Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
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7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~

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Original Piece of Goal Post Signed by Knute K. Rockne

ROCKNE, Knute K.  (1888-1931).  American football player and coach at the University of Notre Dame. Regarded as one of the greatest coaches in college football history.  Inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.  Original piece of the goal post from the Nov.13, 1926 Notre Dame/Army game played at Yankee stadium.  In this game, the Fighting Irish handed the cadets their first defeat. Autographed by Knute K. Rockne.   On the other side of the piece of goal post is written “N.D. 7 -  Army 0, 11/13/26.”  Wood measures appx: 1”x3”.  Together with a handwritten letter from the woman who I purchased this relic. The original envelope is enclosed postmarked 8 April 1994.  She writes in part: “This is an authentic autograph of football coach Knute Rockne on a piece of the goal post from the Notre Dame/Navy game as indicated. These little mementoes were given to each girl attending the Victory Dance over Navy. As I was dating one of the players at that time, I had been to the dance and had the privilege of meeting the great Knute Rockne. He was truly a wonderful person…”  Included is the original Notre Dame button Mrs. Burns wore to the game.  After I received the letter from Mrs. Burns, I called her on the phone and asked her why she wrote “Navy” instead of “Army.”  Her explanation was that game was almost 70 years ago and she just mis-wrote the team.  This signed goal post is one of only two we had from that game. Her girl friend also sold us one at the same time.  That one we sold years ago. This one has remained in my personal collection since 1994.


Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~