Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~

Aviation, Explorers
Civil War
Indians / Old West
Relic Cards
Science, Business & Invention
Signed Books
World Leaders
Authentication Services
Reference Books
Atrocious Authentications

Signed Books
ALI, Muhammad His autobiography; “The Greatest, My Own Story.” Random House, N.Y., 1975, First edition, so stated. Four hundred sixteen pages. A fine copy with the uncommon dust jacket.  Signed “M. Ali” on the title page. The signature of Ali is circa late 1990’s. SOLD

Long Inscription by Fay Wray

BALL, Eustace H. The Legion & the Condemned, Grosset & Dunlap, N.Y, 1928. Two hundred fifty-six pages. Illustrated with photographs from the Screen Production. Frontispiece of Fay Wray ad Gary Cooper. Long inscription on the front free endpaper by Fay Wray: “Dear George Bannister (noted collector of aviation related items)  The Legion of the Condemned was my first film with Gary Cooper-and also the time of my meeting John Monk Saunders. With best regards, Fay Wray,”.  $160.00

BARAK, Ehud 
His book My Country, Fighting for Israel, Searching for Peace My Life.  St. Martin’s Press, N.Y. 2018, First Edition so stated. Four hundred seventy-two pages illustrated many in color. Very boldly signed on the title page “E. Barak.” $125.00

Author of "America the Beautiful"

BATES, Katherine Lee A book she gave as a gift: The Collected Poems of Josephine Preston Peabody (Mrs. Lionel S. Marks). With a Foreword by Katherine Lee Bates. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1927, 535 pages. Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “Marion Pelton Guild with love from Katherine Lee Bates, Christmas 1927.” (Just two years before her death.) $245.00

Mentions “Chief Pilot of the Fuhre"

BAUR, Hans His book: “Mit Machtigen zwischen Himmel und Erde.” Translated “I Flew With the Mighty.” Oldendorf 1984. (Original German edition) Three hundred twenty-eight pages, heavily illustrated. Inscribed and signed: “Mr. Graduate Engineer Walter, with all best wishes in solidarity, warmest personal regards direct from my heart, your Hans BAUR.  Aircraft Captain and Major General/Lieutenant General, Chief Pilot of the Fuhrer, 17 Oct. 86.” This may have been one of Baur’s personal copies as he has rubber stamped his title, (Flugkapitan) name and address on the last page. $275.00

Very Rare Book Inscribed & Signed by LBJ

BELL, Jack His book:  “The Splendid Misery, The Story of the Presidency and Power Politics at Close Range.” Doubleday & Co. 1960. Four hundred seventy-four pages.  Inscribed and signed by Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson.  “To Carl Curtis for his dedication to the Senate of the United States; for his faithful service and for his friendship- Happy Birthday! Lyndon B. Johnson 3/15/63.”.  $2,500.00

Rare Signed Copy of Topps Baseball Cards

BERGER, Sy The fabulous coffee table top book: “The Complete Picture Collection, A 35 Year History, 1951-1985 Topps Baseball Cards.”  Warner Books, 1987, fifth impression. Completely illustrated in color. Signed by Sy Berger. SOLD

BOYINGTON,  Col. Gregory “Pappy” 
Boyington’s book: “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1958, Seventeenth Printing. Three hundred eighty-four pages, illustrated.  The half title page is inscribed, signed and dated. “Jan.4,1981 To Diane Joan Carithers- With Warmest Regards -always- Pappy Boyington.”. $150.00

Signed by a Great American Ace & the Japanese Ace Who Shot Him Down

BOYINGTON,  Col. Gregory “Pappy” & KAWATO, Masajiro Boyington’s book: “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1958, Tenth Impression. Three hundred eighty-four pages, illustrated.  The title page is inscribed: “To John & Betty Thomas, Bless a CBI er and his lovely lady. Sincerely, Col. Greg “Pappy” Boyington.  On the same page is the following presentation inscription: “April 12, 1996, To Stephen Koschal, with hot blood squadron, From Masajiro Kawato”. After this inscription Kawato signs his name once again in Japanese. SOLD

Inscribed to President Richard Nixon

BROWN, Jim Autobiography Out Of Bounds.  Zebra Books, First printing, September 1989.  Choice presentation inscription on the half title page: “To President Richard Nixon, Jim Brown”. In very fine condition with the dust jacket.  $275.00

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger - Rare, Interesting Book

BURGER, Warren E. Representative American Speeches; 1970-1971.  Edited by Waldo W. Braden, New York: The H.W. Wilson Company 1971. One hundred fifty-three pages, hardcover.  Affixed to inside the front cover is the Ex Libris  bookplate of Warren E,. Burger. On page 13, Burger writes: “I did not write page 13 & top part page 14 W.E.B.”  On page is an additional note in Burger’s hand and signed once again with his initials.    $150.00

Millie’s earnings quadruple Bush’s

BUSH, Fred
The dog’s book: “C. Fred’s Story A Dog’s Life.”  Edited by Barbara Bush. Doubleday & Company, New York, 1984. One hundred nine pages, heavily illustrated. Signed on the second flyleaf “Barbara Bush and”  then signed with a printed paw-print of C. Fred Bush. $95.00

Very Scarce, Signed as Vice President of the United States

BUSH, George H.W.
“George Bush A Biography” by  Nicholas King. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1980, First Edition, soft cover. One hundred forty-six pages, illustrated.  Inscribed on the half title page: “Alan Bush with best wished George Bush 5-26-83.” $275.00

BUSH, George H.W. 
His book: “Looking Forward An Autobiography.”  Doubleday, New York 1987. First Edition, so stated.  Two hundred seventy pages, illustrated. On the front free endpaper Bush has written “Good Luck” and signed his name. Vintage signature. $275.00

His book: “A House Divided, The Dilemma of Northern Ireland.”  William Collins Sons, London, 1973, First Edition. Two hundred seven pages. Inscribed, signed and dated “1975”on the title page.  In fine condition with the dust jacket. $95.00

Borderline Rare Inscribed Book By Truman Capote To A Book Reviewer

CAPOTE, Truman His book: “The Dogs Bark, Public People and Private Places”.  Random House, New York, 1973, First Edition. Four hundred twenty-one pages.  Signed on the title page by Rodney Stevens (an African-American book reviewer). Also inscribed and signed as follows: “For Rodney Stevens from Truman Capote”. $650.00

CAPOTE, Truman
“In Cold Blood”, Random House 1965, First Edition so stated.  Hand signed by Truman Capote on the title page. In very fine condition with a near fine dust jacket.  Capote’s signature is “in person” in May 1981. SOLD

His desirable book: “For Spacious Skies.” Harcourt, Inc., 2002, First Edition so stated.  370 pages, illustrated. Inscribed and signed and dated on the title page: “To The Forseth Family, Very best regards Scott Carpenter, Vail, July 05.”. $95.00

Clarence Darrow
A Signed Book
from the Library of Darrow, his copy of Tolstoy's My Religion, with much personal notations in the margins throughout the book. SOLD

Bill Clinton received a pardon on Jan.21, 1977 from Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States
Bill Clinton will get about $14 Million for his memoir, yet he is unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.

His book: “My Life” A.A. Knopf, 2004, First Edition, so stated. 957 pages, illustrated, in very fine condition with the dust jacket.   Signed by Bill Clinton on the title page in blue ink $395.00

CLINTON, Bill His book: Giving, How Each Of Us Can Change The World. Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. 2007, First Edition, 240pages. Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To the Ritter(?) you too Jeanie Thanks Bill Clinton – 9/17/07.” Above the presentation inscription affixed is a plate with a printed quote from Bill Clinton. SOLD

Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States

CLINTON, Bill  & PATTERSON, James Their book “The President’s Daughter.” A Thriller. Little Brown and Co.  First Edition, June 2021. Autographed Edition label on dust jacket.  Hand signed by Clinton and Patterson, both signatures are flawless. $225.00

Very Scarce Signed Book by Apollo XI Crew Member

COLLINS, Michael His book (Memoir):  “Carrying The Fire/ An Astronaut’s Journeys.”  Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, 2009.  Four hundred seventy-eight pages, illustrated. This paperback is the 40th Anniversary Edition, printed in commemoration of Collins, Armstrong and Aldrin’s 1969 lunar landing.  Forward by Charles A. Lindbergh. Signed, in ink, by Michael Collins on the title page. SOLD

Replaced Buffalo Bill as Chief of Scouts

CRAWFORD, Captain Jack On the second leaf Crawford has inscribed and signed and dated the book adding a poem: “To My Comrade Philip Cheek,  Here’s a wad of affliction, a rustic boquett, That I plucked in my wildwood from over the way. I fling it to you to phil up your shelf , And to show you, I’m just a bit-cheecky myself. Fraternaly yours, J.W. Crawford, Capt. Jack Reunion 32nd Wis. Vol. Rippon, Wis, June 28th, 1893”.  Some wear to top & bottom of spine and front hinge on front cover otherwise a good copy.  SOLD

Signed by Eight Survivors of the Titanic Disaster

CUSSLER, Clive His book: “Raise the Titanic”.  The Viking Press, 1976, first edition. Three hundred-fourteen pages,  Signed by eight surviving passengers of the sinking of the Titanic. Those who have signed are: George Thomas who adds “Survivor R.M.S. Titanic”, Frank P. Aks, M. Navatil, E.E. Haisman, B.V. Dean, Eva Hart, Ruth Becker Blanchard and Marjorie N. Robb. SOLD

Original Sketch of a Shooting Star

DALI, Salvador His book “Hidden Faces” Dial press, New York, 1944, First Edition. Four hundred fourteen pages, very good copy with dust jacket.  On the front free endpaper Dali has signed his name and dated it “1970”.   $775.00

Creator of a Famous Sports Car, was Arrested for Trafficking in Cocaine

DELOREAN, John His book: “John DELOREAN”.  Zondervan Books, Michigan, 1985 First Edition. Three hundred forty-nine pages, illustrated.  Inscribed with a sentiment and signed:  “...Merry Christmas, John DeLorean”.  The former owner has covered his name with white out. $175.00

DeSEVERSKY, Alexander P.  His book Air Power: Key To Survival. NY, Simon and Schuster, 1950 1st Edition. Illustrated from photographs Three hundred seventy-six pages, with a color fold out map regarding the air dominance of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. the author has written a very attractive presentation inscription along with a fabulous signature dated “9/1/50” around the time this book was published. $127.50

DICKEY, James His popular book: “Deliverance.” Houghton Mifflin Co. 1970, First printing. Two hundred seventy-eight pages.  Signed “James Dickey” on the title page. $450.00

Uninscribed First Edition, Walt Disney Biography

DISNEY, Walt The Story of Walt Disney by Diane Disney Miller. Henry Holt & Co. 1957, First Edition. Hardcover with dust jacket. Beautifully signed on the half title page, "Best wishes, Walt Disney." In fine condition, a bright clean copy,  with light wear to the dust jacket. Bookplate affixed to inside the front cover with the written name "Jerry Lewis." The signature of Walt Disney is exceptionally large. Contained in a custom made protective box.  SOLD

Marilyn Monroe's First Husband

DOUGHERTY, Jim His second memoir, To Norma Jeane with Love, Jimmie. BeachHouse Books, First printing, January 2001, 199 pages, illustrated, paperback. Signed on the title page “Jim Dougherty”. $47.50

Signed by the  Astronaut and his Wife the Co-author

DUKE, Charlie Their book; Moonwalker. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. Third printing, two hundred eighty-four pages. On the front free endpaper is inscribed and signed : “To Francis and DE aim high God Bless You Charlie Duke.” Below Charlie’s signature, Dotty Duke has signed her name. $110.00

DUNCAN, David Douglas His desirable book New York, New York. McGraw-HILL Publishing, printed in Switzerland bound in The Hague, Holland.  1984, First Edition, 136 pages, heavily illustrated. Fine copy with the dust jacket.  Many photographs of the World Trade Center. A magnificent signature of the author on the font free endpaper, nine inches long. $85.00

George Eastman A Rare Signed & Inscribed Copy of the pioneer in photography's self-published book, Chronicles of an African Trip. SOLD

El SADAT, Anwar His book: Revolt On The Nile, A Shocking frank disclosure of the Nasser revolution in Egypt, by one of his LIeutenants.” The John Day Co. New York, 1957, First Edition. One hundred fifty-nine pages. Hand signed by Anwar El Sadat, in Arabic, on the title page. $450.00

Henry Rossiter Worthington's Copy

ERICSSON, John His enormous book: Contribution To The Centennial Exhibition.  First Edition. Original heavy leather covers with gold tooling on spine and covers.  “The Nation” Press, 1876, gilt page ends, text and plates clean, book nice and tight and very sturdy. Five hundred-seventy-seven pages with an addition 67 full page plates.  Inscribed and signed by the author (John Ericsson) on an otherwise blank endpaper. “Henry Rossiter Worthington Esq. C.E. from his friend the author.”.  SOLD

One of the “Ten Men in the World Most Admired By Americans”

FAUBUS, Orval His book: “In This Faraway Land, A Personal Journal of Infantry Combat in World War II”.  River Road Press,1971, seven hundred thirty six pages, illustrated.  Very boldly inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper.  $45.00

Possibly a Unique Signed Copy

FERMI, Enrico The book by his wife Laura Fermi, Atoms In The Family, My Life With Enrico Fermi, Architect Of The Atomic Age.  The University of Chicago Press, 1954, Second Printing before publication. Two hundred sixty-seven pages with illustrations.  Signed by both Laura Fermi and Enrico Fermi on the half title page.  Enrico Fermi died just months after this book was published, signed copies are almost non-existent.  SOLD

American Chess Grandmaster
FISCHER, R. A book from his library:  King Pawn Openings B.T Batsford Limited London, 1975. Two hundred sixty-four pages heavily illustrated.  Signed, “R. Fischer” inside the front cover. . $1,500.00

Inscribed to a serial autograph criminal who spent two separate stints in prison for autograph related crimes.
He recently bounced 2 checks over $2200.000 each
FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.”  Simon & Schuster, 1965, Second printing, 510 pages, in G/V/G condition, fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors.  On the front endpaper is a lengthy fascinating presentation inscription by Congressman Gerald R. Ford.  He writes:  “To Gary Zimit, the opportunity to serve on the Warren Commission was both sad because J.F.K. was a friend and as a challenge because it was important to do a good job. In my opinion the Warren Commission conclusions were sound and so far not challenged. No significant new evidence has been found. Lee Harvey Oswald was the culprit. Gerald R. Ford 11/29/80.” $4900.00

Lengthy Vintage Inscription
FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.”  Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages, in G/V/G condition. Light wear to bottom of covers,  fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors.  On the front endpaper is a lengthy vintage presentation inscription by Congressman Gerald R. Ford.  He writes: “1/16/66  To J. McArt, an ardent, effective, top flight Republican. We deeply appreciate your help for the ‘cause.’ Warmest personal regards, Gerald R. Ford.” $1495.00

Signed Three Times
FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.”  Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages, in V/G condition with fine dust jacket in plastic protective cover. Portrait of Oswald on the on the cover, bright colors. Slight erasure marks top of the front end paper where most likely a former ownership’s name was removed. Signed by Gerald Ford three times. Signed as “Gerald R. Ford,” “Jerry Ford” and “G.R.F.” $950.00

FORD, Gerald R. His very desirable book: “Portrait of the Assassin.”  Simon & Schuster, 1965, First printing, 510 pages. Very boldly signed “Gerald R. Ford” in the center of the front free endpaper. $275.00

Wonderful Signed Limited Numbered Edition

FORD, Gerald R. Thirty-eight President of the United States. His book: “Humor And The Presidency”. Arbor House, 1987, illustrated, 162 pages. Special limited and numbered copy hand signed by former President Gerald R. Ford  $235.00

Yuri Gagarin, Very Rare Signed Autobiography
EnRoute to the Cosmo

GAGARIN, Yuri A Signed First Edition of his autobiography, EnRoute to the Cosmos, 1961. $2,750.00

Co-Founder of Microsoft

HHis second book:  Business @ The Speed Of Thought. Warner Brothers, March 1999, First Edition so stated. Four hundred-seventy pages, illustrated. Signed “Bill Gates” on the title page. $110.00

Very Uncommon- Signed by Bill Gates Sr. & Jr.

GATES, Sr., William H. His book: “Wealth and Our Commonwealth, Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes.”  Beacon press, 2002, one hundred sixty-five pages. Signed by Bill Gates Sr. and Bill Gates Jr. on the title page. SOLD

GETTY, John Paul His book: “Collector’s Choice, The Chronicle of an Artistic Odyssey Through Europe”.  W.H. Allen, London, January 1956. Three hundred sixty pages, illustrated. Inscribed, signed and dated on the title page: “To Heinz Biel, with best wishes from J.Paul Getty, London, Mar. 19, 1960”. $350.00

GINSBURG, Ruth Bader Her book “My Own Words” Simon & Schuster, paperback, 2016, 374 pages illustrated.  Signed in full and dated 2019 by Ginsburg a year before her passing. $799.00

Rare Book Signed by Ralph Ginzburg- My Eight Years in Prison

GINZBURG, Ralph Ginzburg’s book My Eight Months in Prison Castrated.  Avant Garde Books, 1973, First Edition, 35 pages. Inscribed: “For Al Sideman, whose brotherly letters helped me live through the ordeal. In gratitude, Ralph”. In fine condition with the very scarce dust jacket.  $200.00

GOLDWATER, Barry His book: “With No Apologies, The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater.”  William Morrow and Co, 1979, First Edition, First Printing. Three hundred twenty pages, illustrated. Fine condition with dust jacket. Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper: “For Jeff Midden Barry Goldwater.”. $37.50

GORBACHEV, Michael His very desirable book: Perestroika.  Harper & Row, 1987, First Edition. Inscribed, signed and dated in Russian: “To Mr. Laetham - from the author. M. Gorbachev “11/1/95.”. $895.00

GORBACHEV, Michael The ONLY Edition of this book worldwide. Two hundred ninety-eight pages, color illustrations.  Inscribed, signed and dated on the half title page. $650.00

Woman of the Year 1982

GRAY, Linda Her book: “The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction.”  Regan Arts, 2015, two hundred sixty one pages, illustrated.  Limited, Signed, First Edition, Specially Bound.  $37.50

Very Scarce Signed By The Author and the Subject

GREY, Zane & C.J. Jones The same page bears the signature of former owner Preston Dawson.  Dawson (1846-1933) was enlisted a private in Company H of the 5th Regiment Cavalry of the United States Colored Troops on September 17, 1864.  In addition this book is signed on the inside cover by another former owner, J. Wallace Page (1843-1916) founder of the Page Fence Company forerunner of American Chain & Cable Co. He enlisted in the Civil War and his battery was with General Sherman in Atlanta.His book: “The Last Of The Plainsmen”. The Outing Publishing Company, 1908, first edition, illustrated, three hundred-fourteen pages. Twenty-three B&W photos by the author and one additional B&W drawing.  Gilt stamped, light green pictorial cloth. Fine ink sentiment by the subject of the book:  “with compliments of The Last of the Plainsmen  C.J. Jones”.  Below is a sentiment signed by the author: “and the author Zane Grey”.  $650.00

Discoverer of the Schick Test

GRONOWICZ, Antoni Bela Schick And The World of Children.  Abelard-Schuman, N.Y. 1954. Two hundred sixteen pages, illustrated.  Signed by the author on the front free endpaper and inscribed, signed and dated on the dedication page: “To Dr. & Mrs. Henry Seiff, Bela Schick, Decbr 1954”.   Bela Schick (1877-1967) was a pediatrician who discovered the Schick Test.  It determined a child’s susceptibility to diphtheria.  Signatures of Schick are uncommon in any form. In very good condition  $145.00

Coached The Bears for 40 Years with 8 NFL Titles

HALAS, George His book: “Halas by Halas, The Autobiography of George Halas”.  McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979, First Edition. Inscribed, signed and dated: “To Rosalie & Ben, all good wishes to a wonderful couple-the finest twosome I know! George Halas, 10-16-79”. $175.00

First Edition/First Printing

HALEY, Nikki  Her desirable book With All Due Respect, St. Martins Press, 2019, First Edition, First Printing. 262 pages. Signed with a magnificent signature on the title page. $27.50

Rare Signed Book by Dashiell Hammett

HAMMETT, Dashiell His book The Glass Key, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1931. Inscribed and signed: “For Nat Bardt, with the best of luck wherever he goes, Dashiell Hammett, Camp Edison, May 14, 1943”.  Raymond Chandler said the following of Hammett: “...Hammett was an ace performer..yet the story he himself thought the most of The Glass Key is the record of a man’s devotion to a friend...” .  $2,750.00

Father of the Blues

HANDY, W.C. His book: “Father of the Blues, An Autobiography”. The Macmillan Co. New York, later printing, December 1942.  Three hundred seventeen pages. Inscribed signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To Mrs. Bertha Waters, with grateful appreciation for a great girl from my native state. W.C. Handy, 11-27-43”. $550.00

Very Scarce Signed by William S. Hart

HART, William S. His book: My Life East and West. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co. 1929, First Edition.  Three hundred sixty-three pages photographs, frontispiece portrait of Hart in color on horseback by Charles M. Russell. Inscribed and signed: “To Marguerate Tazelaar from William S. Hart.”.  $375.00

First President of the Czech Republic

HAVEL, Vaclav His book: “The Art of the Impossible” A.A. Knopf, 1997, First Edition, so stated. Two hundred seventy-three pages.  Signed with his desirable full signature on the half title page. SOLD

Copy #1. Inscribed and signed by Rita Hayworth

HAYWORTH, Rita The book: Hello, Hollywood, Doubleday & Co, Inc. 1962, First Edition. Starring many celebrities such as Humphrey Bogart, Charles Chaplin, Gary Cooper, James Dean, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo Cary Grant, Oliver Hardy, Rita Hayworth, Stan Laurel, The Marx Brothers, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, John Wayne and several more. Five hundred seventy-one pages. On the half title page someone wrote Copy #1 most likely stating this is the first copy off the press or some copies were given to each actor and this is Copy #1 given to Rita Hayworth.  Hayworth has boldly inscribed and signed this copy on the half title page: “To Joyce Youngbar, with warm wishes and admiration from your friend Rita Hayworth.”.  $235.00

Prime Minister of England
HEATH, Edward His book: “Edward Heath, Travels, People and Places in My Life.” Griffin House, Toronto, First Edition, 1977.  Inscribed and signed: “For Paul Cassidy, Edward Heath, 15.IX.80.” $95.00

HEINLEIN, Robert A. His book: Job: A Comedy of Justice. Ballantine Books, 1984, First Edition. Seven Hundred Fifty copies have been specially bound, each copy signed by the author, and numbered. This is copy number 90.  In very fine condition housed in the original slip case. $450.00

HESTON, Charlton His book: “In The Arena, An Autobiography”.  Simon & Schuster, 1995, First Edition. Five hundred ninety-two pages, illustrated.  Boldly signed with a beautiful genuine signature of Charlton Heston on the title page. $85.00

Signed by Ed Hillary

Hillary, Louise A Yak for Christmas. Doubleday & Co. 1969, First U.S. Edition. 254 pages, illustrated. Signed “E.P. Hillary” on the title page. Fine copy with the dust jacket.  Uncommon signed by Ed Hillary.  $125.00

Boldly Signed by Paul Muni

HILTON, James His book: “We Are Not Alone”  Grosset & Dunlap. N.Y. 1937. Two hundred thirty-one pages. Interesting bookplate on the frontispiece portrait. Above the bookplate is signed: “Greetings Paul Muni Feb.12, 1940.”  $95.00

Rare Book With Signatures of Ronald Reagan and John Hinckley, Jr.
From the Library of Governor Richard Lamm of Colorado
HINCKLEY, Jack & JoAnn ( The book Breaking Points by Jack & JoAnn Hinckley, 1985, First printing, 375 pages. Inscribed to their Governor: “ To Governor and Mrs. Lamm, with our sincere thanks for your concern and support Jack and JoAnn”. Affixed to the inside cover is a 3”x5” card signed “John Hinckley, Jr.” and a bookplate signed by “Ronald Reagan”. $695.00

Sunk the Merrimac in Cuba-Awarded the Medal of Honor
Choice Association Copy

HOBSON, Richmond P His scarce book: “Alcohol And The Human Race.” Fleming H. Revell, 1919.  Two hundred-five pages. Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To E.H. Cherrington-Friendship Tribute- Richmond P. Hobson- April 17-19-”   E.H. Cherrington studied the use of alcohol including that of the Indians. He authored “The Evolution of Prohibition in the U.S.” (1920) and “Standard Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem.” (1925).  $275.00

HOGAN, Ben book Power of Golf.  Heavily illustrated. Inscribed and signed on the half title page: “For Eileen Bunns, with all good wishes, Ben Hogan”. Light wear to corners and top and bottom of spine otherwise a very good copy.  $250.00

HOOVER, Herbert Thirty-first President of the United States. His three volume set of book: “The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover.”  Vol. #1 “The Cabinet & the Presidency.”  Macmillan Co., 1952, First printing.  Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper: “To Victor Emanuel with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.”  Vol. #2 “Years of Adventure.”  Macmillan Co, 1951, Second Printing. Inscribed and signed: “To Victor Emanuel with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.”  Vol. #3. “The Greta Depression.”  Macmillan Co. 1952, First printing. $575.00

Very Rare Book Un-inscribed Yet Signed by Herbert Hoover
HOOVER, Herbert His book: “The New Day, Campaign Speeches of Herbert Hoover.” Stanford University Press, Second Edition, January 1929.  Two hundred and thirty pages.  Signed “Herbert Hoover” on the front free endpaper.  This is the first book we recall seeing not inscribed by Herbert Hoover.  The colorful stamps from Morocco affixed to the bottom of the page Hoover signed.  $450.00

HOOVER, Herbert His book: “Addresses Upon The American Road 1945-1948.” D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1949 First Edition.  Inscribed and signed in green ink on the front free endpaper: “To F.R. Barlow with the good wishes of Herbert Hoover.”. $225.00

Very Scarce Genuinely Signed Book by Lyndon B. Johnson

JOHNSON, Lyndon B. William S. White’s book “The Professional Lyndon B. Johnson”  Houghton and Mifflin Co. 1964, fourth printing.  Inscribed to Paul Betz and signed and dated  “12/5/64” (as President) by Johnson. This book was signed shortly after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Bill into law.  This may be the only book of this title signed by Johnson as President. Only a handful of this title contains a genuine signature of Johnson. SOLD

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger's Copy of LBJ's Book

JOHNSON, Lyndon B.
His book, The Vantage Point, Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969. Holy, Rinehart & Winston, 1971, First edition, so stated.  Affixed to the half title page is the bookplate of LBJ hand signed.  On the facing page is the ornate bookplate of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren E. Burger. In a few places in this book, Burger has drawn some lines where it referred to the Supreme Court..SOLD

Signed by both Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson

JOHNSON, Lyndon B.
Bookplate is boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson.  On the opposite page (half title page) Lady Bird Johnson has inscribed and signed her name. $325.00

JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His autobiography, The Vantage Point, Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971, First Edition, so stated. On the half title page is his personal bookplate made especially for this book.  It has a gilt  embossed Presidential Seal and his initials. Bookplate is boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson.  Above the bookplate on the same page, Lady Bird Johnson has signed her name. $275.00

JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His autobiography, The Vantage Point, Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971, First Edition, so stated. His personal bookplate made especially for this book which has a gilt  embossed Presidential Seal and his initials. Bookplate is boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. $225.00

JOHNSON, Lyndon B. His personal bookplate made especially for his book “The Vantage Point” (1971). Gilt embossed Presidential Seal along with his initials. Boldly signed in full by Lyndon B. Johnson. $195.00

Very Scarce Book Signed by LBJ (as President)

JOHNSON, Rebekah Baines Her book: “A Family Album” McGraw-Hill Co.1965, First Edition, so stated.  Introduction by Lyndon Baines Johnson. It is believed that Johnson only signed copies for family members and very close friends. Believed to be signed “as President.”. $450.00

Borderline rare signed book by the Author and Charles Schulz

JOHNSON, Rheta Grimsley Her first book “Good Grief  The Story of Charles M. Schulz.” Pharos Books, New York, 1989, First Edition, First Printing, 256 pages, heavily illustrated.  Inscribed and signed by Rheta Grimsley Johnson and in addition on the same free endpaper to the same individuals by Charles M. Schulz. $325.00

JONES, Robert T. ‘Bobby’ His book Golf Is My Game Doubleday, 1960, 255 pages, heavily illustrated. Inscribed and signed: “For Neil Sharkey With best wishes, Bob Jones.” Book in fine condition with dust jacket far more superior than most. $1500.00

Helen Keller A Signed Copy by Keller of Nella Braddy's book: Anne Sullivan Macy, The Story Behind Helen Keller. $850.00

KAWATO, Masajiro Kawato’s book BYE BYE BLACK SHEEP, Printing Dynamics, Inc. 1978, Seventh printing. 172 pages with illustrations. A very lengthy and important presentation inscription, signed in both English and Japanese and dated. “May 15 1988 To: Jim Duffy (adding a line in Japanese) Best Wishes, Hot blood Jap Zero Ace Mike Kawato, signed once again in Japanese. $150.00

World Famous Sexologis

KINSEY, Alfred Their book: “Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America”.  Idlewild Press, 1943, second printing, illustrated, four hundred fifty-two pages.  Fine presentation inscription by Kinsey: “To Wesley and Winifred, with appreciation for their contribution to our further acquaintance with the out- of- doors, Alfred C. Kinsey”. SOLD

Oley Kohlman’s First Book

KOHLMAN,  Leo J. “Oley”  Moonshiners, Bootleggers, and some Prohibition. Pioneer Printing, Cheyenne, Wyoming 1982, First edition, paperback. Sixty-six pages, heavily illustrated.   The title page is inscribed and signed by Oley: “To: Barb, hope your thrill head down wind and down sloop. Good Luck Oley Kohlman 2-9-89.” The facing page is the inside cover where the illustrator has drawn the head of a cowboy, signed Jerry Palen. $35.00

South Vietnam's War Time Prime Minister

Ky, Nguyen Cao His book "Buddha's Child, My Fight to Save Vietnam."  St. Martin's Press, 2002, First Edition, so stated.  Three hundred seventy-six pages with illustrations. Signed on the title page. SOLD

Extremely Rare Signed Copy

LAZAR, Bob His book DREAMLAND An Autobiography. Interstellar Books, 2019. First Edition, 243 pages, hard cover.  Signed on the first flyleaf “Flying Saucers & Aliens Are Real! Bob Lazar.”  In Mint condition with dust jacket. $750.00

Very Rare First Edition, First Printing
LEE, Harper Her book, To Kill A Mockingbird became a classic and was adapted into a major motion picture starring Gregory Peck. Peck won an Academy Award for Best Actor. He portrayed a country lawyer named Atticus Finch.  After the books publication in 1960 it won the 1961 Pulitzer prize for Fiction.  The copy we offer is a rare true First Edition, First printing with the matching very scarce First issue dust jacket. The book is inscribed and signed by Harper Lee on the front endpaper: “To William King with best wishes Harper Lee.”  A signature of Gregory Peck is laid in.   $24,500.00

LEE, Harper Pulitzer Prize winning author of To Kill A Mockingbird (1960), Signed 35th Anniversary Edition. $1,100.00

LEE, Harper Signed by harper lee on the title page.  Another dealer and ourselves were to meet Harper Lee in her nursing home in Monroeville, Al. She did agree to this and even made a special request, however her health turned for the worse and this book was mailed to her. She signed it less than a month before her passing. $695.00

Inscribed by the First Lady of Korea to Jack Kemp

LEE HEE-ho  (Mrs. Kim Dae-jung) Her book: My Love, My Country.  Los Angeles, 2000, 269 pages, illustrated. Soft cover.   Inscribed to Housing Secretary Jack Kemp under George Herbert Walker Bush (1935-2009). Kemp was also the AFL’s Most valuable Player 91965) and the V/P nominee running mate for Bob Dole.  Signed by the Former First Lady in English and Korean. SOLD

Very Scarce Signed by Author and Subject Clyde Tombaugh

LEVY, David H.His book: Clyde Tombaugh  Discoverer of Pluto.  The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1991, First Edition. Two hundred-eleven pages. Illustrated.  Inscribed and signed by the author: “Inscribed for Walt Farrar with best wishes from David H. Levy TSP’91.” Signed just below the author’s inscription: “Clyde W. Tombaugh.”.  $775.00

LIDDY, G. Gordon His book: “Will, The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy.’’   A Dell, St. Martins Press, 2nd paperback edition, excellent condition, unread.  Inscribed along with a two word sentiment and signed. $35.00

Signed by Ernie Banks and John Wayne Gacy

LOGAN, Bob So You Think You’re A Die-Hard Cub Fan.  Contemporary Books, 1985, wrappers, 130 pages, heavily illustrated.  This was Gacy’s personal book which he read and kept in his cell on death row.  Gacy has sent this book as a Christmas gift and inscribed this copy: “Steve, enjoy the reading John W. Gacy”  on the half title page. Hand signed below Gacy’s signature is Ernie Banks. Banks is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame and is known as “Mr. Cub”.   Book in very good condition. One of a kind.  $375.00

LOLLOBRIGIDA, Gina Coffee table size book heavily illustrated. Some light spotting otherwise a very good copy. Together with a near fine dust jacket. On the half title page, it is inscribed along with a two-word sentiment and signed Gina Lollobrigida. $110.00

LOVELL, Jim His book: Lost Moon, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1994, 5th printing. On the title page is a presentation inscription: “To Bryan, Best Wishes Jim Lovell.”. $85.00

MACMILLAN, Harold His book:  “The Blasts of War 1939-45.”   MacMillan Co. 1967. First Edition. Seven hundred sixty five pages, illustrated. Signed by Harold MacMillan on the title page. A V/G copy with dust jacket. $110.00

MACMILLAN, Harold His book: “Harold MacMillan The Past Masters.”  Harper & Row, 1975, First U.S. Edition.  Two hundred forty pages, illustrated.  Signed by Harold MacMillan on the title page.  A fine copy with the dust jacket. $85.00

Limited Edition signed by Thomas Madigan & A.L.S. of Samuel F.B. Morse

MADIGAN, Thomas A This copy contains a choice autograph letter signed by Samuel F.B. Morse, dated June 20, 1890 at New York. To an autograph collector Morse  $1,200.00

Marilyn Manson’s First Book “Autobiography” Signed
MANSON, Marilyn His first book “The Long Hard Road Out of Hell.” 1998, 274 pages, heavily illustrated, several in color. Softcover. On the inside cover “in person” using a bold black ink Sharpie, Manson has signed with his rare early signature, “Stay Weird, Mr. Manson.” He has also drawn a star. $275.00

McCAIN, John His book: “Faith of my Fathers” Random House, 1999, later printing. Three hundred fifty pages. Inscribed and signed on the half title page: “To John Field-Best Wishes John McCain.” $29.50

Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade

McCorvey, Norma McCorvey’s second book Won by Love  Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997, First Edition with number line (1) on the copyright page, 245 pages with illustrations. Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper: “To Mary a lovely woman Ms., Norma McCorvey.”  Mary may have been the Mary Doe in Doe v. Bolton, a case that authorized abortions through all nine months of pregnancy. $150.00

Founder of The Oregon Trail

MEEKER, Ezra His book: “Kate Mulhall, A Romance Of The Oregon Trail”  published by Ezra Meeker, 1926, First Edition.  Illustrated, two hundred eighty-seven pages. Signed on the front free endpaper by Ezra Meeker.  $185.00

MONDAVI, Robert His book: Robert Mondavi Harvest of Joy, My Passion for Excellence, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998, First Edition, First Printing, 364 pages, illustrated.  On the half tiltle page is a fine presentation inscription in Mondavi’s hand. $125.00

One of the World’s Finest Wine Makers
MONDAVI, Robert His Autobiography: “Harvests of Joy”. Harcourt Brace & Co. 1988, First Edition, so stated. Wonderful presentation inscription on the half title page. “To The City Tavern Club Library-wishing you many ‘Harvests of Joy’. Robert Mondavi 7-26-99.”  SOLD

Inscribed to Autograph Dealer George Sanders
MULDOON, Robert His book: “The Rise and Fall of a Young Turk.” A.H. & A.W. Reed 3rd impression 1974.  Two hundred and three pages, illustrated.  Inscribed and signed: “To George Sanders, Robe Muldoon.” Near fine copy with the dust jacket  $75.00

NETANYAHU, Benjamin His book BIBI My Story Threshold. Editions, 2022, First Edition, 723 pages, illustrations in color. Signed by Netanyahu on a special bookplate of Premier Collectibles together with a laid in Certificate of Authenticity from Premier Collectibles. $135.00
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
For Breaking the Genetic Code

NIRENBERG, Marshall Book from his personal library. Voices in Stone, The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts and Writings. Viking Press, 1961, 327 pages, illustrated. Signed “M. Nirenberg” on the front free endpaper. Another name (possibly a former owner) has been crossed out by Nirenberg.  $85.00

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
For Breaking the Genetic Code

NIRENBERG, Marshall Book from his personal library.  Thymidine Metabolism and Cell Kinetics. North Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam, 1967. 259 pages, illustrated.  Signed inside front cover: “Marshall Nirenberg, Boulder, July 1969”. This book, in many places is underlined By Nirenberg and several pages have his lengthy notes in the margins. A well read book by Marshall Nirenberg.  Books from the libraries of Nobel Prize recipients are seldom offered and this example is in fine condition.  $65.00

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
For Breaking the Genetic Code

NIRENBERG, Marshall Book from his personal library.  Laboratory Techniques for the Detection of Hereditary Metabolic Disorders. CRC Press, 1973, 125 pages, illustrated. Signed inside front cover: “Marshall Nirenberg, June 1993, Bethesda”.Books from the libraries of Nobel Prize recipients are seldom offered and this example is in fine condition  $65.00

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
For Breaking the Genetic Code

NIRENBERG, Marshall Book from his personal library.  Methods in Cell Physiology. Academic Press, 1964, two volumes. Vol. 1  has 465 pages with some underlining by Nirenberg.  Vol. 2 has  426 pages with some underlining by Nirenberg. Signed “Marshall Nirenberg” on the front free endpaper of volume 1. Books from the libraries of Nobel Prize recipients are seldom offered and this example is in fine condition  $65.00

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
For Breaking the Genetic Code

NIRENBERG, Marshall Book from his personal library. Exotic Aquarium Fishes.  Aquariums Publishing Incorporated, 1964,  543 pages, heavily illustrated, many with color plates. Signed on the front free endpaper “Marshall Nirenberg”. Books from the libraries of Nobel Prize recipients are seldom offered and this example is in fine condition  $65.00

The Coroner of the Stars

NOGUCHI, MD, Thomas T. His book: “Coroner”,  Simon & Schuster, 1983, first edition, two hundred fifty-two pages. Hand signed: “Thomas T. Noguchi, MD” on the front endpaper. In fine condition with the dust jacket. $125.00

NOOR, Queen Her book "Memoirs of an Unexpected Life."Miramax Books, 2003, First Edition, 5th printing.  Four hundred sixty-seven pages with illustrations. Inscribed, signed and dated "2003" by Queen Noor on the half title page.  $40.00

O’NEILL, Eugene Special edition with nine illustrations by Alexander King, limited to 775 numbered copies of which 750 are for sale. Each copy signed by Eugene O’Neill. This copy is number 281. $150.00

Eight Victories With The Lafayette Escadrille

PARSONS, Edwin C. Parsons book: “I Flew With the Lafayette Escadrille”  E.C. Seale & Co. Indianapolis, Indiana 1963. Three hundred thirty-five pages, illustrated. Signed and dated “1967” by E.C. Parsons. $110.00

Founder of the J.C. Penny Stores

PENNY, James Cash His book: “View From The Ninth Decade”.  Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1960, First Edition. Hand signed by J.C. penny on the front free endpaper. $135.00

Signed by the Prime Minister of Israel

PERES, Shimon His book: “Battling For Peace, A Memoir.”  Random House, 1995, First Edition. Three hundred fifty pages, illustrated.  Signed on the front free endpaper.    $95.00

The Girl in the Picture- The Story of Kim Phuc

PHUC, Kim Inscribed, signed and dated on the dedication page: “Dear Paul, May this book be a blessing to you. With Love & peace, Kim Phuc, July 19, 2012 xx.”.  $85.00

The Negro Problem-Abraham Lincoln's Solution

PICKETT, William P. His book: “The Negro Problem-Abraham Lincoln’s Solution.”  G.P. Putnam’s, The Knickerbocker Press, 1909, First Edition. Five hundred-eighty pages. Choice frontispiece portrait of Abraham Lincoln.   $395.00

World Record for Aerial Circumnavigation

POST, Wiley & GATTY, Harold Their book: “Around the World in Eight Days, The Flight of the Winnie Mae”.  Rand McNally & Co. August 1931, First printing.  Three hundred-four pages, illustrated. Signed by both Wiley Post and Harold Gatty on the half title page. $750.00

U-2 Spy Pilot tells His Story

POWERS, Francis Gary His book; “Operation Overflight, The U-2 Spy Pilot Tells His Story For The First Time.”  Holt, Rinehart & Winston, July 1970, later printing.  Three hundred seventy-five pages, illustrated.  Fine presentation inscription, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To Fred McNally, It was a real pleasure meeting you. Best wishes and combined success. Francis Gary Powers, jan.1,1970.”  SOLD

Founding Father of Malaysia
RAHMAN, Tunku Abdul His book Viewpoints, Heinmann Educational Books, Kuala Lumpur. Singapore, 1978 First Edition. Two hundred thirty-nine pages with illustrations. On the front free endpaper Rahman has inscribed, signed and dated: “ Mr. John Watson, Best Compliments  A. Rahman 30.8.78.” $165.00

Famous Danish Polar Explorer
RASMUSSEN, Knud His book: “Festens Gave” (The Gift of Festival).  Gyldendalske, Kobenhavn, 1929, First Edition. Two hundred-five pages, illustrated.  Inscribed, signed and dated: “To my friend Isaiah Bowman, with all my best wishes for 1930! Knud Rasmussen, Christmas, 1929”. $350.00

Very Rare Book Signed by James Earl Ray

RAY, James Earl A copy of his book: “Who Killed Martin Luther King? The True Story By The Alleged Assassin”. National Book press, Washington, D.C., 1992, First Edition. Two hundred eighty-five pages, illustrated, Signed “J.E. Ray, Dec.92” on the title page.   Affixed to the front free endpaper is the postmark; “Nashville, Tn. 16, Dec. 1992” and the label from the envelope: “The Department of Corrections Has neither Censored Nor Inspected This Item: Therefore The Department Does Not Assume Responsibility For Its Contents. Department of Correction, Riverbend Maximum Security Inst.” Book and dust jacket in excellent condition. Signed copies of this book are basically non-existent. $495.00

REAGAN, Nancy Very popular First Lady. “An American Life, Autobiography of Ronald Reagan” Simon & Schuster, 1990. Signed by Nancy Reagan on the dedication page. SOLD

REAGAN, Ronald His book along with co-author Richard Hubler  Where’s The Rest Of Me? The Ronald Reagan Story. Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1965, First Edition, so stated. Personal bookplate of Ronald Reagan with a blue ink printed Presidential Seal and his name affixed to the front free endpaper. Inscribed by a calligrapher for the President: “To Karen Siebrasse with best wishes,” and hand signed by Ronald Reagan. $450.00

His Uncle Was Crazy Horse, Defeated Custer’s Cavalry
Chief Red Fox His desirable book: “The Memoirs of Chief Red Fox”, McGraw Hill Book Co. 1971, fourth printing.  Two hundred-twenty pages, illustrated. Very boldly signed “Chief Red Fox” on the half title page. $165.00

Signed by a Premier of France During WWII

REYNAUD, Paul His book: “The Foreign Policy of Charles de Gaulle.”  The Odyssey Press, N.Y. 1964. One hundred sixty pages.   Inscribed and signed by Paul Reynaud on the front free endpaper.    $165.00

Inscribed to U.S. Senator Claude Pepper of Florida

RHEE, Syngman His book: “Japan Inside and out, The Challenge of Today.”  Fleming H. Revell Co. 1941,  two hundred two pages.  Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “ The Honorable Claude Pepper United States Senate Syngman Rhee, July 29, 1941, Washington, D.C.”   $375.00

Interview With The Vampire, Signed Limited Edition

RICE, Anne Her book: “Interview With The Vampire”  Alfred A. Knopf,  1996, 20th Anniversary Limited Edition, Signed by the Author.  Mint copy, with the dust jacket and in the original slipcase. Still shrink wrapped as issued. $185.00

Father of the Nuclear Navy
RICKOVER, Hyman G The book:  “Eminent Americans, Namesakes of the Polaris Submarine Fleet.”  Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972, First edition. Wrappers, three hundred sixteen pages, illustrated.  Inscribed and signed on the half title page: “To Louise Howe, with my best wishes, H.G. Rickover.”  Light wear to bottom of spine otherwise a good plus copy. SOLD

First American Woman Astronaut To Enter Space

RIDE, Sally Her book: “The Third Planet, Exploring The Earth From Space”. Sally Ride Science, 2004, Second Edition. Forty-eight pages, heavily illustrated. Boldly signed by Sally Ride on the front free endpaper. $125.00

Created Ripley's Believe It Or Not

RIPLEY, Robert His book: “Believe It Or Not”.  Simon & Schuster, New York, eighteenth printing, 1930.  One hundred seventy-two pages, illustrated.  Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper. “To Jerry Sersen, with good wishes of Ripley, Believe It or Not, 1930”.  SOLD

Diego Rivera A Signed Book. The famed Mexican painter's 1934 book, Portrait of America. $1,075.00

Pair of Very Scarce Space Related Autographs

ROCKWELL, Willard F. & ROCKWELL, Jr. Willard F. Willard F. Rockwell, Sr’s book: “The Rebellious Colonel Speaks, The Selected Papers of Willard F. Rockwell.” McGraw Hill, 1964, First Edition. Two hundred seventy-seven pages, illustrated. Inscribed and signed by Willard F. Rockwell on the front free endpaper. Inscribed and signed by Willard F. Rockwell, Jr. on the half title page  SOLD

ROMULO, Carlos His book: “I See The Philippines Rise”, Doubleday & Co. 1946, First Edition, so stated, 273 pages. Signed on a second blank leaf. $85.00

Second Book in the J.K. Rowling Harry Potter Series

ROWLING, J.K. “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”  New York, Scholastic Press, 1999, 1st U.S. Edition, Hardcover, First printing with the first state pictorial unclipped dust jacket $17.95, raised silver lettering. In fine condition with fine dust jacket. Boldly signed by the author on the front free endpaper  SOLD

One of the Best Players in NBA History 1962

RUSSELL, Bill His book: “Russell Rules, 11 Lessons on Leadership From The Twentieth Century’s Greatest Winner”. Dutton, New York, 2001, First Edition, First Printing. Two-hundred forty-four pages. Inscribed and signed on the title page: “To Eric, Best wishes, Bill Russell”. $295.00

Three Times Pulitzer Prize Winning Author

SANDBURG, Carl His book: ‘The People, Yes.” Harcourt, Brace and Company 1936 286 pages, hard cover. Extremely long nine-line inscription, in black ink on the fly leaf. “Ethel Smith whose kiss via phone is by no means equally repaid by this book-yet you are a beautiful child of the people & I am among those who love you & your art including Gregory S. Alessio & Terri- Carl Sandburg 1956.” The book is also inscribed on the half title page “To Ethel...A Christmas gift from Terry & Greg d’Alessio...via Carl Sandburg Dec.1956.”.  $350.00

Received First Messages From the S.S. Olympic that the Titanic was Sinking

SARNOFF, David His book: “David Sarnoff, A Biography”.  Harper Row Publishers, New York,  1966, three hundred seventy-two pages, illustrated.  Inscribed on the front free endpaper: “To Rose Roberts, with best wishes, David Sarnoff”.  $225.00

SCHULZ, Charles M. His very desirable book: “Snoopy and the Red Baron.” Holt, Rinehart and Winston, published September 1966, Weekly Reader Children’s Book Club Edition. Heavily illustrated, hardcover. On the front free endpaper is a wonderful sketch of Snoopy dressed in his flight gear of scarf and goggles sitting atop of his dog house. Signed “Schulz”. SOLD

SCHULZ, Charles M.
His book: “It was A Short Summer, Charlie Brown.” World publishing Company, 1970, First Printing, hardcover, heavily illustrated.  On the front free endpaper Schulz has drawn “Snoopy” wear a fur type coon skin hat. Boldly signed “Schulz”. $495.00

Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia
With a Sketch of Snoopy

SCHULZ, Charles M. Signed Book, Charlie Brown’s ‘Cyclopedia, Volume 1, Featuring: Your Body.  Funk & Wagnalls, Inc. 1980, with a full sketch of his beloved Snoopy as a golfer and signed by Charles Schulz on the blank page facing the title page. Page could easily be removed for framing. SOLD

Original Sketch of Snoopy as a Golfer
The Story of Charles Schulz

SCHULZ, Charles M. JOHNSON, Rheta Grimsley  (1953-   ) Award winning reporter, columnist for King Features Syndicate.  Her book: “Good Grief, The Story of Charles Schulz”. Pharos Books, New York, 1980, First Edition.  On the front free endpaper is a large sketch of “Snoopy” as a golfer. Inscribed to “Pat” and signed “Charles Schulz”.  SOLD

SCHULZ, Charles M. His book: “It’s A Mystery, Charlie Brown.”  Random House, New York, 1975. Hard cover, heavily illustrated. Beautifully signed, “Best wishes, Charles M. Schulz” on the illustrated front endpaper. SOLD

Charles Schulz Signed Book, Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia, with a Sketch of Snoopy. SOLD

Original Sketch of "Snoopy" as a Baseball Player

SCHULZ, Charles His book: Charlie Brown’s All-Stars.  World Publishing Co., 1966, First Edition so stated. Heavily illustrated in color. On the front free endpaper Schulz has drawn a large portrait of “Snoopy” dressed in a baseball cap. SOLD

Bozo the Clown and the First Ronald McDonald

SCOTT, Willard His first book: “The Joy of Living”, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, New York, 1982, First Edition. Two hundred twenty-two pages with illustrations. Nice illustration of Scott as “Bozo” and another as “Ronald McDonald”.  On the front free end-paper Scott has written: “Love, Willard Scott, Oct. 2, 1982.”.  $65.00

P.T. Barnum’s Last Clown
SHERWOOD, Bob His book  “The Laugh Book”, Sherwood’s, New York, 1927, First Edition. Gilt red cloth, illustrated, two hundred and forty pages. Frontispiece portrait of Bob Sherwood. A fine lengthy presentation inscription on the front free endpaper: “To Mr. Henry, in the knowledge that a little nonsense now and then is relished by all intelligent men. Bob Sherwood, Last of Barnum’s Clowns  NYC May 1927.”  $150.00

Developer of the Helicopter, Built & Flew the First Multi-Motored Aeroplane

SIKORSKY, Igor His book: “The Story of the Winged-S, An Autobiography”.  Dodd, Mead and Company, 1942, fifth printing, two hundred seventy-five pages, illustrated.  Inscribed: “To Frank Hitchcock, with kindest personal regards of  I. Sikorsky,  March 23, 1943”.  Laid in is a 36 cent U.S. Air Mail stamp depicting Igor Sikorsky. $250.00

O.J. Simpson, Limited, Numbered and Signed Book
SIMPSON, O. J. His book  “I Want To Tell You” Little Brown and Company, 1995, First Edition,  limited to 3,000 signed copies, this is copy number 298. SOLD

SOTOMAYOR, Sonia Her desirable book My Beloved World.  Alfred A. Knopf, 2013First Edition, so stated. 315 pages, illustrated. At the top of the title page, the Justice writes a several word presentation inscription, signed with her initial. Signed in full below her printed name.  $40.00

Possibly the Most Important Book Printed in the United States

STOWE, Harriet Beeche Her book: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Or Life Among The Lowly, Universal Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Riverside Press, 1892. Inscribed: “Mr. James Smith Bush from his friend Harriet Beecher Stowe, Trust in the Lord and Do Good.”  Book in G-VG condition, pictorial cover. Binding nice and tight, pages browning from age. Most copies offered by dealers  of this book will have a slip tipped in signed by Stowe. It is scarce to find a copy actually inscribed and signed.  $7,500.00

Inscribed and Signed by Mack Sennett

SULLIVAN, Edward D. His book: “Rattling The Cup On Chicago Crime.” The Vanguard Press, 1929, fifth printing. Two hundred fourteen pages. This is the first and only complete inside story of the reign of crime in Chicago. He writes about Al Capone and other high crime figures.  Inscribed and signed by Mack Sennett (1880-1960) Father of Slapstick Comedy, creator of the Keystone Kops and 1,000 comedy shorts between 1909 and 1933. On the front free endpaper Sennett writes: “To Jessie Henderson from Mack Sennett.”  $250.00

Recipient of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize

Blessed TERESA of Calcutta Marvel Comic Book, Vol.#1, No.1, 1984 issue. This entire comic book is dedicated to Mother Teresa.  Signed: “God Bless you, M. Teresa mc” on her portrait on the front cover.  $675.00

Recipient of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize

Blessed TERESA of Calcutta Marvel Comic Book, Vol.#1, No.1, 1984 issue. This entire comic book is dedicated to Mother Teresa.  Signed: “God Bless you, M. Teresa mc” on her portrait on the front cover. SOLD

THURBER, James His book: “The Years With Ross.” Atlantic Monthly Press Book,  1959, Fourth printing. Three hundred-ten pages., some illustrations.  Thurber has written a short inscription, however it takes up a full page of the front free endpaper; “Happy Days, Tony Ilfort? Jim Thurber.”. $235.00

Signed by Josip Broz Tito

TITO, Josip Broz The book: “The Essential Tito”, St. Martin’s Press, First printing, 1970.  One hundred ninety-seven pages.  Very boldly signed by Tito on the title page.  SOLD

From the Library of Casper Weinberger-Secretary of Defense

TRAVELL MD, Janet  Her book:  “Office Hours : Day and Night, The Autobiography of Janet Travell, M.D.”  World Publishing Company, January 1969. Four hundred ninety-six pages.  Inscribed on the front free endpaper: “For Casper W. Weinberger (last name mis-spelled) Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, with cordial greetings, Janet Travell, M.D.”  Bookplate of Caspar Weinberger affixed to inside cover.  $125.00

Discovered 9th Planet Pluto

TOMBAUGH, Clyde W.  His scarce book “Out Of Darkness, The Planet Pluto”.  Stackpole Books,  1980, First edition. Two hundred twenty-one pages, illustrated. On the half title page the astronomer has written a three word sentiment and signed his name, in ink, in full, dating it “9 Dec. 1991”. In addition inside, in pencil, are annotations, by Tombaugh.  Tombaugh  signed one with his initials. He has also underlined areas  concerning his discovery of Pluto. A near MINT copy with fine dust jacket.   $1400.00

TRUMP, Donald J.  & KIYOSAKI, Robert T. Unused bookplate for their book "Midas Touch" 2011.  Boldy hand signed by both, autographs are guaranteed 100% genuine. Trump has signed with what has now become an uncommon full "Donald J. Trump" signature. $150.00

Extremely RARE Underworld Mobster Signature
VIZZINI, Sal His book: The Secret Lives of America’s Most Successful Undercover Agent Vizzini.  Arbor House, 1972, First Edition.  Three hundred thirty pages, In fine plus condition with the original dust jacket in a protective cover,  Inscribed, signed and dated on the front free endpaper: “To Chris, a great guy and a true friend-Best to you and your lovely wife- Sal Vizzini 12/5/72.”. $599.00

Ryan built the Spirit of St. Louis

WAGNER, William & RYAN, T. Claude Wagner’s book Ryan the Aviator, MacGraw-Hill CO. 1971, 253. Pages, heavily illustrated. On the half title page is an inscription/signed: “Best wishes to Jim Dalby, my old friend, fellow pilot and aviation pioneer. T. Claude Ryan.”  Signed just below by the author William Wagner, $95.00

WALDHEIM, Kurt The book: The United nations and Human Rights.  Office of Public Relations, United Nations, new York, 1978. Kurt Waldheim, Secretary General. One hundred sixty-six pages, soft cover. Inscribed with a three word sentiment by Kurt Waldheim. $95.00

Making Arrowheads and Blades

WALDORF, D.C. The Art of Flint Knapping. Mound Builder Books, Branson, Mo. 1953 Fourth Edition. Seventy-six pages heavily illustrated. Everything you need to know about working flint and making it  into an arrowhead or knife. A very informative books from beginning to the end. Signed on the title page by the author and illustrator.. $55.00

WATSON, Charles “Tex” His book: “Will You Die For Me?”  Fleming H. Revell Co., 1978.  Two hundred twenty-three pages, illustrated. On the title page Watson has written: “Best, Charles “Tex” Watson.” On the inside front endpaper a Pastor has written a half page congratulations most likely referring to a graduation and sending God’s Blessings in the future. SOLD

Co-discovered the Structure of DNA/ Awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine 1962
WATSON, James D. His book: “DNA, The Secret of Life”.   Alfred A. Knopf New York, 2003, First Edition so stated. Four hundred forty-eight pages, illustrated. Signed by James D. Watson on the title page. $495.00

Co-discovered the Structure of DNA Awarded  Nobel Prize in Medicine 1962

WATSON, James D. His book: A passion for DNA, Genes, Genomes, and Society.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000. First Edition, inscribed, signed and dated on the half title page: “For Arnie from James Watson, 24 February 2000. $225.00

Former Co-founder and Leader of the Beach Boys

WILSON, Brian His early book: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”  Harper Collins, 1991, First Edition. Three hundred ninety-eight pages, illustrated. Hand signed on the half title page. In near fine condition with the scarce dust jacket $150.00

Rare Presentation Inscription by LBJ

WHITE, William S. “The Professional Lyndon B. Johnson.”  Houghton Mifflin Co. 1964. First Edition, First printing. Two hundred seventy-three pages.  Very few of this title bears a GENUINE inscription/signature of Johnson.  Most all were signed by his secretary while Johnson was President. $395.00

WINFREY, Oprah O The Oprah Magazine, Live Your Best Life.”  (2005) The First annual volume with more than 100 articles. Three hundred thirty-six pages, hard cover, 2nd printing.  Signed with “Thanks” in her hand on the full color page portrait. $195.00

A Very Interesting Copy

YEAGER, Brigadier General Chuck His book Yeager An Autobiography. Bantam Books July 1985, 343 pages, many illustrations. Affixed to the inside cover is a large color plate 5.5”x8.75” depicting the plane that Yeager piloted through the sound barrier. This is a certificate of Authenticity #211 of 2,000 carried aboard RF4C 6500881 (Serial Number)  on 14 Oct 1987 signed Chuck Yeager. This certificate commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the historic flight where Yeager flew through the sound barrier.  Laid in is a true copy of Yeager’s flight record of that day which lists his Social Security Number. $175.00

Recipient Of The Medal of Honor

YORK, Sergeant Alvin His book: “Sergeant York: His Own Life Story and War Diary”. Edited by Tom Skeyhill. Garden City, Double day, Doran, 1928, First Edition. Illustrated, three hundred-nine pages.  On the front free endpaper, Alvin York and the editor have signed their names. $895.00

ZANGWILL, Israel His book: The Master  Harper and Brothers, 1898, First Edition. Five hundred twenty-three pages with illustrations.   In very good to near fine condition, covers and spine nice and bright. On one of the endpapers Zangwill has written: “Chicago, Dec. 15/98   To my friendly manager Mr. F. Wight Neumann in the hope that this Fiction is the highest form of truth. I. Zangwill.’. $225.00

Very Scarce Signed Copy

ZANUCK, Darryl F. His book: “Tunis Expedition”.  Random House, 1943, First Printing, one hundred sixty pages, illustrated.  Inscribed in blue ink: “To Al, with my very best wishes- Darryl F. Zanuck, Washington-43”.   Zanuck during WWII was a Colonel in the Signal Corps. This is his story.  Forward by Damon Runyon. $295.00

Rare Signed Book By  William Zeckendorf

ZECKENDORF, William His book: Zeckendorf, The Autobiography of the man who played a real life game of Monopoly and won the largest real estate empire in history.”  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970, First Edition so stated. Three hundred and twelve pages, illustrated. On the title page is the following ink inscription: “To an old friend and colleague Dick Fonton with best wishes from Bill Zeckendorf.”. $125.00

Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~