RELIC Cards of Two Saints
TERESA, Mother (1910-1977). Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She worked for 68 years in India helping the sick and destitute. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She was beatified by Pope john Paul II in 2003 and will be Canonized in September 2016. Blessed Mother Teresa Prayer card depicting Mother Teresa in prayer on the front. Affixed below her portrait is an original “Holy Relic” piece of cloth relating to Mother Teresa.
PAUL II, Saint/Pope John (1920-2005). First non-Italian to hold the position of Pope since the 16th Century. On May 13, 1981 he was shot in St. Peter’s Square. He was Beatified in 2011 and Canonized on April 27, 2014. Card displaying a portrait of pope John Paul II stating this same card was blessed by Pope John Paul II, bringing with it a special wish for peace, health and happiness. A facsimile signature of John Paul II is across the bottom of the card. Both cards. .........................$24.95
