Lengthy, two page Autograph Letter Signed by Samuel Sewall
SEWALL, Samuel (1757-1814). American lawyer, congressman. Graduated from Harvard and then practiced law in Marblehead. Member of the State Legislature in 1783 and again 1788-1796. He represented Massachusetts in the U.S. House of representatives from 1796-1800 and again from 1800-1814. He served as Judge in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and became Chief Justice in 1814. Novelist Louisa mat Alcott was his great niece. His great grandfather was Samuel Sewall, Judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Very lengthy autograph letter signed, two full pages, Marblehead, 15 March 1786. To Hon. W. Holten. Content regards legal matters against Col. Putnam and a judgement Sewall made and about the costs still due. He writes: “if Putman has deceived him, I am sorry for it-but do not conceive that the risque was, or ought to be mine- I say mine because what I did was within the consent of my client and I conceive myself answerable to him whether I get the money of Col. P, or not...” signed “Sam Sewall.” Except for a few ink smudges in fine condition...............$475.00
