The Only Complete Collection of Executive Mansion
Signed Cards in Existence
EXECUTIVE MANSION CARDS, SIGNED. This unique collection consists of nine signed Executive Mansion cards. The collection begins with the only known Executive Mansion card signed and dated (as president) by Ulysses S. Grant. The date on this card is of great importance as the great autograph dealer Paul Richards (1939-1993) whose specialty was in the autographs of Presidents of the United States once said “if you really have a card signed by Grant, it was signed during the Hayes administration as Hayes was the first president to sign these cards. Someone got a blank card and had Grant sign it while Hayes was president.” Obviously this is not true. The Grant card is followed by Executive Mansion cards signed by Rutherford B. Hayes, one signed and dated by James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, and one by Grover Cleveland during his first term as president. The collection continues with Executive Mansion cards signed by Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland signed and dated (second term), William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. Executive Mansion cards signed by Benjamin Harrison and Theodore Roosevelt are rare and missing from most collections. Executive Mansion cards were signed by James A. Garfield during his short time as president and are very, very desirable. This collection took over 40 years to complete. It is worthy of placement in the finest presidential signed collections or in a museum. Together with a copy of “History of Collecting Executive Mansion, White House and The White House Cards Signed by the Presidents and their First Ladies.”.............................$89,000.00
