V/P of the United States For a Day
President of the United States For a Day?
FERRY, Thomas W. (1827-1896). U.S. Senator from the State of Michigan. An unusual event in American history, Ferry, as president Pro Tempore of the Senate, he became acting Vice-President during 1875-1877 under U.S. Grant, following the death of Vice-President Henry Wilson. He presided over the impeachment trial of Secretary of war William W. Belknap. Ferry believed he had served for one day as president of the United States: March 4, 1877. As U.S. Grant was no longer the President, and Hayes had not, at least in Ferry’s view, assumed the office, he believed he was president. Some biography’s state: “Grant’s term expiring on Sunday, March 4th, at noon, and Hayes being inaugurated on march 5th, at noon, Fabulous ink signature: “T.W. Ferry, Mich” on a 1.5”x 4.5” slip. Not a common signature. Together with a printed portrait........................$100.00
