Mother Teresa of Kolkata, a Saint
MOTHER TERESA (1910-1997). Born Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in Albania. She was a Roman Catholic Nun and missionary. Founder of the Missionaries of Charity which consisted of 4,500 sisters and active in 133 countries. She was the recipient of many awards including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. On October 19,2007 she was beatified by Pope John Paul. A second miracle was credited to her by Pope Francis. Her canonization is set for September 4, 2016. Offered are three items. A scarce printed Prayer Card containing her name in print and below hand signed “M. Teresa mc.” Mother Teresa has attached to the card a very scarce “Miraculous Medal.” In the past she has said about these medals: “...may it remind you to draw strength from our Blessed Mother with which she accompanied Jesus.” Included in a Prayer Card “Prayer For The Canonization Of The Servant Of God Mother Teresa Of Calcutta” which bears a color portrait of Mother Teresa. Also included is an original “Ticket” issued by Pope John Paul, numbered 207521, allowing the holder to attend the Beatification of Mother Teresa on October 19, 2003. All three items in excellent condition Know what there is to understand about Mother Teresa autographs. She used a secretary to sign for her and she also used a rubber stamped signature. See our in depth article regarding her signatures in the September 2016 magazine of the International Autograph Club. Copies of this magazine can be obtained through the club web site Copies are free with membership in this well respected autograph organization.......$550.00
