MACNELLY, Jeff (1947- ) American cartoonist, creator of the comic strip “Shoe”. He had an interesting political background with Gorbachev and President Ford. Three time Pulitzer Prize Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year (1972, 78, 79). His cartoons are collected in over 20 books and Show appeared in over 1,000 newspapers. MacNelly has won every major cartooning award. He is the first cartoonist inducted into the UNC School of Journalism Hall of Fame (1985). I 1977 he launched his first comic strip Shoe which was an immediate success. Unfortunately at the very young age of only 52, MacNelly passed away. On the letterhead of the Richmond News Leader, Jeff MacNelly, Editorial Cartoonist, he has drawn a large sketch of “Shoe’ smoking a cigar. Dated 10/79 and inscribed “To Jeff, with best wishes from Shoe and Jeff MacNelly. (Quite scarce in full signatures). An outstanding sketch for framing and in very fine condition .......................$775.00
