One of Hollywood’s Most Famous Lines
One of Only Two Known
McQUEEN, Butterfly (1911-1996). Popular actress and dancer. At the age of 13, she joined a Harlem theater group. She was nicknamed Butterfly after appearing in a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, in which she danced the Butterfly Ballet. She is best remembered for her appearance as a black maid in Gone With The Wind. She also appeared in the Academy Award winning movie Mildred Pierce (1945) and other fine movies. She won an Emmy in 1980 for her performance in a childrens production The Seven Wishes of a Rich Kid. In Gone With The Wind as Atlanta burned, Scarlett O’Hara turned to her squeaky-voiced, tearful maid “Prissy” who had boasted her skills as a mid-wife. Prissy responded with one of the most famous lines in any movie. Photograph, 10”x8’, B&W, scene from Gone With The Wind standing with Vivien Leigh. Boldly written across the upper portion of the photograph: “I know nothing ‘bout birthin babies, Miz Scarlet, Butterfly McQueen”. On the verso she has also written: “Vivien Leigh-Scarlett, deceased”.
This photo is one of only two known. Butterfly McQueen was a guest of Steve Koschal at his home in Verona, New Jersey. She spent the afternoon there along with selected guests. The famous quote was written out for McQueen to copy. She struggled writing this quote, taking a bit of time............... $1,750.00
