WENDELIN, Rudolph (1910-2000). Sculptor, painter and illustrator who developed the “Smokey the Bear” campaign for the U.S. Forest Service.. His version of the character for many years rivaled Disney’s Mickey Mouse in popularity. Smokey appeared on government posters, television ads, movie trailers and U.S. Postage stamps. His face still can be seen along many U.S. Highways especially near parks and forests. Smokey received so much fan mail the United States Postal Service issued him his own zip code. The Smokey the Bear Act of 1952 protects his name and image under federal law. Smokey the Bear died on November 9, 1976 and his remains were sent by the government to Capital, New Mexico where he is buried in the Smokey Bear Historical Park.
Original ink sketch, overall size 8.5”x11” on heavy paper board, blue in color, of Smokey wearing his famous hat. The artist has added Smokey’s name to the hat and has written the Bear’s famous quote “Prevent Forest Fires!” Very boldly signed “Smokey, Rudolph Wendelin, ‘93”. In excellent condition and a fabulous item for framing. Similar items have been offered as high as $1100. Our price................................................. $295.00
