Abraham Lincoln’s Cabinet/Associates
Andrew Johnson, V/P, fine signature in pencil signed and dated.
Hannibal Hamlin, V/P, signature signed and dated.
William Seward, Secretary of State, signature.
James Speed, Attorney General, signature adding “Atty Genl” portrait included.
Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, fine “Free” franking signature.
Edward Stanton, Secretary of War, fabulous signature on War Dept. slip, as Sec. of War.
Gideon Wells, Secretary of the Navy, signature dated.
Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury, signature dated at Washington.
William Fessenden, Secretary of Treasury, signature with three word sentiment.
F.E. Spinner, Secretary of Treasury, choice signature.
Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of Treasury, signature adding “Ohio”.
Caleb Smith, Secretary of Interior, legal document all in his hand, signed.
James Harlan, Appointed Secretary of Interior by Lincoln, signature, dated.
Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General. Signature as “PMG”.
William Dennison, Postmaster General, choice signature.
Horatio King, Postmaster General, P.O. Department document appointment, signed.
Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme court, three word sentiment, signed.
Samuel Miller, Associate Justice, signature “Justice Supreme Court” in his hand.
Stephen Field, Associate Justice, signature, “Justice US Supreme Court” in his hand.
Samuel Nelson, Associate Justice, signature “Assoc Justice Supreme Court” and dated.
Nathan Clifford, Associate Justice, signature “Assoc. Justice Supreme Court, dated.
The collection of 21 autographed item................ SOLD
