RARE A.L.S. of Eisenhower as President with Excellent Documentation
In a letter to Mamie from Ike on September 20, 1943, Ike Stated “I write to no one (long hand) except you.”
EISENHOWER, Dwight D. (1890-1969). President of the United States (1953-1961). General in WWII. Very rare autograph letter signed, as president, on lined paper cut to the size of a postcard. President Eisenhower writes: “Dear Mary Jane, Will you please air mail these, also check addresses on top Two (Mr. Farrel & Mr Slater). D.E.” Together with an engraved card of “Mary Jane McCaffree” who writes on her card: “The Mary Jane in Pres. Eisenhower’s note was addressed to me. Former Chief of Staff to Mrs. Eisenhower 1953-1961 Mary Jane McCaffree.” Included is The White House envelope for this card which bears the gold Presidential Seal on the flap. Mary Jane McCaffree was very close to Eisenhower since 1951. She traveled with him on his entire campaign train and she spent 8 years in The White House. Mary Jane became the Social Secretary of The White House and Chief of Staff for Mrs. Eisenhower. This information was told to us during a private interview in her home in Florida. This letter is part of a collection of items we purchased from Mary Jane. She even had her original White House telephone. Of all the Dwight Eisenhower autograph letters signed that have appeared in the market, all were written to Mamie and all signed “Ike.” This is the first A.L.S. we have seen signed “D.E.” and not to Mamie and most importantly as President........................$3,900.00
