ZANGWILL, Israel (1884-1926). Author who wrote many novels on Jewish themes, including The Children of the Ghetto (1892) a novel interpreting the Jewish race.. The King of the Schnorrers (1894) and Dreamers of the Ghettos (1898). He had tremendous American success with The Melting Pot (1908), a drama of ethnic fusion in America. Zangwill joined the Zionist cause of Herzl (1896) on Herzl’s death he devoted himself to search for a place aimed at creating a Jewish homeland in any available territory, not necessarily in Israel (1904-1911). His book: The Master Harper and Brothers, 1898, First Edition. Five hundred twenty-three pages with illustrations. In very good to near fine condition, covers and spine nice and bright. On one of the endpapers Zangwill has written: “Chicago, Dec. 15/98 To my friendly manager Mr. F. Wight Neumann in the hope that this Fiction is the highest form of truth. I. Zangwill.’................$225.00