- Entertainment
Scarce Signed Photograph of the Legendary Comedy Duo
ABBOTT, Bud & COSTELLO, Lou Vintage photo of the legendary comedy duo, 8"x10" both smartly dressed with Costello looking over Abbott's shoulder and smiling. Bud Abbott is looking quite serious and dressed in a mafia style looking suit. Inscribed using a fountain pen: "To Our Pal 'Elaine' From Your Pals" and signed by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. SOLD
ABBOTT, Bud & COSTELLO, Lou Vintage photo of a smiling Bud Abbott 8"x10" head and shoulders pose. Bud Abbott is looking quite handsome and smiling. Choice signature of Bud Abbott and surprisingly signed by Lou Costello. $850.00
ALLBRITTON, Louise Very uncommon vintage B&W photo, half length pose. Measures appx. 7.25”x9.” Inscribed and signed: “Vernon, Best wishes Louise Allbritton. $175.00
ALLEN, Rex Photograph, 8”x10”, half length pose dressed in his cowboy outfit with his gun drawn. Light tape shows through on corners from verso otherwise a fine example. Inscribed: “To Frank Rex Allen.”. $35.00
ANDERSON, Mary Wonderful photograph, 7”x9”, head and shoulders profile pose. Inscribed: “To Mabel, very best wishes Mary Anderson-Vitagraph 1914”. Photographer’s embossed imprint “Stacy, 5th Avenue & 9th Street, Brooklyn”. $125.00
ANDREWS, Dana Vintage 8”x10”, B&W, borderless photo, 20th Century Fox. Unusual head& shoulders pose sporting a moustache. $75.00
ANNABELLA Vintage B&W photograph, 7.5”x9” half length pose looking directly into the camera. Very boldly signed with a two word sentiment. $95.00
ARNOLD, Edward Photograph, 8”x10”, half length pose smiling. Signed with a one word sentiment: “Sincerely, Edward Arnold”. $95.00
ASHLEY, Edward Vintage photograph, 5”x7” head and shoulders pose boldly signed along with a three word sentiment: “With Best Wishes Edward Ashley.”. $75.00
ASTOR, Mary Excellent vintage movie still from the 1928 silent film “Romance of the Underworld”. Head & shoulders pose, 8”x10” inscribed and signed and dated “1980” with excellent contrast. A list of most of her movies have been written on the verso. $135.00
ASTOR, Mary Photograph, B&W (circa 1930’s) Movie Star Photos Venice, Cal. Measures 7.5”x9.5” head and shoulders pose looking quite serious. Very boldly signed and in V/G-Fine condition. $135.00
ASTAIRE, Fred Photograph of Astaire 8”x10”, B&W, full length pose dancing with Ginger Rogers. Boldly signed by Fred Astaire on the light portion of the photograph. $375.00
AVALON, Frankie Vintage photograph, closeup full face, B&W,8”X10” inscribed and signed in full. $55.00
AUTRY, Gene Beautiful B&W photograph, 7.5”x10” half-length pose ready to fire his gun. He is standing alongside his horse. Fabulous signature dated “1980” in his hand. $85.00
Rare Topless Josephine Baker Signed Photograph
BAKER, Josephine Photograph, 2.5x 3.5” by Walery, Paris. Full length pose, topless, her hands raised above her head. She is wearing only a necklace and a pair of shorts that resemble a cat’s face. Signed in full, with very good contrast. $695.00
BALANCHINE, George Great American Ballet Choreographer. Fantastic full signature on a blue 3”x5” card. SOLD
BALL, Lucille First Day of Issue Cover In Memoriam Eleanor Roosevelt. Fine cachet of Eleanor Roosevelt and affixed to this cover is a U.S. five cent Eleanor Roosevelt postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, Washington D.C. Oct 11, 1963. Boldly signed by Lucille Ball with a signature 4.25” long. $295.00.
BALL, Lucille Measures 7.5”x9”, head & shoulders pose looking quite serious. Inscribed and signed: To Vernon Hansen, Sincerely Lucille Ball.” Some of the inscription and signature are on the dark portion but easily readable when turned towards the light. In V/G condition. $225.00.
BANKHEAD, Tallulah Photograph, 5”x8”, head & shoulders pose. Boldly signed.. Dated on verso April 6, 1937 with photographer’s stamp “James Hargis Connelly Portrait- Chicago”. $175.00.
BANKHEAD, Tallulah B&W head and shoulders profile portrait. Measures 8”x10” inscribed and signed: For Vernon Hansen, All the Best From Tallulah Bankhead”. $160.00.
BANKHEAD, Tallulah Front cover of a Playbill for the Maplewood Theatre, Maplewood, New Jersey, week of July 6, 1942 presenting Tallulah Bankhead in "The Little Foxes". Across her portrait she has signed her full name adding "Best wishes". $125.00.
BARNES, Binnie Photograph, B&W, measures appx. 7.5”x9” beautiful full length pose in a white chiffon negligee, trimmed with white fox highlighted by a square buckle of topaz stones at the waistline designed by Edith Head. Signed : “Sincerely Binnie Barnes.” $47.50
She had relationships with David Niven and Bugsy Siegel
BARRIE, Wendy. Columbia Pictures photograph, Vintage, , B&W, full length pose, measures 7.5”x9’5”, sexy pose. Inscribed: “Hello Vernon, best wishes Wendy Barrie.” $225.00
BARRYMORE, Diana Very uncommon vintage photograph, 7.5”x9”, full length pose dressed in a beautiful outfit. Inscribed: “To Vernon, Diana Barrymore” $195.00
A Wonderful Menu
BARRYMORE, John Full Menu for “Monaco’s” Restaurant, January 20, 1940 where whole lobsters were $1.25. Ladies are requested “Not To Dance Together”. Signed on the back of the menu by John Barrymore. SOLD
Signed Just Months Before His Death
BARRYMORE, Lionel T.L.S., one page, on his name imprinted stationery, Chatsworth, CA. May 3, 1954. (Died 11/15/54). In part: “How very nice of you to send me a telegram on the occasion of my 76th birthday--it was so very heartening to know that you would take time out of your busy lives to wish me well on my Natal day--..” Signed in full, together with the original envelope and a fine portrait of Barrymore for framing. $275.00
BARRYMORE, Lionel Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed: “To Henry B. Nightengale with my appreciation and best wishes, Sincerely, Lionel Barrymore”. $185.00
Only 3’ 9” Tall
BARTY, Billy Publicity photo overall 8”x10”, B&W of Barty wearing a top hat and riding on a train. Hand signed with a two-word sentiment: “Best always, Billy Barty.” $65.00
Original "Batman" Poster, Signed
BATMAN Original single sided Batman movie poster. Warner Bros. 1989. Starring Michael Keaton as Batman. Jack Nicholson as the Joker and Kim Bassinger. Release date of the movie was June 1989. The film was a financial success grossing over four hundred million dollars. It was the 5th highest grossing film in history. It also won an Academy Award. Poster measures a large 28”x40” and has the original folds. Very boldly signed by Michael Keaton using a gold tip marker. Would look fabulous framed SOLD
BAXTER, Warner Photograph, 7”x9”, B&W, close up profile of Baxter lighting a cigarette. He has written: “Best wishes, Sincerely, Warner Baxter”. SOLD
BEATTY, Clyde Choice signature and sentiment on a card: “Thanks for asking, Clyde Beatty, Big Cage”. $85.00
BELLAMY, Ralph Attractive photo, 5”x7” half length pose. Signed in purple ink with a one word sentiment: “Sincerely, Ralph Bellamy” $110.00
The Lord of the Rings
BENZON, Jorn Attractive color photograph of Benzon on a The Lord of the Rings publicity photograph. Boldly signed in gold ink adding his part “Rumil” in his hand. $47.50
Three Notables on a Slip
BERGMAN, Ingrid, BENNY, Jack, TILTON, Martha All three signatures on the same slip. $165.00
BERGMAN, Ingrid Very nice head and shoulders portrait, smiling, B&W, 3.5”x5.5” and signed with a full perfect signature. $325.00
BERGMAN, Ingrid Involved in the major sex-scandal of 20th Century Hollywood. A few she had affairs with were Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Anthony Quinn, and Gregory Peck. Howard Hughes bought RKO as a present for her. Choice, bold signature on a slip. $195.00
Three Notables on a Slip
BERGMAN, Ingrid, BENNY, Jack, TILTON, Martha All three signatures on the same slip. $165.00
The Greatest Actress In The World
BERNHARDT, Sarah Involved in the major sex-scandal of 20th Century Hollywood. A few she had affairs with were Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Anthony Quinn, and Gregory Peck. Howard Hughes bought RKO as a present for her. Choice, bold signature on a slip. $195.00
BERRY, Wallace Fine full ink signature on a portion of an album page. Ample margins for matting and framing. $160.00.
BLACKSTONE, Harry Autograph quotation signed on an album page: “Success is work Plus Confidence, Plenty of It” “Harry Blackstone, The Magician.” $295.00
TThe Greatest Magician of His Day
BLACKSTONE, Harry Very scarce “Playbill” from the Cass Theatre, Feb. 1955. “Blackstone The Magician”, the front cover bears a portrait of Blackstone, full face, which he has inscribed and signed. Together with a photograph of Harry Blackstone, Jr. 8”x10”, B&W, inscribed, signed and dated “6-4-88”. $275.00
BLYTH, Anne Dazzling vintage 8”x10” B&W photograph. Three quarter length pose, smiling. Signed with a two word sentiment. $55.00.
BOLGER, Ray Very scarce autograph letter signed on his name imprinted stationery. $395.00.
BOLGER, Ray Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose as “The Scarecrow.” Together with an authentic piece of straw from Bolger’s “The Scarecrow” costume and a copy of Bolger’s autograph letter signed submitting the straw. $295.00.
BOLGER, Ray Handsome vintage photograph of a young Bolger, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed on the light background of the photograph thus offering excellent contrast. $165.00
BOLGER, Ray American actor best known for his part as “The Scarecrow” in the Wizard of Oz. Fine, large and bold signature inscribed “To Doug” on a slip. $110.00
BOLGER, Ray American actor best known for his part as “The Scarecrow” in the Wizard of Oz. Fine, large and bold signature on an irregularly cut slip. $87.50
Brother Of John Wilkes Booth
BOOTH, Edwin Fine ink signature dated Dec.21, 1872. SOLD
BOYD, William Portion of a postcard where he writes: “Good Luck and Best Wishes - ‘Hoppy’ William Boyd”. $225.00.
BREMER, Lucille MGM photo 7”x9” B&W half length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen Best Wishes, Lucille Bremer” $40.00.
Probably The Most Successful Character Actor In American Films
BRENNAN, Walter Vintage, sepia photograph, 8”x10”, head & shoulders pose, full face, smiling. Uncommon, early inscription, signed and dated by Brennan. “To Ruth and Wally, with best wishes always, Walter Brennan, 1941”. $350.00
JFK & RFK told Sinatra to tell Sammy Davis Not to marry her
BRITT, May Fabulous photo, B&W, 8”x10”, of a head & shoulders pose looking quite serious. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon from May Britt. $77.50
Very Scarce ORIGINAL Charles Bronson autograph
BRONSON, Charles Signed photograph, 8”x10”, B&W from “Bronson Death Wish 4, The Crackdown”. Portrait, half length pose of Bronson ready to shoot his M-16 during a gun battle in a video arcade. Cannon Films, 1987. Very boldly signed “Charles Bronson”. SOLD
Creature of the Black Lagoon when in the water
BROWNING, Ricoe Beautiful original pen sketch of “The Creature”, boldly signed in full. Overall size 8.5”x11” $225.00
Creature of the Black Lagoon when in the water
BROWNING, Ricoe Fabulous photograph, B&W, 8”x10” of Browning in Gill Man costume, coming out of the water. Boldly signed and in fine condition $137.50
BROWNING, Ricoe Beautiful original pen sketch of “The Creature”, boldly signed in full. Overall size 8.5”x11”. SOLD
BRUCE, Carol Universal Pictures photograph, B&W, 7”x9”, three quarter length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon With best wishes, Carol Bruce.” $55.00
BRUCE, David Vintage photograph, 5”x7” head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera and smiling Printed on the photograph “Best wishes David Bruce.” Just below he has written in fountain pen: “Vernon-Sorry to be so late-David Bruce.” SOLD
One of the Most Forged Hollywood Autographs
BRYNNER, Yul Glossy photograph, 8”x10” of Brynner, half length pose smiling. Inscribed: “Sue, Yul Brynner”. $125.00
Very Scarce Signatures of Vaudeville black dancers "Buck & Bubbles"
Michael Jackson named his Chimpanzee after Bubbles
BUCK, Ford L (1903-1955) African American vaudeville dancer and singer.
BUBBLES, John W. (1902-1986) African American vaudeville dancer and singer.
Yellow album page signed “Buck & Bubbles” by the hand of John W. Bubbles. Together with a B&W portrait of both. $95.00
Rare Letter From The Original Siamese Twins
BUNKER, Chang & Eng Manuscript letter signed, Mount Airy, N.C., Dec. 18th (n.y.). To J. Brown. They write: “We have been ill ever since our return from Europe and one of us-Chang-cannot use his hand so as to write. Eng writes for both, Chang & Eng Bunker.” From the noted collection of John Brown, Jr. In fine condition along with a portrait of the Bunker’s and a magazine article about a Bunker family reunion. SOLD
BURKE, Billie Vintage photograph 7.5”x9.25” head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “with my love to lovely Mr. (?) yours truly Billie Burke.” $147.50
BURKE, Billie Best known as Glinda the Good Witch of the North in the Wizard of Oz (1939). $125.00
Scarce Signed Cover of a Script for Ironside
BURR, Raymond Front cover of the Script Ironside The Over-The -Hill Blues.Production # 40310, June 25, 1974. Boldly signed by Raymond Burr. In addition it appears two others have signed one being Don McDougall (1917-1991) Director of Ironside and dozens of other TV series such as Rin Tin Tin, Dukes of Hazzard, Amazing Spider Man, Wonder Woman, Dallas, Planet of the Apes and more. $135.00
BURR, Raymond Choice signature on a slip with ample margins for framing $37.50
BURTON, Lance Fabulous black & white photograph, 8"x10" of Burton holding a deck of cards. Bold signature. $27.50
BURTON, Richard Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose inscribed with a two word sentiment: “Good wishes, Richard Burton”. $350.00
BURTON, Richard First Day Cover commemorating Carl Sandburg. Cachet of a profile of Carl Sandburg, affixed is a USA 13 cent Carl Sandburg postage stamp cancelled Galesburg, IL First Day of Issue, JAN 6 1978. Boldly signed “Richard Burton” in red ink. $175.00
BYRNES, Ed B&W, 8”x10”, boldly signed. $40.00
CAGNEY, James Very rare autograph letter signed on the imprinted stationery of his farm in New York State. One and a quarter pages, Oct. 11, 1966 $375.00
CAGNEY, James Vintage B&W photograph 7.25”x9” head & shoulders pose of a smiling actor. $275.00
CAGNEY, James Original crayon art work in color of a house, tree, sun and blue sky. It is reported that Cagney crudely drew this item for a young boy that was hospitalized in Philadelphia. Boldly autographed by Cagney with a huge signature. He used a ball point pen. $195.00
CAGNEY, James Movie still of Cagney along with a female actress, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose, signed “James Cagney”. SOLD
Murdered, Shot Three Times In The Head
CALLAHAN, Bill Vintage photograph, 3.5x5.5, postcard, of a head and shoulders pose, smiling, looking directly into the camera. Boldly signed in fountain pen: “To Vernon Best wishes Bill Callahan.” . $145.00
One of Canada’s Greatest Actors
CANDY, John Black and white, 8”x10” of Candy standing with Ally Sheedy from the movie “Only The Lonely” (1991). Boldly signed. $225.00
- CANDY, John Choice signature “John Candy” on a 3"x5” card. Quite uncommon in genuine signatures as many forgeries appear on the market. $125.00
CANDY, John One of Canada’s greatest and funniest character actors. Choice signature “John Candy” on a 3"x5”card. Quite uncommon in genuine signatures as many forgeries appear on the market. In very fine condition SOLD
CANDY, John One of Canada’s greatest and funniest character actors. Choice signature “John Candy” on a 3"x5”card. Quite uncommon in genuine signatures as many forgeries appear on the market. In very fine condition SOLD
CANTOR, Eddie Vintage 8”x10” photo, head & shoulders pose, looking very distinguished in a suit and tie. Inscribed and signed: “To Ruth, Good Wishes, Eddie Cantor”.. $175.00
CANTOR, Eddie Vintage 8”x10” photo, head & shoulders pose, looking very distinguished in a suit and tie. Inscribed and signed: “To Ruth, Good Wishes, Eddie Cantor”.. $175.00
Send a ‘DIME’ to FDR in The White House
CANTOR, Eddie He invented the name “March of Dimes” and asked people to mail a dime to FDR in The White House. The White House mail room was inundated with dimes. Choice signature on a slip. $37.50
CARERE, Christine Vintage photograph, head and shoulders pose, full face. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon from Christine with all my love! Christine Carere.” $55.00
CARROLL, Madeleine Stunning photograph, 7”X9”, half length pose with a slight smile. Signed:“Best wishes Madeleine Carroll.” $175.00
CARROLL, Madeleine Stunning photograph, 7”x9”, head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hanse with my best wishes Madeleine Carroll.” $157.50
CARROLL, Madeleine Stunning photograph ,7.5”x9”, three quarter length pose smiling. Dressed in a formal afternoon gown. A heavy black crepe dress designed by Edith head. Signed with a two word sentiment; “Best wishes Madeleine Carroll.” $167.50
CHAPLIN, Charles & CHAPLIN, Lita Grey Choice signature “Charles Chaplin” on a 3”x5” card. On the verso in pencil states “Rec’d Feb.1972.” On a matching 3”X5” card his ex-wife writes: “Very best wishes Lita Grey Chaplin.” It is said the Charles Chaplin card was sent to Lita Grey Chaplin to sign but she returned it and signed a separate card. The matching cards. $675.00
CHAPLIN, Charlie & CHAPLIN, Oona
CHAPLIN, Charlie & CHAPLIN, Oona First Day of Issue cover commemorating Eleanor Roosevelt. Cachet of Eleanor Roosevelt and affixed to this cover is a U.S. 5 cent Eleanor Roosevelt postage stamp cancelled Washington D.C. OCT 11, 1963. Signed by both Charlie Chaplin and Oona Chaplin. In fine condition. $875.00
A choice combination of Chaplin and Coogan
CHAPLIN, Charles & COOGAN, JackieChoice vintage signatures of both Charles Chaplin and Jackie Cogan both with ample margins for framing. $850.00
Creature of the Black Lagoon when out of the water
CHAPMAN, Ben Copy of his contract to play Gill Man in “The Creature From The Black Lagoon.” Chapman has signed: “Aloha Joel, B.F. Chapman Jr.”. $55.00
CHONG, Tommy Wonderful, vintage signature of Tommy Chong on a 3“x5“ card.. He draws a marijuana cigarette after his name. $35.00
Scarce Genuine Signed Photo Miss India and Miss World
(Jonas) CHOPRA, Priyanka Color photograph, 8’x10” three quarter length wearing a bathing suit. Hand signed with a scarce genuine signature. $75.00
CLAIR, Rene Fine signature on a card where a collector has affixed his portrait. $150.00
CODY, Iron Eyes Known as “The Crying Indian”, he starred in the famous 1970’s anti-littering TV commercials.Fabulous, glossy 8”x10” photo of Cody in costume wearing an elaborate headdress. Inscribed, signed and dated: “Iron Eyes Cody, 1980, Bob Orth”. $100.00
COLBERT, Claudette Photograph 7.5”x9”, full length pose wearing the frills of the early 1900’s. She sings and dances in Paramount’s Zaza. The picture is antique in setting but has the charm and vivacity of the theater in its heyday. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen all good wishes from Claudette Colbert.”. $160.00
COLBERT, Claudette Photograph, 7.5”x9” lovely full- length portrait of Colbert from the film “Zaza.” She is wearing the frills of the early 1900’s. She sings and dances the can-can. Inscribed: “To Vernon Hansen, Best wishes from Claudette Colbert. $125.00
COLBERT, Claudette Photograph 7.5”x9”, full length pose from Paramount’s Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife. Her dress is designed by Travis Banton. Narrow rows of “val” lace accent the front of her skirt. Short puffed sleeves introduces a fragile pleated treatment. A broad brimmed hat of pale blue milan, short white gloves and a large white envelope purse completes the outfit. Signed with a one word sentiment: “Sincerely Claudette Colbert.”. $95.00
COLBERT, Claudette Photograph 7.5”x9”, full length pose from Paramount’s Zaza. She wears the frills of the early 1900’s, sings and dances the can-can in which she stars. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen Best wishes from Claudette Colbert.” SOLD
America's Most Distinguished Show
COLE, James M. James M. Cole became a circus legend. Typed letter signed on his ornate, colorful letterhead. December 18, 1945. Fine circus content regarding getting back from a show and mentioning a few problems. In part he writes: “ really is some job getting this opery (operation) ready, but I love it..” Signed “Jim” $125.00
COLLINS, Joan Vintage B&W 20th Century Fox photograph, 8”X10”. Full length sexy side pose in a bathing suit. Inscribed and signed: To Vernon my Best wishes Joan Collins.” $145.00
Scarce Signed Photo of One of Hollywood's Top Stars
COMPSON, Betty Photograph, 8”x10” full face looking directly into the camera. A most unusual portrait. Beautifully inscribed and signed: “To Anna Patrick, Sincerely yours, Betty Compson”. $185.00
CONKLIN, Chester Conklin worked very closely with Charles Chaplin in silent and sound films. Choice bold signature on a slip with ample margins for framing. $110.00
Uncommon Vintage Signed Photograph
CONNERY, Sean Photograph of a very young Sean Connery, 4”x5.5”, B&W, full face, smiling. Signed and inscribed with a sentiment “For Richard, with good wishes, Sean Connery. SOLD
CONNORS, Chuck Photo, B&W, 8”x10” as Lucas McCain in the Rifleman (1958-63). The show ran for 168 episodes. Signed with green ink along with a sentiment. SOLD
Hugh Hefner’s Second Wife
CONRAD, Kimberly Color portrait, 8”x10.5” topless and bottomless, from Playboy Magazine, June 1989. Inscribed and signed: “To Robert, Best wishes, Kimberly Conrad.” Inscribed and signed once again on the verso of another topless and bottomless photo $49.95
COOPER, Gary Candid vintage original one of a kind “Brownie” photograph, half length pose wearing a suit and hat. He was caught getting out of his automobile. Signed: “Best wishes, Gary Cooper”. $550.00
One of a Kind Original Sketch by Jack Rosen
COOPER, Gary Original caricature by the noted artist Jack Rosen. During WWII, Rosen sketched the portraits of over 25,000 hospitalized servicemen. Image area appx. 6”x10” in color, head and shoulders pose, profile of Cooper. Cooper has signed his name in full with a huge signature up the left hand margin. Very attractive for framing. $450.00
Rare A.L.S. of Gary Cooper
COOPER, Gary Autograph letter signed, one page, no date. SOLD -
COOPER, Jackie Candid vintage original one of a kind “Brownie” photograph, half length pose wearing a suit and hat. He was caught getting out of his automobile. Signed: “Best wishes, Gary Cooper”. $100.00
CORNELL. Katherine Vintage photograph, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose, clasping her hands and looking a bit sad. Inscribed and signed: “Vernon Hansen Best Wishes Katherine Cornell.” $125.00
Convicted sex offender
COSBY, Bill Attractive silk cachet of W.C. Fields, affixed is a W.C. Fields US 15 cent postage stamp, cancelled First Day of Issue, Beverly Hills, CA JAN 29, 1980. Choice hand signed signature of Bill Cosby. $37.50
COSTELLO, Dolores Vintage photograph, 7.5”x9”, head and shoulders pose, smiling. Signed with a three word sentiment: “with kindest thoughts Dolores Costello.” $175.00
COSTELLO, Lou Fabulous publicity photograph, 8’X10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, full face, close-up looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed on the clear area of the background: “To Janet, Love & Kisses, Lou Costello”. Copyright 1945, Universal pictures Co., Inc. $395.00
CRAIG, James RKO Radio Pictures vintage photograph, B&W, 7.5”x9” of Craig riding a horse in a western scene. Signed with a two word sentiment: “Best Wishes James Craig,”. $85.00
Pioneer in Female Superheroes
CRAIG, Yvonne & WEST, Adam Wonderful off camera frequent visitor on the Batman set is Sebastian, a Yorkshire terrier belonging to Craig. Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, full length of Craig as Batgirl holding her beloved terrier. She has signed: “Love Yvonne Craig Batgirl.” Together with an 8”x10” B&W photograph, full length of Adam West as Batman. Signed: “A.West.” $150.00
CRAIN, Jeanne Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon All good wishes, Jeanne Crain.” Not common in signed vintage photographs.. $100.00
CRANE, Fred Black & White photo from GWTW showing Crane along with Vivian Leigh and George Reeves (later who played Superman). Inscribed: “To Robert Keylon from Brent Tarlton, Scarlet O’Hara and Stuart Tarleton – Gone With The Wind 1939-Fred Crane (Brent).”. $127.50
CRANE, Richard Vintage photograph, borderless, B&W, 7.25”x9” half length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Sincerely Richard Crane. $125.00
CRAWFORD, Broderick Wonderful card stock vintage photograph, 7.5”x9.5”, B&W, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed in fountain pen: “To Vernon- Good Luck and everything else from Broderick Crawford.” SOLD
Scarce Vintage Photograph
CRAWFORD, Joan MGM Vintage photograph, 7.5”x9.5”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, looking to the side and smiling. Boldly inscribed and signed: “To Edith from Joan Crawford”. SOLD
CRAWFORD, Joan Wonderful MGM vintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W half length pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen from Joan Crawford.” SOLD
CRAWFORD, Joan Vintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W half length pose of the actress behind a chain link fence and looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen from Joan Crawford.” SOLD
CRAWFORD, Joan Vintage MGM photograph, borderless, 7”x9” full length pose extravagant outfit, full length pose inscribed: “Happy Easter Vernon Hansen from Joan Crawford.” $225.00
CRAWFORD, Joan Vintage MGM photograph, borderless, 7”x9” full length pose leaning on a statue. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen Gratefully, Joan Crawford.” $177.50
CRAWFORD, Joan Uncommon autograph letter signed on her name imprinted stationery. “Dear Doug- Thank you for the photograph of the “Skates” from “Ice Follies.” Enclosed are your autographs. Thank you too, for being my friend. Joan Crawford.”. $175.00
CRAWFORD, Joan Photograph, B&W, head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Richard from Joan Crawford”. Her signature is almost seven inches long. $135.00
Fine content letter From Joan Crawford
CRAWFORD, Joan Typed letter signed on her name imprinted letterhead. May 19, 1971 to Dear Richard. She writes in part: “...I’m so happy that you enjoyed seeing me on the Merv Grifffin’s Show. My book will be published in the fall. At the present time, we are not sure of the title, but I think it will be: “Joan Crawford - My Way Of Life”. Yes, I’ll be glad to autograph your copy of the book...”. $75.00
CRAWFORD, Joan Typed letter signed on her name imprinted letterhead. Dated January 23, 1971, responding to a request for the addresses of Gloria Swanson and Bette Davis. Choice signature five and one half inches long. Together with a very scarce busty topless, reproduced photograph of Crawford. SOLD
CRISP, Donald Choice, early pencil signature on a slip with the word “Title” and “Bright Leaf.” This 1950’s film he appeared with Gary Cooper. $87.50
CROSBY, Bing Fine cachet on an old movie camera and affixed to this cover is a US 3 cent 50th Anniversary of Motion Pictures postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, New York OCT 31, 1944. Hand signed with his desirable full signature, Bing Crosby, the same year he won the Academy Award. $225.00
CROTHERS, Scatman Choice photograph, black and white, 8”x10” half length pose smiling. Boldly inscribed in red ink; ‘To Robert Orth- Sincerely- Scat Man Crothers Louie 1976.” $95.00
CUSHING, Peter Vintage photograph (1940) B&W,.8”x10” head and shoulders pose in military uniform smoking a cigarette. This portrait is of Cushing playing the part of Capt. Evans in Women In War (1940). Inscribed and signed in 1940: “Vernon- Thank you and Good Luck yours sincerely Peter Cushing.”. SOLD
ST. CYR, Lili Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, topless, full length pose lying down. Titled “Naked Maja” from her performance at the Windmill Theatre in London. $125.00
DAHL, Arlene Photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, Full face looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen with sincere regards Arlene Dahl.”. $27.50
DAILY, Dan Vintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed: “To Connie Best Wishes Dan Daily.”. $77.50
DARNELL, Linda Photograph, 8”x10” Bust pose smiling. Signed with a one word sentiment: “Sincerely Linda Darnell.”. $195.00
DARNELL, Linda Photograph, borderless 7"x9" very leggy pose, full length dressed in a Victorian dress sitting on a couch. She is looking directly into the camera and smiling. Inscribed and signed: "To Vernon, Sincerely Linda Darnell." $250.00
DAVIES, Marion Mistress of William Randolph Hearst. Matte finish photograph, 8’’x10”, bust pose smiling. Signed with a one-word sentiment: “Sincerely Marion Davies.”. $175.00
DAVIES, Marion Lists all the extras with delivery to be made on 6/19/1930. Also signed by the Isotta Motors Manager. On the verso Isotta Motors agrees to arrange for service in Paris, France and Milan, Italy for Miss Marion Davies, signed once again by the company manager. SOLD
DAVIS, Bette Boldly signed with her vintage signature (late 1930’s) “Bette Davis as Empress Carlotta in Juarez.”. SOLD
DAVIS, Bette Vintage photograph, B&W, 7”x9”, full length elegant pose, smiling. A scene from ‘Mr. Skeffington” (1944). His status as a Jew in 1914 high society which ran into Nazi Germany. Inscribed: Vernon Hansen from Bette Davis.” . $185.00
DAVIS, Bette Vintage photograph, B&W, 7”x9”, full length elegant pose, wearing a richly embroidered gown and looking quite serious. A scene from Juarez, boldly signed. $195.00
DAVIS, Bette Vintage photograph, B&W, 7”x9”, half length elegant pose, sitting and quite serious. Signed "Bette Davis" adding in her hand "as Regina in Little Foxes". $185.00
Important Content Letter
DAVIS, Bette Uncommon T.L.S. on her name imprinted letterhead, April 11th 1939. To: “Dear Vernon Hansen: Davis writes in part: “...I do want to point out to you that your statement regarding receiving a picture of me from the Studio with a printed signature, is quite incorrect! I have never sent out photographs with a ‘printed signature’ – all my pictures are sent out with my personal signature, and do not come from my STUDIO. They have never attended to my fan mail! Cordially Bette Davis.” Apparently, this letter was also typed by Bette Davis as she has made five corrections by her hand. $175.00
DAVIS, Bette Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “For Richard Butler, from Bette Davis”. $100.00
DAVIS, Bette Choice, bold signature on a slip. $65.00
Bold Vintage Signature from the legendary actor. Increasingly
scarce autograph, and this one is an exceptional example. SOLD
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Her Thank You card signed with her initials adding in her hand: “And with apologies for the delay.” $35.00
Gave Sinatra’s First Screen Kiss
DE HAVEN, Gloria Beautiful photograph, B&W, 7.5”X9”, full length pose looking simply beautiful. Two-word sentiment signed: “Best of Luck Gloria DeHaven.” . $55.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Los Gatos, Calif. February 4, 1977. To Robert Orth, Curator of American Film Archives. Nice content letter in part: “...forwarded to me here where I am spending a few weeks between TV engagements—the first of which was an appearance on AND THE WINNER IS, to be broadcast at 9 p.m., February 13, by ABC.” $75.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, January 29, 1982. To Robert Orth, Curator of American Film Archives. In part: Â "...Through some curious mischance, two very kind letters from you bearing birthday greetings in past years, as well as a charming Christmas card, have only just come into my hands...I regret the tardiness of this reply...” Choice signature. Together with the original envelope. $75.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, December 1, 1982. To Robert Orth she writes in part: “On my return to Paris after filming the CBS special “CHARLES AND DIANA, A ROYAL ROMANCE”, I found awaiting me your attractive card...How kind you are to have remembered the day, and how much pleasure your welcome good wishes have brought me....” Very fine dark ink signature. Together with the original envelope. $85.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, July 22, 1983. To Robert Orth she writes in part: “Your delightful birthday card, together with its thoughtful greetings, pleased me so much. Thank you for remembering the day....may this fruitful season bring you renewal and refreshment.”. $65.00
de HAVILLAND, OliviaTyped letter signed, one page, Paris, France, July 13, 1984 to Bob Orth. Nice response to birthday greetings. $65.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, September 14, 1988 to Robert Orth. She writes: “After a long absence in the United States, it was a most delightful surprise to find awaiting me here your birthday greetings. I much appreciated this kind remembrance and send you, together with my thanks, my very, very best wishes.” A wonderful signature. Together with the original envelope. $75.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, July 17, 1989 to Robert Orth. A fine letter responding to birthday wishes. Fine signature together with the original envelope, heavily stamped. $65.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, July 22, 1992 to Bob Orth. A fine letter sending thanks for birthday wishes. Signed with a fabulous signature measuring five and a half inches long. Together with the original envelope $67.50
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Typed letter signed, one page, Paris, France, no date, to a Friend. Interesting letter: “It is with great regret that I return to you, unopened, your envelope. During a long interval it has been safely stored in a room set aside for this special purpose - as family illnesses, requiring all my time and care, prevented my giving to it the attention it deserved. Now another primary obligation keeps me from responding to my mail as I would like to do: the writing of my autobiography which, after so many sad interruptions, I am now able to resume. I know you will understand and that you will wish me well in the demanding task which I have undertaken...” Boldly signed together with the original envelope postmarked Paris 18-9-95. One mild repair with tape not affecting the type $85.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Uncommon autograph letter signed, one full page, Paris, July 24, 1979 to Dear Mr. Orth. She writes: “Many, many thanks for your kind birthday greetings. I so much appreciated your remembering the day. With my every good wish, Most Sincerely.” Wonderful signature together with her hand addressed envelope. $125.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Uncommon autograph letter signed, one full page, Paris, July 21, 1977 to Dear Mr. Orth. She writes: “Many thanks indeed for your kind greeting on my birthday. I greatly appreciated this thoughtful remembrance. With my very good wish, Most Sincerely.” Very nice signature together with the original attractive envelope. $125.00
Very Rare Original Self-Portrait
de HAVILLAND, Olivia An exceedingly rare original self-portrait on a 4”x6” card. Inscribed: “For Shaun Nunnally from Olivia de Havilland, Paris, July 25, 1989.” In excellent condition with the original envelope. $150.00
Olivia de Havilland’s Personal Handkerchief, Signed
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Her personal attractive handkerchief, with embroidered flowers at each end and measuring approximately 13” square. Hand signed by Olivia de Havilland with a huge signature measuring seven inches long. Fine condition except for original folds $125.00
One of a Kind Original Brownie Type Photo, Signed
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, Brownie camera type, of Olivia de Havilland with a gentleman, signed. Measures 2.5”x3.5”. Fine condition $125.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, 3.5”x5” of Olivia signed on the lower white margin with a three-word sentiment. Fine condition. $85.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 4”x6” of Olivia as Melanie Hamilton in Gone With the Wind. Inscribed and signed on the lower white margin: “For Lara Yates, every good wish, Olivia de Havilland.” Very fine condition. $125.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 3.5”x5” of Olivia from Gone With the Wind. Choice sentiment and signature: “Very best wishes from Melanie and Olivia de Havilland.”. SOLD
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” bust pose of a young Olivia de Havilland. Very boldly signed. $165.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” middle aged half-length pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed on the lower white margin: “For Robert Orth- All good wishes- Olivia de Havilland.” Fine condition. $165.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” of Olivia, three quarters length pose in an elaborate dress, sitting on a couch in Gone With the Wind. Signed. $175.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” of Olivia in Gone With the Wind. Looking slightly to her left, smiling, and holding a fan. Signed with a three-word sentiment. SOLD
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” of Olivia as Melanie Hamilton in Gone With The Wind. Fabulous full-length portrait in an elaborate dress with her hands clasped. $175.00
de HAVILLAND, Olivia Photograph, Vintage, B&W, 8”x10” of Olivia half length pose looking quite serious and looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Leo, Bing, and Jules, Every good wish and happiness. Olivia de Havilland.”. $175.00
DeCarlo, Yvonne Photograph, 7.25x9” of a sexy, glamorous DeCarlo with a slight smile. Inscribed: “The very best to Vernon Hansen Yvonne DeCarlo.” SOLD
DEL RIO, Dolores Vintage, glossy, circa late 1930’s photo, bust head and shoulders pose 7.5”x9”, full face sporting a beautiful smile, two word sentiment signed with a large signature. $125.00
DEL RIO, Dolores Vintage, photo, head and shoulders pose, shoulders wrapped in fur, 5”x7.5” D’Gaggeri Studio, Beverly Hills, California. Inscribed to Vernon Hansen, Cordially Dolores Del Rio.”. $75.00
DENNING. Richard Handsome vintage 1940’s photograph, 7.5”x9”, B&W half length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “To Vernon, Sincerely yours, Dick Denning.” $185.00
DENNING. Richard Handsome vintage 1940’s photograph, 7.5”x9”, B&W, three quarter shirtless pose holding onto a rafter in a construction site. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon, sincerely, Dick Denning.” $185.00
DENNING. Richard Handsome vintage 1940’s photograph, 7.5”x9”, B&W, three quarter shirtless pose dressed as Tarzan. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “To Vernon- Sincerely, Dick Denning.” SOLD
DIETRICH, Marlene Vintage eye-catching photograph, appx. 7.5”X9.25”, taken by Sherman Clark, Universal Pictures. Outstanding full-length pose, dressed in a U.S. Navy uniform and looking quite boyish. She is holding a cigarette. Boldly signed. $295.00
DIETRICH, Marlene Vintage uninscribed breathtaking, lavish photograph, Paramount Pictures, 7.5”X9.5” full length pose and smoking a cigarette. $295.00
DIETRICH, Marlene Vintage photograph, appx. 7.5”x9.5”, simply a stunning full-length pose wearing an ornate hat and dress. Choice vintage signature with nice contrast. $250.00
DILLON, Matt Choice B&W photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose. Boldly inscribed and signed: “To Ken: all the best, Matt Dillon”. $75.00
Possibly One of a Kind
DOUGLAS, Kirk His book “The Gift” Warner Books, First Printing, September 1992. By special request at a Florida bookstore in 1992 Douglas was asked to sign this book on the title page with his birth name. In mint condition with the dust jacket. SOLD
DOVE, Billie Attractive vintage 8”x10” photograph, head and shoulders pose, full face, smiling. Inscribed and signed to the president of American Film Archives: “To Robert Orth-God bless! Billie Dove.” $95.00
MGM's Queen of Character Actresses
DRESSLER, Marie Typed letter signed, one page on her name imprinted stationery. December 14, 1933. $150.00
Very Scarce A.l.S. of actor James Drury, To a Reverend he says “Happy Con Game”
DRURY, James On the back of a letter from a collector claiming to be a Reverend requesting a signed photo, Drury writes: “Rev, Ken, Autograph Pictures are $20.00 U.S. + shipping and handling. I resent the form letter with my name added. April 18 was my 79th Birthday. Happy Con Game THEVIRGINIAN.NET.”. $85.00
DUNA, Steffi Quite scarce vintage photograph of the attractive Duna in a dance pose, full length, measures 7”x9” inscribed; ‘To Vernon Hansen, good wishes your Steffi Duna.”. $125.00
DUNAWAY, Faye Attractive photograph of Dunaway, full face, looking serious and directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed with an early signature: “To Robert Orth with best wishes Faye Dunaway.”. $87.50
The Amazing Dunninger
DUNNINGER, John A very scarce autograph letter signed on ornate letterhead, Cliffside Park, New Jersey, no date but original envelope, hand addressed and postmarked 8 October 1966. To Mr. Paul F. Hoag, Dunninger writes: “Happy to see you at any time. Don’t wait for the cold weather. Regards to Mrs. H- and yourself. Love, D.”. $250.00
World Famous Magician
DUNNINGER, Joseph Typed letter signed on his name imprinted letterhead, March 2, 1970 to Wayne Bramble. Dunninger writes to a collector about making an appointment to see Dunninger’s autograph collection which was for sale. $125.00
Sends a Gift of an Original Tie
DURANTE, Jimmy Wonderful, typed letter signed on stationery of his image, stamped in the top left corner. March 5, 1971. He types in part: “Thanks a million for your wonderful letter and believe me from the bottom of my heart I am really sorry you were disappointed. I am enclosing tie I have worn as you requested, and I hope it brings you happiness......Love ‘n kisses.” Signed with an extra fine bold signature Jimy Durante. Original Durante tie included. $125.00
DURANTE, Jimmy Early comedian who appeared in Burlesque, radio, television, and films. Choice, bold signature on a slip. Together with a fabulous color photograph. $45.00
DURBIN, Deanna Photograph, 7.5”x9.25” full- length pose, smiling. Inscribed: “To Vernon Hansen Best of Luck! Deanna Durbin. $100.00
DURBIN, Deanna Lovely photograph, 7.5”x9.5”, head and shoulders pose/ Inscribed: “To Ruth-good luck! Deanna Durbin”. SOLD
Magician, Who Succeeded Houdini as President of
The Society of American Magicians
ERNST, Bernard M.L. Very scarce autograph letter signed, one page on the letterhead of The Society of American Magicians, Bernard M.L. Ernst, President. March 1, 1937, Ernst writes several lines responding to an autograph request. $125.00
FAIRBANKS, JR., Douglas Vintage portrait of the three actors in uniform bearing pistols and swords atop of a fort from the movie Gunga Din, 8"x11" inscribed and signed: To Ray Bravo, from once-upon-a-time "Sargeant Ballantine Douglas Fairbanks." A few minor creases otherwise in V/G condition. $125.00
Very Scarce Vintage Douglas Fairbanks Sr. Signed Photograph
FAIRBANKS SR., Douglas Vintage photograph of the handsome star, head and shoulders pose, 3.25”x6” signed in fountain pen. Although the signature is across his suit it is easily readable. $250.00
FAIRBANKS, Douglas Fabulous bold fountain pen signature affixed to a larger slip. $125.00
FAIRBANKS JR, Douglas Choice signature on a label with gold trim edges. $24.50
FARROW, Mia Very uncommon vintage photograph of the young actress, head and shoulders pose smiling. Measures 7.5”x9.5”. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Sincerely Mia Farrow (I don’t like this picture much) but if you like it OK. with me.” She has added a Smiley Face. $110.00
FAYE, Alice Very attractive close-up full face B&W photograph, measuring 7.5”x9” inscribed and signed in dark green ink: “To Vernon-Best wishes Alice Faye.”. $85.00
Greatest Italian Film Director Of His Time
His Film La Dolce Vita Condemned By The Vatican
FELLINI, Federico Typed letter signed on his name imprinted stationery. Roma, 14/11/1970 to Marshall E. Bean. Sends thanks for a picture of pupils and sends along a drawing which is not enclosed. $100.00
FETCHIT, Stephin Printed promotional postcard, signed photo, B&W, matte finish, half length portrait. Boldly signed in green ink across his image. $150.00
FIELD, Kate Autograph letter signed, one page, May 17, 1869, Westminster Hotel, New York. She writes: “Will the Editor of The Evening Press be good enough to send Miss Field a copy of the paper containing a criticism of her lecture as delivered in Brooklyn? The Editor’s compliance will greatly oblige Miss Fields.†$37.50
FITZGERALD, Geraldine Attractive photograph 7.5”x9.5”, bust pose looking serious. Warners Brothers Pictures photo, inscribed and signed: To Vernon with Best Wishes Geraldine Fitzgerald.” $75.00
FLYNN, Errol He was the screen’s swashbuckler and remembered for his part of Robin Hood in the film “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (1938). A choice and desirable signature with ample margins for framing on a slip.” $325.00
FONG, Benson American character actor who played Charlie Chan’s number 3 son in a half dozen 1940’s films. He also played parts as a Japanese wartime villain. Choice signature with a two-word sentiment on a label with gold trim. $37.50
FONTEYN, Margot Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, vintage three quarter length pose in costume. Boldly signed in full across the center of the photograph. English photographer’s imprint on the verso. This item is from the Dance collection of Arthur Todd. $195.00
FORD, Glenn Vintage Bruno of Hollywood vintage photograph, B&W, 7.5”x9.5” half length pose smiling. Beautifully inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “To Vernon- with my very best wishes Glenn Ford.” $40.00
FORREST, Steve Vintage MGM photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, half length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “For Vernon Best Wishes Steve Forrest.” $125.00
FRANKLIN, Frederick Handsome vintage Maurice Seymour photograph, borderless, 7.5”x9” head and shoulders pose looking somewhat serious. Beautifully inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “For Vernon Hansen Sincerely Frederick Franklin." $45.00
Inscribed to the Famous French Cinematic Trade Paper
BOOTH, Edwin Fine ink signature dated Dec.21, 1872. $125.00
Original One of a Kind Judy Garland
Gable, Clark Outstanding vintage MGM photograph of Gable, head and shoulders pose of the very young looking actor. He is looking directly into the camera sporting a slight smile. Inscribed: “To Cine Miroir, best wishes always, Clark Gable”. Possibly the earliest signed photo of Gable that we have had the pleasure of handling. Cine Miroir began publishing in May 1922 ending in 1953. $1,250.00
GABOR, Eva Attractive photograph, 7.5”X9.25”, head and shoulders pose inscribed and signed; “To Vernon Hansen- with good wishes and sincerely- Eva Gabor.” $95.00
GARDNER, Ava Lovely and striking B&W photograph, full face, closeup appx. 7.5”x9.5”. Inscribed and signed: ”To Robert Orth Best Wishes Ava Gardner.” Stamped on verso “Jul 23, 1974.” $225.00
GARDNER, Ava Glossy photo, 5”x7” of Gardner aboard a cruise vessel shaking hands with the officers. Signed in full. $125.00
Dead at the Early Age of 39
GARFIELD, John Sepia photograph, 8”x10”, near half length pose of a smiling Garfield dressed in a sailor’s uniform. An attractive, close-up pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: ‘To Ruth, For Victory! John Garfield”. $595.00
GARFIELD, John Vintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose inside a studio. Signed with a two word sentiment in fountain pen: “Best wishes John Garfield.” $325.00
Signed by 18 Year Old Judy Garland
GARLAND, Judy Full length pose, smiling. Very boldly signed. Quite scarce to find a photograph of Garland that she didn’t inscribe. This photo is truly a treasure for the advanced collector and these cast images are a desirable prize. In V/G condition. The number “8482” is stamped in purple ink on the verso. $2250.00
One of a Kind
GARLAND, Judy Original one of a kind snapshot taken with a Brownie camera most likely in the forties. A young somewhat chubby Garland, half-length pose taken in front of a coffee shop, Signed in full, contrast just good with signature entirely legible. $675.00
Vintage Photograph of Judy Garland
Inscribed to Clark Gable With Letter of Authenticity From A Gable Family Member
GARLAND, Judy OVintage, MGM photograph, 8”x10”, full length pose of a very young, smiling Judy Garland. She is dressed in a knee length coat with velvet collar and wearing a hat. Her hand is placed on a table and she is looking a little away from the camera. Her shadow appears on the wall behind her. Inscribed and signed mostly on the light portion of the background of the photograph. “To Mr. Gable, with love, Judy Garland”. SOLD
GARSON, Greer Vintage photograph, early 1940’s, 8”X10”, half-length pose looking quite serious. Uncommon as it is simply signed and not inscribed. $175.00
GARSON, Greer Very scarce autograph letter signed on the verso of a postcard of her ranch in New Mexico. Oct. 1972 Forked Lightning Ranch to Doug Dunlap. She writes: “This is our mountain outpost. Historic Indian pueblo, the Pecos River, adobe Spanish villages, ruins of early settlement along the Sante Fe trail. Sangre de Cristo mountains all around, these pictures make it a lovely place to live and work. A working cattle ranch, pioneering in the Purebred (?) Santa Gertrudis breed.” Signed with her full signature Greer Garson Fogelson. $175.00
GARSON, Greer Fabulous, typed letter signed on her Forked Lightning Ranch stationery, Pecos-New Mexico. October 16, 1972. She writes in part: “....Thanks for your good wishes for the Forked Lightning Ranch stable. Of course, I find our racing activities generally rather anticlimactic since Ack Ack, Horse of the Year in 1971 and our pride and joy, completed his racing career and started his new life as a sire, standing at Claiborne Farm in Kentucky. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of his first off-spring and hoping for new champions. Meanwhile, some of our young horses are doing quite well. It is certainly a fascinating business, but very chancy.....” Signed with a large, bold signature Greer Garson. $150.00
GARSON, Greer Choice, bold signature on a slip. $30.00
First Winner of Academy Award for Best Actress
GAYNOR, Janet Choice, bold signature on a slip with ample margins for framing” $42.40
Slain Mob Boss’s Daughter
GIANCANA, Antoinette Very scarce color portrait, 8”x9.5 from Playboy Magazine, topless, inscribed and signed: “To Robert, Love & Kisses Antoinette Giancana.” SOLD
GIFFORD, Frances Attractive photograph, 7.5”x9”, half length pose smiling and looking directly into the camera. Inscribed: “Good luck to Vernon! Frances Gifford.”. $145.00
GILBERT, Billy Wonderful photograph, 5”x7”, head and shoulders pose, smiling. One word sentiment, signed. $125.00
GODDARD, Paulette Photograph, 8”x10”, an attractive Goddard, in a sitting position having a slight smile and looking directly into the camera. Inscribed: “Vernon Hansen, Cordially Paulette Goddard.”. $165.00
GOLDBERG, Whoopie Her book: “If Someone Says You Complete Me, Run.” Hachette Books, 2015, First Edition, 222 pages, boldly signed with a five-inch signature. $40.00
GRABLE, Betty Photograph, 7.5”x9”, half-length pose. A glamorous Grable with a slight smile looking directly into the camera. Signed in green ink. Quite uncommon as this is not inscribed. $185.00
GRABLE, Betty Photograph, 7.5”x9.5” Full length in a dancing pose. Inscribed and signed in dark red ink: “To Vernon-Sincere best wishes Betty Grable.”. $165.00
GRABLE, Betty Vintage matte finish photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed in red ink: “Best wishes always to Patricia from Betty”. Light wear to three spots bottom right otherwise very good. $135.00
Desirable Double Signature
GRANT, Kirby Uncommon B&W photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose smiling. He has written: “Happy Landings! Sky King, Kirby Grant.”. $125.00
Sky King - Killed In A Automobile Crash
GRANT, Kirby Advertising portrait of Kirby Grant for the Florida Film Festival. Close up full face portrait of grant, head & shoulders pose wearing his cowboy hat. Boldly inscribed and signed: “For Ray, Happy Landings! Sky King”. SOLD
- Greta
A Striking
Vintage Signature on an album page from the most reclusive
actress of Hollywood's Golden Age. This is an outstanding piece.
- Charley
A Rare
Signed Photograph from the Wizard of Oz's Uncle Henry. SOLD
GUINNESS, Alec Cachet of a Vitaphone camera used during the film The Jazz Singer. Affixed to this cover is a US 13 cent postage stamp of the 50th Anniversary cancelled First Day of Issue, Hollywood, CA OCT 6, 1977. Hand signed by Alec Guinness. Uncommon in this format. $275.00
ARNESS, James, BLAKE, Amanda, STONE, Milburn, WEAVER, Dennis, EWING, Roger, and CURTIS, Ken The entire collection is in fine condition and quite scarce as such. $895.00
GWENN, Edmund Wonderful, choice vintage postcard photograph, head & shoulders pose, full face and smiling. He has signed this photograph with a very bold signature. $145.00
Scarce Radio Script signed by Fred Gwynne
GWYNNE, Fred & KEANE, Teri Cover page for the CBS Drama Network, The CBS Radio Mystery Theater titled “Ninety Lives.” This was episode 1008, August 1979. Story was about being suspicious to his motives, the brother does a background check on a supposed amnesia victim that his waitress sister has taken a fancy to. The cover page is signed in ink by Fred Gwynne, Teri Keane and one other. $350.00
Jim Bakker Scandal
HAHN, Jessica Color portrait 8”x10.5”, from the November 1987 Playboy Magazine, topless. Boldly signed: “Love Jessica Hahn.” $39.95
Alan Hale, Jr. Scarce Signed Photographl
HALE, JR., Alan Photograph. B&W half length pose smiling. Inscribed, signed and dated: “Shari How nice a way to meet you! The Best - Alan Hale Jr, The Skipper-8/3/86.” In fine condition and rather scarce $350.00
HALE, JR., Alan American actor best known as “Skipper” on Gilligan’s Island. Uncommon bold signature on a slip $125.00
HAMILTON, Neil Photograph, B&W, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “To Robert Orth, with my every good wish, Neil Hamilton-71”. $95.00
Very Desirable A.L.S. with Original Very Rare Self Portrait
HAMILTON, Margaret She sketches a self-head and shoulders portrait as the witch, wearing her witches hat and holding a broom.”. $775.00
HAMILTON, Margaret Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of Hamilto
HAMILTON, Margaret Hamilton is best remembered for her part as the Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz.” Very desirable full signature on a card. $195.00
The Wicked Witch
HAMILTON, Margaret Photo, 10”x8”, B&W, of Hamilton as the witch looking in her crystal ball at Judy Garland. Excellent inscription: “No, I want to see Joe, not Dorothy, Go Monkey, and bring me that Layton Boy, and I’ll show him more tricks than pictures, With Love, Margaret Hamilton”. SOLD -
HAMILTON, Margaret Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of Hamilton as the Wicked Witch looking at Judy Garland in her crystal ball. Inscribed and signed: “To Al, My best! --Margaret Hamilton.” SOLD
Commissioner Gordon in Batman TV Series
HAMILTON, Neil Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders, profile pose. Inscribed: “To Ray Bravo-with my every good wish-Neil Hamilton.””. $110.00
HAMPTON, Hope Rare A.l.S. one full page on her name imprinted letterhead. SEPT. 19, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hansen, I am sending you under separate cover my autograph photograph. I am returning herewith your dime-as there is no charge for these pictures and I do hope you like it. Regards- Hope Hampton.” $125.00
Uncommon Genuine Signature of Jean Harlow
HARLOW, Jean Leather album, ‘Travel Notes” with the original pencil attached which the actors/personalities used to sign their names. A few who signed are: Mrs. Gertrude Temple, Shirleys Mother, Cecilia Parker, Fred Stone, Paula Stone, Jean Harlow and a few others. Most likely these persons were on a cruise. SOLD
Very Scarce A.L.S. By Mama Jean for Jean Harlow
HARLOW, Jean Very scarce autograph letter signed, 4 pages on the letterhead “On Board The Cunard R.M.S. Berengari.” July 18, 1928 to Merty dear.. $350.00
HARLOW, Jean Her mother s buried in the same room as her daughter, Pink album page boldly inscribed for Jean Harlow by her mother: “To Jean Fletcher Sincerely and Kindly Jean Harlow.” Wonderful close-up full face smiling magazine photo of Jean Harlow affixed on the verso. $195.00
Planet of the Apes
HARRISON, Linda Attractive photograph, 8”x10” a 20th Century Fox portrait of Harrison wearing a tiger print bikini top, bust pose smiling. Inscribed: “Dear Vernon, Thanks so much for taking such good care of me. Appreciatively and always, Linda Harrison Zanuck.”. $85.00
Very Scarce Signed by William S. Hart
HART, William S. His book: My Life East and West. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co. 1929, First Edition. Three hundred sixty-three pages photographs, frontispiece portrait of Hart in color on horseback by Charles M. Russell. Inscribed and signed: “To Marguerate Tazelaar from William S. Hart.”. $375.00
HAVER, June Wonderful vintage 8”x10” head and shoulders pose, looking directly into the camera. Inscribed: To Vernon, with Sincere Wishes, June Haver.” $135.00
HAYES, Gabby A very uncommon genuine signature on a slip with his printed portrait and the printed statement: “From your old Pal”. $185.00
HAYMEN, Dick Vintage photograph by noted Hollywood photographer James J. Kriegsmann 7.5”x9” borderless of the actor/singer half length pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernan, Sincerely, Dick Haymes.” In very fine condition $40.00
Choice Content Letter on The Motion Picture
HAYS, Will H. T.L.S., imprinted stationery of Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America, Inc., Feb. 23, 1928 to George Adams. $275.00
HAYWARD, Susan Uncommon vintage Warner Brothers Pictures photograph,7.5”x9.5” of a stunning, play full looking full-length pose lying on a sofa. Signed “Sincerely Susan Hayward.” $450.00
HAYWORTH, Rita A gorgeous image, one we have not seen before, of Rita most likely in her living room and appears to be knitting, 7”x9” inscribed and signed: “To Vernon, Best always, Rita Hayworth.” $695.00
HAYWORTH, Rita Early vintage matte finish photograph, 5”x7” full length dressed in a blouse and pants, smiling. Full signature with a five word sentiment (not inscribed). “My Best Wishes to You - Rita Hayworth.” $550.00
HAYWORTH, Rita Very scarce autograph note signed on her engraved correspondence card. On the inside panels she has written: “To James R. Harvey, Thank you for your letter-with all good wishes From Rita Hayworth.” She has written the letter with a pen that until she attempts to sign her name the “R” in Rita is light. $350.00
Copy #1. Inscribed and signed by Rita Hayworth
HAYWORTH, Rita The book: Hello, Hollywood, Doubleday & Co, Inc. 1962, First Edition. Starring many celebrities such as Humphrey Bogart, Charles Chaplin, Gary Cooper, James Dean, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo Cary Grant, Oliver Hardy, Rita Hayworth, Stan Laurel, The Marx Brothers, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, John Wayne and several more. Five hundred seventy-one pages. On the half title page someone wrote Copy #1 most likely stating this is the first copy off the press or some copies were given to each actor and this is Copy #1 given to Rita Hayworth. Hayworth has boldly inscribed and signed this copy on the half title page: “To Joyce Youngbar, with warm wishes and admiration from your friend Rita Hayworth.”. $235.00
OLSEN, John, JOHNSON, Harold Wonderful vintage photo, 8”x10” of the zany duo, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “To Joe & Wally merrily Olsen and Johnson”. Not common as such. $125.00
HENIE, Sonja Rare vintage uninscribed photograph, 7.5”x9” full length pose wearing a long dress with a fox fur around her shoulder. She is posing for an important sequence in “My Lucky Star” at 20th Century Fox where she is under contract. She has written a two-word sentiment, signed. “Good Luck Sonja Henie.” $295.00
HENIE, Sonja Rare vintage photograph, 7.5”x9” full length pose in an elegant evening dress. Inscribed and signed with a two word sentiment: “To Vernon Good Luck Sonja Henie.” $265.00
HENIE, Sonja Photograph 8”x10”, nice vintage bust pose with a slight smile. Choice inscription signed: “Good luck and best wishes Sonja Henie.” $195.00
HENREID, Paul Choice vintage signature on a colorful Naval Aid Auxiliary card (1943) SOLD
HENREID, Paul Vintage postcard photo, 3.5”x5”, head & shoulders pose smoking a pipe. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “To Mr. Vernon Hansen yours Paul Henreid.” $45.00
HENRY, William Vintage portrait, head and shoulders pose, smiling. B&W, 8”x10”. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen; “To Vernon with best wishes from Bill Henry.’ $40.00
Rare “The Great Muppet Caper” album signed
HENSON, Jim An original soundtrack recording. Henson Associates, Inc. 1981. Atlantic Recording Corporation. Two-word sentiment signed at the top right corner of the album cover: “Best wishes Jim Henson.” $495.00
- Katharine
A Vintage Signed Photograph of a youthful Hepburn inscribed to baseball
Hall-of-Famer Jimmie Foxx. $1,495.00
HEPBURN, Katharine Vintage photograph, 8”x10” close-up head and shoulders pose, MGM publicity photo gracefully looking over her right shoulder and looking at her hand. The reverse bears a stamp “Kindly Credit M-G-M Photo by Clarence Sinclair Bull B5576.” $750.00
The Greatest Actress of all Time
HEPBURN, Katharine Very uncommon vintage photograph, 7.5”x9.5”, very slightly trimmed., head & shoulders pose of Katharine Hepburn. Inscribed to a friend of many celebrities and also an autograph colllector. “To Edith, In remembrance, Sincerely, Katharine”. $550.00
The Greatest Actress of all Time
HEPBURN, Katharine Extremely rare autograph letter signed with her full name. Very few handwritten letters have come on the market signed in full. Autograph letter signed, one full page on her name imprinted letterhead. $475.00
Named the Greatest Female Star in Hollywood History
HEPBURN, Katharine Front cover of “Newsweek” magazine, November 10, 1969. Full face color portrait of Hepburn clasping her hands. Inscribed to Arthur Todd, Katharine Hepburn”. $125.00
HEPBURN, Katharine Uncommon, very vintage large full signature on an album page inscribed “To Ingrid.” $95.00
HEPBURN, Katharine Typed letter signed on her name imprinted stationery. V-5-1985. She sends thanks for writing, and she loves to hear from fans. Signed with her desirable full signature. Some buffoon affixed an ugly “JSA Authentication” sticker to the bottom of this letter detracting from the overall appearance. " $95.00
HEYWARD, Louis Vintage photograph, 7.5”x9”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed using a fountainpen: “To Vernon Hansen Best Wishes Louis hayward". $95.00
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
HICKMAN, Dwayne & DENVER, Bob Photograph, 8”x10”, color of Hickman and Denver. Both have very boldly signed this photograph adding the name of the character they played. This photo is from an original private signing. $100.00
A Legend in Her Time
HILO, Hatti A pink 4”x6” card signed “Aloha Hilo Hatti.” A very scarce autograph in excellent condition. Note on verso states this card was signed on Thursday 15 November 1973 $95.00
Boldly Signed by Paul Muni
HILTON, James His book: “We Are Not Alone” Grosset & Dunlap. N.Y. 1937. Two hundred thirty-one pages. Interesting bookplate on the frontispiece portrait. Above the bookplate is signed: “Greetings Paul Muni Feb.12, 1940.” $95.00
Boldly Signed by Paul Muni
HILTON, James His book: “We Are Not Alone” Grosset & Dunlap. N.Y. 1937. Two hundred thirty-one pages. Interesting bookplate on the frontispiece portrait. Above the bookplate is signed: “Greetings Paul Muni Feb.12, 1940.” $95.00
HITCHCOCK, Alfred Typed letter signed on his name imprinted stationery. Dated, Aug. 19, 1976. SOLD
Very Rare Letter From Bob Hope To Golfer James O'Keefe
HOPE, Bob Postcard, color, aerial view of Wake Island. Six cent U.S. Theodore Roosevelt postage stamp cancelled “Army/Air Force. P.O.” Dec. 18, 1964. Hope writes to the noted golfer James O’Keefe in Evanston, Il. “Dear Hacker, She is quite a divot-1st stop on Xmas tour, Best, Bob Hope”. Very attractive piece, military and golf related and signed in full. $225.00
RARE check Moe Howard to Larry Fine
HOWARD, Moe Check on Howards “Special Account” May 2, 1960 on City National Bank, Beverly Hills. Accomplished by Howard’s hand and made payable to Larry Fine for $653.98. Signed “Moe Howard” and on the verso by “Larry Fine.” SOLD-
HUBBARD, John Vintage borderless photograph (circa early 1940’s), 7.5”x9” B&W, half length pose, smiling. Boldly inscribed using a fountain pen: “Best Wishes to you Vernon-John Hubbard.” Very uncommon in signed photographs. $150.00
Disputed Marriage to Howard Hughes (1949-1976)
HUGHES, Terry Moore Cover of “Playboy” magazine, August 1984 with two portraits of Terry Moore. Inscribed and signed: “To Robert, Love always Terry Moore Hughes.” SOLD
Disputed Marriage to Howard Hughes (1949-1976)
HUGHES, Terry Moore Topless close-up color portrait of Terry Moore lying on a fur rug. Signed: “Terry Moore Hughes.” Page taken from “Playboy” magazine. $45.00
Disputed Marriage to Howard Hughes (1949-1976)
HUGHES, Terry Moore Vintage, B&W photo from “Platinum High School” MGM, copyright 1960. Bust pose, smiling, inscribed, and signed: “To Bob, Lots of love to an ardent fan, Terry Moore Hughes.” $95.00
HUNTER, Ian Attractive vintage borderless photograph, 7.25”x8.75” B&W, nearly half length pose looking quite serious. Signed with a two word sentiment using a fountain pen: “Best wishes Ian Hunter.”. $175.00
Actor and Oscar Winning Producer
HUNTER, Ross Vintage photograph 4”x5”, three-quarter length pose, dressed in a suit and looking directly into the camera. Inscribed “To Vernon-Every good wish, Ross Hunter.” On the verso Hunter as written: “Stop in to see me or write again. R.” $75.00
HUSSEY, Ruth Beautiful portrait of the actress, head and shoulders pose looking quite serious. From her part as Martha Gray, glamorous heroine of MGM’s whimsical comedy romance “Free and Easy” 8”X10” inscribed: “Greetings to Vernon Hansen from Ruth Hussey.”. $75.00
HUTTON, Betty Photograph 7.5”x9.25”, head and shoulders pose, full face looking quite serious. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon with best wishes Betty Hutton.”. $145.00
HUTTON, Lauren Color portrait of Hutton, three quarter length pose. Long presentation inscription: “Hooray Robert Orth, to the Mid-America Film Archive, the only one of its style I know of--Best times-wishes & luck, Lauren Hutton.”. $45.00
The First Miss World (1911)
HYDE, Alice Newspaper article from 1992 which illustrates a portrait of Hyde and a portrait of her in 1911. Very boldly signed with a two-word sentiment: “yours truly Lavender Lee.” $150.00
Jackson Family’s “Black Sheep”
JACKSON, La Toya Vintage photograph, B&W, 5”x7”, head and shoulders pose, full face looking directly into the camera. Signed using a silver ink pen: “La Toya.”. $47.50
The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Choice early portrait of the Jackson Five, playing guitars and singing. B&W, measures 8”x10” boldly signed by Michael Jackson in gold ink with a fabulous large signature. $275.00
Rare Signed Photograph of Rick Jason
JASON, Rick Vintage photograph, 8’X10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, full face looking serious. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “To Vernon with Best Wishes Sincerely Rick Jason.’ $175.00
JEFFERSON, J. Autograph quotation signed on a large album page: “I will with a bold hand ...J. Jefferson.” A very attractive piece together with a vintage steel engraved portrait. $67.50
JOLSON, AL Striking sepia-tone photograph, 5”x7” of a smiling profile image of the great entertainer. Boldly signed with a one word sentiment. $450.00
JONES, Jennifer Attractive paramount Pictures photograph,7.5”x9.25” head and shoulders pose smiling. Very boldly signed. SOLD
JONES, Shirley Lovely publicity photograph of a young Jones, very leggy pose in a white bathing suit. Signed with a one-word sentiment: “Sincerely Shirley Jones.”. $77.50
JOYCE, Brenda Vintage photograph of a lovely looking actress, three quarter length, smiling. Measures 7.5”x9.5”. $225.00
JOYCE, Brenda Vintage photograph,7.5”x9.5”, of a lovely looking actress, nearly full-length pose, holding a tennis racquet and smiling. Signed with a two-word sentiment: “Best wishes Brenda Joyce.” $225.00
Original Sketch of Batman & Robin
KANE, Bob The black-ink sketch is on a 3”x5” card and the sketch of both characters is head & shoulders pose. The drawing is inscribed, signed, adding “Bats Wishes, Bob Kane” and dated 1990. SOLD
Rare Signed Portrait of Buster Keaton
KEATON, Buster Magazine portrait, head & shoulders full face pose, looking quite sad. Very boldly signed using a pencil with thick lead. $575.00
KEATON, Buster First Day of Issue Cover commemorating Will Rogers. Cachet of Will Rogers and affixed to this cover is a U.S. 3 cent Will Rogers postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, Claremore OKLA. Nov 4, 1948. $450.00
Original 1989 Warner Bros. Batman Movie Still.
KEATON, Michael Original Batman movie still in color. Warner Bros. 1989, measures 11”x14” and depicts Keaton as Batman in full length. Bold signature of Keaton using a gold ink Sharpie pen. length. SOLD
KELLY, SR., Emmett Photograph, black and white, 3.5”x5.5” of Kelly dressed in full length as Weary Willie. Signed using his favorite green ink with very good contrast. $150.00
KIEL, Richard Excellent and colorful color photograph of Kiel squeezing another person’s head. Boldly signed. $47.50
KINCAID, Aron Uncommon vintage B&W photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose looking serious. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon with love and best wishes Aron Kincaid.” $85.00
KNOX, Elyse Glamorous 8”x10” head and shoulders pose smiling. Inscribed: To Vernon-with my very best wishes- Always- Elyse Knox.” $150.00
Very Scarce Autograph Letter Signed.
LADD, Alan Autograph letter signed on his name imprinted letterhead. April 26, 1942. Ladd writes: ‘Dear Vernon- Sorry to be so late returning the picture, but have been tied-up working and this is the first chance I’ve had to answer your swell letter- Thanks so much for wanting me to be among those you favor. I really appreciate the favor- Hope I can live up to your expectations- Thanks again- Sincerely- Alan Ladd." $250.00
LADD, Alan Vintage Paramount Pictures photograph, 8”x10”, hear and shoulders pose of a curious looking Alan Ladd. Beautifully inscribed in fountain pen: “ To Vernon- Bes of Luck! Thanks so much- Sincerely, Alan Ladd.” . $235.00
LADD, Alan Photograph, 3”x4”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed: To Caesar, Alan Ladd”. $85.00
Rare letter of the Founder of Universal Pictures
LAEMMLE, Carl Typed letter signed, on the imprinted stationery of Universal Pictures Corp., Carl Laemmle, president. Oct.23, 1931, New York. To Mr. Maurice Weinberg. $595.00
LAHR, Bert Playbill for the famous comedy Burlesque, February 1948 held at the National Theatre known as "America’s First Theatre" in Washington D.C. Portrait of Bert Lahr, on the cover apparently dressed as a clown. Very boldly signed. $395.00
LAKE, Veronica Very scarce vintage photograph,7.5”x9”, of this beautiful actress, three quarters pose with her trademark Peek-A-Boo hairstyle, a very seductive look. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon-With my very best wishes Veronica Lake.” A 25-line biography typed biography on verso with minor mounting traces at the corners. $1100.00
Battered Wife of Boxer Jake LaMotta
LAMOTTA, Vikki Color portrait from November 1981 Playboy Magazine, 8”x11”, topless and bottomless. Sentiment signed: “These pictures will bring you luck, Vikki.” $39.95
LANCASTER, Burt He had a leading part in From Here To Eternity which was a box office smash, which won 8 Academy Awards. Full signature irregularly cut from an album page which at one time contained other in person signature. $95.00
LANCHESTER, Elsa Photograph, overall, 8”x10” of the actress holding hands with a smiling Frankenstein (Boris Karloff). Very boldly inscribed and signed below “To Ray Bravo-Elsa Lanchester.” $975.00
Very Scarce Move Still from “Four Jills In A Jeep”
LANDIS, Carole A very uncommon movie still from “Four Jills In A Jeep.” Landis is sitting on an Army cot in a barrack, legs crossed and putting on a shoe, while having a beautiful smile. Hand signed “Carole Landis.” SOLD
One of Her Last letters, Great Content, Mentions Her last Movie
"Yes, I did appear again... before Their Majesties at a Command Performance"
LANDIS, Carole Very uncommon typed letter signed, on her name imprinted stationery, March 19, 1948. SOLD
LANDON, Michael Choice, inscription, sentiment and signature on a 3”x5” card. SOLD
LANGE, Hope Glamorous publicity portrait, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed: “Very Best wishes To Vernon Hope Lange.” $145.00
LANGTRY, Lillie Attractive portrait, appx. 4”x6’, of Langtry. The Wrench Series NO. 1474 Printed in England. Very boldly signed with the magnificent signature of Lillie Langtry. Housed in a fabulous frame with wonderful matting, overall measuring 14”x16”. $550.00
LANGTRY, Lillie Slip: “86, Eaton Square, S.W. where Langtry has written: “Admit bearer and 3 friends to Box R this Wednesday, Lillie Langtry.”. Double matted with two color portraits of Langtry. In an elegant frame. $550.00
LANGTRY, Lillie Large bold signature on a card. Light blotting to the top of the “L” in Lillie otherwise a lovely example. $275.00
Laurel, Stan & HARDY, Oliver Photograph. 5”x7”, B&W, of the young team shortly after teaming up and possibly before they invented their characters. Inscribed and signed by Laurel. Signed by Oliver Hardy. $1,500.00
A Fabulous Pair of Signatures
Laurel, Stan & HARDY, Oliver This is one of the finest pair of signatures of Laurel and Hardy we have seen in over 40 years. Together with an ”8x10” B&W photograph of the duo in an old car. $950.00
A Fabulous Pair of Signatures
Laurel, Stan & HARDY, Oliver A fantastic pair of signatures together on a single album page. Very scarce as such. This is one of the finest pair of signatures of Laurel and Hardy we have seen in over 40 years. On the verso is a pencil signature of David E. Rose (1895-1992). He was a producer of many films from 1930 on. He was the financial advisor and general manager to silent screen star Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. Rose served as Vice-President of United Artists and general manager of Samuel Goldwyn Productions. $950.00
The Finest Signatures of Laurel & Hardy Imaginable
Laurel, Stan & HARDY, Oliver A fantastic pair of signatures together on a single album page. Very scarce as such. This is the finest pair of signatures of Laurel and hardy we have seen in over 40 years. SOLD
LAWFORD, Peter Fabulous vintage photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose, full face, looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen running into the dark part of the photograph still readable. “To Vernon Hansen, Best wishes, Peter Lawford.”$350.00
LAWRENCE, Barbara Wonderful photograph of the beautiful Lawrence, head and shoulders pose, smiling. Measures 8”x10” inscribed and signed on the dark portion of her sweater: “To Vernon, Best wishes, Babara Lawrence.”.”$95.00
A Legend In Her Own Time
LEE, Gypsy Rose Vintage photograph, 10”x8” by Maurice Seymour of Chicago. Signed: “Greetings, Gypsy Rose Lee”. SOLD -
LEE, Gypsy Rose Partly printed contract, both sides of one page, between Gypsy Rose Lee and Standard Riverside in Milwaukee, January 25, 1945 for an appearance for one week singing and talking. $175.00
LEE, Jason Scott Fabulous color photo, half-length pose as Bruce Lee in a karate stance, boldly signed. $87.50
Original One of a Kind Photo Receiving Her Oscar
LEIGH, Vivian Blue ink signature to the right of her portrait on a card. The “eig” of her last name a bit lighter then the rest of her signature. Together with an original one of a kind photograph of the beaming actress holding her Oscar. $425.00
LESLIE, Joan Photograph, B&W, 7.5”X9” head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hansen Sincerely Joan Leslie. $47.50
LEWIS, Diana Photograph, B&W, bust pose looking quite serious. Signed: “Best Wishes, Diana Lewis.” $95.00
LINDSAY, Margaret Photograph, B&W, 7.5”x9”of this brunette beauty, half-length pose in black lace from the 1941 film “Hard-Boiled Canary.” $75.00
LIVINGSTON, Bob Wonderful photograph, B&W, 8”X10” of Livingston dressed in his western clothes hiding behind brush and ready to fire his gun. $49.00
LLOYD, Harold First Flight Air Mail cover, Seattle to Los Angeles, Stamped Seattle-Los Angeles Route, Sept. 15, 1926. Affixed is a US Air Mail 10 cent postage stamp cancelled on the verso San Francisco SEP 15, 1926. Hand signed with a four-word sentiment: “All good luck from Harold Lloyd.” Addressed in another hand “To- H.K. Robinson, Watertown, Conn. $235.00
LOUISE, Anita Photograph, B&W, 7.5”x9” Stunning full length pose, inscribed and signed in green ink: “To Vernon, My Best Regards, Anita Louise.” $95.00
Enormously Popular Porn Star
LOVELACE, Linda Scarce autograph note signed on a card measuring 3”x5”. “Ordeal” written for a better tomorrow! Linda.. $95.00
LUGOSI, Bela Uncommon half-length profile pose, in a sitting position, smoking a pipe. Black and white, 5”x7”, inscribed and signed: “To Henry Capelle, Sincerely, Bela Lugosi.” Lugosi used a dark ink fountain pen. $950.00
LUKE, Keye Beautiful black and white photo of Charlie Chan at The Olympics, 8”x10” of Chan and Luke in an embrace, half length pose. Inscribed on the bottom white portion “To Robert Orth (President of American Film Archives) Good Luck always! Keye Luke #1 Son Charlie Chan.”. $175.00
LUND, John Publicity photograph on a postcard, 3.5”x5.2.5” handsome head and shoulders pose dressed in a suit and tie. Signed with a fountain pen “John Lund.” Postcard is addressed to Vernon and cancelled June 1, 1945. $55.00
LYNLEY, Carol Youthful photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose smiling. Signed with a two-word sentiment: “Best wishes Carol Lynley.” $47.50
LYNN, Ginger Color photograph, 8”x10” full length, totally nude, dressed only in boots and a leather belt with straps and holding chains attached to the necks of two male slaves. Signed with a sentiment: “Who’s First?” $55.00
LYNN, Ginger Color photograph, 8”x10”, half length pose, topless. Signed with a five-word sentiment: “I want to be nasty Ginger Lynn.”. $37.50
MacDONALD, Jeanette Beautiful looking MGM photo by Clarence S. Bull of the actress, close-up head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Mr. Vernon Hansen, Sincerely, Jeanette MacDonald.” On the verso are 9 lines regarding her role in “Smilin Through.” In V/G to Fine condition...MacDonald’s writing and signature darker than on this illustration, easily read. $150.00
MADISON, Guy Vintage photograph, 4“x5”, head and shoulders pose wearing a U.S. Navy uniform. Boldly signed during the 1940’s using a fountain pen. $60.00
MADISON, Guy Vintage photograph, 4“x5”, half length pose wearing a U.S. Navy uniform. Hand signed with a sentiment: “Gratefully, Guy Madison.”. $60.00
Full Nude Portrait of George Maharis
MAHARIS, George Two portraits on a single page each inscribed: “To Michael” and signed in full. The top portrait is of Maharis nude. This was taken from the Playgirl centerfold of July 1977. Signed photographs of George Maharis can be considered quite rare. $60.00
MAIN, Marjorie Fine, bold pencil signature on a large slip affixed to a vintage album page. $87.50
Husband and Wife
MANSFIELD, Jayne & HARGITAY, Mickey Vintage glossy photograph, 8”x10” full length side pose dressed in a tight-fitting sweater and skirt. She is by the water in a European city standing next to a nude male sculpture. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon, Thanks for all the help! Affectionately, Jayne Mansfield.”. Publicity photo, B&W, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed with a sentiment and signed, red ink. “I just love your songs Nacio Sincerely Mickey Hargitay.” $675.00
MANSFIELD, Jayne Printed portrait, bust pose, full face inscribed and signed: “To Bob Orth, Fondly! Jayne Mansfield”. $475.00
MARCHAL, Georges Attractive vintage photograph by Harcourt, Paris. Measures 7.25”x9.25”, very dark background, head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed along with a sentiment in French and signed. $95.00
Margo (born MarÃa Marguerita Guadalupe Teresa Estela Bolado Castilla y O’Donnell Fine, close-up full-face pose, vintage double weight photograph 8”x10”, inscribed and signed: “To Nathan Bardt, with my sincere good wishes- Margo.”. $195.00
The very First "Jane" in Tarzan Movies
MARKEY, Enid Very uncommon autograph note signed in full on her name imprinted note paper. "My very best wishes to you- Enid Markey.". $85.00
MARTIN, Dean Ator, singer, comedian, member of the Rat Pack. Somewhat uncommon genuine signature with ample margins for framing. $95.00
MARTIN, Strother Choice, bold signature on a label with gold edges. Ample margins for framing. $175.00
Scarce Genuine Signature
MARTINO, John This precious B&W portrait measures 8.5”x11” and is a head and shoulders pose. Signed “John Martino, Pauli.” In person signature, only five of these were signed as a favor for his neighbor. $65.00
MARX, Groucho Photograph, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose holding his head up with his hand while smoking a large cigar. Inscribed: “To Larry all my best, Groucho.” Together with a COA from another dealer. $275.00
MCCOY, Tim Uncommon, photograph, 8”x10” B&W of the actor in full length dressed as a cowboy and ready to draw his pistol. Signed with a sentiment: “Regards from Tim McCoy.” Very light brushing to the “C’ in McCoy. $185.00
McCREA, Joel Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W from Universal’s (1953) “Lone Hand.” Photograph, B&W, three quarter length pose dressed in western clothes and ready to fire his pistol. Inscribed and signed in bold red ink: “To Frank, Best from Joel McCrea.”. $65.00
MCKAY, GardnerVintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W head and shoulders pose having a serious look. Inscribed and signed: “Vernon- Only the best thought s to you. Gardener McKay.” $40.00
One of Hollywood's Most Famous Lines One of Only Two Known
McQUEEN, Butterfly Photograph, 10”x8’, B&W, scene from Gone With The Wind standing with Vivien Leigh. Boldly written across the upper portion of the photograph: “I know nothing ‘bout birthin babies, Miz Scarlet, Butterfly McQueen”. On the verso she has also written: “Vivien Leigh-Scarlett, deceased”. $1,750.00
First Actor to play the part of Superman in Public
MIDDLETON, Ray Scarce, vintage photograph, 5”x7”, head and shoulders pose looking very serious into the camera. Using a fountain pen he has signed his name along with a sentiment: “Cordially, Ray Middleton.” $195.00
Panties from Sylvia Miles who wore these in ”Farewell My Lovely”
which she was nominated for an Academy Award
MILES, Sylvia Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, bust pose smiling. Inscribed: “11/86 To Bob (Orth) Fondly Sylvia Miles.” Together with a greeting card with a portrait of Miles from “Evil Under the Sun.” On the two inside pages she writes a very length letter, in part: “11/20/86 Dear Bob (Orth),....have always been so nice to know now that the ‘red ones’ are gone’-but! Here are my ‘pink ones’ from ‘Farewell My Lovely’, which I wore under the marabou satin kimono with Mitchum...2nd scene. So he got 2 pic’s coming out real soon- ‘Sleeping Beauty’ I shot in Israel for Cannon, I play the ‘Evil Fairy of Red, and ‘Critical Condition’, the new Richard Prior film opening Jan.6,1987- for paramount...Thanks again I shall put the $50 to use for my favorite charity ME & more lingerie! XO XO Sylvia Miles.” Included are her worn sexy panties inscribed: “To Robert Orth with Love! 11/86From “Farewell My Lovely, Nominated 1975 Best Supporting Actress Sylvia Miles.” The three in fine condition. $450.00
Fabulous Sylvia Miles Collection
MILES, Sylvia Black & White photograph, 8”x10” bust pose, smiling. Inscribed, signed and dated: “11/86 To Bob Fondly Sylvia Miles”, Lengthy autograph letter signed 2 full pages dated 11.20/86 to Bob. Miles, and her original pink panties inscribed: “Robert Orth with Love! 11/86 From ‘Farewell My Lovely’. $275.00
MILLAND, Ray Wonderful vintage borderless photograph, 7.5”x9” handsomely dressed, half length pose. Boldly signed. SOLD
The Elusive Genuine Signature of Sal Mineo
MINEO, Sal Partly printed document signed. Actors Television Motion Picture Minimum Free Lance Contract, dated 30th June 1966 between Selmur Productions, Inc. and Sal Mineo. $450.00
Note on the Death of her Father
MINELLI, Liza Vintage publicity photograph by Paramount during her brief stay in Hollywood, 7”x9.25”, gorgeous image, full length sitting on wooden stairs. A leggy pose and she looks quite serious. A flawless bold as a signature one could imagine. $60.00
MIRANDA, Isa Her visiting card printed on one side: “Mrs. Charles Abbott/Maggie Mitchell.” On the verso she has signed: “Yours truly Maggie Mitchell, Elberon (New Jersey) Aug.13, 1891.” $175.00
MITCHELL, Maggie Her visiting card printed on one side: “Mrs. Charles Abbott/Maggie Mitchell.” On the verso she has signed: “Yours truly Maggie Mitchell, Elberon (New Jersey) Aug.13, 1891.” $275.00
MONTALBAN, Ricardo Photograph, B&W, 4.25”x5.5” half length pose dressed as Khan. Signed in full with a three word sentiment: “From your amigo, Ricardo Montalban.” $87.50
MONTALBAN, Ricardo Vintage postcard photograph, 3.5”x5”, full face, smiling. Vintage full signature in fountain pen with good contrast $37.50
MONTGOMERY, George Handsome, vintage 20th Century Fox borderless photograph, 7.5”x9.25” head and shoulders pose, full face, looking directly into the camera and smiling. Signed with a two word sentiment: Best wishes George Montgomery.” $47.50
Extremely Vintage Signed Photograph of Clayton Moore
MOORE, Clayton Photograph, 4”x5”, three quarter length pose, leaning on a fence, dressed in a suit and hat and smiling. A very handsome pose. Inscribed in fountain pen: “To Vernon, The Very Best of luck, Clayton Moore, 1948.” This is the earliest pose of Moore we have handled and it is in fine condition Together with a vintage Christmas Card from Sally and Clayton Moore, signed by her hand. $125.00
MOORE, Demi Movie still from In Pursuit of Honor (G.I. Jane) (1997).Using a bold green ink pen she has written a three word sentiment signed: “All my best Demi Moore.” $85.00
MOORE, Dudley Warner Bros, B&W photograph of Moore smiling and standing next to Lisa Minnelli from the movie “Arthur 2 On The Rocks.” Signed by Dudley Moore.” $135.00
Married to Howard Hughes in 1949
MOORE HUGHES, Terry Color portrait from Playboy Magazine 8.5”x10.5”, half length pose, topless. Boldly inscribed and signed: “Love always Bob, Terry Moore.”. $67.50
Vintage Roger Moore
MOORE, Roger Scarce vintage photograph 3.5”x5”, half length pose dressed in a suit, looking directly into the camera. Inscribed with a fountain pen: “For the ‘Film Club’, good luck! Sincerely, Roger Moore.”. $95.00
MOOREHEAD, Agnes Moorehead was the first woman to co-host the Academy Awards (1948) and was the favorite actress of Joan Crawford. Choice large signature on a label with gold trim. $55.00
A Movie Legend, Her Expressive Eyes Are Outstanding
MORGAN, Michele Photograph, 7.5”x9” B&W, head and shoulders pose looking quite serious/ Copyright Radio Pictures, 1941. Inscribed and signed on the lower lighter area: “To Vernon Hansen, Sincere wishes, Michele Morgan. $125.00
Famous Magician & Intelligence Agent
MULHOLLAND, John Very scarce typed letter signed on the letterhead of “The Sphinx” New York City, February 18, 1933. $250.00
MUNI, Paul Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, close-up pose, inscribed: “ To Maurice J. Weinberg from Paul Muni April 1956”. SOLD
Famous Magician & Intelligence Agent
MULHOLLAND, John Very scarce typed letter signed on the letterhead of “The Sphinx” New York City, February 18, 1933. $250.00
The Famous Opening First Words
The First James Bond
NELSON, Barry Card is 3”x5” plain white and Nelson has handwritten: “Yeah-it wasn’t my autograph either” signed Barry Nelson. $95.00
The First James Bond
NELSON, Barry Reprint of an advertisement for “Casino Royale” 8.5”x11’ of Barry Nelson holding a gun. Signed “Barry Nelson - 007”. Barry Nelson lived part of the time in New York City. It took us a few years to convince him to attend our New York City autograph show as a guest signer. We had asked him for a photo of himself as “Bond” to reproduce for those who attended the show and his reply was there aren’t any. He appeared for a few hours and this is one of the items he signed during the show. The photos illustrated are of Nelson and his wife at the show, not included. Multiple copies available. $20.00
NELSON, Ozzie Fine, very early Maurice Seymour photograph of Ozzie Nelson, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose sitting with his hands folded. Inscribed: “For Rose and Ann from Ozzie Nelson.
HILLIARD, Harriet Fine vintage publicity photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, serious looking inscribed: “For Murray-Harriet Hilliard”. $250.00
NEWMAN, Paul Fine photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of Newman sitting on a stoop. Boldly signed with excellent contrast: “Best- Paul Newman.”. $295.00
NEWMAN, Paul Fine photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, full face of a young Newman. Boldly signed with a signature four inches long. $295.00
NEZ, Chester Original movie poster , WINDTALKERS, 27”x39” MGM, 2002 hand signed Cpl. Chester Nez.
One other signed adding Semper Fi! In very good condition. SOLD
NICHOLSON, Jack Most unusual oversized, appx.11”x14” color portrait of Nicholson wearing a kamikaze shirt and lying underwater, taken by Herb Ritts, August 14, 1986. Boldly signed on the lower white margin by Jack Nicholson. SOLD
The Joker in Batman Movie
NICHOLSON, Jack Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Signed in green ink, a vintage signature. $39.00
The Joker in Batman Movie
NICHOLSON, Jack Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Signed in green ink, a vintage signature. $39.00
NICHOLSON, Jack Played the villain “The Joker” in Batman. Color portrait of Nicholson pushing a cart in a supermarket, 4”x6” and boldly signed. $37.00
NICHOLSON, Jack Color portrait of Nicholson as “the Joker”, 8.5”x9”, taken from a magazine. Fill face, close-up pose smiling. Boldly signed, striking. In excellent condition. SOLD
"Spock" in the Original Star Trek Series
"Since the news of Star Trek's cancellation... I will be back on the sound stages"
NIMOY, Leonard Signed in full. An extraordinary letter in two separate pages, thus excellent for framing. Together with a copy of Hy Gardner‘s letter to Nimoy $350.00
Rare Letter From Leonard Nimoy
NIMOY, Leonard Very scarce typed letter signed, two separate pages pages on Paramount Television letterhead. Dated May 12, 1969 to the noted TV personality Hy Gardner. $185.00
O’BRIAN, Hugh Vintage portrait, 8”x10” head and shoulders pose looking to the side. Inscribed and signed” To Vernon Best always Hugh O’Brian.”. $75.00
O’BRIEN, Margaret Choice vintage signature on a colorful Naval Aid Auxiliary card. SOLD
Scarce Genuine Signatures
O’CONNOR, Carroll Scarce FDC with a hand drawn cachet in color of All In The Family chairs. On verso is stated by the artist: “HAND DRAWN” by Frank Urnick. Affixed is a US 33 cent All In The Family postage stamp cancelled First Day Of Issue, New York, NY Nov 18, 1999. Hand signed by O’Connor and Stapleton. $250.00
A Choice Combination of Signatures
OLIVIER, Sir Laurence & LEIGH, Vivian Photograph, 3.5”x5.5”, B&W, of the two looking into each others eyes and smiling. Signed by both on the lower light margin. $550.00
Considered the Greatest Actor of the 20th Century
OLIVIER, Laurence Photograph, 4”x6”, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “For Richard Butler, L. Olivier”. Biographical info on verso also stating this photo was signed 15 March 1974. $135.00
OWENS, Patricia Very scarce inscribed and signed photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose with a slight smile. “To Vernon, Very best Wishes, Patricia Owens.” SOLD
PAIGE, Robert Vintage Universal Pictures borderless photograph, 7.5”x9” head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed: To Vernon-Sincerely Robert Paige. $175.00
PALMER, Bryan Fine typed letter signed on his name imprinted letterhead. November 28, 1948 he writes in part; “...I’m glad that you enjoyed my performance in “Where’s Charley?’, and I’m happy to fulfill your request for an autographed picture----” Boldly signed in full. $67.50
PARKER, Willard Choice vintage borderless photograph, 7.25”x9.5”, head and shoulders pose looking into the camera. Inscribed using a fountain pen. $67.50
PAYNE, John Choice vintage borderless photograph, 7.25”x9.5”, head and shoulders pose looking into the camera. Inscribed using a fountain pen. $95.00
RARE Personal Check David S. Peckinpah
PECKINPAH, David S.Rare personal check, 8”x3”filled in in type, dated January 8, 1963, payable to Security First National Bank for $59.65 for a loan. Signed with his desirable full signature David S. Peckinpah and countersigned by Robert Schiller his business manager of Guild Management Corp. In almost 60 years this is the first item signed by David Peckinpah we have handled. $350.00
PERSOFF, Nehemiah Appeared in over 200 television series. Best known for his appearance in Some Like It Hot, Twilight Zone, Gilligan’s Island, Hawaii Five-O and Law and Order. Wonderful full signature on a label with gold trim. $27.50
America's Sweetheart
PICKFORD, Mary Uncommon typed letter signed on the imprinted letterhead of The Sherry Netherland. Dated November 25, 1938 to Mrs. Miller Hickerson of Goodwill Industries of Washington, D.C. Pickford writes: “I am sorry I did not have time to visit the Goodwill Industries plant when I was last in Washington and hope I may accept your invitation during some future visit. I am thoroughly familiar with the work of the Goodwill Industries and would be interested in seeing the Washington establishment...”. SOLD
PICKFORD, Mary Wonderful, vintage photograph 7.5”x9.5”, full length pose, dressed in a beautiful gown standing on a herringbone walkway in a garden. Inscribed signed and dated: “ 10-14-38, To Timothy Harrington, Sincerely yours, Mary Pickford”. $450.00
PICKFORD, Mary Photograph, head and shoulders pose, B&W, 4”x6”, very fine condition. Signed with a one-word sentiment. $225.00
PICKFORD, Mary A wonderful ink signature adding “Sincerely yours” on a vintage album page. $65.00
PICKFORD, Mary Considered to be one of the most recognized women in history. Called “America’s Sweetheart.” Her nickname was “Queen of the Movies.” Winner of the second Academy Award for Best Actress. Choice ink signature on a card with ample margins for framing. $57.50
Isotta Fraschini Motors contract with Rosa Ponselle
PONSELLE, Rosa Document signed, twice. Contract # 816 for an all-weather Landaulet-Cabriolet. New York, October 20th, 1931, includes extras, delivery date and price. SOLD-
POWELL, Eleanor Striking 8”x10” B&W photograph by MGM photographer Clarence S. Bull. Powell is wearing a full length gay floral printed evening gown and having a very pretty smile. Stated on verso she will soon be seen in The Ziegfield Girl circa 1940-41. Boldly signed with a three-word sentiment: “Best Wishes Always, Eleanor Powell.”. $225.00
Stars of the Thin Man series
POWELL, William & LOY, Myrna Photograph, 8”X10”, B&W along with the dog Astra. From the “Thin Man” series. Boldly signed with his full signature William Powell and signed by Myrna Loy along with a two-word sentiment. SOLD
POWER, Tyrone Handsome vintage photograph, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “Ann Patrick, my best wishes, Tyrone Power”. Dated on verso, Nov. 19, 1938. $225.00
PRESLEY, Elvis Photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed: “To Vernon from Elvis Presley.” Most interesting is his father’s first name was Vernon. SOLD
Original Self Portrait
PRICE, Vincent Original self portrait sketch of his profile, signed on a sheet measuring 8”x10”. A very attractive and larger than usual portrait. $150.00
PRICE, Vincent Photo, B&W, 8”x10”, head and shoulders pose in the part of Egghead on the TV series of Batman. Boldly signed: “Vincent Price Egghead” with excellent contrast. $150.00
PRICE, Vincent Autograph letter signed; “Dear Charles, I think the emotion of a role is shared between the audience and the actor…and there remains the element of make believe. Vincent Price.”. $125.00
Rare a.l.s. of Victoria Principal
PRINCIPAL, Victoria Three months before appearing in Dallas, she writes an autograph letter signed on a 4”x6” correspondence card dated Jan. 6, 1978. She writes: “Mr. Orth, Thanks you so very much for your kind wishes, on what was a most marvelous birthday. Sincerely, Victoria Principal.” Together with the original envelope hand addressed by her which most likely contains her DNA from when she sealed the envelope. SOLD-
PUGH, John W. Pugh’s colorful business card, signed in full on the verso adding in his hand: ‘The Greedy Get Neady.”. $35.00
Designed the original Sarah Hotel in Las Vegas
QUALE, Ragnar Wonderful uncommon vintage 20th Century Fox borderless photograph, 7”x9”, head and shoulders pose, full face and smiling. Inscribed and signed using a fountain pen: “For Vernon Best Wishes Ragman Quale. $85.00
QUINN, Anthony Vintage photograph, 5”x7” head and shoulders pose signed with a sentiment and vintage signature. $45.00
Yellow Brick Signed by Coroner Meinhardt Raabe
RAABE, Reinhardt Yellow Brick, measures appx: 4”x8”x1.75” which has been hand signed by Meinhardt Rabbe. Twenty-five bricks were signed by Rabbe in the Office of Stephen Koschal the night before Raabe was to be the autograph guest at the autograph convention in Ft. Lauderdale. The autograph convention/sale was created and promoted by Stephen Koschal. Raabe’s signature is fine and bold.. $45.00
RAINER, Luise Choice, large red ink signature with ample margins for framing. $27.50
RAMBO, Dick & RAMBO, Dack Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W of the two twins. Most interesting is the Dirk is sitting in a car. He died in a car crash. His brother is leaning on the car. Inscribed: “To Vernon, Best Wishes and Thanks, Dirk, Dack Rambo.”. SOLD
Theatre Guild did the play and not well... by reason of its very sexy psychological research
RAND, Sally Typed letter signed, one very full page, Feb.6, 1946 to William Targ. $135.00
RATHBONE, Basil One of the finest pencil signatures we have handled. Boldly written on a lined page. Signature is over 3 inched long. On the verso is three other signatures, one dated Jan. 31, 1939. $275.00
Fabulous Superman Collection
REEVES, George, ALYN, Kirk, REEVE, Christopher, SHANE, Robert, LARSON, Jack. NEILL, Noel “Lois Lane Collection of Superman related autographs. SOLD
One Of Superman's Last Signatures Signed Two Weeks Before His Mysterious Death
REEVES, George Fountain pen inscription and signature on a portion of an album page. “To Helen, George Reeves”. Written in purple ink, inscription could be matted out. Ample margins for framing. Ink notation at the bottom left edge indicates this signature was signed on June 2, 1959 just two weeks before his death on June 16, 1959. SOLD
Scarce Handwritten Letter Just Month’s Before His Passing
RENALDO, Duncan Very scarce handwritten letter on his name imprinted desk stationery. Renaldo writes: “2/15/80, Dear Mr. Orth, Thank you for your kindly letter. Here’s the autographed photos- Kindest personal regards and good wishes- Sincerely, Duncan Renaldo”. Renaldo died on September 3rd, 1980. $125.00
Third Rarest Autograph From the Major Cast of Gone With The Wind
RHETT, Alicia Autograph letter signed, two pages (written on both sides) of her ornate imprinted stationery. South Carolina, January 27, 1988, regarding one of her paintings. SOLD
Rare Signed Cast Photo of Three's Company
RITTER, John, KNOTTS, Don, DeWITT, Joyce, KLINE, Richard, BARNES, Priscilla Very scarce cast photo, 8”x10” of the team from the ABC Slapstick Comedy “Three’s Company” (1977-1984). Signed by all, each adding a sentiment. SOLD
ROACH, Hal Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “Regards to Robert Orth from Hal Roach”. Date stamp on verso “Dec. 9, 1980”. $100.00
ROBINSON, Edward G. Best remembered for his gangster roles. Honorary Academy Award (1973). Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” one of a kind photo taken in a night club of Robinson about to kiss a woman wearing a fur at their cocktail table. Nice inscription in French most likely to the woman in the photo, signed “Eddie Robinson”. $150.00
ROBINSON, Edward G. American actor who appeared in many gangster roles. Choice, full signature on a slip. Ample margins for framing. $95.00
Rare A.L.S. of Grandma Addams on the Addams Family
ROCK, Blossom Autograph letter signed, one page, August 2,’65 At Studio to Dear Mr. Schuessler, Clara Rhodes sent me a copy of “Curtain Call” Vivien Leigh Fan Magazine. Thank you for suggesting it and thank you, too, for including my name in this issue. Your tribute to Jeanette is a beautiful one, most comprehensive and I know a lot of thought went into your compiling it. Your magazine is a lovely one and I’m sure Miss Leigh (whom I never met) is proud of it. Thank you again, Sincerely Blossom Rock “Grandmama Addams.”. SOLD
Scarce Signature of Grandma Addams on the Addams Family
ROCK, Blossom Envelope hand addressed by Blossom Rock, postmarked 3 August 1965. Top left corner she signed her name in full and her complete Hollywood return address. SOLD
ROGERS, Ginger Her bubbly good looks during the late 30’s on a matte finish 8”x10” photograph, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed with her early signature, dated in her hand “1939”. SOLD
ROGERS, Roy Choice B&W photograph of the pair,8”X10” dressed in their finest western outfits. Roy his arms around Dale and both are smiling. Signed by Roy Rogers. Dale has written: “God Bless You Dale Evans Rogers.” $95.00
ROMERO, Cesar Vintage movie still from The Gay Caballero playing the part of the “Cisco Kid”. Appears to be in a love scene, holding a woman against a wood fence. Very boldly inscribed and signed with excellent contrast. $95.00
ROMERO, Cesar Photograph, B&W, borderless, 7.25”x9”, youthful image, three quarter length pose dressed in a suit and tie. He played the Joker in Batman series (1966-1968). Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hanson with best wishes from Cesar Romero.” $67.50
ROONEY, Mickey Fabulous movie still from “The Fireball.” Mickey is trying on skates as aa policeman looks on. Boldly signed. This comes with a COA from a private signing in Hollywood $55.00
American Actor and Boxer
ROSENBLOOM, Maxie Ring Boxing Hall of Fame (1972), World Boxing Hall of Fame (1985), International Boxing hall of Fame (1993). Wonderful, vintage photo, 8”x10”, dressed in a suit and tie holding up his head with his hand. Dated on verso “Jan. 31, 1939”. Inscribed: “To Ann Patrick with best wishes for your success-from Maxie Rosenbloom”. $175.00
Rare Signature of Roxy
ROTHAFEL, S.L.Fabulous large signature “Roxy” on a slip with attached postmark New York N.Y. June 9, 1933. $125.00
Call For Philip Morris
ROVENTINI, Johnny Wonderful photo, B&W, half-length pose calling for Philip Morris. Inscribed and signed in red (as usual) To Peter Best wishes Johnny.” $95.00
RUSSELL, Jane Fine photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, full face, close-up pose, very seductive looking. Inscribed; “Vernon God Bless!! Jane Russell.” $225.00
RUSSELL, Rosalind Regal Hollywood actress nominated 4 times for a Best Actress Oscar. Lovely vintage matte finish 8”x10” photo, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed: “To Ann Patrick, Sincerely, Rosalind Russell”. Dated on verso in another hand “1935”. SOLD
SARDI, Vincent A heavy 3.5”x5” card signed in full. Dated on the verso Nov.22,1962. $45.00
SCHWARZENEGGER, Arnold Tri-Star Pictures (1990) publicity photograph of Schwarzenegger on the run from killers disguises himself to reach Earth’s colonies on Mars. Very boldly signed in full. SOLD
SCOTT, George C. Boldly signed by George C. Scott. Together with a COA from a Hollywood firm. $295.00
The Most Beautiful Face in Films of the 40's & 50's
SCOTT, Lizabeth Fabulous, sexy full length black and white photograph 8”x10”, full length of Scott holding a cigarette. She writes: “Best wishes L. Scott.” $75.00
SCOTT, Randolph Wonderful, black, and white, 8”x10” photo, head and shoulders pose dressed as a cowboy. Inscribed to Robert Orth (President of American Film Archives) Randolph Scott.” Dated, stamped on verso Feb.21, 1980. $95.00
SCOTT, Randolph Photograph, B&W, measures appx: 3.5”x3.5”, head & shoulders pose dressed as a cowboy. Signed on the lower white margin. Un-inscribed photos of Scott are uncommon. $85.00
SCOTT, Willard Original sketch of the face of the Ronald McDonald clown. Scott has added a heart and has signed Ronald McDonald. Measures appx. 4”x6”, matted. $85.00
Bozo the Clown and the First Ronald McDonald
SCOTT, Willard His first book: “The Joy of Living”, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, New York, 1982, First Edition. Two hundred twenty-two pages with illustrations. Nice illustration of Scott as “Bozo” and another as “Ronald McDonald”. On the front free end-paper Scott has written: “Love, Willard Scott, Oct. 2, 1982.”. $65.00
Bozo The Clown, Original Ronald McDonald
SCOTT, Willard Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose of Scott smiling. Signed with a five word sentiment: “All Good Wishes To You.” $47.50
SCOTT, Zachary Uncommon Warner Bros. publicity photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, looking very serious. Inscribed: “Hello Irwin, Zachary Scott". $110.00
Scarce Signed Photo - Pink Panther Series
SELLERS, Peter Photograph, 4’x6”, B&W, half length pose holding a cocktail. Boldly signed. $195.00
SENNETT, Mack A scarce full signature on a lined slip. $285.00
Rhonda Shear’s Signed Panties, Princess of Perpetual Blondeness
SHEAR, Rhonda Her personally owned, very sexy, size 6, lace blue panties which she had boldly signed: “Robert, my #1 Fan! Love & Sizzle kisses, Rhonda Shear XXX.” Enclosed in purple paper wrapping. Together with a B&W photo, 8”x10”, half-length pose looking very sexy, inscribed and signed: “Robert, you’re the best, wishing you happiness and sweet dreams! Your bedtime buddy Rhonda Shear.” Also comes with a page removed from Playboy Magazine of Shear nude in a laundromat. She signs this piece: “Robert beats hand washing, Rhonda Shear.” Robert Orth was President of American Film Archive. $225.00
P.T. Barnum’s Last Clown
SHERWOOD, Bob His book “The Laugh Book”, Sherwood’s, New York, 1927, First Edition. Gilt red cloth, illustrated, two hundred and forty pages. Frontispiece portrait of Bob Sherwood. A fine lengthy presentation inscription on the front free endpaper: “To Mr. Henry, in the knowledge that a little nonsense now and then is relished by all intelligent men. Bob Sherwood, Last of Barnum’s Clowns NYC May 1927.” $150.00
SHIRLEY, Bill Uncommon photo, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose. Signed with a five word sentiment: “Good Luck and Best Wishes Bill Shirley.” $85.00
SIEGFRIED and ROY Color photograph, 8”x10” from the Mirage in Las Vegas. Siegfried and Roy are posing with Sitarra, one of their Royal White Tigers. Boldly inscribed and signed "To Glenn! Sarmoti, Siegfried/Roy 1999". $67.50
SIEGFRIED and ROY Siegfried and Roy are posing with Sitarra, one of their Royal White Tigers. Boldly signed "To Mike! Sarmoti, Siegfried/Roy 1997". $65.00
SIEGFRIED and ROY Color photograph, 5”x7” from the Mirage in Las Vegas. Siegfried and Roy are posing with Sitarra, one of their Royal White Tigers. Boldly signed "Sarmoti, Siegfried/Roy 1994" SOLD
SIEGFRIED and ROY Large color photograph from the Mirage in Las Vegas. Siegfried and Roy are posing with Sitarra, one of their Royal White Tigers. Boldly signed "Sarmoti, Siegfried/Roy 1995" SOLD
SIMMONS, Richard Outstanding color photo of Simmons swinging on a rope. Inscribed and signed: “To Rev. Ken Volger, Hang in There and Never give up! Love, Richard Simmons 01. $37.50
FABULOUS, ONE OF A KIND, Signed photograph of
Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner and Phil Silvers
SINATRA, Frank & GARDNER, Eva & SILVERS, Phild Remarkable photograph, 8”x10” oblong of a very young Sinatra with his celebrity baseball team all dressed in uniform. Everyone is looking at the camera except for Ava Gardner who is holding a baseball bat and looking directly at Frank Sinatra having a very pleasing smile. In addition, also in this photograph is Betty Grable and Virginia Mayo and Phil Silvers. Circa 1946. $2950.00
Unusual Photo of Frank Sinatra
SINATRA, Frank Very unusual portrait with the printed statement on his shirt “Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back.” Measures 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose smiling. Inscribed and signed: “For Mrs. Robert Goldman, all good wishes, Frank Sinatra. $895.00
SINATRA, Frank Very unusual one of a kind photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, oblong, of a very young Sinatra standing between two lovely girls. Inscribed: “To Shirley, Sincerely, Frank Sinatra”. SOLD
SINATRA, Frank Promotion advertising card for March 12, 13 & 14, 1976 at Harrah’s, Lake Tahoe. A nice color portrait of Sinatra singing with a microphone. On the verso is a time schedule for those appearing for the next few months at Reno and Lake Tahoe. On the right part of the verso is hand signed “Best wishes Frank Sinatra.” Hand addressed to Zelma Martin in Union City, Ca and postmarked Stateline, NEV Mar 16, 76, just two days after Sinatra’s autograph was obtained in person. Along the bottom Ralph Swap has written: “Got this on Sunday (March 14) Ralph. $675.00
SINATRA, Frank Choice First Day Cover commemorating The Drum that Led Americans at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, 1781. Affixed are two 7.9 cent U.S. postage stamps Beat the Drum for Eternity. Cancelled First Day of Issue, Miami, FL Apr 23, 1976. Signed by Frank Sinatra. $550.00
SINATRA, Frank His inscription and signature on a Landmark Hotel Drink Card. Sinatra writes: “To Mary Lou, Love, Frank Sinatra”. The Landmark Hotel & Casino was built in Paradise, Nevada. It was used in the films “Diamonds Are Forever” and Viva Las Vegas”. A wonderful “in person” signature where the inscription can be matted out if so desired. $550.00
Noted for his very desirable Paintings of Clowns
SKELTON, Red Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, laughing. Inscribed and signed to a friend. $75.00
The Most Influential Greek Since Alexander the Great?
SKOURAS, Spyros P. Fabulous large photograph, 10”x11.5”, head and shoulders pose. Inscribed: “My best to Charles Anderson and the Alpine Theatre Spyros P. Skouras.” Signed photographs of any size of Skouras can be considered quite scarce. Anything signed with his full name is equally scarce. $225.00
1993 Playmate of the Year
SMITH, Anna Nicole Fabulous very sexy but looking very innocent, color photograph, 8”x10”, very boldly signed, along with a little smiley face. $175.00
1993 Playmate of the Year
SMITH, Anna Nicole Fabulous color photograph, 8”x10”, head & shoulders pose of Anna throwing a kiss. Very boldly signed: “Love Anna Nicole” adding her trademark smiley face. $150.00
SOTHERN, Ann Beautiful photograph of an innocent looking young actress. Measures 8”x10” full face, boldly inscribed and signed. “To Robert Orth Best wishes Ann Sothern.” $150.00
STARRETT, Charles Durango Attractive movie still from West of Abilene. Boldly inscribed: “Ray, watch it! Don’t get caught in the line of fire! Charles Starrett”. $135.00
STARRETT, Charles Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” half-length pose, dressed in his western outfit ready to shoot his gun. A wonderful clear photo and not common as such. $65.00
The First Lady of American Dance
ST. DENIS, Ruth Vintage photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, full length posing in a gown with her hand on the shoulders of a man. Boldly signed and dated “51” in her hand. $225.00
STEELE, Bob Handsome photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose, dressed in his western gear. $65.00
STEWART, Jimmy Wonderful B&W photograph, 8”x10” close-up head and shoulders pose. Inscribed to President of the Film Institute: “Best wishes to Bob Orth Jimmy Stewart.” Note on verso indicates received August 61. $195.00
STERLING, Robert 20th Century Fox Studio photograph, borderless 7.5”x9”, head and shoulders pose, very boldly signed. $57.50
Scarce Oversized Original Genuine Sketch of “Harvey”
STEWART, James White artist board appx. 11”x16”. Drawn with a blue ink marker is a huge sketch of “Harvey: a rabbit’s head with large stripped bow tie. $695.00
Very Scarce Original Sketch of Harvey
STEWART, James This hand drawn sketch is accomplished using a bold black felt tip pen on an 8.5”x11” card stock. In addition, Stewart has boldly signed his name in full, at the bottom right-hand corner. He has added the name Harvey in the bottom left-hand corner. $450.00
Signed the Year he featured in The Philadelphia Story
STEWART, James Oversized head & shoulders pose, 8.5”x10.25”, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer stamp on verso. Inscribed and signed: “To Edith Paulis (who worked on a cruise ship) Sincerely James Stewart 1940”. $395.00
STEWART, Jimmy Wonderful B&W photograph, 8”x10” close-up head and shoulders pose. Inscribed to President of the Film Institute: “Best wishes to Bob Orth Jimmy Stewart.” Note on verso indicates received August 61. $195.00
Earliest Vintage Signed Photograph We Have Handled
STEWART, Jimmy Very vintage brownie type camera photograph, appx. 3”x4’ of three-quarter length pose wearing a suit and hat. Inscribed in fountain pen “To Edith-thanks, Jimmy Stewart.”. $175.00
Earliest Vintage Signed Photograph We Have Handled
STEWART, Jimmy Very vintage brownie type camera photograph, appx. 3”x4’ of three-quarter length pose wearing a suit and hat. Inscribed in fountain pen “To Edith-thanks, Jimmy Stewart.”. $175.00
STRANGE, Glenn Best remembered for his role as the Frankenstein monster in 3 films during the 1940’s. He also played the bartender in the TV series “Gunsmoke.” Very scarce bold signature on a slip. $450.00
STRASBERG, Lee Publicity photo, 8”x10”, B&W, full face as a rare appearance as a senior citizen in And Justice For All. Not common in signed photographs. SOLD
STRASBERG, Susan Glossy, B&W photograph measuring 8”x10” of a smiling head and shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed: “To Bob, one of the Wizard of Oz country, I did picnic these and loved it, Susan Strasberg.” After her signature she drew a heart. Rubber stamp on verso “Aug 7 1979.”izen in And Justice For All. Not common in signed photographs. $87.50
Stratten Exceptionally
Scare Photograph Signed, being an 8 in. by 10 in. black and white publicity
portrait by Crown International Pictures for her debut feature
film, Galaxina. SOLD
The Five Stooges and More
HOWARD, Moe, FINE, Larry, HOWARD, Jerome Curly, BESSER, Joe, HOWARD, Shemp, BOLTON, Officer Joe Host/Performer of the 3 Stooges TV show Card measuring 3”x5” displaying facial portraits of the Five Stooges and Officer Joe Bolton. Four of the five Stooges have signed their first name by their portrait. Joe Besser has signed with his full name. On a larger portrait of Officer Joe Bolton, he has signed his name in full during old age. $2750.00
Inscribed and Signed by Mack Sennett
SULLIVAN, Edward D. His book: “Rattling The Cup On Chicago Crime.” The Vanguard Press, 1929, fifth printing. Two hundred fourteen pages. This is the first and only complete inside story of the reign of crime in Chicago. He writes about Al Capone and other high crime figures. Inscribed and signed by Mack Sennett (1880-1960) Father of Slapstick Comedy, creator of the Keystone Kops and 1,000 comedy shorts between 1909 and 1933. On the front free endpaper Sennett writes: “To Jessie Henderson from Mack Sennett.” $250.00
Retired at 33, Suicide at 49
SULLAVAN, Margaret Lovely MGM studio photograph, 8.5”x11”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, serious looking full face portrait. Inscribed and signed: “To Edith Paulis, Best wishes, Margaret Sullavan”. $250.00
Rare Collection of Superman Autographs
COLLYER, Bud & ALYN, Kirk, LARSON, Jack & BOND, Tommy, NEILL, Noel & SHAYNE, Robert & REEVE Christopher the Collection. $1,195.00
SUTTON, John Universal pictures photograph, borderless, 7.5”x9”, B&W, half length pose, inscribed and signed: “For Vernon Hanson with sincere good wishes John Sutton.” $125.00
SWANSON, Gloria Attractive, vintage photograph, 5”x7”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, full face. Boldly signed with excellent contrast. $195.00
SWANSON, Gloria Photograph, glossy 8”x10”, full length pose wearing a hooded outfit. Inscribed and signed: “To Robert Orth, greetings and a joyous heart always, Gloria Swanson, 1974”.. $125.00
Three Rare Taglioni's
TAGLIONI, Marie, TAGLIONI, Paul & TAGLIONI, Amalie Composer of Ballets. Autograph note signed, in French by Marie Taglioni, 24 March 1837 on a 3”x6” slip. In addition the slip is signed by Paul Taglioni and he adds in his hand: “du Theatre Royal de Berlin, 24 Mai 1837”. Paul’s wife, has also signed this slip adding two words in her hand. SOLD
Tarzan Collection
Tarzan Collection Signatures: WEISSMULLER, Johnny, O’SULLIVAN, Maureen, SHEFFIELD, John, CRABBE, Buster, BRIX, Herman, MILLER, Denny, O’KEEFFE, Miles. $295.00
From the Library of Young Sharon Tate
TATE, Sharon & POLANSKI, Roman & MANSON, Charles Offered is a book from the library of the young Sharon Tate. Horatio Alger’s” Strive and Succeed” Hurst and Co. Publishers. Two hundred and eighty-one pages. Signed by a young Sharon Tate on the title page, circa 1954. According to Debra Tate, Sharon would often write her name in her books, a habit she acquired while in school. On the flyleaf facing the title page, affixed is a portrait of Sharon Tate, along with a bold ink hand signed signature of Roman Polanski. On the front free endpaper is affixed a genuine hand signed signature of Charles Manson cut from a legal document. $3500.00
Tarzan, Jane and Boy
WEISMULLER, Johnny, O’SULLIVAN, Maureen, SHEFFIELD, Johnny Choice set of three 3”x5” cards signed by each. One of the finest signatures of Johnny Weissmuller we have seen. SOLD
TATE, Sharon Wonderful 3”x5” white index card inscribed in green ink: “To Paul, Sharon Tate”. She has hand drawn a “Smiley Face” after her signature. SOLD
TAYLOR, Dame Elizabeth Vintage portrait, B&W, 8”x10”, very close-up full face, head & shoulders pose. Her eyes are striking and she is wearing elegant earrings. Inscribed and signed: “To Chuck, Best wishes, Elizabeth Taylor”. $595.00
TAYLOR, Elizabeth Gorgeous vintage photograph of the young actress, head and shoulders pose looking quite serious. One of the earliest signed photographs of Taylor to appear on the market. Rare, not inscribed to an individual but contains a three word sentiment. Vintage signed photographs of Taylor of this caliber are very scarce. A truly stunning portrait of this young actress with a 3 word sentiment signed: “Best wishes always Elizabeth Taylor.” $2250.00
TAYLOR, Elizabeth Eighty pages, signed “Elizabeth Taylor Warner” on the cover just above an illustration of her eyes $225.00
TAYLOR, Robert MGM photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, full length pose handsomely dressed. Inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hanson-wishing you the best, Sincerely, Robert Taylor.”. $225.00
TAYLOR, Robert MGM Studio photograph, borderless, 7.25”x9”, head and shoulders pose, inscribed and signed: “To Vernon Hanson-My best wishes Robert Taylor.”. $195.00
TAYLOR, Robert Vintage portrait stamped “MGM” on verso. Measures appx: 7.25”x9.25”, head & shoulders pose, inscribed “To Edith Paulis, Regards, Robert Taylor”. $165.00
TAYLOR WARNER, Elizabeth Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, wonderful head & shoulders pose looking quite serious. Inscribed to her friend: “To Bob Orth, with all best wishes, Elizabeth Taylor Warner 1980”. Bob Orth was President of American Film Archives and was friends with Elizabeth Taylor. $475.00
Vintage Shirley Temple
TEMPLE, Shirley Vintage photograph, appx. 8”x10” of a teen age Shirley Temple dressed in an evening gown. She is wearing a three strand of pearls and holding a bouquet. Inscribed: “To Margaret, Love, Shirley Temple”. $450.00
Very Scarce Shirley Temple signature as a child
TEMPLE, Shirley Vintage fountain pen signature with the word “Love” by her hand. Penned on a cream colored card, very light water stain across the top of the card but not touching her signature. SOLD
TERRY, Ellen & IRVING, Henry Choice studio photograph of the fabulous duo depicting Irving as “The Vicar” and Terry as “Oliva”. Boldly signed and dated “1887” by Ellen terry. Boldly signed by Henry Irving. $275.00
One of America’s Greatest Magicians
THURSTON, Howard HChoice inscription with a full signature and date “Dec. 8, 1929.” SOLD
Third Husband of Elizabeth Taylor
TODD, Michael Vintage album page inscribed and signed”: “To Nathan, Sincerely, Michael Todd”. $85.00
TODD, Richard Typed letter signed, one page, refers to “The Hasty Heart.” Todd writes: “It was a pleasure to receive your recent letter and to know that you think so well of my role in “The Hasty Heart”…….signed “Richard Todd.” . $67.50
TRACY, Spencer American actor, first actor to win 2 consecutive Academy Awards for Best Actor. He had a 25-year long affair with Katharine Hepburn. Choice full signature on a slip, ample margins for framing. $250.00
TRAPP, Baroness Maria von Lengthy autograph letter signed, April 17, 1967 to Dear Mrs. Noble. SOLD
TURNER, Kathleen Front cover of “People” Weekly Magazine. Color portrait of turner on the cover, boldly signed with excellent contrast $37.50
TURNER, Lana Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose, looking directly into the camera. Inscribed signed and dated: “To Bob Orth (President of America Film Archive) Sincerely, Lana turner ‘82.” $160.00
TURPIN, Ben Choice autograph self-caricature signed with a one word sentiment. Turpin in his self portrait depicts himself in his most famous role with his silly eyes, wearing his hat. Boldly drawn and signed. $475.00
TWEED, Shannon 2 Vintage publicity photo, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose. Inscribed in pink ink: “To Bob with love, Shannon Tweed." $75.00
VALLEE, Rudy Attractive photograph, B&W, 6.5”X9”, head and solders pose looking to his side. Inscribed in red ink: “To Doug in Friendship Rudy Vallee.” $47.50
Scarce Signed photo - Starred in the First Movie to Depict a Homosexual Relationship (1919)
VEIDT, Conrad A fine vintage photograph, 5”x7”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, full face. Boldly signed and date “1935”. $250.00
VELEZ, Lupe Adorable vintage photograph, 8"x10”, head & shoulders pose of a smiling actress wearing an elaborate hat and jacket. Inscribed: “To Cenn, Best luck and happiness, Lupe Velez”. Dated “1938” on verso. $250.00
The Most Famous Circus Performer Of The 20th Century
Creator Of The First High Wire Pyramid
WALLENDA, Karl Frontispiece portrait, removed from his biography, of Karl Wallenda walking a high wire. Measures 5”x8”, B&W, boldly signed. $650.00
- John
Wayne Photograph Signed, approximate 8 in. by
10 in. still by famed Hollywood production photographer David
Sutton, who was often referred to as the Wayne's personal photographer.
Shows Wayne posing in a classic Western outfit, from the 1971
release, Big Jake. $1,050.00
16 Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz
JEANE, Little, TOCZYLOWSKI, Betty, SLOVER, Karl, CARROLL, Mickey, DOLL, Tiny, SWENSON, Clarence, BRUNO, Betty Ann Cain, NELSON, Nels, FORMICA, Fern, MONTY, Harry, MAREN, Jerry, RAAB, Meinhardt, COTTONARO, Tony, DUCCINI, Ruth Robinson, KRANZLER, Emil, PELLEGRINI, Margaret The entire collection all in very fine condition $225.00
- KREBS, Nita Actress played a Munchkin Lullabye League Girl in the Wizard of Oz. Color photograph, 3”x5” of Judy Garland looking over the three Lullabye Girls. Signed, in ink, by Nita Krebs. SOLD
RAAB, Reinhardt American actor. Munchkin in the Wizard of Oz. Played the part of the coroner. He certified the death of the Wicked Witch of the East. Wonderful color photograph, 8”x10” of Meinhardt Raab in the Wizard of Oz. $47.50
Very Uncommon Signed Photograph of Spyros P. Skouras
SKOURAS, Spyros P. Oversized photograph, 10”x13”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed: “My best to Charles Anderson and the Alpine Theatre, Spyros P. Skouras.” $225.00
SWENSON, Clarence Played one of the 25 soldiers in the Wizard of oz. Color photograph 5”x7” of Judy Garland looking over the Munchkin soldiers. Signed in red ink: “Wizard of Oz, Clarence Swenson, A Soldier, Munchkin.”. $37.50
Signed with his Double Signature
VILLECHAIZE, Herve Photograph, B&W, 3.5”x5”, half length pose smiling. Inscribed: To Susan, thank you for taking care of our guys Love Tattoo, Herve Villechaize.’ He has also drawn a heart. $95.00
Died at the early age of thirty-three
WALKER, Robert Very scarce vintage MGM photograph, borderless, 7.25”x9” B&W, head and shoulders pose, smiling. Inscribed and signed in red ink: “To Vernon with best wished Bob Walker.”. $275.00
WAYNE, John PScarce U.S. Army postal cover with a cachet of Uncle Sam. Rubber stamp that this cover was passed by an Army Examiner and written “Free” in lieu of a postage stamp. Cancelled U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. May 17, 1945. Boldly signed with a vintage signature of John Wayne. World War II was officially over a week earlier. $775.00
The Real Story Behind Batman
WEST, Adam His book: “Back to the Batcave.” Berkley trade paperback edition, First Edition, Sept. 1994. Two hundred fifty-seven pages, heavily illustrated. Inscribed and signed on the title page: “To Steve- Adam West.”. $75.00
TV’S Batman
WEST, Adam Color photo, candid shot, half length pose of Adam West. Boldly signed. $37.50
WILCOX, Robert Universal Pictures photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose looking quite serious. Signed with a two word sentiment: “wishing yours-Robert Wilcox.”. $95.00
WILDER, Billy FDC Honoring Marilyn Monroe. Nice cachet of Marilyn Monroe along with her printed signature. Affixed is a 32 cent US Marilyn Monroe postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, Universal Studios, Universal City, CA June 1, 1995. Hand signed and dated “Billy Wilder 95.”. $40.00
Original Sketch of a Favorite Charles Dickens Character
WILLIAMS, Bransby On an album page he writes a presentation inscription and two-word sentiment dated Oct.6/43. On the right side of the page he draws an ink sketch of the fictional Charles dickens character Mr. Micawber and signs the sketch with his “BW” initials. Mr. Micawber was a clerk in Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield (1849-50). $125.00
Very RARE Combination of Signatures
WISE, Jack & BOW, Clara Very rare photograph, 8”x9.5” of Bow and Wise. Three quarter length pose of Bow clutching Wise’s arm. Wise has written: “To Dr. Donald Cass. With Best Wishes Sincerely Jack Wise 5/18/49. Clara Bow and I in her first staring silent picture Lawful Cheater.” Signed “Clara Bow” $1250.00
WISE, Jack Rare photograph, B&W, 8”x10” of 16 actors of the silent screen. Marie Prevost, Chester Conklin and Ben Turpin are just a few sitting in the front row. Jack Wise is standing in the back row. Inscribed and signed along the top margin: ‘To my old friend Dr. Donald Cass Best Wishes Sincerely, Jack Wise, Hollywood, Cal, Mar. 8,49.”. $135.00
Desirable and Uncommon Photo From "King Kong"
WRAY, Fay Fabulous glossy photo, 8”x10”, B&W of King Kong reaching for Fay Wray. Boldly signed “Fay Ray”. $185.00
One of the early “Scream Queens”
WRAY, Fay One of the early scream queens who may be best known for her appearance in the first “King Kong” movie (1933). Most likely the finest signature we have ever handled of Wray, huge bold example with ample margins for framing $65.00
Very SCARCE Casting Department Receipt
WRIGHT, Teresa Slightly trimmed (one side) Casting Dept. receipt, dated 9/24/46 for the part of “Thor” in the movie “Pursued.” Signed by Teresa Wright $65.00
WYLER, William Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, of the Director behind his motion picture camera. Inscribed and signed: “To Robert Orth, William Wyler”. $135.00
YOUNG, Loretta Photograph head and shoulders pose, elegant and looking directly into the camera. Measures apppx.5”x7”, inscribed and signed “To Robert Orth with my deep affection, Sincerely Loretta Young.” Rubber stamp on verso “Jul 21 1976.”. $175.00