GARFIELD, James A. (1831-1881). 20th President of the United States. Second President of the U.S. to be assassinated. Assassinated at a Washington, D.C. railroad station. Manuscript letter signed, one page, as a member of Congress. Washington, D.C., March 1, 1876. To C.F. Conant (Ass’t Secretary of Treasury). “Will Mr. Conant please send copies of the Finance report for 1872-73-74 to Hon. Reuben P. Harmon of Kirtland Lake Co. Ohio and oblige.” In 1876 Garfield displayed his mathematical talent when he developed a trapezoid proof of the Pythagorean theorem. It was a busy year for him, he was re-elected to the House of Representatives and his youngest son died. A near fine example..........SOLD
