Incorporates Three Very Uncommon Signatures
STILLWELL, General Joseph W. (1883-1946). Chief of Staff to China’s Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. He also served in the China-Burma-Indian Theater. In 1946 Stillwell was given command of the 6th Army at the presidio of San Francisco. His caustic personality was reflected in his nickname “Vinegar Joe.” Air mail cover bearing a U.S. 6-cent Air Mail postage stamp, cancelled APO 879 (Chungking, China) June 15, 1944. In the return address area Stillwell prints his name, rank and return address. He addresses the envelope to his wife in Carmel, California incorporating his signature. Bottom left corner Stillwell writes: “Censored: J.W. Stillwell, LT. Gen., U.S.A.” In fine condition........$375.00