Seventh Librarian of Congress, Interesting Content
YOUNG, John Russell (1840-1899). Seventh Librarian of Congress, appointed by William McKinley. Reporter for the Philadelphia Press and covered the first Battle of Bull Run. Wrote for Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune and accompanied U.S. Grant on his famous 1877-79 world tour. Autograph letter signed, one very full page, marked “Private.” New York, Mar.10, 1868 Young writes in part: “Mr. Charles Dickens has accepted an invitation to dine with the press on the 18th of April. The committee in charge of the matter, desiring to make the company as much as possible representative of the entire Press, invite your cooperation...A note addressed to Mr. Henry E. Sweetser of “The World” before the 20th of March will meet with immediate attention. It is particularly requested that no publication of this matter be made at present....Jno. Russell Young, Chairman.” On small tear on a blank margin, letter affixed to an album page otherwise a very good example..................$95.00
