HALFTTER, Ernesto (1905-1989). Spanish composer and conductor. A creative leader of the young generation of the 20’s and 30’s, the so-called Generation of 1927. The name Ernesto Halftter stands as the leading composer of his generation. He was a disciple of Manuel de Falla and spent long periods in Granada in order to take composition lessons from Falla. Halftter won the 1st National Music prize in 1925 and his name stands out as one of the truly and gifted artists of Spain’s 20th Century. His “Sinfonietta” premiered in Carnegie Hall in new York. AMuQs, on a large album page. A few bars of music from his popular “Danza de la Pastora” Dance of the Shepheadess, one of the main dances from Halftter’s ballet. Inscribed, signed and dated “Habana 1932”. Very uncommon......$150.00
