Indian Scout and Fighter, Frontiersman, Showman, Big Game Hunter
Exemplar of the Old West
PEARSON, Colonel B.R. (1868- ? ) Indian Scout, Indian Fighter, Frontiersman, showman, big game hunter, etc. Friends with Buffalo Bill, Deadwood Dick, Pawnee Bill, Diamond Dick, Doc Carver and more. Presented to him by Buffalo Bill was a rifle used by Billy the Kid and an ivory handled revolver. He roped and loaded on a truck a 700 pound bear which he gave to President Coolidge. He appeared frequently in the movies. Vintage album page, inscribed: “To my friend nack from Col. B.R. Pearson, Idaho Bill, June 22nd 1938.” A newspaper portrait of Idaho Bill is affixed to the album page. Signatures of this famous Indian fighter and scout are quite uncommon.............. $235.00
