Only White Player to Play in Two Negro League Teams
O’NEAL, Dick Lefty. American white baseball player who started in the mid 60's as an American Legion pitcher going 32-2 over 3 years with 10 shutouts and 6 no-hitters. He crossed the color line in baseball with the Negro Leagues. When Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball a number of the Negro League owners decided they were going to try and sign a white baseball player. O'Neal said, "once I got on the team, I've got 16 bodyguards." He played for 2 Negro League teams, The Gulf Coast League with the Biloxi Dodgers and the South Texas League with the San Antonio Black Sox. Later he became a scout for Major League Baseball. His book: "Dreaming Of The Majors, Living In The Bush, A Life's Journey through the Negro League with His Guardian Angels." Pleasant Word, 2009, First Edition. Paper back, 111 pages, illustrated. Inscribed and signed: "To Beau, My brother in sports! Dream Big Dreams with Him Dick Lefty O'Neal." In V/G-Fine condition. A desirable autograph..................$67.50
