Only President to Resign the Office of the President
and the Vice-President who Resigned
NIXON, Richard (1913-1994). 37th President of the United States (Jan 29, 1969-Aug 9, 1974). Desirable and becoming somewhat uncommon an Inauguration Day cover bearing a cachet portrait of Nixon and the Seal of the President. Affixed is a U.S. 6 cent American Flag/The White House postage stamp cancelled Inauguration Day Washington D.C. Jan 20, 1969. Nixon signed this cover with a choice signature. Together with another Inauguration Day cover, same postage stamp cancelled as the above cover signed by Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew and his wife Judy Agnew. Judy has dated her signature “Jan.20, 1969.” Both covers in fine condition. Nixon’s cover comes with a COA from a high-profile auction house. From the estate of Ralph Swap, Alaska..................................$425.00
