herbert He was appointed by President Wilson the U.S. Food administrator on may 19, 1917. Very attractive partly printed document signed circa 1918-1919. Large engraved vignette across the top on assorted fruits and vegetables. The U.S. Food administrator to W.G. McKeller in appreciation of efficient and patriotic service during The Great War (1917-1918). Signed by Herbert Hoover. $450.00
HOOVER, Herbert Wonderful, formal studio photograph signed depicting Hoover in full face, head and shoulders pose. Signed with a four word sentiment on the lower light margin “with kind regards of Herbert Hoover.” Image by Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. with their imprint at the lower left. $395.00
Uncommon, Signed While Serving in The White House
- HOOVER, Herbert Fine cover honoring the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown. U.S. 2 cent Yorktown stamp cancelled. Circular postal cancellation Wethersfield Oct. 19, 1931 Conn. Attractive cachet of the anniversary. Hoover signs starting in the middle of the cachet and running into the clear area with his typical looking signature as President. $350.00
Desirable "The White House" card Signed
- HOOVER, Herbert D. A desirable “The White House” card very boldly signed by Herbert Hoover. $350.00
Most Unusual Display of President and Mrs. Hoover
- HOOVER, Herbert and Lou Henry Signatures of Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover, double matted along with two photographs of their graves. One photograph illustrates their graves in West Branch, Iowa with an American flag flying at the base of each grave stone. The other photograph shows the flag from Herbert Hoover’s grave removed. Included in this frame ensemble is the original flag that was removed from Herbert Hoover’s grave. $250.00
HOOVER, Herbert First Day of Issue of the Boys Clubs of America 4 cent U.S. postage stamp. Nice cachet honoring the movement. Hoover was honorary chairman of the movement. Stamp cancelled First Day of Issue. Circular postal cancellation New York Oct.18, 1960 N.Y. Signed by Hoover with his usual green ink. $250.00
HOOVER, Herbert His book: “Addresses Upon The American Road 1945-1948.” D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1949 First Edition. Inscribed and signed in green ink on the front free endpaper: “To F.R. Barlow with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.”. $225.00
HOOVER, Herbert Very interesting content (unusual for Hoover) typed letter signed, one page on his name imprinted letterhead. The Waldorf Astoria Towers, New York , February 19, 1960. $225.00
HOOVER, Herbert Thirty first President of the United States. Perfect dark bold signature on a slip of card stock SOLD
JACKSON, Andrew Autograph letter signed appx. 2.75”x8.” Jackson writes: “I am acquainted with Capt. Ricd (Richard) Rapier. He is a gentleman in whom full & entire confidence may he respond. Nashville, 16 Dec. 1817 Andrew Jackson. $1,250.00
JACKSON, Andrew Seventh President of the United States. Fabulous signature measuring six inches long on vellum, as President. Countersigned by Elijah Hayward, Commissioner of the General Land Office. SOLD
D.S., Th. Jefferson as President and James Madison as Secretary of State
JEFFERSON, Thomas & MADISON, James Vellum document 8.5”x15.5” signed by Jefferson as President and James Madison as Secretary of State, Washington, 26 August 1806. Pursuance of the act of Congress, passed on the first day of June 1796, entitled “An Act regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services..." $8950.00
JEFFERSON, Thomas Third President of the United States. Fine dark signature on a slip. Mounted to a larger slip. $4,600.00
Very Scarce A.L.S. of Andrew Johnson along with Free Frank
JOHNSON, Andrew Early and very lengthy autograph letter signed, Blountville, Tennessee, July 24th, 1845. Full page, 10.5’x8”. Integral address leaf addressed in Johnson’s hand to the Commissioner of Pensions in Washington City, D.C., bearing Johnson’s free frank, signed “A. Johnson” as a member of Congress. $3600.00
Rare Andrew Johnson D.S. During His Impeachment Proceedings
JOHNSON, Andrew Partly printed document signed as President. Oblong, folio. Washington, D.C., April 25, 1868. Countersigned by William Seward, Secretary of State. Large white embossed seal of the United States affixed to the lower left of the document. $1,250.00
JOHNSON, Andrew Fabulous full signature, in ink on a 1”x5.25” slip. $595.00
JOHNSON, Andrew Fabulous full signature, in ink on a 1”x5.25” slip. SOLD
JOHNSON, Andrew Fabulous ink full signature on blue lined paper. SOLD
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Gilt embossed Presidential Seal along with his initials. Boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. $295.00
Senate Ticket For President Andrew Johnson's Impeachment
JOHNSON, Andrew Tickets for the impeachment proceedings of the 17th President of the United States was a hot item in 1968. The president endured a two month trial on charges of high crimes. Card measures 3"x3.5" and is in good condition. Those who collect these treasures also collect the tickets for the impeachment of Bill Clinton. $250.00
Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind JFK's Assassination
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Ten of his LBJ bookplates signed. Each in fine condition. Basically, the one way to know if you have a genuine signature of Lyndon B. Johnson is to obtain an LBJ bookplate signed. Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. SOLD
Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind JFK's Assassination
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Ten of his LBJ bookplates signed. Each in fine condition. Basically, the one way to know if you have a genuine signature of Lyndon B. Johnson is to obtain an LBJ bookplate signed. Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. SOLD
Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind JFK's Assassination
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Twenty-five of his LBJ bookplates, signed. Each in fine condition. Basically, the one way to obtain a genuine signature of Lyndon B. Johnson is to obtain a LBJ bookplate signed. Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. SOLD
Very Scarce Genuinely Signed Book by Lyndon B. Johnson
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. William S. White’s book “The Professional Lyndon B. Johnson” Houghton and Mifflin Co. 1964, fourth printing. Inscribed to Paul Betz and signed and dated “12/5/64” (as President) by Johnson. This book was signed shortly after LBY signed the Civil Rights Bill into law. This may be the only book of this title signed by Johnson as President. Only a handful of this title contains a genuine signature of Johnson. SOLD
Scarce Signed Photograph of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of President Johnson talking to Mike Manaos (Executive Assistant to the President) and Bill Norris (Democratic National Committeeman from Cheyenne , Wyoming). Inscribed by Johnson: “To Bill Norris with warm regards Lyndon B. Johnson.” Dated: “9-15-65.” Photograph was taken on August 21/1965. $795.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Thirty sixth President of the United States. Fabulous full signature on a presidential place table card. Card has an embossed Presidential Seal in gold. Together with the Table Number card. In addition is the original invitation for Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Siegel to attend the President’s Ball in the Los Angeles Ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel on Friday evening June 23. $550.00
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger's Copy of LBJ's Book
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His book, The Vantage Point, Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969. Holy, Rinehart & Winston, 1971, First edition, so stated. Affixed to the half title page is the bookplate of LBJ hand signed. On the facing page is the ornate bookplate of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren E. Burger. In a few places in this book, Burger has drawn some lines where it referred to the Supreme Court. SOLD
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird Typed document, Presidential Oath of Office. Aboard Air Force One, Love Field, Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963. One page, measures appx: 5”x6”. A separate slip matted below the Oath of Office bearing a four word sentiment signed with his famous initials “LBJ” with Lady Bird adding the word “and” and signing her name in full under LBJ’s signature. Matted along with a portrait of Lyndon Johnson being administered the Presidential Oath of Office from Sarah T. Hughes. A signature of Sarah T. Hughes is also contained in the mat. It is not common to find something signed by both Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson on the same item. A fabulous ensemble of signatures of a very historical moment shortly after the announcement of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Overall size 11”x14”.From a distinguished collection of rare presidential Oath’s of Office. $495.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Thirty sixth President of the United States. Fabulous full signature adding: “with warm regards” on a portion of one of his bookplates $350.00
Signed by both Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Bookplate is boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. On the opposite page (half title page) Lady Bird Johnson has inscribed and signed her name. $325.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His autobiography, The Vantage Point, Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971, First Edition, so stated. His personal bookplate made especially for this book which has a gilt embossed Presidential Seal and his initials. Bookplate is boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. $275.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His personal bookplate made especially for his book “The Vantage Point” (1971). Gilt embossed Presidential Seal along with his initials. Boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. $335.00
JOHNSON, Lyndon B. Typed letter signed, Congress of the United States, August the sixteenth 1941. Johnson writes in part: “ Thanks for giving me the chance to help Geraldine secure a job in order that she might continue her college work at Sam Houston. Today I got in touch with the proper officials and gave her a very strong endorsement for a place, and I surely hope that things work out as we want them to. At any time that I can assist you or one of your friends don’t fail to let me know...”. SOLD
Kennedy Collection
- KENNEDY, John F.,FORD, Gerald R., OSWALD, Lee Harvey, MCDONALD, Nick, LEAVELLE, James R. A red brick from the front of the Texas School Book Depository Building, Dallas, Texas. Affixed to the brick is a plaque stating the brick is from the building. Three persons have signed this brick. The first is Gerald R. Ford who writes: ”Gerald R. Ford, Member-Warren Commission.”. Signing the brick is Officer M. Nick McDonald who adds: “Captor of Oswald 11-22-63.” The third to sign is James R. Leavelle adding “Handcuffed to Oswald.” The brick, signatures and writing are in fine condition. With the brick comes two typed letters signed. The first from Nick McDonald who writes in part: “Thanks for sending the “BRICK”! I was looking more for a Bouquet! HA! Ha! A little humor there.In addition is a Typed letter from James Leavelle. Oswald read many of the books on Communism from the library. Sold in the past are the library cards signed by Oswald, indicating he took the book out of the library. This copy has the pocket in the back of the book but the card is not available, most likely previously sold. Apparently he enjoyed this book enough to sign the title page. $27,750.00
Rare John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy and Ted Williams Signed Photograph
- KENNEDY, John F., KENNEDY, Ted, WILLIAMS, Ted Hand signed by John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy and Ted Williams. Photo by “Fay Foto, Boston”. Photo has some minor creases. The two Kennedy signatures were signed in black ink, offering acceptable contrast, the signature of Ted Williams is fantastic. $3,250.00
Uncommon Genuine/Original JFK Mass card
- KENNEDY, John F. Very uncommon, original JFK Mass card, in fine condition. These original cards were reproduced in massive amounts, and sold as genuine. $95.00
Early 1846 A.D.S., Legal Brief signed twice by Lincoln
Lincoln Appointed Guardian ad litem for underage child Emily Bailey
- LINCOLN, Abraham Autograph document signed “A. Lincoln” and “Abraham Lincoln”. Tremont, Tazewell County, September 1846. Document measures 7.5 by 10.5 inches. $38,500.00
LINCOLN, Abraham Partly engraved unusual document signed, as President. Oblong folio. Washington, October 21, 1862. Countersigned by Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior. Blind-stamped Department of the Interior seal to the left of the signatures. Lincoln’s name appears in large type at the top center of the document. Lincoln appoints J.H. Hawes of Iowa, Principal Clerk of Surveys in the General Land Office. Lincoln’s full signature is three inches long. SOLD
LINCOLN, Abraham Very good dark signature adding the date “April 22, 1862” in his hand. April was a busy month for Lincoln. The day before he signed the Act of April 21,1862 authorizing a U.S. Mint facility at Denver, Colorado. On April 16, 1862 President Lincoln signed the Act of April 16,1862, a bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia. Passage of this Act came just eight and one-half months before issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. SOLD
LINCOLN, A. Sixteenth President of the United States. Choice dark and bold signature adding; “1863” in his hand. A wonderful example. SOLD
Original Hair From Abraham (Copy #1) and Mary Lincoln
- LINCOLN, Abraham & LINCOLN, Mary Fabulous display, double matted in black and white, measures appx. 16”x24” and displays a strand of original Lincoln’s hair. Choice display of a strand of Mary Lincoln’s hair with a full-length portrait of Mary Lincoln. On the verso is a full-page letter of authenticity. $775.00
Unusual 3 Lincoln Relics
- LINCOLN, Abraham An unusual and very busy card containing 3 relics associated with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated are Ford’s Theatre, the room where Lincoln dies and the Garrett Tobacco Farm. Affixed are three small relics associated with the illustrations. Shaving of wood from Ford’s Theatre, piece of wallpaper from the Peterson House, the room Lincoln died and shavings of metal from inside the Garrett Tobacco Farm. $87.50
James Madison to Thomas Jefferson
- MADISON, James Bottom portion of an autograph letter signed, 3.5”x7”, Madison writes; “accept my affectionate respects James Madison.” At the bottom left corner Madison writes; “Mr. Jefferson.” $1200.00
Father of the Constitution
- MADISON, James Signature on vellum cut from a document “as President.” SOLD
Scarce Set of Signed Executive Mansion Cards
- McKINLEY, William & McKINLEY, Ida Pair of Executive Mansion Cards signed. William McKinley’s card has light scattered foxing and light remnants of tape removal in two places, top third and bottom margin of card, not affecting his bold signature. Ida McKinley’s signature is fine. The card has a minor trace of an impression of a paper clip. Dated on the back, in pencil is Nov.11,1900. SOLD
Scarce Telegram, A.L.S. William McKinley
- McKINLEY, William Seventeen days after inauguration, McKinley sends this telegram. On the imprinted Executive Mansion, Washington, Telegram, (stamped March 31, 1897). $1,250.00
MCKINLEY, William Fabulous Executive Mansion card. Measures 2x75”x3.25 inches bearing a highly sought after signature of McKinley on these cards. Together with a T.L.S. on Executive Mansion letterhead dated November 4, 1899 signed by J.A. Porter sending the autographed card. Added is a COA from History In Ink. $795.00
MCKINLEY, William Choice early full signature on a portion of a legal document. Signature is over four inches long. $375.00
MCKINLEY, William Twenty fifth President of the United States. Wonderful full signature as President on a partial piece of a vellum document (military appointment). SOLD
MCKINLEY, William Fine very early signature “McKinley, Pros. Atty.” on a small portion from a legal document. SOLD
The Vice-Presidents copy of Jimmy Carter’s Speech
- MONDALE, Walter “THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT IN HIS ADDRESS TO THE NATION ON INFLATION." For Immediate Release, Office of the White House Press Secretary. Eleven pages, legal size. Signed on the front page: “W. Mondale.” $95.00
MONROE, James Partly printed document signed, as President, one page, small folio, Washington, 12th Day of February 1819. Countersigned by Josiah Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. President Monroe grants George Shafer, Private in Fink’s Company thirteenth regiment of infantry, 160 acres of land in the Territory of Missouri. Handsome vignette of a couple receiving a deed from a seated Liberty figure near the top left corner and paper seal of the land office. Some water staining on parts of the document but none affecting the very strong signature of James Monroe. $795.00
MONROE, James Very bold full signature on a portion of a vellum document, signed as President. Dated February 1842. One crease running through the “J” in James. Measures 3”x5”. Together with a COA from American Historical Guild. $450.00
MONROE, James Fifth President of the United States. Fabulous full signature on a slip of vellum. Most likely as President. $395.00
The Unique President Richard Nixon Baseball Collection
- NIXON, Richard A rare, one of a kind collection of 29 photographs each inscribed to President Nixon. Twenty-three of the photographs are inscribed by members of the Baseball Hall of Fame and six are signed by noted players who admired Richard Nixon. The collection is housed in a three-ring binder and all photographs are in excellent condition. The following inscribed and signed photographs are included.Bobby Thomson and Ralph Branca, Chuck Connors, Ralph Pignataro, Johnny Podres, Paul Blair, Billy Loes, Luke Appling, Yogi Berra and Don Larson, Lou Boudreau, Lou Brock, Leon Day, Monte Irvin, Billy Herman, Jim Catfish Hunter, Al Kaline, George Kell, Johnny Mize, Juan Marichal, Phil Rizutto, Robin Roberts, Brooks Robinson, Enos Slaughter, Duke Snider, Warren Spahn, Hoyt Wilhelm, Early Wynn, Joe Sewall, Stan Musial and Sandy Koufax. $7,900.00
Most unusual, very early Richard Nixon letter, ready to run for Vice President
"..I am wondering if you have taken into consideration the fact that California Senators and Congressman are not in particularly good standing in Arizona..."
NIXON, Richard T.L.S., one and a half separate pages, on the imprinted stationery of the United States Senate, Committee On Labor & Public Welfare. August 9, 1951. To Miss Selma Warlick, Director of National Concert & Artists Corp. $1,375.00
Extremely Rare Matching 1973 Inaugural Ball Signed Tickets
- NIXON, Richard & AGNEW, Spiro T. Pair of Inaugural Tickets. For Nixon, The Inaugural Ball on January 20th, 1973.. $875.00
Original Sketches By Richard Nixon
- NIXON, Richard Page from his personal note pad where Nixon has drawn a baseball, baseball bat and a N.Y. Yankees Baseball Cap. $675.00
NIXON, Richard Choice first day cover with an engraved cachet of both Richard and Pat commemorating First Day of issue of The White House postage stamp. Postmarked, Washington, DC, May 10, 1971. Signed by both Richard and Pat Nixon. $450.00
NIXON, Richard Attractive stamp of Ecuador illustrating a portrait of Nixon and the American and Ecuador flags. Circular cancellation of Correos Del Ecuador Mayo 10, 1958. Addressed by typewriter to a collector in South Africa. Fine signature of Richard Nixon, as Vice-President during his visit to Ecuador. $250.00
37TH, 38TH and 39TH Presidents of the United States
- NIXON, Richard & FORD, Gerald R. & CARTER, Jimmy Fabulous steel engraved portrait of The White House by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving. Large signature of Richard Nixon adding the years he was in office. Large signature of Gerald R. Ford adding the years he was in office. And one of the finest bold vintage signatures of Jimmy Carter imaginable. $795.00
Extremely Rare Signed Nixon/Agnew Inaugural Book (1973)
- NIXON, Richard & AGNEW, Spiro “The Inaugural Book, 1973”. First Edition Published by the 1973 Inaugural Committee. Ninety-six pages, full page color illustrations. Richard Nixon has signed the title page and dated his signature “7-25-92”. On page 8, Spiro Agnew has signed his name under his full page color portrait. This was their last term before both resigned their office. Agnew resigned on Oct. 10, 1973 and Nixon resigned on Aug. 9, 1974. $450.00
NIXON, Richard Thirty seventh President of the United States. His New York City office business card. Choice signature SOLD
NIXON, Richard Typed letter signed, one page on his name engraved letterhead. November 3, 1982 to Charles S, Montroll. Unusual, Dear Mr. Montroll is written in Nixon’s hand. Nixon thanks Montroll for his kind letter and a gift of Oliver Wendell Holmes’ signature. SOLD
Louisville Slugger Signed by 46 Members of the
Baseball Hall of Fame and President Richard Nixon
- NIXON, Richard President Richard Nixon, Hall of Fame Bat. Louisville Slugger baseball Bat signed by Richard Nixon and 48 members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. All signatures signed with a blue ink Sharpie pen. All signatures signed “in person.”The following have signed the bat. Enos Slaughter, Louis Aparicio, Buck Leonard, Ernie Banks, Whitey Ford, Rick Ferrell, Bob Gibson, Billy Williams, Willie McCovey, Harmon Killebrew, Ted Williams, Bob Lemon, Ralph Kiner, Bob Feller, Frank Robinson, Red Schoendienst, Yogi Berra, Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews, Ray Dandridge, Jocko Conlon, Willie Stargell, Don Drysdale, Al Barlick, Willie Mays, Early Wynn, Jim Catfish Hunter, Luke Appling, Bobby Doerr, Lefty Gomez, Mickey Mantle, Monte Irvin, Early Wynn, Lou Brock, Johnny Mize, Lou Boudreau, George Kell, Hoyt Wilhelm, Billy Herman, Robin Roberts, Stan Musial, Duke Snider, Warren Spahn, Juan Marichal, Al Kaline and Sandy Koufax. In addition this bat is expressly made for President Richard Nixon and has been hand signed by Richard Nixon. There is some rubbing to four signatures. All signers have added “HOF” and the year they were inducted into the Hall of Fame. One of a kind SOLD
OBAMA, Barack Color portrait most likely cut from a quality magazine. Measures appx. 6.5” x 10” of the President and First Lady, full length dressed in formal wear. Choice signature of Barack Obama, quite large with excellent contrast. Authentication sticker attached to bottom left corner with matching COA on the verso. Affixed to a larger sheet. $550.00
OBAMA, Barack His book: “Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope.” Crown Publishing, 20006, First Edition, First printing, so stated, 376 pages. Boldly signed on the title page. A fine copy with the dust jacket. Some dealers are selling this book as high as $4,020.00. $495.00
OBAMA, Barack Wonderful color portrait of Barack and Michelle Obama smiling during a touching moment. Measures appx: 7.5”x10” very boldly signed by Barack Obama. Comes with a COA from the Harden Collection. SOLD
OBAMA, Barack Official League Rawlings, Collector’s Edition Baseball. Very boldly signed on the sweet spot with one of the finest signatures of Obama to be found on a baseball. On a side panel of the ball is a sticker “In Person Authentics.” Ball comes with original Rawlings box. $375.00
OBAMA, Barack A Number 1 Callaway Golf Ball. The Presidential Seal in color and the signature of Barack Obama is printed on the golf ball. Below his printed signature, Obama has hand signed this golf ball using a black ink Sharpie pen. SOLD
OBAMA, Barack Wonderful color portrait of Barack and Michelle Obama smiling and waving. Measures appx: 6.5”X6.5” very boldly signed by Barack Obama. Comes with a COA from the Harden Collection. $325.00
OBAMA, Barack Rolling Stones magazine, issue 1169, November 2012, while he was president full length color pose of Obama smiling. Inside is his interview. Signed very boldly using a Sharpie black ink pen. $295.00
OBAMA, Barack 3”x5’” card very boldly signed by Barack Obama. “VS Autograph Authentication” sticker affixed to the bottom right corner of the card, otherwise in Mint condition. SOLD
OBAMA, Barack Bold blue ink signature on a 3”x5” card. Notation in ink on verso states: “Met him at Rally in Washington State Park, New York City. Sept. 27, 2007, Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama”. One light crease bottom left of card not affecting the signature. SOLD
PIERCE, Franklin Fourteenth President of the United States. Choice full signature adding: “yr. obed. Servt” in his hand. Written on his embossed “P” stationery. Top left corner has an embossed “Paris Paper” emblem. SOLD
POLK, James K. Partly printed document signed on vellum. Polk appoints Brevet Major Andrew Porter to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel from the 13 Day of September 1847 for gallant and meritorious conduct in the Battle of Chapultepec.. Signed James K. Polk as President and countersigned by the Secretary of War W. L. Marcy. War Department seal intact. All writing slightly light possibly from prior framing but all easily readable. Documents of Polk from the Mexican War have become quite scarce. During the Mexican War, Porter was assigned to the 1st Mounted Rifles. In the Civil War he took part in the First Battle of Bull Run. He was the second cousin of Mary Todd Lincoln. $4500.00
POLK, James K. The first official US stamps were issued under his tenure as President in 1847. Choice signature “J. K. Polk” encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authenticated plastic coffin along with additional trivia. $1400.00
POLK, James K. Eleventh President of the United States. Fabulous full signature with “yours” in his hand. The closing of a letter. Signatures of Polk are becoming uncommon SOLD
POLK, James K. Excellent Free Franking signature “J.K. Polk” on a slip. SOLD
President of the United States For Less Than Half an Hour
- RAYBURN, Sam Choice inscription and full signature on a page removed from a book. As nice a signature as one can ever expect. $85.00
Together With Ronald Reagan’s Pen from his Desk
in The White House along with His DNA
- Richard Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan (as President) and George Bush (as President). Jacqueline Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, and Rosalynn Carte Very attractive color portrait of The White House, measures appx. 8.5”x11”. Gerald R. Ford has added an inscription and sentiment. Jimmy Carter has added a two word sentiment. Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush have signed their names. Jacqueline Kennedy has inscribed this item adding a three word sentiment, Lady Bird Johnson has inscribed this item adding “one of my favorite views”, Betty Ford has signed her name and Rosalynn Carter has inscribed this item adding a two word sentiment. On the verso is a penned statement from Oregon Senator Mark O. Hatfield. He writes: “President Reagan & Bush signed this in my presence. Mark O. Hatfield.” Bush signed this portrait in the Oval office on 3/12/91. This portrait has been removed from a book. On his engraved Senate correspondence card Senator Hatfield has written “November 6, 1987, This pen was used by President Ronald Reagan to autograph the portrait of The White House. The pen was from his White House desk. Mark O. Hatfield”. The tip of this pen has multiple teeth marks from when President Reagan would chew on his pen. $8,900.00
Ronald Reagan, Louisville Slugger, Signed by
43 Members of the Baseball Hall of Fame.
- REAGAN, Ronald President of the United States. Louisville Slugger baseball bat made expressly for President Ronald Reagan. His name is engraved in the bat This bat has been hand signed (in person) by 43 members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Those who have signed are: Duke Snider, Rick Ferrell, Al Barlick, Buck Leonard, Luis Aparicio, Bob Gibson, Jim Catfish Hunter, Ted Williams, Willie McCovey, Hoyt Wilhelm, Red Schoendienst, Robin Roberts, Yogi Berra, Don Drysdale, Warren Spahn, Frank Robinson, Whitey Ford, Mickey Mantle, Stan Musial, Eddie Matthews, Harmon Killebrew, Juan Marichal, Lou Boudreau, Brooks Robinson, Bob Feller, Lou Brock, Ernie Banks, Lefty Gomez, Ray Dandridge, Jocko Conlon, Johnny Mize, Luke Appling, Willie Stargell, Monte Irvin, Bob Lemon, Ralph Kiner, Enos Slaughter, Billy Herman, Bob Doerr, George Kell, Al Kaline, Hank Aaron and Early Wynn. At one time, Ronald Reagan was supposed to autograph this bat as well. A space for his signature was lightly sanded so as his pen/ink would adhere to the wood. SOLD
Scarce A.L.S. of Ronald Reagan to his Football Coach
REAGAN, Ronald Handwritten letter to Art C. Bowers, Dixon, Il. 11/15/67 as Governor of California. $1,250.00
REAGAN, Ronald His name printed bookplate inscribed by a calligrapher and hand signed “Ronald Reagan.”. $750.00
REAGAN, Ronald & WYMAN, Jane Vintage slip signed in pencil by Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman. Finding both signatures on the same item is uncommon. In fine condition. $695.00
REAGAN, Ronald His book along with co-author Richard Hubler Where’s The Rest Of Me? The Ronald Reagan Story. Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1965, First Edition, so stated. Personal bookplate of Ronald Reagan with a blue ink printed Presidential Seal and his name affixed to the front free endpaper. Inscribed by a calligrapher for the President: “To Karen Siebrasse with best wishes,” and hand signed by Ronald Reagan. $450.00
REAGAN, Ronald Perfect, dark bold very large vintage signature of Reagan, inscribed “To Walter” on a portion of an album page. SOLD
Very Early Ronald Reagan/Jane Wyman Christmas Card
- REAGAN, Ronald & WYMAN, Jane Their very early Christmas card. On the cover is a cute puppy with a Christmas Wreath around it. Across the second and third panel is a dog holding a Christmas ribbon sending Christmas wishes. On the third panel below New Year’s wishes the card is signed in print: “Ronald, Jane and The Children”. $95.00
ROCKEFELLER, Nelson A.T.L.S., 6/12/1947 on the imprinted stationery of The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Fine letter regarding a dinner for Captain Steichen at the penthouse of the museum. $95.00
"In Honor of Edward Steichen"
ROCKEFELLER, Nelson Typed letter signed, one page, as president of the Museum of Modern Art. Dated may 26, 1947 he writes to T.J. Maloney of U.S. Camera. A fine very early letter inviting Maloney to attend an informal dinner along with the members of the Photography Committee in honor of Captain Edward Steichen. SOLD
Official Act Regarding Cherokee Senate Bill #22
ROOSEVELT, Theodore & BUFFINGTON, Thomas MitchellPartly printed document of the Executive Office, Cherokee Nation, dated February 5, 1902. Hand signed by the Clerk of the Senate, Clerk of the Council President of the Senate, Speaker of the Council and finally “Approved Dec.4.1901 T.M. Buffington Principal Chief. Both documents appx. 8”x12”. $3750.00
Signed by Theodore Roosevelt and William H. Taft
ROOSEVELT, Theodore & TAFT, William Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Very desirable vellum document signed, appointing Charles W. Mason, Jr. a Second Lieutenant of Infantry from the 5th Day of October 1904. Signed by Theodore Roosevelt with a signature 5.5” long and counter signed by Wm. H. Taft as Secretary of War. $2250.00
ROOSEVELT, Theodore A very rare postcard of his home “Sagamore Hill in Oyster Bay, New York. Most interesting it was mailed to a collector with a U.S. One Cent postage stamp. A circular postal cancellation “Oyster Bay, N.Y. Sep 21, 1910.” In the correspondence area of the post card, Roosevelt has signed his name, in full, adding “Sagamore Hill.” This was his home since 1885 until his death. It was also used as the “Summer White House (1901-1909). SOLD
A Fabulous full Theodore Roosevelt as President
ROOSEVELT, Theodore Fine portion of a presidential document complete with a large paper seal. Dated, Washington 29 July 1902 and signed in full with a signature nearly five inches long. $850.00
ROOSEVELT, Theodore A very dark bold signature on a heavy card. A very little light spotting, left side, possibly fingerprints. Simple signatures of Theodore Roosevelt are disappearing from the autograph marketplace. 675.00
ROOSEVELT, Theodore Balance of a T.L.S. “that report of your talk. Need I say that I believe in every word you say? I am not at liberty to speak about what has been going on here.” Roosevelt adds in his own hand: “my language would be too strong!” Signed in full. SOLD
ROOSEVELT, Theodore Signature: “T. Roosevelt” on a slip. Typed under his name “Acting Secretary” can easily been trimmed away if so desired SOLD
ROOSEVELT, Franklin Unusual 100th Anniversary City of Utica, cover New York, Mar. 2, 1932, with a fine cachet of Old Fort Schuyler. Two one cent George Washington U.S. postage stamps affixed, canceled Utica, Mar 1 (n.y.) Very boldly signed with a magnificent full signature “Franklin D. Roosevelt.” . $475.00
ROOSEVELT, Franklin Air Mail First Day cover commemorating the Sullivan Expedition. Cachet of Major General Sullivan 2 Cent postage stamp. Affixed are 3 Sullivan 2 cent postage stamps cancelled Canajoharie, N.Y. Jun 17, 1929, very boldly signed, “Franklin D. Roosevelt” above the cachet. $475.00
ROOSEVELT, Franklin Three tickets to the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, June 1932, 4th,9th and 11th Sessions, handsomely engraved with two having the original stubs. $75.00
ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. Short autograph note, in pencil, undoubtedly as President of the United States. Roosevelt writes: “To answer & show to Farley (Jim Farley, Postmaster General). FDR”. Only very few Presidents are best known by their initials, others are “JFK” & “LBJ”. An excellent example with an unusually large signature of the President. Matted along with a portrait of Roosevelt. Overall size 9”x12”. SOLD
ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. Thirty second President of the United States. Wonderful dark, bold full signature on a slip. SOLD
The only person to hold the Office of President of the U.S. and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Chief Justice Taft arranges to obtain the signatures of the members of the Court
TAFT, William Typed letter signed on the imprinted stationery of the Supreme Court of the United States. June 2, 1929 to Mr. George M. Nelson. $495.00
Eleven More Days and His Presidency is Over
TAFT, William Dinner program and menu and table settings, ten pages plus the covers. Program tied together with a red, white and blue ribbon. Affixed to the front cover is an engraved portrait of President Taft. The President of the United States, with only eleven days left of his presidency, has boldly signed his name under his portrait. $495.00
TAFT, William H. As fine a signature as one can ever expect to find. Boldly written on a 2.5”x4.5” card. $285.00
TAFT, William H. As fine as a signature can be on a 2”x3.5” card. SOLD
TAFT, William H. Wonderful signature on vellum. Printed “Secretary of War) after his name, easily trimmed if so desired SOLD
TAYLOR, Zachary Document signed, one page “Appointment of a U.S. Marshall” Washington, D.C., May 9, 1849. Countersigned by the first Secretary of the Interior Thomas Ewing. Embossed seal at the lower left. President Taylor, two months after taking office appoints Anthony Roberts a Marshall of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. $4750.00
TAYLOR, Zachary Closing on the verso of an A.L.S. “truly and sincerely, your friend Z. Taylor.” Affixed to a 3”x5” card. Very boldly written with some show through. Encapsulated in a PSA/DNA authenticated coffin along with other Taylor trivia. $1075.00
TAYLOR, Zachary Fabulous ink signature most likely removed from a Free Frank. Affixed to a larger slip. SOLD
TAYLOR, Zachary Twelfth President of the United States. Partial document dated November 1832. Signed: “Z. Taylor, Col- 1st Rgt,U.S. Infy,Comd.” A fabulous signaturep SOLD
- Three
Presidents: Nixon, Ford, & Carter A Signed First Day Issue, date
stamped January 9, 1963, of an American Flag. Old Glory at its
finest. Ideal for framing. $925.00
- Three
Presidents: Nixon, Ford, & Carter A Signed Engraving of the White
House by the 37th, 38th, & 39th Presidents of the United
States. $925.00
- Three
Presidents: Nixon, Ford, & Carter A Signed Program, with an engraved bust image of each,
noting the presidents as "Distinguished Guests". Each
president has signed next to their image. Very Unique. $925.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. Typed document signed, Cabinet Room of The White House, Washington, D.C., April 12, 1945. One page, measures appx: 5.5”x8”. Presidential Oath of Office bearing a choice large signature of Harry S Truman. Matted along with a photo of Truman being administered the Presidential Oath of Office. Overall size 9”x12”. From a distinguished collection of rare Presidential Oath’s of Office. $950.00
Uncommon un-inscribed portrait of Harry Truman
- TRUMAN, Harry S. 33rd President of the United States (1945-1953). Color portrait, overall measurement 7.75"x11", removed from the book "Mr. President". Signed with a one word sentiment on the lower white margin: "Sincerely, Harry S. Truman". It is quite scarce to find any image of Truman not inscribed. SOLD
Rare Cover Signed by Harry & Bess Truman
- TRUMAN, Harry S TRUMAN, Bess Wallace Very RARE cover commemorating the First Day of Issue of the Harry S. Truman U.S. 8 cent Postage Stamp. Cancelled, Independence, May 8, 1973 (four months after Truman’s death). A fabulous pair of signatures of Harry and Bess Truman. Bess Truman has signed with her scarce full name. $450.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. BENTON, Thomas. Full sheet of the Missouri 150th Anniversary Stamp hand signed by Harry S. Truman and Thomas Hart Benton. In excellent condition and possibly one of a kind $450.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. First Day Cover with a colorful cachet honoring the American Flag, Independence Day July 4, 1957. Affixed is a 4 cent American Flag stamp cancelled First Day of Issue with a circular postal cancellation Washington Jul 4 1957 D.C. An attractive Harry Truman ink signature three inches long all in the clear area of the envelope. $350.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. Cover with a fine cachet of LBJ. A plate block of four U.S. 5 cent Flag stamps have been affixed with a circular postal cancellation Washington Jan. 20, 1965, D.C. Harry Truman his signed this envelope with the last two letters of his name ending on the stamps. $295.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. Short autograph note signed: “Independence, Oct. 24, 1955, Kind regards to D.R. Sutphin, Harry S. Truman”. Tastefully matted with an engraved portrait of Truman and an engraved plaque. Standard overall size, 9”x12”. $250.00
TRUMAN, Harry S. Truman’s pencil is in fine condition, just in need of a green lead replacement. Metal cap removes to expose the eraser. SOLD
TRUMAN, Harry S. Thirty third President of the United States. Choice signature on a closing of a letter sending his autograph SOLD
TRUMP, Donald J. & PENCE, Michael Vintage photograph of Donald Trump 8”x10”, B&W, half-length pose smiling. Inscribed using a bold dark blue Sharpie pen: “Dear Todd, Best wishes, Donald J. Trump.”. Mike Pence, color photograph, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed and signed on the lower white border: “Paul Cassidy-Mike Pence.”. $850.00
Signed Book with a now uncommon full signature of Donald J. Trump
- TRUMP, Donald J. & KIYOSAKI, Robert T. Their book: "Midas Touch, Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich and Why Most Don't." Plata Publishing Co. First Edition, so stated, August 2011, hardcover, 224 pages. Bookplate affixed to their book their book "Midas Touch" 2011. Boldy hand signed by both, autographs are guaranteed 100% genuine. Trump has signed with what has now become an uncommon full "Donald J. Trump" signature. In fine condition with the dust jacket. $175.00
TRUMP, Donald J. Official Trump National Golf Club golf ball. Hand signed above the Trump logo. SOLD
TRUMP, Donald J. & KIYOSAKI, Robert T. Unused bookplate for their book "Midas Touch" 2011. Boldy hand signed by both, autographs are guaranteed 100% genuine. Trump has signed with what has now become an uncommon full "Donald J. Trump" signature. $185.00
TRUMP, Donald J. & KIYOSAKI, Robert T. Unused bookplate for their book "Midas Touch" 2011. Boldy hand signed by both, autographs are guaranteed 100% genuine. Trump has signed with what has now become an uncommon full "Donald J. Trump" signature. In MINT condition. These plates are over 13 years old. Multiple plates available. $185.00
45th President of the United States & his First Ladies
- TRUMP, Donald J., TRUMP, Melania, MAPLES, Marla, TRUMP, Ivana This collection consists of four 8”x10” photographs. SOLD
Make America “Grape” Again
- TRUMP, Donald J. Wonderful un-used “Trump, 2013, Sauvignon Blanc, Monticello” wine label Hand-signed, in person by Donald Trump during his visit to Colorado Springs, Colorado while on the campaign trail. SOLD
Signed by John Tyler and Daniel Webster
- TYLER, John & WEBSTER, Daniel Four language ships paper, permission given to Stephen Tubet for the Ship “Cicero”, 257 tons lying in New Bedford and bound for the Indian Ocean. Laden with Provisions, Stores and Utensils for a whaling voyage. Dated 20th Day of August 1842. In remarkably good shape with the choice signature of John Tyler and countersigned by Daniel Webster as Secretary of State. $1650.00
TYLER, John Free Frank on a folded panel, hand addressed by Tyler to B.B. French Esq. Attorney at law Washington DC. Postal cancellation “Hampton NY June 13.” Signed J. Tyler with a “Free” stamp to the left of his name. Nice clean cover. Together with a COA from The History Buff. $950.00
VAN BUREN, Martin Eighth President of the United States. Fabulous signature as Secretary of State. Slip measures seven inches long. SOLD
VAN BUREN, Martin Fine large signature “M. Van Buren” on a vellum slip affixed to a larger slip. SOLD
Father of His Country
- WASHINGTON, George Extremely desirable and seldom seen full ink signature “George Washington” affixed to a larger slip, overall measuring 1.5”x3”. Neatly cut from a larger document. Nice bold signature, fully legible. Encased in a PSA/DNA authentication open view plastic coffin. Together with a COA from Charles Hamilton and a PSA/DNA Letter of Authenticity Also included is an a.l.s. “ SOLD
First President of the United States
- WASHINGTON, George Discharge paper from the American Army for Philip Echorn, Soldier. As these papers were folded, many of these discharge papers are in poor condition. This example has some paper loss in the folds and around the blank edges. Repaired, strengthened with archival tape on verso. Signature somewhat lighter in a few letters but all readable. SOLD
Original 2 inch strand of hair from George Washington
- WASHINGTON, George One appx. 2 inch strand of hair from the head of George Washington. Placed inside a 2.5”x3” stainless steel frame. Comes complete the original signed Certification from Charles Hamilton dated July 12, 1992 and a copy of the original authentication written about 1845. The original hair was sold to Stephen Koschal and his Certification dated July 12, 1992 is also enclosed stating this is the hair handed directly to him by Charles Hamilton and it has not been tampered with. $775.00
Rare Presentation Inscription by LBJ
WHITE, William S. “The Professional Lyndon B. Johnson.” Houghton Mifflin Co. 1964. First Edition, First printing. Two hundred seventy-three pages. Very few of this title bears a GENUINE inscription/signature of Johnson. Most all were signed by his secretary while Johnson was President. $395.00
August 3, 1914 Great Britain Declares War on Germany
- WILSON, Woodrow Typed letter signed, one page on the imprinted stationery of The White House. September 24, 1914. To Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Hutchins c/o American Embassy, London, England. $850.00
Woodrow Wilson as President, Unusual
- WILSON, Woodrow Scarce autograph endorsement signed as President, “Approved and authorized, Woodrow Wilson” at the bottom of a letter to him from Harry A. Garfield, U.S. Fuel Administrator, June 6, 1918 (war time, just 3 months later, Russia surrenders its claim to Ukraine). This letter is requesting that $2,000 be authorized to reimburse officers for funds advanced from their own pockets. $750.00
WILSON, Woodrow Harris & Ewing Washington photograph, measures 8”x11” head and shoulders pose looking serious. A two-word sentiment and signature, undoubtedly as President, is at the lower light margin: “Cordially yours, Woodrow Wilson.” $695.00
Rare President Wilson Appoints A Woman
- WILSON, Woodrow Very handsome, partly printed document signed, as President. One page, oblong folio, Washington, August 2, 1915. Countersigned by Thomas Gregory, Attorney General. Large red paper seal of the department of justice affixed to the lower left corner. $575.00
Wilson, Woodrow Document signed, Washington, 25 June 1919, folio, appx. 18”x22”, appointment of Martin A. Morrison of Indiana a Civil Service Commissioner. Signed by Woodrow Wilson, as President and countersigned by Frank L. Polk, Acting Secretary of State. Polk represented the United States at the Peace Conference. $550.00
WILSON, Woodrow Twenty eighth President of the United States. Excellent signature on a slip. SOLD