SICKLES, Daniel (1819-1914). Civil War General, politician, Medal of Honor recipient. He was a murderer, he killed the son of Francis Scott Key in a park across the street from the Executive Mansion. Key was having an affair with Sickles wife. Sickles got off on a “Temporary Insanity” plea, the first in American history. Key was the son of composer of the Star Spangled Banner. Sickles then publicly forgave his wife outraging the public. This ended his political career. The Civil War broke out and Sickles saw his chance to get a new start. At Gettysburg he was struck in the leg by a shell. The leg was amputated within a half hour. He donated his leg to an Army museum and years later he visited it. Check, Bank of Metropolis, New York, accomplished in his hand, August 11,1886 made payable to “Myself” for $100. Very boldly signed with no cancellation holes or stamps touching his signature. Signed once again on the verso. In fine condition.......... $275.00
