Drew Tarzan For 12 Years
HOGARTH, Burne (1911-1996). Cartoonist, artist, and the second to draw Tarzan. He drew the Tarzan Sunday page for 12 years (1937-45) & (1947-50). He is the recipient of dozens of awards. Uncommon and excellent content autograph letter signed. In part: “…I appreciate your words and memories of Tarzan, you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed doing them. Original art are hard to come by. The Burroughs company owns all of them since it is their original copyright and registered title trademark. Another reason they will hold on to them: there is a strong collectors market at this time, some pieces going for over $10,000 each, and prices are going up. Thanks for all your memories and good words…..” Boldly signed “Burne Hogarth and Tarzan-Aug. 16, 93”. The artist has affixed a copy of his personal bookplate to the page. Original envelope included............................................ $150.00
