One Of The 19th Century’s Famous Spiritualists
(Houdini) HOME, Daniel Douglas (1833-1886). Spiritualist, super knowledge of scientific investigation. At the age of 17 he became celebrated as a “Medium”. He was presented at the Courts of Russia, Germany, France and the Vatican. In 1863 he united with the Roman Catholic Church but was later expelled because of his practices. In Houdini’s book “A Magician Among The Spirits” he writes an entire chapter on the amazing life of Home. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s book “The Wanderings Of A Spiritualist” refers to Home. Robert Browning attended one of Home’s seances. Sir William Crooks became interested in spiritualistic research and in 1870 spent four years of research devoted to Home who was successful in baffling Crooks. Home stands out in the front ranks of the History of Spiritualism. Very lengthy three page autograph letter signed (1860). In part: “Dear Mr. Coleman, I have this moment heard that you have another guardian spirit to love you in the other life. Well do I know the deep sorrow the poor woman heart is called upon to pass through before it can realize that the change was indeed but a glorious one and the beginning of the only true life...will recall his every action and the heart will throb with pain at the recollection of his every smile. Look upon lone mother he smiles on you now from that bright abode where you on day will go to dwell with him forever. He was good and pure and now he would not return to this cold earth of ours. Let not then your tears seem as if you would with selfish love call him to the material existence again. He lives and memory dieth not, and now with the strength of his love he will twine the pure hands of spirit love about you till they become too strong for this world and you will go forth a spirit. It is so selfish to mourn yet we are but mortal and our affection the brightest and most holy part of our being and when we see flowers of promise fading from before us we are but too prone to forget that they are to be truly happy. The fair flower may have escaped the natural vision but the perfume still remains and with the eye of faith we look up only to find the flower transplanted and sheltered from every harmful influence. Praying God to strengthen and his good angels to protect you.” Home adds an additional thought on page four and dates it “Friday, 7 Dec. 1860”. A true rarity with extraordinary content..................$3,250.00
