Autograph Letter signed to Autograph Dealer Walter Benjamin
WRIGHT, Marcus J. (1831-1922). Confederate General during the Civil War, lawyer and author. He was agent for the Collection of Records for the War of the Rebellion. This was the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies. He was ordered to establish a fortification at Randolf, Tennessee on the Mississippi River. Fort Wright was Tennessee’s first military training camp in the Civil War. He was wounded at the battle of Shiloh. He was also in charge of the district of Atlanta. After the evacuation of Atlanta he was in command at Macon, Georgia. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery and is only one of two Confederate Generals interred in the cemetery. Very fine autograph letter signed, one page, Washington, May 5, 1911. To: “Dear Mr. (Walter) Benjamin”. He continues: “I write at once as you request. Accept the offer and send me $50.00. I hope very soon to have some matter to send you. Very truly yours, Marcus J. Wright.”............$245.00
