Original Military Newspaper Regarding The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
TIBBETS, Paul (1915-2007) Pilot of The Enola Gay, the plane that dropped The Atomic Bomb.
FEREBEE, Tom (1918-2000) Bombardier on The Enola Gay.
Original military daily newspaper “Submarines, Pacific Fleet, Press, 9 August 1945.”
“Last Minute News,” four full legal size pages. Heading of the paper on page one reads; “Atomic Bomb Causes Much Damage.” Second story starts at the bottom of page one: “Effect Of Bomb Will Last For Seventy Years.” This story continues on page 3.
Other headlines in this newspaper are: “President Truman Comments of Atomic Bomb” “Tokyo Rose Wins U.S.N. Citation” “The Japanese and The Bomb” “Suggestions For the United Nations Security Council” “A New Surrender Ultimatum For Japan” “The Japanese Cabinet In Special Session” “U.S.S. Augusta Docks At Hampton Roads”
“Pet Dogs Can Be Shipped Home Now” “The International Police Team Patrols Vienna” “Sports” “Standings, American league, National League” “Citation Awarded Posthumously” and “Army Train To Berlin.” Boldly signed on page one by Paul Tibbets and Tom Ferebee. Both have dated their signatures. One of a kind. Top edges rough but not effecting any print..........................$495.00