Rare Teacher’s Day Booklet
RABIN, Yithzak (1922-1995). Prime Minister (1974-1977), (1992-1995). Military leader and a brigade commander during the War of Independence (1948). Chief of Staff during the Six-Day War. He forged the peace treaty known as the Oslo II agreement between the PLO for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize along with Shimon Peres and Yassir Arafat. Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli extremist on November 4, 1995 after attending a peace rally. Rare booklet “Teacher’s Day Booklet” 1994, 32 pages signed by Knesset Speaker Shevah Weiss on the inside cover. Weiss was also a survivor of the holocaust and the Israeli Ambassador to Poland. Inside on page 4, is a full page portrait of Yithzak Rabin. Rabin has signed his name in Hebrew above his portrait. In fine condition...........$250.00