Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~

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American Serial Bomber-Known as The Unabomber

KACZYNSKI, Theodore John  (1942-  ) Serial bomber known as The Unabomber. Committed 16 bomb attacks on universities and airlines in a space that lasted 20 years. He killed 3 people and injured 23 others.  He was given life in prison with the possibility of parole. Former assistant professor of mathematics, intellectual child prodigy who was accepted into Harvard when only 16 years old. Lived as a recluse in a cabin in Lincoln, Montana. It had no plumbing or electricity. This is where he learned his survival skills. He was the target of one of the F.B.I.’s most costly investigations. It was his brother and wife who tipped of the F.B.I. The F.B.I designated him as a “Domestic Terrorist.”
Rare autograph letter signed “Ted” dated June 19, 2005.  Kaczynski writes: “Quite awhile ago you went through a lot of trouble to get me a copy of Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender , by Nancy Bonvillan. I used that book in writing an article titled The truth About Primitive Life.   It now looks as if that article is going to be published in a magazine called Anarchy, and I would like to ad a note to it thanking all the people who sent me books, articles and so forth that I used for the article.  But some of the people might not like to have their names used publicly. So please tell me as soon as possible whether it’s okay with you if I thank you publicly, by name, in a note added to the article..” Signed “Ted”. At the top of the letter he writes: “Ted Kaczynski to Alex Obledo”. In fine condition...............................SOLD


Stephen Koschal ~ Quality Autographs & Signed Books
Serving Collectors, Libraries, Institutions, Autograph Galleries and Dealers with
Autographs and Signed Books in all Fields of Collecting Since 1967.

7155 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA ~ Phone (561) 315-3622 ~