8) EISENHOWER, Dwight D. (1890-1969). 34th President of the United States (Jan 20, 1953-Jan 20, 1961). Very scarce Inauguration Cover January 20th, 1953 (First Inauguration) with a cachet of a smiling Eisenhower. Affixed is a U.S. 3 Cent postage stamp of The White House cancelled, Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1953. Beautiful signature of Dwight D. Eisenhower which graces the top center of the cover. Type written name and address of a collector in Iowa. Together with a matching cover cancelled twice. Once over a U.S. Supreme Court 3 Cent postage stamp, cancelled Jan 20, 1953, and the other over a U.S. Dwight Eisenhower postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue May 22, 1986. Boldly signed with a 3.5” long signature of Mamie Doud Eisenhower. This cover bears the name and address, in pencil of a collector. Genuine signatures of Eisenhower are becoming quite scarce as new exemplars of his autopen signatures are discovered. An iconic pair! Both covers in fine condition. From the Estate of Ralph Swap of Alaska. ...........$675.00