Original Military Newspaper Regarding The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
SHEAFFER, Walter A. (1867-1946). American inventor, Founder of the W.A. Sheaffer Pen Co. (1912). Fine T.L.S. on the letterhead of the W.A. Sheaffer Pen Co., Office of the President, March 22, 1932 to Mark McKee of the National Employment Commission. In part: “..wish to state that we have kept our factory running without a close down ever since our business was organized nineteen years ago. While we are only running four days a week at this time, we hope before the year is over that we can be running full time. We have not reduced our employee’s wages, but of course, the reduced hours makes the remuneration less. Our employees have been paid just as much per hour and all in all we have a very happy family here. However, as we are not laying people off, of course, we are not taking any additional on…” Boldly signed “W.A. Sheaffer.” A very scarce autograph..........................$125.00
