DAVID SARNOFF (1891-1971). He started his career in communications as a messenger for a telegraph company, became proficient enough at Morse code that he was hired as a radio operator for the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. On April 14, 1912, the 21-year-old Sarnoff was the first to pick up distress signals from the sinking Titanic; he remained at his post for 72 hours, receiving and passing along news, and was hailed for his dedication. In 1921, he became general manager of the newly-formed Radio Corporation of America, and attracted national interest when he broadcast a bout between Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpentier on July 2, 1921. In 1926, Sarnoff founded the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and established an experimental television station two years later; his television was demonstrated at the New York World's Fair in 1939. During World War II, Sarnoff, who had been made President of RCA in 1930, served as a communications consultant to Dwight D. Eisenhower, and was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. In 1947, he became chairman of the board of RCA, serving until his retirement in 1970.Typed letter from Robert Isaacson to David Sarnoff, July 27, 1959. Isaacson writes in part: “I have devoted many years of my life to the study of graphology and have had the privilege of analyzing the handwritings of many important people. I am now turning my attention to a syndicated column which will feature “Intuitive Personality Portraits.” These portraits will consist of an analysis of the signatures of outstanding personalities of the contemporary scene. If you will do me the kindness of placing your signature at the bottom of this letter….” David Sarnoff has complied with the writers request by inscribing and adding a four word sentiment along with his very bold signature...........$125.00