The King of Pop
JACKSON, Michael (1970-2009). American singer, songwriter and dancer. Best known as The King of Pop. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century. He was a global figure in popular culture. His 1982 album “Thriller” is credited with breaking the racial barrier. He sold 300 million records worldwide. Fabulous Backstage Guest Pass for the Dangerous Tour, June 1992-November 1993. Produced by the Perri Corporation, Reno, NV maker of Back Stage Passes. Circular Pass, in color portraying Michael Jackson. Boldly hand signed “Michael Jackson.” Along with a copy of a Certificate of Authenticity from Michael Jackson, MJJ Productions, Neverland and a color photo of Jackson taken during the “Dangerous” tour. In mint condition. Very rare as such........$1,495.00
