Two Icons in the World of Space flight
LEONOV, Alexei (1934-2019) and Donald Slayton (1924-1993). Leonov was a Soviet and Russian cosmonaut who was the first human to conduct a space walk totaling 12 minutes and 9 seconds on 18 March 1965. In 1965, Leonov commanded the first rendezvous between a Soviet and American spacecraft. It was called the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. Slayton was one of the original NASA Mercury 7 Astronauts who flew on this completed mission. As a precaution, Slayton and the crew of Apollo were hospitalized in Honolulu for two weeks. Slayton underwent an operation. Interesting cover commemorating the Apollo/Soyuz space flight with a cachet of the rendezvous. A U.S... printed postage stamp is cancelled Honolulu Hawaii Jul 24, 1975. Fine hand signed signatures of both astronauts. A historic cover in very fine condition.........$275.00
