Benjamin Harrison refers to the Executive Mansion as The White House and most important content, four years after his presidency, he is still signing engraved portraits of the Executive Mansion.
Four Years After His Presidency, Still Signing Engraved Executive Mansion cards
HARRISON, Benjamin (1833-1901). The 23rd President of the United States (1889-1893). Grandson of William H. Harrison and the last Civil War General to serve as the U.S. President. Benjamin Harrison died just six months before McKinley’s assassination. Letter signed on his imprinted name and address stationery. December 30, 1896, To James McCrea, “I received your letter yesterday and take great pleasure in complying with the request of your niece for an autograph. I happen to have left one of the autograph cards used at the White House, showing the south front, and have used it thinking it might lend additional interest. Please present my compliments to the young lady. Very truly yours, Benjamin Harrison.” Choice bold ink signature of Benjamin Harrison. Very fine condition..........................$775.00
