The “King of Pop”
JACKSON, Michael (1958-2009). American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and actor. Known around the world as the “King of Pop”. Once married to Lisa Marie Presley, his personal physician Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter regarding Jackson’s death. The release of Jackson’s Thriller album was released late in 1982 and won him 7 Grammy Awards. Thriller was the bestselling album in 1983. First Day Cover that commemorates Boris Karloff. Boris Karloff as “The Mummy” U.S. 32 cent stamp, postmarked “Boris Karloff Tribute Station, Oct. 24, 1998, Pequabuck, Ct 06781. Hand signed with a fabulous bold signature, Michael Jackson. This is one of the covers that was made for an upcoming project to commemorate the Thriller anniversary...........SOLD