Carried by Steamboat- order for Negro Shoes
Autograph document signed, one page, Oct.16th 1843, measures 8”x12”, Pine Hills, from and signed by W.D. McDonald to F.&C. C. Gerrison (New Orleans, LA,) McDonald writes: “as I could not send you any cotton by this Boat I will have twenty or twenty five bales ready by the next boat. I send you a small bill to fill for me, 1 small sack Rio coffee, half barrell sugar, half dozen second quality bed blankets..... twine.” He continues to list “Negro Shoes...13 Prs. No. 12, 4 Pr. No 11, 5 Pr. No 7, 8 Pr. No.9, 2 Pr. No 10, 2 Pr. No.11, 3 Pr. No.8,
7 Pr. No.4, 2 Pr. No.9, 1Pr. No.5” In addition he writes a P.S. ‘You will rite me the Prices of cotton produce in general your truly, W.D. McDonald.’’ In good condition except for a ½”/2” hole in the center of the letter affecting only two words, hole is repaired and reason for the hole is explained on the verso. Much writing on the verso including an original sketch................$475.00