Matters of Authenticity
A Review of Stephen Koschal's Certificates of
Authenticity for Sale
by Craig Stark
#180 28 May 2019
The topic of signature authentication comes up perennially, and two questions in particular repeat themselves:
1. How do I know if my signature is genuine?
2. Do I need a Certificate of Authenticity?
Though we have covered this ground more than once at BookThink, I think it's a good idea to answer these questions again, at least briefly, in order to provide a context for reviewing autograph dealer Stephen Koschal's recent book, Certificates of Authenticity for Sale, Exposing the Incompetence in Autography Authentication, the Importance of Choosing the Right Autograph Dealer.
t must be about twenty-some-odd

The answer to the first question is, ultimately, you never really know if what you have is authentic. Too many plausible things over the years have been exposed to be forgeries, and some of these are frighteningly competent - some so competent that their perpetrators have become collectible in their own right. And, what's worse, many forgeries likely persist in the marketplace, either undetected, or forgotten to be forgeries and recycled or re-fed through the system with spanking new COA that contradicts what had been established earlier. But the question needs to be asked anyway if for no other reason than a dealer can provide at least some assurance of authenticity, hopefully enough to persuade a collector to pull the trigger. It isn't the purpose of this article to explain how to go about this, but obviously comparing "known" exemplars to the signature in question and investigating provenance, if ny exists, should be high on any dealer's to-do list, that is, the dealer should be satisfied first before offering anything asserted to be genuine.
The answer to the second question isn't a slam dunk either. There are collectors who insist on getting a COA with anything and everything they buy. The trouble with this is that many dealers who issue them aren't themselves especially qualified to evaluate handwriting, and mistakes are made. Sometimes even so-called experts make mistakes - or, more cynically, commit fraud. Pawn Stars own Steve Grad, the dude with the tablet and magnifier who has authenticated who knows how many items on the show, has at best a questionable past, doubly troubling because he is PSA's principle authenticator, and everybody trusts PSA, right? Right? If you have a few minutes to blow, take a look at this.
The takeaway lesson is not to put blind faith in anybody - and this is the basic lesson in Stephen Koschal's book. What I like about Steve's books are their specific focus, and in this one he zeroes in on Angelina Joli, offering numerous examples of signed eBay items presented as authentic when they are obviously not, including forgeries, secretarial's, autopen signatures and more, many of them with "comforting" COA's from so-called legitimate authenticating services. You may ask, is eBay a reliable venue for purchasing autographed items? The short answer is no, of course not, which isn't to say that genuine things can't be had if one follows a common-sense protocol. More about this some other time.
Meanwhile, know that there is so, so much questionable material circulating in the general marketplace that it could - and often does - paralyze buyers from purchasing anything. What are we to do? Steve's answer to this is to maintain a list, updated monthly, of "Preferred Autograph Dealers." Or PADAH. His criteria for inclusion: "Each and every dealer on this list has been hand selected, is totally professional, has many years of experience and will treat you the way you want to be treated." As of February, 2019, there are 58 dealers on the list, which, by the way, appears toward the end of his book and may also be accessed here.
Along with this list and the numerous eBay examples is much food for thought here that can help protect you in transactions involving collectible autographs. Unfortunately, we now live in an environment that assaults us from every direction with highly questionable and/or manipulative crap, fraudulent activity and outright scams. If you're not continuously vigilant, it's only a matter of time before you'll get dinged. My favorite is an Empire Today TV commercial offering free flooring for additional rooms for only $50 each. Well, read the fine print at the bottom of the screen and you'll see this: "This offer does not include materials or installation." Anyway, Steve maintains an exceptionally informative resource here., and go here for a list of his additional publications.
Stephen Koschal Offers New Authenticating Service
For decades Stephen Koschal has avoided offering speedy opinions when it comes to authenticating autographs. This is because of his experience more than once inside company’s who claim to authenticate autographs. He has observed how most authenticating companies have little or no reference material in the place where they work yet give an opinion to their customer. Not long ago I was in the back office of one of those ABC type authenticating services watching the “opinionator” respond to an authentication in just a few seconds. Some of these companies even admit on their web site they can only take a quick look at the scan before giving an opinion. The only reference the “opinionator” used was what he remembered in his own head what he thought the signature should look like. In another instance, with another one of the high profile companies, the youthful “opinionator” was looking at an auction house web site to see if he could find a match. When he couldn’t find a match he logged onto ebay to see if there was a similar name up for bidding. Then you wonder, why there is such a large amount of mistakes made with these speedy authenticating services? You could do the same job. Even worse, in most instances you will never know who at the authenticating company gave their opinion.
The service we are now offering began because of requests from our regular loyal customers. They are used to sending in the original item they purchased to get a professional opinion which we still do. After an item is purchased it takes time to pay for it and more time for the payment to clear. It will take several days for the customer to receive the item in the mail, and then more time is spent when the customer mails the item to me. If the item proves to be not genuine, usually the time has expired to be able to return the item to the seller. Collectors and dealers are purchasing more autographs via auction houses, even International ones, and have a need to get a respected opinion before they bid on the item.
No quick looks here! We do the opposite.
For this reason we have established a “Researched Autograph Opinion” service. This can be done in a timely fashion, usually within hours, and our opinion will be based on researching the questioned signature. The research will be done in our facility which maintains almost 50 years of collecting and filing exemplars in every field. On our premises, we also maintain one of the most significant autograph reference libraries in the hobby with books on autograph collecting dating back two centuries.
The signature you need researched must be written in ink or pencil. Our opinion will be based on that fact. If the scan of the signature you send us is a printed facsimile or a laser print it may be impossible to render an educated opinion. We will be able to determine if the signature was signed by the Autopen machine. On multi-signed items you can choose one or several signatures to be authenticated, however, there will be charges for each signature researched.
You will receive a response that the autograph we researched is either:
Likely Authentic
Likely Not Authentic
In some instances we may not be comfortable rendering an opinion and our response will be “inconclusive.” In this case your payment will be credited to your next authentication.
Fees for our “Researched Autograph Opinion” service is only $15.00 payable to our PayPal account:
When ordering, please provide us with a link to the autograph or email us a scan to
All the major high profile authenticating companies as well as ebay have asked for our opinion on autographs multiple times.
For our references click the “Testimonial” link on our web sites homepage. Go to
Standard Autograph Authentication Service
Question: Why utilize our autograph authentication
Answer: Our autograph authentication service is the choice of
many of the high profile authentication services. While in their
office when they are unable to come to a conclusion and need
a professional researcher, for a professional opinion, they contact
Stephen Koschal. When they are physically at an auction house
and just don't know, they contact Stephen Koschal directly from
the auction house.
- Without a doubt, autograph authentications
by Stephen Koschal have been found to be the most accurate of
any authenticating service. Koschals expertise is legendary
and recognized Internationally. He is the author of several books
on the subject of autograph collecting and he has over 200 articles
published on autograph collecting that have appeared in every
single autograph journal or magazine.
He has appeared in court, many times. The results were that he
was responsible for putting forgers in jail or prison. As early
as the 1970s Koschal was responsible for winning a case
for a New Jersey doctor whose wife was forging her husbands
signatures on checks while they were going through a divorce.
For two decades, Koschal worked along with Charles Hamilton in
New York discovering forgeries and new secretarial signatures.
Less than three months before Hamiltons passing in December
1996 he wrote Koschal stating:
..I enormously appreciate
your efforts in trying to stop the forgers, not just of my appraisals,
but in every area
Recognized by the U.S. Government and F.B.I. as a outstanding
autograph expert, Koschal was chosen to represent them in a San
Diego Federal Court in the famous Operation Bullpen
case. The result of the jury trial is the forger was sent to
prison. Koschal received a letter of commendation and recommendation
from the F.B.I. for his professional efforts.
- Our authentication service provides professional
autograph authentications for your signed items including letters,
documents, photographs, checks and signed books.
- We have over forty years experience in the
field of authentication and maintain one of the largest autograph
reference libraries of books and exemplars in the world.
- Our Certificates of Examination are accepted
by every professional autograph dealer and auction house, world
- Our service is prompt, our research and decision
usually runs 48-72 hours after receipt of your item.
- Our fees are only $50.00 per signature plus
return shipping which usually averages an additional $8.00 US
- Our service does not cover modern celebrities
or modern music.
"I, Michael Frost President and lead authenticator of P.A.A.S. Professional Autograph Authentication Services have known Stephen Koschal for over 20 years. I am proud to have worked with Stephen Koschal for many of those years on autograph studies and autograph authentication. I would consider him as the top autograph expert in the world today. Stephen Koschal's library of autograph exemplars is second to none and I have had the pleasure of using and viewing his autograph exemplar library. Stephen Koschal has written many books and 100's of articles on autograph collecting and autograph reviews and authentication. Stephen Koschal is one of my teachers and mentors when it comes to autograph studies and authentication. I have spent 100's of hours working with Stephen Koschal as well as reviewing his authentication work. I have always found him to be very professional and one of the most honest people I ever met within the autograph industry. In all the years I have known Stephen Koschal and worked with him I can not recall a single item ever being returned or questioned on the basis of authentication.".......................................................................................................Mike Frost, Florida, PAAS Autograph Authenticatiion
"Thank you for your recent review of six of my (JFK) items. Very thorough and professional..........................................S.L., Illinois
".Steve, thanks so much for your opinion....there are few people in this industry I have trust in their judgment like you" .....................................................................Jimmy Spence, JSA Authentication Services
"...I respect you and consider you a friend... You're an autograph encyclopedia" ................................................................................Steve Cyrkin, Former owner of Autograph Collector Magazine, California
"...I love you and admire your energy... I have always looked at you as an honest man and true friend .....................................................................................Roger Epperson, Texas, JSA Authenticator
"...your work may have helped change the certs which now clearly say that only one or more have looked at the item. Thus in some regard you have been part of the solution... hope your voice changes other policy... in fact when people ask me about you and your expertise I always give you glowing reports in fact I say that you are among the few left who really knows what he's doing..." .................................................................John Reznikoff, Connecticut, PSA and JSA Authenticator
We have been using (name withheld but one of the two high profile authenticating companies) as third party authenticators. I am starting to really have some doubts about their expertise in vintage entertainment. I am attaching 9 Sinatra signatures. Can you help by examining them...could you give it a quick look-over and get back to me? I hope all is well with you and I thank you for your last minute help.".........................Doug Norwine, Texas, Director Music & Entertainment, Heritage Galleries/Auctioneers
"...Bill (Miller, Autograph Collector Magazine) is a blessing to me. He is truly my best friend and best mentor a person could have. I'm very thankful that through him, I got to know who you are better because he is so honest that I know that when he thinks highly of someone like he does of you, it is dead on target... I would have just liked to see eBay reach out to someone like you in the cases they needed guidance... I think your views on how eBay should correct their problems are important and they should listen. When someone has done something as long as you have, there is wisdom that many can benefit... " .........................................................................Brandon Mysinger, California, Global Authenticator, eBay Authenticator
"...considering your recent articles, I wanted to bring to your attention an item that I have received several reports about... unfortunately, the authenticators that advise me on these matters are torn as to the authenticity of this piece. I wanted to bring it to your attention in the hopes that you could shed light on this item... I am writing in the hopes of establishing a direct relationship with you so that similar items may be properly auctioned... "............................John Gonzales, California, Ebay Inc. Fraud Agent
"...Bob (Eaton) asked if I could ask you for a favor... would it be possible for you to type up a general endorsement of our company on your letterhead... as far as we are concerned, you are one of, if not the most respected autograph authorities we know, and it we think it would be quite impressive to have a good word from you about us..."..............................................Ron Lavallee, New Hampshire, RR Auction
"...your last letter was of great help to me and I enormously appreciate your efforts in trying to stop the forgers, not just of my appraisals, but in every area... " .........................Charles Hamilton, New York, World's Acknowledged Authority on Autographs
"...on behalf of the FBI, I thank you for your assistance in the investigation and prosecution of forger Steve Lyons, one of the convicted subjects in the FBI's Operation Bullpen case. The hours you spent working with Special Agent Timothy Fitzsimmons and assistant United States Attorney Melanie Pierson were very helpful in the government's case. Your knowledge and professionalism resulted in Judge Jeffrey T. Miller accepting your trial testimony, after qualifying you as an expert witness in this matter, You should know that in the recent sentencing of Steve Lyons, Judge Miller singled out your expert testimony as very illuminating... Judge Miller ultimately sentenced Lyons to 36 months in federal prison. I also want to thank you for your continuing assistance to law enforcement in combating memorabilia fraud... I encourage you to continue in this worthwhile endeavor." .................................................................................Kenneth W. Boschen, California, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI
- Contact us to discuss your needs!
Ph: 561-315-3622