Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~

Aviation, Explorers
Civil War
Indians / Old West
Relic Cards
Science, Business & Invention
Signed Books
World Leaders
Authentication Services
Reference Books
Atrocious Authentications
Civil War
Commanded the “Brooklyn” during the Civil War, Excellent Content Letter

ALDEN, Admiral James Letter 5”x8” signed. Dated January 3, 1870 on Navy Department letterhead, two separate pages to Commodore Joseph F. Green (1811-1897), putting him in command of the Southern Squadron of the North Atlantic Fleet. At Key West, Florida. The letter in a secretary’s hand continues: “The Congress now at Phila will be your Flag Ship. If you have a choice of captains, for the command of that ship, please let me know-You are allowed a Secretary, and Lt. Comd. As Chief of Staff...”  $145.00

ALDEN, Admiral James American Rear Admiral during the Civil War. He commanded the Brooklyn during the famous Battle of Manila bay.  When the Monitor Tecumseh was sunk, Admiral Alden stopped his ship, throwing the fleet into disorder. He then received the famous order from Admiral Farragut: “Damn the torpedoes! Go Ahead, here!”  Typed letter signed, Jan. 10, 1871 on the imprinted stationery of Bureau of Navigation, Washington. SOLD

Union General, Governor of Massachusetts. Autograph letter signed, one full page, Waltham, MA, 24 Sept. 1870. SOLD

General G.T. Beauregard
Exceptional Signature
by the Confederate General. $450.00

BEAUREGARD, G.T. CSA General. Commanded Southern Forces at Charleston, S.C. that bombarded Ft. Sumter.  Fine large signature on a slip with ample margins for framing. Dated “1870” in the General’s hand. $395.00

BEAUREGARD, P.T.G. Confederate Major General who initiated the attack on Ft. Sumter which started the Civil War.  Beauregard also led with great distinction at the First Bull Run, Shiloh and in the defense of Richmond.  Autograph letter signed, one very full page, no date, to Dear Mrs. Hise. SOLD

BELKNAP, Wm. W. Union General, Secretary of War. Led Iowa’s troops in Sherman’s march.  Choice bold signature adding: “Sec’y of War, June 4, 1870”. A very fine example. SOLD

BLAIR, Francis P. Union General. Fine bold signature on a card. $50.00

BUCKNER, Simon B. Confederate lt. General, surrendered Fort Donelson, fought at Chickamauga and Mobile. Governor of Kentucky.  Partly printed Autograph Document Signed, 2.5x5.25”, Louisville, KY, June 7, 1875.  Check drawn on the Masonic Savings Bank.  Accomplished in Bruckner’s hand and made payable to himself “S.B.B.”, in the amount of $150.00. $450.00

Three Signatures

BUFORD, Napoleon Bonaparte Union General served at the Battle of Vicksburg. Endorsed by him on the verso thus three signatures.  $145.00

BURNSIDE, A.E. Union General, lent his name to the type of side whiskers he wore. Fine signature on a card. $150.00

BURNSIDE, A.E. Union General who allowed Lee’s escape at Antietam. Autograph letter signed, on the imprinted U.S. Senate Chamber, Washington stationery.  May 28, 1880. Fine one page example. SOLD

BUTLER, Benjamin T.L.S., no date to J.D. Lyman, Exeter, New Hampshire. Signed with a very large signature. $225.00

The Author of "Sherman's March to the Sea".
Song was smuggled out of a Prison Camp in South Carolina,
hidden in another prisoner's wooden leg.

BYERS, LIEUT. S.H.M Byers has written on a large page:   "First four lines of Sherman’s March to the Sea”. Together with a lengthy two page TLS from the Head of References, Library of Congress to Senator Edward Martin, July 15, 1958. This letter details the history of Byers poem, confirms he wrote the words in prison, smuggled it out in a prisoner’s wooded leg and when Byers returned to the North, he found the Northern Army singing his song.  $1895.00

I Have Not Worked, If I Didn't Win This Time It Shall Not Be
Said I Did Not Deserve To Win, You Must help me To The End, I
Will Win & I Will See That All My Friends Shall Win

CAMERON, Simon Cameron was elected to replace James Buchanan in the U.S. Senate in 1844. Cameron was nominated for President but gave his support to Lincoln at the 1860 Republican National Convention. Secretary of War in Lincoln’s Cabinet. Involved in a scandal. Autograph letter signed, four very full pages, 3 Sept. 1853 to Wm. M. Gavin.  $450.00

President Lincoln's Secretary of War

CAMERON, Simon Secretary of War in Lincoln’s cabinet. Minister to Russia.  Autograph letter signed, one very full page, 27 may 1877. To John N. Read, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Long letter discussing the importance of newspapers in politics. Mentions the Nashville Union, Harrisburg Argus and others. SOLD

CAMERON, Simon Autograph letter signed, one very full page, Bank of Middletown, June 17, 1839. Financial content.SOLD

CHAMBERLAIN, J.L. Union General, awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallantry at Gettysburg. Closing of a letter signed: “Sincerely yours, J.L. Chamberlain”. SOLD

Civil War Scrapbook

Civil War Scrapbook Title on spine, Scrap Book 1865, Incidents of the War. On the pages of a book, a collector has pasted newspaper clipping on both sides of each page. Clipping starts with Rebel Treatment of Union Prisoners then onto Gettysburg Laying the Cornerstone of the Soldiers Monument and the following are just a small sample of clippings.  $275.00

COGSWELL, William Brevet-Brig. General, U.S.V., 2nd Mass.  In 1861 he raised the first company of volunteers for the National cause in Mass.  Cabinet photograph, oval portrait head and shoulders pose. Signed on the lower mount adding a three word sentiment in his hand. $450.00

Captured a Confederate Flag
Headed the Army to Establish A Cuban Republic
At Wounded Knee Kidnapped and Adopted an Indian Baby

COLBY, Leonard W. Choice signature on card.  $57.50

General Orders #2 - Beards To be Kept Short

COOPER, Samuel Confederate general. In 1815 a graduate of West Point.Adj. and Inspector General during the four full years of the CSA. Formally he had been the same in the US Army. He was the highest ranking General Officer in the Confederate Army.  D.S., 1pg., 12mo, Washington, Jan. 6, 1853. As Adjutant General, by command of Major general Scott, Cooper signs paragraph 218, general orders #2 in regard to how beards should be worn. A very interesting document in V/G condition.  SOLD

The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from France in 1884. Bartholdi designed the Statue and chose its site. He spent a great deal of time and energy raising funds in the U.S. and France to bring his plan to completion. The Statue was shipped to the U.S. in 214 cases in May 1885 and president Cleveland dedicated the monument on Oct. 28, 1886. The Statue of Liberty is a National Monument

CULLUM, George Washington Union General. Supt. Of the U.S. Military Academy (1864-66). Wrote numerous books on engineering and military history.  Autograph letter signed, on mourning stationery, April 23, 1886. Written in the 3rd person and also signed once again at the close of the letter.  The general sends a check (not enclosed) for $20 to pay for a box….or a front row at the Academy of Music for the Bartholdi Pedestal Fund Entertainment to be given May 6, at 1 P.M. Please to send the tickets to General Cullum, 261 Fifth Avenue, New York City, April 23, 1866”.  $275.00

A Fabulous Pair of Free Franked Covers

DAVIS, Jefferson, STEPHENS, Alexander  H. 5’x3” postal cover, addressed and free franked “Jeff. Davis, U.S.S.”, circular postal cancellation, in red “Free” Washington, February 16, (no year), Addressed to John Goforth Esq, Norristown, Penna., full red wax seal on verso. In fine condition. 5”x3” postal cover hand addressed to Col. Linton Stephens, Middedegeville, Ga.  Franked “Free Alexander H. Stephens M.C. Circular postal cancellation, Free, Washington, Jan. 26, no year.   Middedegeville, Georgia was the Georgia Civil War capital. Linton Stephens was the half-brother of Alexander Stephens and was Commander of the 15th Georgia Infantry Regiment. Pencil notation on verso dated this cover 25 Jan 1854. $975.00

President of the Confederacy

DAVIS, Jefferson Fine, bold signature on a slip adding in his hand “Sec of War.” Affixed to a larger slip.  $475.00

President of the Confederacy

DAVIS, Jefferson Fine, bold signature on a slip adding in his hand “U.S.S.”.  SOLD

Rare Signed Photograph of the First Lady of the Confederacy

DAVIS, Varina Jefferson Photograph, 2.5”x3” of Mrs. Davis in old age. Mounted to the photographer’s mount to 3.5”x5”,  Mrs. Davis is sitting in a chair, holding a cane and looking directly into the camera.  Signed in full and dated “1898” in her hand on the lower portion of the photograph.  $1895.00

DENT, F.T. Union General, Military Governor of Richmond. Choice signature with  “Bvt Brig Gen & ADC” in his hand. SOLD

DEVENS, Charles Brig. General of Volunteers, Massachusetts. He led divisions of the 18th, 11th and 24th Corps.  Wounded on three occasions. Later, he became the Attorney General for President R.B. Hayes.  Autograph letter signed, on the verso of a postcard,  Boston, April 8, 1882. Devens writes: “I am very much obliged by a copy of your charming paper on dance, Yours truly, C. Devens”. $150.00

DIX, Dorothea Lynde
Offered is her personal copy of Practical Strategy as Illustrated by The Achievements of the Austrian Field Marshall Traun. Catskill, 1863. Signed “D.L. Dix” at the top right of the front cover and once again on the title page, Light feathering to the signature on the front cover. $575.00

Fort Dix, New Jersey Is Named For Him

DIX, John A. Union Major General, commanded 7th Corps. Secretary of the Treasury.  Autograph letter signed, 1 page, New York, July 5, 1871.  SOLD

DRAKE, Samuel Adams Joined the Union Army in 1861 and became a Brigadier General in 1863. Best known for his book The Battle of Gettysburg  (1892).  Scarce autograph quotation signed in full: "Our own historical monuments embody the best and most patriotic teachings for young people and they should, by all means, be sacredly guarded as a trust”. SOLD
General John C. Frémont A Bold Signature from the "Pathfinder" of the American West and Union General. SOLD

GIBSON, Randell Lee Confederate General, Col 13th Louisiana Infantry. Fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga and Chattanooga. Fine signature adding “La July 8th 1892”. Signed shortly before his death, he died in December of this same year.  $95.00

GRANGER, Robert Seaman Union General, captured in 1861. He later commanded at Bowling Green and took full charge of a Kentucky Troop.  He also saw service in Texas.  A.L.S., 1 page, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1874. $125.00

HAMLIN, H. Abraham Lincoln’s Vice-President. Autograph letter signed, one page, Washington, D.C. March 7, 1871. To Mr. John J. Brown. “I have received your note of the 4th instant.”  Most likely a request for Hamlin’s autograph. Fine bold signature. SOLD

HAMPTON, Wade Confederate Lieutenant General of Cavalry. His daring exploits at Antietam, Gettysburg and Petersburg won him fame in both the North and South.  Typed letter signed, one page, on the imprinted stationery of the Department Of The Interior, Office of Commissioner of Railroads, Washington, D.C.  Dated, Dec.4, 1895.  SOLD

HAWLEY, Joseph R. BUnion General, Governor of Connecticut. Letter signed, one full page, Mar. 6, 1885, Washington, D.C.  Hawley finds it difficult to go down a mile to the ordinance office....”I have already sent a memorandum to General Benet who will probably give me  substantially the information you desire....”. $85.00

HAWLEY, Joseph R. Brig. General of Volunteers. Led divisions of the 10th & 24th Corps in So. Carolina and Florida. Choice signature on a card dated April 15,81 at Hartford, Conn. $55.00

Poet Laureate of the Confederacy

HAYNE, Paul H Uncommon autograph letter signed, 2 pages, Augusta, 6/3/1874. In part: “The poem Cloud Pictures is beautifully printed. “Caught In The Woods” my second poem sent you, you can of course retain just as long as you please. Let it takes its turn whenever its turn arrives. Yes I couldn’t resist the impulse which prompted me to do some honor to our friend...upon her birthday.  She is a very remarkable know her is to like her...” Signed in full. A four line P.S. states: “The check you mentioned has not come yet...on its arrival, I’ll send you a receipt.”  $650.00

HIGGINSON, T.W. Colonel of the 1st Negro Regt. In the Union Army. He was also a poet and also a clergyman. Full page autograph letter signed, n.p., n.d. mentions writing to the author Mr. Stoddard about the remarkable publication of a sonnet by Hood published in 1827, however he thinks it may be an uncollected sonnet by Poe. He adds: “The author of the hoax had the coolness to add the date 1839”. $125.00

HOWARD, Oliver Otis. Union Major General, Medal of Honor recipient who led his division at Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg. Choice full signature adding rank, place and date. SOLD

Autograph Quote Signed
Author - Battle Hymn of the Republic

HOWE, Julia Ward Wonderful portion of an autograph letter signed six lines. one page. Howe writes: “God speed. Hoping to meet you all before many months are ended and praying God to keep the country so dear to us all, I am always, your affectionate president, Julia Ward Howe.  $350.00

Author - Battle Hymn of the Republic

HOWE, Julia Ward Interesting conclusion of an A.L.S., complete in itself: “interesting, may your efforts avail to make them known. And Oh! May heaven extend its protection to our prosecuted fellow Christians! Yours with affectionate regard, Julia W. Howe (over) 241 Beacon St.”.  $250.00

Fabulous Autograph Quote
Author - Battle Hymn of the Republic

HOWE, Julia Ward Fabulous portion of an autograph letter signed, one and a half pages. Howe writes in part: “ must not wait for me this evening. I shall come if I possibly can, but I am much fatigued from my birthday celebrations... I have long been promised to speak in the Sunday School...” She continues: “you must remember that I am under petti coat government from which time is no appeal. Affect’ly yours, Julia Ward Howe”. Full signatures of Julia Ward Howe are very desirable.  SOLD

Confederate Secretary Of State

Hunter, Robert M.T. U.S. Senator, Confederate Secretary of State. His profile appears on the CSA $10.00 note.  Autograph letter signed, one full page, Feb.28, 1849, To the Honorable John M. Mason, Secretary of the Navy.  SOLD

JOHNSTON, Joseph E. Civil War Confederate General. Commander of the combined forces at First Bull Run. Signature on a lined slip. Nice clear example except for a light minor stain touching the top of the “h” in Johnston. SOLD

KETCHAM, J.H. Major General, Union Army. He saw action at Resaca, Cassville, Dallas, Kennesaw and battles around Atlanta where he was wounded. He was severely wounded a second time at Savannah. Fine signature on a slip. $50.00

KILPATRICK, H.J. Union General, commanded Sherman’s Cavalry. Autograph note signed, one page on a small slip. Astor House, N.Y. Oct.5th, 1870. “Many thanks for your kind congratulations. J. Kilpatrick”. $325.00

Abraham Lincoln's Cabinet/Associates


Rare Civil War Sheet Music, Signed

LOZIER, John H. Songwriter, writer of hymns. He words to popular songs such as The Man of Galilee and Behold The Mystic Symbol.   Sheet music for the popular song The Nameless Graves Where Our Heroes Lie, Published by John Church, Cincinnati, 1864 Six pages, measures 9.5“x13“.  At the top of the front cover John H. Lozier has written in pencil: “with the lasting regards of the author”.  $85.00
General George McClellan Union General, Commander of the Army of the Potomac, Lincoln nemesis, Bold Signature. $285.00

McCOOK, Anson Brevet Brigadier General USV-2nd Ohio. Card signed on  both sides “Anson G. McCook, Secretary of the U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., Dec.7th/87”.  SOLD

1863 First Comptroller of the Currency
Lincoln’s Last Secretary of the Treasury

MC CULLOCH, Hugh Scarce letter signed as Comptroller of the Currency. “The name of the banks which  you will be authorized to examine will from time to time be sent to you as your services may be required. Very truly yours, H. McCulloch”. A few letters light in McCulloch’s last name otherwise in very fine condition.  $125.00
Major General George Meade Signature as Commander of the Army of the Potomac. Very Fine. SOLD

Officer Who Seized the Amistad

MEADE, Richard Worsam A choice signature “R.W. Meade” adding “Comm USN” in his hand. A scarce signature. Together with a fine portrait of Meade, half length pose in uniform.  $250.00

MERRITT, Wesley Union General, known for his bravery. Fought in the Indian Wars and the Spanish American War.  Autograph letter signed, 2 pages, Governor’s Island, new York. Nov.3, 1897.  Writing to a Major, Merritt respectfully declines a meeting and hopes to get together in the future. SOLD

MOLINEUX, Edward L. Brev. Major General USV 159th NY. Fought in the campaigns against Port Hudson, red River and the Shenandoah Valley.  Fine full signature dated Nov. 28, 1902. SOLD

MORGAN, George Washington Appointed Officer in the Texas Army by Sam Houston. Colonel in the Mexican War, commanded a regiment under Zachary Taylor. Cabinet photograph, head & shoulders pose dressed in a suit and tie. He has heavy sideburns.  Boldly signed below on the mount: “George W. Morgan, Brigadier General U.S.V. Civil War”. $695.00

MORGAN, John T, Confederate General who signed Alabama’s secession. Large signature adding: “Alabama” in his hand. SOLD

PACKARD, Jasper Union General. Attorney who listed as a Private in the 48th Indiana Volunteers in 1861. Signed CDV adding: “Sincerely yours” in his hand. Photograph taken by Robert Gould, Rochester, Indiana. SOLD

POPE, John Union General. Choice bold signature “Jno Pope, Maj. Gen. U.S.A.”  Ample margins for framing. SOLD

PORTER, David D. Union Admiral.  Autograph letter signed, one  very full page, Washington, D.C., Dec. 28, 1880.  A kind response to a request. $450.00

PORTER, F.J. Union General.  Autograph letter signed, one and a quarter pages, Morristown, NJ, July 17, ny.  To Capt. Blake, Barge Susquehanna.  “Please send me and also Mrs. Holbrook at this place-each a tub of butter on Saturday next. Mrs. Holbrook has moved here and here after I will settle her bill if you will please send it with mine to my office in new York.” Quite interesting. $135.00

Very Scarce A.l.S. John Reagan, CSA Postmaster General

REAGAN, John H.  Autograph letter signed, one very full page on the letterhead of the United States Senate, Washington, D.C. Dated March 8, 1891. Reagan resigned from the Senate two days after this letter was written. Reagan writes to Hon. J (ohn) G (allatin) Kearby at Wills Point, Texas. Reagan writes: “My Dear Sir, I send you the Congressional Record, 1st Session, 51st Congress, Twelve volumes. Please advise me at Palestine, Texas, when it reaches you. By reference to the general index, volume 12, you will see the number and variety of subjects which occupied my attention during that session. Very truly your friend, John H. Reagan.”  Together with original United States Senate envelope, with a US 2-cent stamp postmarked Washington, DC MAR 8, 91.  $1650.00

Youngest Confederate General Officer

ROBERTS, William Paul Roberts enlisted in the 19th North Carolina Volunteers and was rapidly promoted. In February 1865 he became the youngest Confederate General Officer and commanded a brigade in W.H.F. Lee’s division.  A story says that Robert E. Lee presented his own gauntlets to Roberts when he was commissioned brigadier.  After the war, he served in the state legislature and as state auditor.  Choice signature on a card adding in his hand: “Brig. Gen. C.S.A.”.  SOLD

ROSECRANS, W.S. Union General, commanded the Armies of the Mississippi.  Signature with rank on a large slip. SOLD

RUGGLES, Daniel Autograph letter signed, 2 pages, Fredericksburg, VA, Oct. 28,1870. Ruggles writes to the Singer Manufacturing Co. in New York asking them if they have received his patent for the “Sewing Machine brake”. He continues to ask about rights and royalties. He also requests the return of the patent.  Together with an A.L.S. from Samuel Moors to the singer Manufacturing Company sending them the patent at the request of Gen. Ruggles and asking to be advised of their interest. A note at the bottom of the letter in an unidentified hand states the company has no interest and the patent has no value to them. Interesting collection and of what the general was doing after the war. $550.00

American Civil War Brigadier General in the New Jersey Militia

RUNYON, Theodore Fabulous ornate signature from the bottom portion of a letter adding:  “Newark, N.J..  June 13/65.”  Short five line biographical note on the left side.  $35.00

RUSK, Jeremiah McLain Brevet Brigadier General USV 25th Wisconsin. Commanded a regiment in Sherman’s Meridian Campaign. Fine bold signature on a large slip. SOLD

SCHENCK, Robert C. Union General. Autograph letter signed, one full page. Washington, DC 4/2/1871. To John Brown, Jr. Most likely responding to a request for his autograph. $150.00

SCHENCK, Robert C. Union General who led the VIII Corps. His Corps played a major role in the early stages of the Gettysburg campaign. Wounded at Manassas. Congressman. He wrote the rules for draw poker. Two word sentiment, signed on a card. SOLD

Hero of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba and the Spanish-American War

SCHLEY, Winfield Scott Closing of a letter with a three word sentiment: “Very Truly Yours  W.S. Schley Rear-Admiral U.S.N.” Affixed to an album page witch also contains a portrait of Schley as Rear-Admiral.  $95.00

SCHOFIELD, J.M. Union General, Secretary of War. Autograph letter signed, one page, West Point, NY, March 6, 1880. The general writes: “I take pleasure in complying with the request conveyed in your note of the 5th instant.” Boldly signed: “J.M. Schofield, Maj. Gen’l U.S.A.”. $160.00

SCOTT, Winfield Union General, hero of the Mexican War, captured Mexico City.  Autograph letter signed, in the third person, one page, on a large slip. Tuesday, Mar. 10th (ny).  He writes: “General Scott accepts with great pleasure General Towson’s invitation to dinner for Thursday next.”  Mounted to a larger page, otherwise fine and perfect for matting/framing. $395.00

SCOTT, Winfield Union General, Presidential candidate. Envelope hand addressed by Scott to Major Thos. Williams, U. States Army, Brattleboro, VT. Free Franked by Scott with his desirable full signature adding his rank. Light postmark from Washington. $275.00

Lincoln's Secretary of State Attempted Assassination along with Lincoln
Choice A.L.S. of Association to Ph. Schuyler Van Rensselaer

SEWARD, William H. A Fine very early autograph letter signed, Auburn, Nov. 19, 1838 to Ph. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. On the inside of this stampless folded letter Seward responds to an application for the position of State Librarian and support of it will receive due consideration. In V/G condition except for small tear where wax seal was broken, not affecting the writing. Together with the original invoice Sept. 20, 2010 for $569.95 from Mystic Rare Stamp Co. $375.00

SEYMOUR, Horatio Civil War Governor of New York. Presidential candidate. Autograph letter signed, one page, Utica, Sept. 29, 1868. To John J. Brown, Jr. A fine letter sending his autograph. $65.00

SHARP, Jacob Hunter Confederate General. A lawyer, he enlisted in the 1st Battalion Mississippi Infantry in 1861. Card signed in pencil adding: “Miss. Brig. Gen. C.S.A.”. SOLD
SHIELDS, James Early autograph letter signed, one page, Washington, January 11, 1854. He is responding to a request for his autograph. $195.00
Lt. General Philip Sheridan Union General's Signature as Commander of the Cavalry. SOLD
SHERMAN, William Tecumseh Nice informative letter signed, one page, New York September 18, 1888. ‘The date of my graduation at West Point is July 1, 1840. You will find it so recorded in ‘Cullunis Register’ of Officers and graduates of West Point Military Academy.” $750.00
General William Tecumsah Sherman Defers a trip to the Boston Arsenal in this in a very fine Autograph Letter Signed. SOLD

SICKLES, Daniel Check, Bank of Metropolis, New York,  accomplished in his hand, August 11,1886 made payable to “Myself” for $100. Very boldly signed with no cancellation holes or stamps touching his signature. Signed once again on the verso. $275.00

Vice President of the Confederate States

STEPHENS, Alexander Autograph letter signed, 2 pages, Crawfordville, GA., Oct. 31, 1853.  To His Excellency Howell Cobb (Governor of Georgia and future Confederate General).  Stephens complains about not receiving an Executive proclamation “which has escaped my attention and presuming I am in the number…..and to send a certificate direct to me at this office. I am somewhat solicitous that my Certificate should be sent the present week…”.  SOLD

VANWYCK, C.H. Breveted Brigadier General during the Civil War. Entered the Union Army as Colonel of the Fifty-Six Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers. He commanded it during the War.  He was a Senator from Nebraska. Cover bearing a Free Franking signature of VanWyck as a member of  Congress. $35.00

WALKER, Francis A. Brig. General of the 155th Mass. President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Autograph letter signed, one page on the imprinted letterhead of the President’s Office, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Interesting: “I did not think, I could not possibly think....I have a few was only the actual results of a contested election which I defeated..”. $150.00

The Only General that could wear the grey uniform of the South
and the blue uniform of the North

WHEELER, Major General Joseph Autographed letter signed on the letterhead of the House of Representatives, Washington, March 4, 1899.  SOLD

General Who led The Colored Troops

WOODFORD, Stewart Union General who led the 103rd U.S. Colored Troops.  Governor of new York.  Letter signed, on the imprinted stationery Law Offices of Arnoux, Ritch and Woodford, N.Y.  Oct.3, 1870.  To John J. Brown, Jr.  Fine letter sending thanks and very boldly signed.  $125.00

WOODFORD, Stewart L. Bvt. Brig. General, Union Army.  Military Governor of Charleston.. Letter signed, one page, 3/14/82 on the letterhead of the United States Attorney’s office.  Fine lengthy letter regarding appointments at the patent office. $85.00

Author of Marching Through Georgia
A 12 page A.L.S. Mentions an Earthquake in Brooklyn
"Brooklyn...considered the finest city in the United States"

WORK, Henry Clay One of America’s greatest song writers of the 19th century. Composer of such noted songs as Marching Through Georgia, and  Kingdom Comin.  Extremely lengthy 12 page letter, signed in full. Together with the original envelope, hand addressed to ELEVEN individuals on Pine street in Philadelphia. Postage stamp removed. The letter is in fine condition.  $895.00

Autograph Letter signed to Autograph Dealer Walter Benjamin

WRIGHT, Marcus J. Very fine autograph letter signed, one page, Washington, May 5, 1911. To: “Dear Mr. (Walter) Benjamin”. He continues: “I write at once as you request. Accept the offer and send me $50.00. I hope very soon to have some matter to send you. Very truly yours, Marcus J. Wright.” .  $245.00

Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~