ATCHINSON, D.R. (1807-1866) "President for One Day", Atchison served as President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate. On Friday March 2, 1959, Vice President Dallas resigned as President of the Senate. The Senate elected Missouri Senator David R. Atchison as Senate Pro Tempora. President Polk’s term expired on Saturday March 3, 1849. Since Inauguration Day, March 4, 1849 fell on a Sunday President-elect Taylor did not take his oath of office until Monday, March 5th, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, David R. Atchison was U.S. President on March 4, 1849. Signature “D.R. Atchinson” on a slip of vellum. A bit light in places but all readable. Affixed to a larger slip.................$295.00
