Very Scarce A.L.S. of Andrew Johnson along with Free Frank
JOHNSON, Andrew (1808-1875). The 17th President of the United States. Assumed the presidency upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was the first president to be impeached. Johnson owned 10 slaves and brought one of them to the Executive Mansion. Early and very lengthy autograph letter signed, Blountville, Tennessee, July 24th, 1845. Full page, 10.5’x8”. Integral address leaf addressed in Johnson’s hand to the Commissioner of Pensions in Washington City, D.C., bearing Johnson’s free frank, signed “A. Johnson” as a member of Congress. Johnson is seeking help for a constituent, who has not been receiving pension payments due him. Johnson recites the facts in detail and with great clarity. In part he states: “Your early attention to this matter will confer great favor upon this old man.” Signed A. Johnson. A small piece of paper is missing, affecting part of two words but found on the other side with the wax seal. In 1845, Johnson’s second term in Congress he presented himself as the defender of the poor. It is believed that Johnson is one of the scarcest presidents to be found in a.l.s. His free franks have been described as very rare. Both together is extremely desirable.........................$3600.00
