Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~

Aviation, Explorers
Civil War
Indians / Old West
Relic Cards
Science, Business & Invention
Signed Books
World Leaders
Authentication Services
Reference Books
Atrocious Authentications
Music and Dance
Leroy Anderson's "Blue Tango"

ANDERSON, Leroy AMuQs, Anderson has penned one line of music from “Blue Tango” on printed music paper measuring appx 3.5”x9”. The composer has identified the work “Blue Tango” and has written a wonderful sentiment: “Best wishes from the composer” and has signed his name twice, once being in block letters.  SOLD

ANDERSON, Marion Fine full signature on a portion of a vintage album page $125.00

ARGENTO, Dominic AMuQs, Argento writes two bars of music and has identified it as “From the Diary of Virginia Wolff” on a First Day Cover commemorating Igor Stravinsky. $95.00

First Black in the United Kingdom to Sell 1 Million Records

ATWELL, Winifred On a large card, she has written a three word sentiment, signed in full.  Her signature is borderline rare.  $85.00

Very Scarce in Autograph Notes and Letters

AUER, Leopold Autograph note signed on a large slip. “To Master Dillon Kensington with best wished for his future. Leopold Auer, New York, November 22, 1926.”.  SOLD

Bars of Music from The Way We Were

BERGMAN, Alan & Marilyn Autograph musical quotation signed, consisting of three bars of music from The Way We Were.  Alan Bergman has written under the bars of music: “Mem-ries - Light The Corners of my Mind” and signed the piece “Alan & Marilyn Bergman”  SOLD
Irving Berlin Letter to Jack Parr

BERLIN, Irving Wonderful, scarce typed letter signed to Jack Parr (first TV talk show host). One page on his name imprinted stationery, 10/24/62.  In part: “...all of us were delighted to know that you and your family liked “Mr. President”.  Of course, you know our notices were not so hot, but we feel as you do that this is a great audience show and I think we’re in for a pretty long run. With many thanks from one of your greatest admirers”.  $695.00

BERNSTEIN, Leonard Uncommon photograph, 7”X9.5”, B&W, conducting in front of Montserrat Caballe, the Spanish soprano who is considered the best soprano of the 20th century. Bernstein is also known for his appearance with Freddie Mercury. The scene is from “Kaddish” which refer to a Jewish prayer that is chanted at every synagogue service for the dead. This symphony was a popular performance, Symphony #3, saw 54 performances with 28 in the orchestra including one soprano soloist across Asia, Europe and America. Inscribed, signed and dated: “For Thomas M. McCooper, Best wishes Leonard Bernstein, 79.”. SOLD

Uncommon Early Signed Photo of Leonard Bernstein

BERNSTEIN, Leonard Uncommon early photograph (circa early 1950’s) 3.5”x5.5”, head and shoulders pose looking to the side. Boldly signed on the lower white margin. $275.00

Uncommon Early Signed Photo of Leonard Bernstein

BERNSTEIN, LeonardUncommon early photograph (circa mid 1950’s) 3.5”x5.5”, B&W, half-length pose looking to his right, smoking a cigarette. Inscribed and signed on the lower light clear portion of the photograph: “For Michael Anderson Leonard Bernstein.”. $225.00

BERRY, Chuck Photograph of Chuck Berry playing his guitar, 8”x10”, B&W, full length pose,  very boldly signed with his desirable full signature.   $85.00

BEST, Pete Photograph of the original four Beatles, 8”x10” B&W, half length poses. Signed with a two word sentiment: “Best wishes Pete Best.”.  $55.00

U2 Band on a 16” Drum Head

BONO, MULLEN, Larry, EDGE and CLAYTON, Adam Sunlite 16” drum head signed by all four. All four signatures signed with the same pen said to have be signed in New York in Dec. 2013 at a press event.  $895.00

Important British Composer

BRITTEN, Benjamin On his official card “From Benjamin Britten, The Red House Aldeburgh, Suffolk.”  Typed: “Thank you very much indeed for your good wishes for my birthday.”  He adds in his hand an autograph note signed: “My dear Jim and all and good luck to the orchestral dances - with love Benjamin B.”.  $350.00

A Living Legend

BRUBECK, Dave Wonderful, agents black and white glossy photograph, 8”x10” full length sitting near his piano. Inscribed: “For Tony Dave Brubeck.”.  $175.00

BUFFETT, Jimmy Singer, songwriter. In person signature, on a 3x5" card. Signed at his Margarita Cafe in Key West, Florida. $77.50

CADMAN, Charles Wakefield Autograph letter signed, one page, on his name imprinted letterhead  which includes the Seal of ASCAP. Dec. (12), 1937 he writes: “To Wilma Shepard, In thanks for the nice note she wrote me: Best regards & Merry Xmas and a prosperous 1938.”  Very boldly signed twice, once at the end of the letter and again below his printed name. Together with the hand addressed envelope. $250.00

Scarce Eight Page Typescript Signed

CARMICHAEL, Hoagy Typescript, eight typed pages from his Autobiography “Sometimes I Wonder”.  Very interesting typescript, in very good condition, boldly signed in full after the text on page eight.  $200.00

CARMICHAEL, Hoagy Photograph, 8”x10” of the smiling composer. Choice signature adding a one-word sentiment. $195.00

CARMICHAEL, Hoagland  Howard "Hoagy" Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, full face.  Boldly signed in green ink along with a one word sentiment. $175.00

CARUSO, Enrico Autograph letter signed, in French, two very full pages, London 18/9/908. Translated: “Dear Sir, Thank you for your charming letter and for the idea that you had to put my name on the song of our friend Ronald. This song is very pretty and it will be a big success. My address after the 25th is at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.  Please accept, dear Mr. Enoch, my most sincere greetings and believe that I am sincerely yours. Enrico Caruso.” $850.00

CASALS, Pablo Autograph musical quotation signed on the verso of a 3 cent postcard, postmarked “Pyrenees 12/9/1950”.  Two bars of music identified: “Prelude, J.S. Bach”. Inscribed: “This souvenir to Mr. Lloyd, Pablo Casals, 1950”. $395.00

Choice Content Letter

Typed letter signed, one page on her name imprinted letterhead. June 29, 1948.   $125.00

Mussolini Had Him Banned From Radio

CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Mario AMuQs, the composer writes one full line of music on printed music paper, measures 3.5”x9” from his famous opera “La Mandragola”.  Inscribed, signed and dated July 17, 1944.  $450.00

CLAPP, Charles “Sunny” AMuQs, Clapp has written two lines of music and the words to his hit song “Girl of My Dreams” on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”. He has identified the piece and inscribed, signed and dated it “March 24/42” $175.00

One of the All time Greats - Queen of Country

CLINE, Patsy Choice signature, in pencil, on a portion of an album page.  $495.00

COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, Samuel Closing of an A.L.S.  Nice dark signature. SOLD

The Same Four Notes On His Tombstone

CONNIFF, Ray His grave marker bears a musical score with the first 4 notes of “Somewhere my Love”.  Photograph, black & white, 8”x10”, head & shoulders pose. Conniff has penned his famous 4 bars of music and the words “Somewhere my  Love”. Inscribed, signed and dated “August 14, 1994”.   $85.00

COPLAND, Aaron Photograph, 5”x7”, oblong, half length pose of Copland while conducting. Signed in full on the right, white border. $250.00

Remarkable 11 Page Manuscript Signed By Aaron Copeland

COPLAND, Aaron Eleven page typed manuscript titled: “Books About”.  Copeland candidly discusses “The State of Music” by Virgil Thomson, “Schonberg and His School”, Rene Leibowitz and “The Life and Music of Bartok”.  Fascinating reading and signed at the conclusion using a blue ink ball point pen.  $185.00

Rare Typescript, Eleven Pages Signed by Aaron Copland

COPLAND, Aaron Typescript, 11 pages: “Virgil Thomson’s Musical State” (1939). In very good condition signed by Aaron Copland at the conclusion.  SOLD

Academy Award Winner

COSLOW, Sam AMuQs, Coslow has penned one line of music from his “Cocktails For Two” on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.75”x9”. He has identified the music and inscribed, signed and dated it “Ap.11,1940”.   $175.00

COWARD, Noel Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, close up full face pose. Signed on the bottom light margin with a three word sentiment.  $375.00

The Phantom of the Opera

CRAWFORD, Michael Typed letter signed on his The Phantom of the Opera stationery.  February 15, 1991, to a collector. In part: “...I’m delighted your enjoying ‘Phantom’ so much. I am very happy to be back in Los Angeles once more. I hope you like the enclosed photograph, if not, it makes a great dartboard. With love...” Signed in ink “Michael Crawford.”.   $67.50

Rock Legend Jim Croce

CROCE, Jim Portrait of Croce, head & neck pose facing left.  Measures 9”x11” on card stock.  Top left corner of this item Croce writes: “Thanks alot Jim Croce”.  One and a half years after his death this portrait was used on the album cover of “The Faces I’ve Been”.  SOLD

CRUMB, George Autograph letter signed, one full page on the imprinted letterhead of the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Music. To a noted book dealer stating he does not have a suitable photo of himself but the writer can get one from his publishers, if you would then send it to me, he would be happy to sign it.   $175.00

DANILOVA, Alexandra Photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, head & shoulders pose, smiling, signed with a large signature $65.00

Fabulous Association Inscription

DeMILLE,  Agnes George The book “American Dances” A personal chronicle-in words and pictures by Agnes deMille.    MacMillan Publishing Co. 1980, First Edition. Two hundred twenty-two pages, heavily illustrated, many in color.  Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper: “To Capezio Ballet Makers with gratitude for fine shoes and careful workmanship through the years. Always faithfully, Agnes George deMille, Xmas 1980.” In addition, Judith Jamison has signed her name alongside her color portrait on page  109.   $225.00

DENVER, John His autobiography Take Me Home. Harmony Book. New York, 1994, First Edition so stated. Two hundred sixty-two pages, illustrated.  Signed on the half title page “Peace! John Denver.” $225.00

DOHNANYI, Ernest von Printed concert program with a keyboard and Dohnanyi’s name printed on the inside two pages where in a clear area Dohnanyi has boldly signed his full name. $85.00

Desirable Self Portrait

DOMINIO, Fats He has written: “To Gregg, I’m Walking, Fats Domino” on a heavy white card measuring appx. 8.5”x11”.   A remarkable collectible mentioning of one of Domino’s big hit singles, most unusual, from one of rock & rolls first stars.   $125.00

DOMINGO, Placido Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose. Signed with silver ink along with a two word sentiment: “Best wishes, Placido Domingo.”. SOLD

Morrison Hotel Signed by all four of The Doors

MORRISON, Jim, KRIEGER, Robbie, MANZAREK, Ray, DENSMORE, John "Morrison Hotel", Elektra Records, 1970. Album cover opens to 12"X24" depicting a color spread of the original four members of The Doors sitting in the Hard Rock Cafe, at the bar with Morrison having a bottle of beer. Inscribed by each member offering very good contrast. "To Danny John Densmore." "Danny Boy Robbie Krieger", "Cheers Dan J. Morrison, The Doors" and "To Danny Ray Manzarek". The story that was told with this album is that "Danny" was Danny Sugarman, the President of The Doors Fan Club (1968-1971) and their second manager. Sugarman sold this album in 1982 to our source. This album was on display in Sugarman's office for about 10 years. $12,500.00

DRUCKMAN, Jacob The composer writes three bars of music and has identified the work from “Windows”.  Boldly written and signed on a First Day Cover commemorating Igor Stravinsky. $275.00

DUKE, Vernon 1 page, 8vo, light green album page. Couple of bars of music, drawn by the composer and identified by him: “There’s A Cabin In The Sky.” Signed “Vernon Duke.” $350.00

THE DUPREES DVD Sands Casino, Live from the Copa Room, 2003. “In Person” signed on the back flap by the four signers including Tommy Petillo, lead vocalist adding in his hand “You Belong To Me.” $55.00

DYLAN, Bob Vintage ink signature on a portion of an album page measuring appx. 2.75”x2.75”. Notation on verso in pencil “1965 NYC.”  Small B&W portrait of Dylan affixed above his full signature. $750.00

ELGAR, Sir Edgar Autograph letter signed, on page, on his blind stamped stationery “Plas Gwyn Hereford”. Feb. 26, 1911. To “Dear Mr. Sterner”.  Elgar sends thanks for a kind letter and is glad a gift is being given.  SOLD

Inducted into the Rock & Roll HOF and Country Music HOF

EVERLY, Phil & Don Vintage album page inscribed: “To Craig & Marcia, Don Everly, Phil Everly.” In very good condition and nice to see both brothers signing the same page  SOLD

FARRAR, Geraldine A spectacular photograph 7.25x9.50 by Hartsook S.F. & L.A. bust photo, ornately dressed. Inscribed: “To Luncastes Smith, In Remembrance Gera Farrar 1924.” $175.00

FARRAR, Geraldine Vintage postcard photograph, half length pose, signed in full in ink with fine contrast. Ink notation on verso states: “Royal Opera House Berlin, Aug. 6.” $125.00

"On The Sunny Side Of The Street"
"I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby"
"The Way You Look Tonight"

FIELDS, Dorothy Autograph letter signed, one full page dated in another hand “12/3/55”. She writes in part: “...the two dollar bill is a museum piece but believe me there was no expense involved in the enclosure-which I was delighted to write...” The collector affixed a U.S. Dorothy Fields 32 cent stamp to the bottom of the letter. Together with the original  envelope which she has hand addressed and signed.  SOLD

FOSS, Lucas AMuQs, Foss writes three bars of music and the words to “Time-cycle” on a First Day Cover commemorating Igor Stravinsky. SOLD

FRIML, Rudolf On his partly printed correspondence card “From the Music Room of Rudolf Friml”: he types Dear Mary, printed is “My sincere thanks for your kind remembrance” (he’s in his 90’s) typed “I’m looking forward to the next 91 or so...” Musically yours and signed with a wonderful bold signature ‘Rudolf.”. $155.00

Wrote About A Dozen Songs For Elvis Presley Films
Rock-A-Hula Baby was Sung by Elvis Presley in the 1961 Hit "Blue Hawaii"

FULLER, Dolores She has written one full page, the entire words of her lyrics to “Rock-A-Hula Baby”. Measures appx’ 8.5”x11” on light green paper and written in dark green ink. Below her signature she adds: “Ben Weisman, music”. and “A Paramount Picture, A Hal Wallis Production, 1961”.  SOLD

GABRILOWITSCH, Ossip Full ink signature on a card. Excellent condition $95.00

GALLI-CURCI, Amelia Photograph, B&W, half-length pose, 4”x5” inscribed and signed: To Charles Geer, very sincerely Amelia Galli-Curci.” $157.50

GALLI-CURCI, Amelia V/G signature in ink on a slip. Ample margins for framing. $95.00

GERSHWIN, Ira Photograph, appx. 4”x6”slightly trimmed at the top, of Gershwin smoking a cigar at his desk while writing.  Inscribed on the lower white margin: “For F. Wayne Harrigan/With best wishes/Ira Gershwin.” $110.00

Matching Autograph Letters of Gilbert & Sullivan

GILBERT, Sir William & SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur Autograph letter signed, on page, on stationery imprinted “52, Pont Street, SW.”  His telephone number is also imprinted.  12 Feb. 1905. To the Box Office of the Court Theatre he writes: “Please send me two stalls (front row, if possible)  for the Matinee of Tues. next, 14th inst.”  He adds a P.S. “Cheque for L1.1.0 enclosed.” & Autograph letter signed, one page on the imprinted stationery “9. Albert Mansions, SW”.  To My Dear Sir, Sullivan writes in part: “Will you kindly send me a cheque for…may be having credit on the books of the Dra:A: Society & oblige. Yours very truly” and signed in full.  SOLD

Co-Founder of the Rock Band Marilyn Manson

GEIN, Gidget A very scarce letter incorporating his name three times and mentioning Marilyn Manson. $150.00

Scarce Combination of Signatures

GERARD, Richard H. & ARMSTRONG, Harry Both have signed their names in ink on a 3”x5” card. Armstrong has added “writers of “Sweet Adeline”. In very fine condition and quite scarce to find the writer and composer on the same card.   $150.00

GERSHWIN, Ira Photograph, appx. 4”x6”slightly trimmed at the top, of Gershwin smoking a cigar at his desk while writing.  Inscribed on the lower white margin: “For F. Wayne Harrigan/With best wishes/Ira Gershwin.” $110.00

GIGLI, Beniamino Photo, appx. 4”X6” by Grazioli, Firenzi. Fine head and shoulders pose. Boldly inscribed, signed and date “1935” on the light portion of the photo. $295.00

GIGLI, Beniamino Wonderful, typed letter signed on his name imprinted letterhead.  New York, March 23, 1931. Writes about not being able to supply a bookplate.  Signed “B Gigli.”. $150.00

Dizzy Gillespie and His Band

GILLESPIE,  Dizzy  Uncommon Jazz/Britt Festival program sponsored by an Oregon Winery on 7/28/91.  When opened for display, the program lists Dizzy Gillespie on Trumpet, and lists his 7 other band members.  $295.00

GOLDSCHMIDT, Jenny Lind Concluding portion of an autograph letter signed, several lines in part: "...but with God’s help my boy shall not  be sent to a public school. He is today 6 years old. Yours very sincerely, Jenny Goldschmidt." $175.00

GOUNOD, Charles Autograph letter signed, 1 page, n.p., n.d., in pencil, in French. To: “Dear Friend.”  Not translated but apparently asking some questions. In fine condition. Together with a color postcard portrait  $475.00

Wrote The Words and Music of the California State Song

GRO, Josephine Very rare autograph letter signed, one page, San Francisco, California, Aug. 14, 1897. To William G. Pengelly, Columbus, Ohio. Gro writes in part:  “The enclosed State Song is being used in schools throughout the State, so autographing it, thinking you might prefer one of the most popular of my compositions. I used the California Poppy on the title, though I do not think it is yet universally known as the State Flower..... Josephine Gro”.  $895.00

Rare Bars of Music by German Composer Ferdinand Gumbert

GUMBERT, Ferdinand AMuQs, the composer has written 4 bars of music and has identified  the music as from “Mein Lied”.  He has signed his name adding: “Berlin, 30 October 1880” on a 2.25”x4” slip.  $135.00

A RARE Classic of American Literature
GUTHRIE, WoodyHis book which is a partial autobiography “Bound For Glory.” E.P. Dutton Co. 1943, First Edition so stated. Illustrated, very attractive bookplate of a former collector. Very boldly signed by his son Arlo Guthrie (1947-     ) near the top inside of the front cover.  $450.00

Very Rare Autograph of Composer Thomas Haigh

HAIGH, Thomas Several bars of music identified by Haigh as from “Canzona.” Signed in full.   $495.00

HALEY, Bill & WILLIAMSON, Billy & JONES, Ralph Early magazine page of Bill Haley and His Comets, “Rock Around The Clock”. Portrays The Comets playing their instruments. Portrait of Bill Haley illustrated once again at the top of the page.  Signed in ink by Bill Haley, Billy Williamson and the drummer Ralph Jones. A few minor nicks and tears all repaired otherwise quite good and very farmable. $450.00

HALFTTER, Ernesto AMuQs, on a large album page. A few bars of music from his popular “Danza de la Pastora” Dance of the Shepheadess, one of the main dances from Halftter’s ballet.  Inscribed, signed and dated “Habana 1932”.  $150.00

HAMMERSTEIN, Oscar Large bold, blue ink signature on a card. His small portrait affixed above his fine signature SOLD

HEIFETZ, Jascha A two word sentiment signed across the stamps: “Greetings from J. Heifetz.”$165.00

Bye, Bye, Blackbird
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World
Button Up Your Overcoat

HENDERSON, Ray AMuQs, Henderson has penned a line of music and the words to “I’m Sitting On Top Of The World” on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”.  Inscribed, signed and dated “Oct. 27, 1943”.  $375.00

Bye, Bye, Blackbird
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World
Button Up Your Overcoat

HENDERSON, Ray AMuQs, Henderson has penned two line of music and the words to “Button Up Your Overcoat” on printed music paper measuring 3.5”x9". Inscribed signed and dated “June 23, 1940”.  Perfect!  $325.00

The Man Who Seems To Have Invented The Broadway Musical

HERBERT, Victor Delightful autograph musical quotation signed from Her Regiment.  Dated, Nov. 1917. At the top of the card, Herbert has penned three bars from the work which he has also identified. He has also written the words from the song below the bars. “A pretty little farm in Normandy!” .  $550.00

HERBERT, Victor Fine full signature with “O.K.” written by his hand. $195.00


HINDEMITH,  Paul Record Album, “The United States Army Band (Pershing’s Own). Paul Hindemith, Symphony in B flat on Side 1.”  In addition on side one the rear of the cover of the album states another symphony however the name is changed assumed  by the hand of Hindemith. The verso of the cover has two illustrations of Hindemith rehearsing with the United States Army Band.  On the cover, Hindemith writes: “To Captain Curry after a very pleasant time with his Band with many thanks Paul Hindemith April 1951.”.  $195.00

HINDEMITH, Paul Hindemith is among the most significant German composers of his time. A fabulous, dark, bold, black ink signature on a large card $125.00

Autograph Album -  1950’S Rock Stars- Buddy Holly +++

Autograph Album Once belonged to Jimmy Oliver Atkinson who attended Oliver Hazard Perry School. He graduated June 17, 1955. The front portion of this album contains signatures of students and his teachers.  The last half of this album is signed by: Marylon Gayle, The Shepard Sisters, Buddy Holly & The Crickets, Phil Everly, George Hamiton IV, Don Everly, Martha, The Shepard Sisters, Paul Anka, Jimmy Edwards, Charlotte, The Tune Weavers, Billy Brown, Bobby Scholl, Mellow Kings, Margie Rayburn, The Hollywood Flames, Jimmy Clanton, Clyde McPhatter and Bobby Darin.  A choice assemblage of Rock and Roll singers.  $2500.00

HOROWITZ, Vladimir Choice signature, dated “1951” on a card which has his small portrait affixed. $150.00

Sang At John F. Kennedy's Inauguration

JACKSON, Mahalia Photograph, B&W, measures 7.5”x9.5”, head and shoulders pose, singing. Very boldly signed with a huge signature.   SOLD

The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Fabulous Backstage Guest Pass for the “Dangerous World Tour,” June 1992-November 1993.   Pass, in color portraying the head of Michael Jackson wearing a mask with a Pepsi advertisement above his name. Boldly hand signed “Michael Jackson.” Along with a copy of a Certificate of Authenticity from Michael Jackson, MJJ Productions, Neverland.   $1,750.00

The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Fabulous Backstage Guest Pass for the Dangerous Tour, June 1992-November 1993. Produced by the Perri Corporation, Reno, NV maker of Back Stage Passes. Circular Pass, in color portraying Michael Jackson. Boldly hand signed “Michael Jackson.” Along with a copy of a Certificate of Authenticity from Michael Jackson, MJJ Productions, Neverland and a color photo of Jackson taken during the “Dangerous” tour. In mint condition.  $1,495.00

The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Choice early portrait of the Jackson Five, playing guitars and singing. B&W, measures 8”x10”  boldly signed by Michael Jackson in gold ink with a fabulous large signature. $275.00

The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Cover commemorating Boris Karloff, October 24, 1998 Peqabuck, CT. Thirty-two cent U.S. Boris Karloff postage stamp cancelled with three rubber stamped evil images. Hand signed with a magnificent large signature of Michael Jackson. These covers are now scarce and were created by a dear close friend of Michael Jackson. They were released after Jackson’s passing. SOLD

The King of Pop & Singer of Monster Mash
JACKSON, Michael Cover commemorating Boris Karloff, October 24, 1998 Peqabuck, CT. Thirty-two cent U.S. postage stamp depicting Bela Lugosi as Dracula. Cancelled with three rubber stamped evil images.  Left side of cover is a wonderful color cachet of spider webs with a spider, three black bats and a colorful pumpkin.  Hand signed by Michael Jackson using a black ink Sharpie pen.  In addition, this cover is signed in silver ink by Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett (1938-2007). Pickett was an actor and singer. He co-wrote and sang the 1962 Halloween novelty song “Monster Mash” which was a #1 hit on the billboards hot 100 chart in October 1962.  Both Bob Dylan and Boris Karloff were impressed with the song.  Of all the covers produced for the 15th Anniversary of the album “Thriller” only five copies are known to be also signed by Pickett.  SOLD

The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael Cover commemorating Boris Karloff, October 24, 1998 Peqabuck, CT. Thirty-two cent U.S. Boris Karloff postage stamp cancelled with three rubber stamped evil images. Hand signed with a magnificent signature of Michael Jackson.  Very scarce. Of the covers that were signed for this upcoming 15th celebration of the Anniversary of Thriller, only four covers were signed where Jackson added the word “Love” in his hand  SOLD

One of Five Hundred Covers (Special Scarce Cover)
JACKSON, Michael Legal size cover, affixed is a U.S. 32 cent postage stamp of Lon Chaney, Jr. as Wolf Man. Postmarked with a rubber stamp portrait of Boris Karloff, Tribute Station, October 24, 1998, Pequabuck, Ct. 06781. Very boldly signed with a huge signature “Michael Jackson” in black Sharpie. A fantastic signature. SOLD

The “King of Pop”
JACKSON, Michael First Day Cover that commemorates Boris Karloff.  Boris Karloff as “The Mummy” U.S. 32 cent stamp, postmarked “Boris Karloff Tribute Station, Oct. 24, 1998, Pequabuck, Ct 06781.     Hand signed with a fabulous bold signature, Michael Jackson.  This is one of the covers that was made for an upcoming project to commemorate the Thriller anniversary. SOLD

Very Rare Cover signed by Michael Jackson and Bobby Pickett

JACKSON, Michael & PICKETT, Bobby ‘Boris’ Legal size Halloween cover with a cachet of a spider web, three flying bats , a spider and a pumpkin. Affixed is a 32 cent US Dracula stamp along with a stamped of Boris Karloff, Tribute Station, Oct. 24, 1998, Pequabuck, CT 06781 cancellation.  Boldly signed by Michael Jackson in black sharpie and in silver ink by “Bobby Boris Karloff.” Five hundred of these covers commemorating Boris Karloff were each hand signed by Michael Jackson for an upcoming project to commemorate the Thriller Anniversary. It is believed that Pickett signed no more than six of these covers. SOLD
One of Five Hundred Covers

JACKSON, Michael Legal size cover, affixed is a U.S. 32 cent postage stamp of Boris Karloff  as Frankenstein. Postmarked with a rubber stamp portrait of Boris Karloff, Tribute Station, October 24, 1998, Pequabuck, Ct. 06781. Very boldly signed with a huge signature “Michael Jackson” in blue Sharpie. A fantastic signature. Only 500 of these First Day Covers were created and signed by Michael Jackson commemorating Boris Karloff. This was for an upcoming project to commemorate the Thriller Anniversary.  SOLD
JACKSON, Michael Perfect huge ink signature on a 4”x6” card. Excellent condition. SOLD

The "King of Pop"

JACKSON, Michael First Day Cover that commemorates Boris Karloff.  Boris Karloff  as “The Mummy” U.S. 32 cent stamp, postmarked “Boris Karloff Tribute Station, Oct. 24, 1998, Peqabuck, CT 06781.  Color cachet of spider web, flying bats and a pumpkin.  Hand signed with a fabulous bold signature of Michael Jackson.  SOLD

JAGGER, Mick Color, vintage photograph, 8”x10” of Jagger, head & shoulders pose facing slightly to the side, smiling.  Boldly signed with an in-person signature. SOLD

Composer of the Black National Anthem

JOHNSON, J. Rosamond Very scarce autograph quotation signed, Johnson writes three lines of music and some words to his song “Lazy Moon.”  On printed music paper measuring 3.5”x9”. Inscribed, signed, and dated New York City, July 1, 1948. $275.00

African-American Composer

JOHNSON, J. Rosamond AMuQS, the composer writes three lines of music and some words from his famous song “My Castle On The Nile” on printed music paper measuring 3.5”x9”.    Inscribed, signed and dated:  “July 1, 1948”.  SOLD

Swingin Down The Lane
I'll See You In My Dreams
It Had To be You

JONES, Isham AMuQs, Jones has penned two lines of music and the words to his hit “Swingin Down The Lane” on printed music paper measuring 3.5”x9”.  $275.00

One of Hitler's Favorite Composers

KALMAN, Emmerich AMuQS, Kalman has penned one line of music from “Countess Maritza” on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”. Inscribed, signed and dated “12/9/46 NY”.  $575.00

One of Hitler's Favorite Composers

KALMAN, Emmerich AMuQS, Kalman has penned one line of music from the waltz “Sari” which was played at the New Amsterdam Theatre on 42nd St. New York. Inscribed: To Mr. Lionel A. Aucoin with my best regards, Emmerich Kalman, New York, 8/10/1944.”.  $395.00

One of Hitler's Favorite Composers

KALMAN, Emmerich AMuQS, Kalman has penned one line of music from “The Gypsy Princess (1921) on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”.  He has written “Play gypsy” and inscribed and signed and dated this piece “New York 8/10/44.  $395.00

AMuQs From "Cabaret"

KANDER, John Kander has penned one line of music with lyrics to “If You Could see Her” from “Cabaret” on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.5”x9”. Signed and dated by Kander “Jan. 31,1987”.  $250.00

American Prima Donna

KELLOGG, Clara Louise On a very large album page she has written: “July 10th 1873 Trust her not- this fooling thee Clara Louise Kellogg, To John Brown, Newburg on the Hudson”.  $125.00

Jerome Kern Check Made Payable to Max Gordon

KERN, Jerome Personal check 8.5”x3” accomplished in his hand on August 30th, 1939 and payable to Max Gordon for $7,500.00. On the verso is signed: “For Deposit Max Gordon.” Below Gordon’s signature is typed: “For Deposit: MAX GORDON: KERN-HAMMERSTEIN MUSICAL.”  Max Gordon brought Kern back to Broadway after six years.  The musical mentioned “Very Warm For May” was a success with a hit song “All the Things You Are.”.  $275.00

Last of the Great Romantic Performers

LANZA, Mario Postcard photograph, B&W, head and shoulders pose, signed on the light portion of the photograph, in green ink.   $275.00

Cuba's Greatest Composer

LECUONA, Ernesto AMuQs, Lecuona has penned several bars of music from his biggest International hit “Malaguena” on printed music paper measuring appx. 6”x9”.  He has identified the piece and inscribed and signed, adding: “Havana, 1944”.  SOLD

Cuba's Greatest Composer

LECUONA, Ernesto Very important typed letter signed, in Spanish, one page, Dec. 1942. In this lengthy letter, Lecuona basically writes his biography, TALKS ABOUT HIS CONCERTS IN La Habana and lists some of the songs he wrote including the dates he wrote them.  Those listed are: “Naci en la Habana, 1896”, “Siboney 1926”, “Say Si Si 1933”, and “You’re Always In My heart 1926” where he played in a concert Teatro National in the capital.  He talks about 300 compositions and mentions “Rhapsody In Blue” of Gershwin with a Jazz Band and 36 professors in the Teatro Payret in the capital.  SOLD

Cuba's Greatest Composer

LECUONA, Ernesto Photograph, B&W, head & shoulders pose, measuring 4.5’x6.5”. Inscribed, signed and dated “Havana 1944” by Ernesto Lecuona.  Together with a handwritten letter from the Secretary of the Sociedad General De Autores De Cuba presenting the photograph.  The original envelope with two attractive cancelled 3 cent Cuban stamps is included. The envelope contains a tape across it stating the package was opened and examined.  $675.00

Very Rare AMuQs From "Frasquita Serenade”"

LEHAR, Franz AMuQs, Lehar has penned a few bars of music from his popular “Frasquita Serenade” on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.5”x9”. He has written “Frasquita Serenade” thus identifying the work.  Inscribed, signed  in full  and dated  “Vienna 21/XI/ 1946”.  Signatures on items like this signed in full  by Franz Lehar are not common.  $475.00

Rare AMuQs From "The Land of Smiles"

LEHAR, Franz AMuQs, Lehar has penned a couple of bars of music and lyrics of  “You Are My Heart’s Delight” from his very popular “The Land Of Smiles” on music paper measuring appx. 3.5”x9”. Inscribed, signed and dated: “Vienna, 21/XI/ 1946”.  $350.00

LEHMAN, Lotte Photograph, appx. 4”x5.5”, bust pose, full face, wearing a long string of pearls.  Very boldly signed with a two word sentiment. Dated by her hand “1948.”. $135.00

RARE, Two Virgins Album Signed by
John Lennon and Yoko Ono

LENNON, John & Yoko Their album Two Virgins.  Apple Records, May 1968.  The record is contained in the RARE  album cover. Boldly inscribed by John Lennon on the album cover, the side which depicts him and Yoko Ono in full frontal nudity. Lennon writes: “To Jule love John Lennon”.  Yoko has added, using the same collector’s pen: “and Yoko Ono NYC 77”.  Also present is the album cover jacket which was issued to cover the nude photos of this famous couple.  $9,500.00

"in Person" Signature, 51 days before Lennon's Assassination

LENNON, John Choice, very bold "in person" signature adding the date "80" in his hand.  Irregularly torn from a music magazine  Notation in pencil on verso states autograph obtained at the entrance to the Dakota Building Saturday, Oct, 18th.  This is just 51 days before his assassination.  Together with: ONO, Yoko & ONO, Sean Fabulous color photograph, 8”x10” of the two, side by side, close up of their faces. Signed in white ink, “Love Yoko” and signed by Sean. $1,775.00

Ernesto Leucona A Beautiful Vintage Signed Portait of the famed Cuban Composer. $795.00

LIBERACE FDC commemorating George Gershwin, double cachet of Gershwin on the left and affixed to the upper right corner is the U.S. 8 Cent Gershwin stamp cancelled Beverly Hills, 2/28/1973.  Boldly signed in green ink by Liberace after which he has drawn a sketch of a grand piano and adds “To Irving” also in his hand. SOLD

Swedish Nightingale

LIND, Jenny Brief autograph sentiment signed on a large slip measuring appx. 5”x8”. “in kind remembrance of Jenny Goldschmidt born Lind, London, June 1852”.  $175.00

Winner of Three Academy Awards for Best Original Songs

LIVINGSTON, Jay Autograph musical quotation signed on an orange 3”x5” card. The composer penned the first few notes of music and wrote the lyrics  from his much loved song “Silver Bells”. Signed in full, directly below.  $95.00

His Broadcast on New Year’s Eve Became a National Tradition

LOMBARDO, Guy Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, bust pose, a smiling full face pose. Boldly signed with a two word sentiment on the lower white margin.  $75.00

One of a Kind

LYNN, Loretta Inscribed with a huge signature: “To Arthur Loretta Lynn.” Using a bold Sharpie pen, the six Coal Miners all signed with the same pen. Jim Webb also signed this page adding “Jim Webb” Bus driver.   $150.00

MANCINI, Henry, ADLER, Richard, SONDHEIM, Stephen FDC of “Love” with a cachet of a vintage woman surrounded by roses. Affixed to this cover is a 20 cent Love postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue, Washington DC Jan 31, 1984. Hand signed by all three composers. $125.00

One of his Greatest Hits...Bars of Music

MANCINI, Henry Autograph musical quotation, signed. Three bars of music on music paper identified by the composer as from Days of Wine & Roses.  Inscribed to ‘George” and very boldly signed. SOLD

From the Movie "By The Light of the Silvery Moon"

MARSHALL, Henry Marshall has penned two lines of music and lyrics from “Be My Baby Bumble Bee”.  Marshall has written: “Lyric by Stanley Murphy, Music by Henry Marshall”.  Marshall has also inscribed and signed his name once again at the top left corner of the page. He has also affixed a ASCAP stamp to the page.  $225.00

One of the Greatest Dramatic Tenors of His Time

MARTINELLI, Giovanni Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head & shoulders pose, close-up, inscribed, signed and dated “Feb. 1940” on the lower white margin.  $195.00

MASCAGNI, Pieto Color portrait of the composer, full face, close-up, 3.5”x5” affixed to a heavy card. Signed on the lower light mount. Signature a bit light but completely readable. $225.00

MASSENET, Jules Autograph letter signed, one page, postmarked 2/8/1910. Not translated but appears to be a very nice letter of congratulations probably for a performance.  Hand addressed with a French stamp affixed  $285.00

MCDONALD, Harl Several handwritten bars of music from Theme II, clarinet, from his 2nd Symphonie “The Rumba” (1934). Boldly inscribed and signed by Harl McDonald adding the date 1941. $135.00

MELBA, Nelli Two word sentiment and bold signature, dated “1900”  on the verso of her trimmed calling card.  $87.50

MELCHOIR, Lauritz Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose in formal dress wearing many of his decorations. Fine presentation inscription along with a three word sentiment, signed in full. $195.00

MELCHOIR, Lauritz Holiday Greeting card signed in full below the printed message on the inner panel. With original envelope postmarked Dec. 12, 1966. His return address label affixed to the back of the envelope. $57.50

Rare 3+ Page ALS From Menotti to Noted Author Glenway Wescott

MENOTTI, Gian Carlo Autograph letter signed, three and one half pages to the noted author Glenway Wescott.  On the imprinted letterhead of “Cunard White Star, R.M.S. Berengaria” dated on the lower portion of page three in another hand “1 June 1937”.  $750.00

Rare Motion Picture Rights Agreement

MENOTTI, Gian Carlo Typed Motion Picture Rights Agreement, carbon copy, 12 pages, 11/6/1964 in which Menotti agrees to sell the rights to the original play “Portrait of Madame Aupic” to A.E. Houghton, Jr.  Boldly signed by the composer in two separate areas of this contract.  $450.00

METALLICA Promotional photograph by Elektra Entertainment, 8”x10”, B&W, of the group taken in 1996. Very boldly signed by James Hetfield, Jason Newsted, Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett, all with their usual first names. SOLD

"For Me And My Gal"
“Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep”
“I Believe In Miracles”
“Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue”

MEYER, George AMuQs, Meyer has penned four bars of music and the lyrics from his hit “Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue” on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.5”x9”. Meyer has identified the work and inscribed, signed and dated this work on “June 29, 1942”.  $225.00

MILHAUD, Darius Milhaud has penned a bar of music on a large slip with drawn music lines. The composer has signed and dated this piece “1948.”. $375.00

MILHAUD, Darius Postcard photograph, B&W, 3.5”x5’5” of the composer conducting.  He has written two bars of music and in addition has inscribed and signed this photograph. $375.00

MILHAUD, Darius Choice inscription & sentiment in French boldly signed next to his portrait. $175.00

MILLS BROTHERS Vintage signatures (first names) of all four singers on an album page from a 1930’s Waterman Autograph Book. On the verso is a choice signature of George Burns adding ‘Bets wishes....Burns and Allen.” . $150.00

MOLINARI, Bernardino Autograph letter signed, one page, Rochester, Feb. 1932. Nice letter apparently mentioning the dates of his next concert. $95.00

Famous Dance Instructors
MURRAY, Arthur & MURRAY, Kathryn Card measuring appx. 3”x5” inscribed, with a four word sentient and signed by Kathryn Murray. She has drawn a smiling face. Arthur Murray has signed his name directly below.  SOLD

NERO, Peter Fabulous autograph musical quotation, 3 large bars of music on an 8”x10” light mat board. Boldly signed as follows: “Peter Nero ‘Summer of 42’ (Le Grand) Feb. 9, 1991.    $65.00

NUGENT, Maude AMuQs, Nugent writes four bars of music and the words to “Sweet Rosie O’Grady” on printed music paper, measuring appx. 3.75”x9”.  Beautifully inscribed, signed and dated “Sept. 14, 1944.”   $150.00

"My Wild Irish Rose"

OLCOTT, Chauncey Choice sentiment signed: “Yours in Irish Chauncey Olcott”  $95.00

ORMANDY, Eugene Photograph, 5”x7”, B&W, close-up full face looking down and holding his head. Inscribed, signed, and dated “Philadelphia 1975” on the lower white margin. $167.50

Three Kiss members and Ozzy Osbourne on a 13" Drum Head
OSBOURNE, Ozzy, FREHLEY, Ace, CRISS, Peter, STANLEY, Paul Sunlite Drum Head, 13” boldly signed by all four. Stanley, Criss and Frehley were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2014.  Osbourne was inducted as part of Black Sabbath in 2006. SOLD

PAVLOVA, Anna Choice bold full signature on a light pink album page. Affixed to the page is an original photograph of Pavlova dressed in her tutu and in the arabesque position. $395.00

PEASE, Harry Questionnaire containing six questions. He writes in ink his birth date, two of his favorite tunes, the year he wrote “Peggy O’Neil”, his favorite composer, favorite melody and the favorite tune he wrote. Signed and dated “March 25/43”. $60.00

One of the Finest Signatures Available
PERRY, Steve One of his greatest hits is “Don’t Stop Believin.” A fabulous full signature using a black Sharpie pen. Below his signature he draws a smiley face. This is at the bottom of a 2008 letter from a young fan. The signature could easily be trimmed from the letter. $75.00

PIATIGORSKY, Gregor AMuQS, several notes from an unidentified composition on a First Day Cover commemorating American Music. Postmarked, Oct.15, 1964. $135.00

One of the Most Acclaimed Basses of the Golden Age
PLANCON, Pol Short A.L.S. on the Hotel Continental, Regent Street letterhead. London, 4 June 1894. Short 3-line friendly note signed with a full signature.  $145.00

A Town in Maryland named after Her
PONS, Lily A photograph. head and shoulders pose, B&W, measures 4.75”x7” and looking directly into the camera. Very boldly signed. $60.00

Elvis Presley Collection
PRESLEY, Elvis A fine portrait of Elvis Presley, B&W, at a concert singing into a microphone.  This portrait was removed from a souvenir photo album.  Measures 8.5”x11” and is boldly inscribed and signed using a blue ink Sharpie pen: “To Linda, Thanks Elvis Presley.” In excellent condition with perfect contrast. Included is a one of a kind original photograph, 3.5”x5” of Elvis on stage in a dance position. The band is in the background and a security guard in the foreground. This unique item has been inscribed and signed: To Linda, Sincerely, Elvis Presley.” In excellent condition with choice contrast. With these items comes a copy of a T.L.S. from the Hotel Manager of the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas.  He writes to Linda, 9-20-74....”  Attached you will find a copy of the Elvis Presley Souvenir Photo Album, just open the cover and you will find a surprise.  I am sure you will enjoy this photo album and will have a great time showing your friends. Enjoy! Cordially, Hector Doblado, Hotel Manager,”  Linda Tuomi has written: “I am a friend of Hector’s & was invited to the tour performance but could not attend...called me & told me to expect a surprise anyway. Linda Tuomi.”  This collection was purchased directly from Linda Tuomi. $2,750.00

PRESLEY, Elvis Inscribed and signed near the upper left portion of the photograph using red ink: “To Homer, Best always, Anne Helm.” Using the same red ink pen, Elvis Presley signed his name just above the area of his head.  The red ink pen does not have the best of contrast but still readable with the signature of Elvis Presley more distinct. $1,650.00

PRESLEY, Elvis & PRESLEY, Priscella Offered is an “in person” obtained signature, cut from a larger page that contained other celebrity signatures. Signature is super large and in fine condition.  Together with a fabulous photo of Priscella Presley, photograph by Jeff Katz, 8”x10”, B&W,, head and shoulders pose. Inscribed and signed in white ink: “Dear Shaun- Good Luck with your autograph collection, Priscella Presley.” After her signature she draws a happy face $1,395.00

Purple Rain 45 - Hand Signed

PRINCE Rogers Nelson 45 record “Purple Rain”. 1984 Warner Brothers Records.  Hand signed on the label “Prince”.  Signed by Prince on September 18, 1988 at the Plaza Athena Hotel for his performance for the 15th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live.  SOLD

PRYOR, Arthur He may be best remembered for his big hit “Whistler And His Dog”.  On a card, Pryor has written three bars of music from his hit “Whistler And His Dog”. SOLD

QUEENSRYCHE Photograph,8”x10”, B&W, EMI Records, 1994. Signed by all five of the original members. $95.00

Rachmaninoff Musical Quotation Signed

RACHMANINOFF, Serge Autograph musical quotation, one bar of music from an unidentified song, Signed and dated “1942” by Rachmaninoff on the verso of a U.S. one cent postcard, postmarked  Oct. 13, 1942.  $3,250.00

Rare Signed Photo of Ralph Rainger With Bars of Music

RAINGER, Ralph Photograph, 8"x10”, B&W, produced in 1934 by Paramount Productions.  Rainger has written five bars of music from “Love In Bloom”. In addition he has inscribed and signed this photograph dating it “April 18, 1938”.  SOLD

REVEL, Harry AMuQs, the composer writes four bars of music and the lyrics to his hit “Thanks For Everything” (1938) on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.75”x9”.  He has identified the music and inscribed, signed and dated this piece: “Hollywood, Feb.17,1940.”  $125.00

RESZKE, Jean De Two word sentiment, signed and dated “1901”.  Uncommon. $135.00

ROBERTS, Le S. Autograph musical quote signed (AMuQS).  Four bars of music and the words from his famous song “Smiles.”  On a 3”x4.5” lined music card.  Inscribed, signed, and dated “San Francisco, Calif. Nov.16,1935. A to top he has written: “There are smiles that make us happy.”. $185.00

RODGERS, Jimmie Best known for his version of “Honeycomb”.  Presentation inscription along with a two-word sentiment signed. $15.00

Considered the Pioneer of the Symphony in Cuba

ROIG, Gonzalo AMuQs, Roig has penned two lines of music to his big hit “La Lagrima Infinita” (The Infinite Tear) on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.75”x9". He has identified the music and inscribed, signed and dated this piece: “La Habana, Febrero, 14/1945” (on Valentines Day).  A very desirable piece and in fine condition.   $495.00

Considered the Pioneer of the Symphony in Cuba

ROIG, Gonzalo Partly printed document signed, one page, measures appx. 7”x9”. Titled “Escuela Municipal De Music” dated Habana 1929.  A certificate issued to a student of the piano. Signed by Gonzalo Roig as Director.   $225.00

Romberg Purchases A New Car

ROMBERG, Sigmund Document signed, one page, July 18, 1929, new York.  Automobile purchase contract agreement for a Isotta-Fraschini used automobile, all weather Landaulet Cabriolet. Contract lists all the extras that were requested at the time of purchase.  Allowance on trade for his Pierce Arrow. Signed by Romberg and the manager of the car dealership.  SOLD

ROMBERG, Sigmund Bank check, Wilner-Romberg Corp., New York, December 6, 1919, made payable to New York Edison Company for $34.65.  Signed by both Max Wilner and S. Romberg.  $195.00

RUFFO, Titta Full signature on a card dated “1921.” A fine example with ample margins. $100.00

Rare Signature of the “Green Beret” Composer

SADLER, Barry Rare, 3”x5” card inscribed along with a three-word sentiment and signed “S/Sgt Barry Sadler.”  This is only the second signature of Sadler we have seen in 50 years. $275.00

SAINT-SAENS, Camille Signature, dated “1906” on a portion of an album page.  Some dates below the signature by another hand. SOLD

SCHERMERHORN, Kenneth Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, half length pose conducting. Inscribed and signed: “For Richard Butler, with musical wishes, Kenneth Schermerhorn.” $60.00

SCHUMANN-HEINK, Ernestine A.Q.S. boldly signed and dated: “In Art-Life, In Truth! Ernestine Schumann Heink, Dec. 24,1929, Coronado, California.” $77.50

SEMBRICH, Marcella Choice full signature dated “January 1930” on an album page. $135.00

SHAPIRO, Ted AMuQs, the composer has written two lines of music along with the lyrics to “If I Had You” on printed music paper measuring appx: 3.75”x9”. He has identified the music. Inscribed, signed and dated “March 1, 1942.”  $125.00

"Down The River Of Golden Dreams"
Provided Music for Several Laurel & Hardy Films

SHILKRET, Nathaniel Shilkret has penned four bars of music and written the lyrics to his famous song “Down The River Of Golden Dreams”, measures 4”x9” and in excellent condition.  Inscribed, signed and dated: “July 4, 1942”.  $350.00

SKROWACZEWSKI, Stanislaw Photograph, B&W, 8”x10”, full face pose. Inscribed and signed: “To Richard W. Butler, with my best wishes Stanislaw Skrowaczewski.” $60.00

SOMERVELL, Sir Arthur Very scarce handwritten several bars of music, signed in full and dated “29:10: (19) 20”.   Lightly affixed to an album page. SOLD

SOUSA, John Philip A Wonderful and Scarce Autograph Letter Signed, 1893, on his ornate letterhead comprising of his portrait and headed "Sousa's Grand Concert Band." SOLD

SOUSA, John Philip Fine full signature dated “1931” in his hand.  He died just months after signing this card. $175.00

SOWERBY, Leo AMuQs, the composer has written two lines of music from his hit “The Irish Washerwoman” on printed music paper, measuring appx. 3.75”x9”.  He has identified the music and signed his name.  In addition, he has signed his name once again and dated it “October 18,1939.” SOLD

SPALDING, Albert Page most likely removed from an album which he has written a couple of bars of music and has inscribed the piece to his barber: “For Robert Heftler, it’s good to be at the mercy of a Benevolent Barber! Albert Spalding- Sept.8/48.”  Affixed to the same page is a portion of his obituary. $135.00

SPEAKS, Oley AMuQs, the composer has written two bars of music and the words to “Sylvia” on his name imprinted letterhead. Inscribed, signed and dated “1938).  $125.00

Uncommon Signed Photograph of Phil Spector

SPECTOR, Phil Uncommon 8”x10” B&W photograph, head and shoulders pose, boldly signed with a blue Sharpie pen. $235.00

STARR, Ringo His CD “Vertical Man”, 1998 Mercury Records. Very boldly signed and dated on the front of the color cover “Ringo 01.” SOLD

STARR, Ringo Color, vintage portrait, circa 1960’s, very close-up full face pose sporting his famous Beatles haircut.  He is looking quite serious. Using a bold marking black ink pen Ringo Starr has signed his name in full adding a “star” under his signature. SOLD

STOKOWSKI, Leopold T.L.S., 8.5”x5.5”, November 30, 1965 to Mrs. Schein (lived in same building as Stokowski) . He writes in full: “ Thank you  for notifying me about the cancellation of the meeting which was scheduled for Thursday, December 2. How is a condominium different from a cooperative?  Sincerely, Leopold Stokowski.” Signed with a huge signature. $125.00

Very RARE Sheet Music Signed by Richard Strauss

STRAUSS, Richard Le Legend de Joseph, Sheet music for the piano, Paris 1914, 115 Pages. One act opera. On the front free endpaper, the composer has inscribed, signed in full, and dated this item “Milan, 21.3.28.” Bookplate of Vincenzo Celli, who played a part in this opera. Folio in size, bound in hardcover. Title page professionally restored around the edges otherwise in very good condition. .”   $1,450.00

STRAVINSKY, Igor Sentiment signed and dated:   “with best wishes from I.Stravinsky, 1964”. Light scattered damp staining not affecting his desirable signature $195.00

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow

STROUSE, Charles Two bars of music from his hit “Annie.” The composer adds: “The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow!  And Don’t You Forget It! Charles Strouse.”  Inscribed to “Dear Bob.”   $185.00

Three Bars of Music from Annie

STROUSE, Charles A Penned on a 3”x5” card. Three bars of music from Annie.  The composer has written “May-be far a-way, or may be real nearby”.  $95.00

Rare Note Signed by Maria, Paul and Amalie Taglionio

TAGLIONI, Maria & Paul Autograph note signed in French by Maria Taglioni, 24 March 1837, mentions a theatre on Drury Lane, signed in full on a slip 3”x6.”  Also signed by Paul Taglioni adding: “du Theatre Royal de Berlin, 24 Mar. 37.”  In addition, Amalie Taglioni had signed her name as well.  A light rust stain runs through a portion of Paul Taglioni’s signature otherwise in very good condition.  SOLD

Musical Quotation From Peter Ibbetson

TAYLOR, Deems Autograph musical quotation signed and identified by Taylor. One page, may 1935. Scarce in musical quotations especially from his notable opera.  $185.00

Tears For Fears

ORZOBAL, Roland  and Curtis Smith Color portrait, appx. 8.5”x11” of both playing their guitars. Boldly signed using a blue Sharpie pen.  SOLD

The “Angelic” Voice

TEBALDI, Renata Photograph, B&W, 8”X10”, three quarter length pose holding a bouquet of roses and a cane, in the title role of “Tosca.” Inscribed and signed: “To Jim Wiggens Renata Tebaldi, Cordially, New York 1966.”. $60.00

TETRAZZINI, Luisa Autograph note signed, on the front portion of a postcard where her portrait is affixed.  She has written: “Buenos Aires, 3 June 1907.” She has added several other words and signed her name in full. $175.00

Rare content from Virgil Thomson

THOMSON, Virgil T.L.S. One page, on his name imprinted stationery. 14 March 1983. To “My Dear Moody.” Very interesting content stating in part; “Gene Bruck, of Wurlitzer-Bruck Inc. dealers in old books and manuscripts has evaluated my pencil holographs at $1,000 per page. This evaluation is for tax purposes. I have a group of 19 portraits for piano. All were made in 1981. All but one are one manuscript page in length. They are about to be published...What do you think you could sell these for?  I would be willing to accept $500 each if they were bought together and paid for this year. Considering that one is a little more than one page this would amount to 20 pages or $10,000.  There is another group of six portraits for piano, each one page, still unpublished and composed in 1982. I would be willing to sell you this batch for $3000.  I am very sorry about the rise in estimated value but that is what my secretary assures me...”  Signed with his full signature.  $185.00

THOMSON, Virgil Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, head and shoulders pose looking directly into the camera. Inscribed “For Gil Moody, very cordially, Virgil Thomson, 1986.”. $135.00

"My Manuscripts (musical) are selling for $200 a page"

THOMSON, Virgil Uncommon autograph letter signed, one page, on his name imprinted stationery. New York, 17 Dec. 1982.  Interesting content:….”send books for autograph, 2 copies of each, I shall send another photo and a fragment of musical ms.  My manuscripts (musical) are selling for $200 a page. At that price I don’t want to undercut the market. But I do have pages I could sell. The bulk of my musical mss. 10,000 holograph pages is at the library of the Yale Music School.”  A wonderful content letter being full aware of the current values of his papers.  SOLD

TIERNEY, Harry AMuQS, 3.75”X9” music lined card with a whopping fifteen bars of music along with the words from Akice Blue Gown. Harry Tierney has added “Lyrics by Joseph McCarthy, music by Harry Tierney. $350.00

TIPPETT, Sir Michael Photograph, B&W, 5”x7”, head & shoulders pose, boldly signed on the lower white margin. $125.00

TOSCANINI, Arturo First Day Cover commemorating the Boy Scouts of America, Fine cachet of some boy scouts and a camp site. Affixed to this cover is a U.S. 3 cent Boy Scouts of America postage stamp cancelled First Day of Issue Valley Forge PA. JUN 30, 1950. Boldly signed by Toscanini in red ink with a 3.5” long signature. $185.00

TUCKER, Richard Photograph, 8”x10”, B&W, close-up head and shoulders pose, full face, signed in full with a one word sentiment. $135.00

Choice Combination of Twiggy and Tommy Tune

TUNE, Tommy PLAYBILL for the New York St. James Theatre for “My One and Only” April 1983. Inside page advertising the play is signed by both. Tommy Tune with his musical style signature and Twiggy has written: “To Bill Love Twiggy.”. $55.00

VINCENT, Nathaniel AMuQs, Vincent has penned three lines of music and the words to “When Old Bill Bailey Plays The Ukulele” on printed music paper measuring 3.5”x9”.  Most interesting is that Vincent who wrote the song spells “Ukulele” wrong twice. $150.00

Wrote the Music to "Take Me out To The Ball Game"

VON TILZER, Albert AMuQS, Von Tilzer has penned two lines of music and the words to “Ill Be With You In Apple Blossom Time” on printed music paper measuring 3.75x9”. He has written: “I’ll be with you in Apple Blossom Time I’ll be with you to change your name to mine”.  Inscribed, signed and dated: “11/27/42”.  SOLD

VON TILZER, Harry AMuQS, Harry has penned two lines of music to “On A Sunday Afternoon” on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”. Boldly inscribed and signed”.  $175.00

Rare signature of Sasha Votichenk

VOTICENKO, Sasha Postcard (circa 1917) of his royal collection in his New York City apartment. Boldly signed on the front and he has written a message on the verso regarding “the Russians” possibly an exhibition to be held May1 at 3.  $95.00

WAKELY, Jimmy AMuQs, Argento writes two bars of music and has identified it as “From the Diary of Virginia Wolff” on a First Day Cover commemorating Igor Stravinsky. $65.00

WALSKA, Ganna Very scarce three page autograph letter signed on the imprinted letterhead of Hotel Bristol, Salzburg. She is asking a friend to come see her in Paris and lists her number and continues to say that …”I am not expecting to take part in any charity affair. I want to be considered just as any other working artist doing this for their living.” $65.00

Scarce AMQS from The Crucible

WARD, Robert Three bars of music from The Crucible where the composer has also written the famous words from the opera: “Jesus, my consolation, The do I worship.” and signed in full by Robert Ward.  $225.00

Wrote the Music for the First Blockbuster Film Musical "42nd Street"

WARREN, Harry Warren has penned 7 bars of music, in pencil, on printed music paper measuring appx. 3.75”x8.75”. He has identified the music as from “That’s Amore”. Signed adding the word “Sincerely” in his hand.  $425.00

Author and Composer of the National Anthem “The United States of America” (1935)  and “O Flag of Our Land” (The New Star-Spangled Banner) (1938)

WATERMAN, Nixon Very scarce typed letter signed, one very full page, January 10, 1908. A very detailed letter regarding him not using tobacco and alcohol.  $175.00

WEBSTER, Paul Francis Photograph, B&W, 8”x10” half length pose sitting in a chair. Inscribed and signed. SOLD

On Moonlight Bay

WENRICH, Percy AMuQS, Wenrich has penned a line of music and the words to “On Moonlight Bay” on printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”. Inscribed, signed and dated “May 17, 43”.  $550.00

Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet

WENRICH, Percy AMuQS, Wenrich has penned a line of music and the words to his hit “Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet”.  On printed music paper measuring 3.75”x9”. Inscribed, signed and dated “May 17/43”.  $425.00

WHITMAN, Paul Choice green ink signature on a 3”x5” card $95.00

Arguably the Greatest Violinist of His Day

WILHELMJ, August  Autograph letter signed, two plus pages, 10 Gloucester Road, Regents Park, 22 January 1897 to a Mr. Cummings.  $95.00

WILLIAMS, John Color photograph, overall size, 5”x7” of a head & shoulders pose of Williams. Boldly signed, excellent contrast and in choice condition SOLD

WOOD, Ron His book Ron Wood by Ron Wood Painting and Drawings. Harper & Row, 1987, First Edition so stated. One hundred twenty-two pages   heavily illustrated.  On page 50 next to a color self-portrait is beautifully inscribed; “To Joe Ron Wood.” $275.00

ZORITCH, George  Photograph,  4”x5”, B&W, half length in a dance pose.  Inscribed and signed: “For Vernon Hanson, Sincerely, George Zoritch.” $57.50

ZORITCH, George Photograph,  4”x5”, B&W, full length in a dance pose along with a female dancer. ” $57.00

Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~