Jimmy Carter (1924- )Menachem Begin (1913-1992)Anwar Sadat (1918-1981)
All three world leaders entered into negotiations and signed the historic Camp David Accord which resulted in the 1979 Egypt-Israeli Peace Treaty. Both Sadat and Begin received the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. This treaty enabled Egypt to regain the Sanai Peninsula. Anwar sadat was assassinated by Islamic fundamentalists while reviewing a military parade.
Choice color vintage 8”x10” photograph of Jimmy Carter, half length pose standing in his library. Signed “Best wishes, Jimmy Carter.” A wonderful full Jimmy Carter signature.
Menachem Begin, a scarce larger than usual B&W photo 5”x7” head and shoulders pose, signed in the light area, excellent contrast.
Anwar Sadat, a scarce magazine color portrait, overall size, 5”x10”, head and shoulders pose speaking regarding the Soviet Union. Boldly signed with a double signature of Sadat, once in Arabic and again in English. A fabulous trio for framing.........................$695.00
