The Only General that could wear the grey uniform of the South
and the blue uniform of the North
WHEELER, Major General Joseph (1836-1906). Graduate of the West Point United States Military Academy. He was a Southern Confederate Officer in the war between the states. Chief of the Army of the Mississippi, Cavalry Commander who had over a dozen horses shot out from under him. He was called “Fighting Joe Wheeler.” He was one of the generals that took a great part in the Spanish-American War. He was a member of Congress for nearly 20 years. Wheeler was the only general who could wear the grey uniform of the South and the blue uniform of the U.S. Republic. Autographed letter signed on the letterhead of the House of Representatives, Washington, March 4, 1899. One page to professor G.K. Harroun, New York City. Wheeler writes in part: “...I agree with you that it would be well to write Mr. Murillo on the lines suggested...” Signed J. Wheeler. One file hole top left corner otherwise in very good condition................SOLD
