Woman, Red’s Owner, Banned from Baseball
SCHOTT, Marge (1928-2004) Controversial managing general partner, President and CEO of Major League Baseball’s Cincinnati Reds franchise from 1984-1999. Known for attending the baseball games with her beloved dog “Schottzie” who had free rein of Riverfront Stadium. Schottzie was allowed to defecate on the field. Marge Schott was banned from baseball by MLB from 1996 to 1998. Pete Rose also banned from baseball played for the reds while Marge Schott was owner. A card measuring 3.5”x5” inscribed “To Edward Marge Schott & Schottzie.” Schott has hand drawn a paw print indicating that Schottzie has signed this card as well. A fabulous item to have Pete Rose sign having a player and owner on the same card, both banned from baseball................... $100.00
