Super Fabulous Postcard signed by Major Luftwaffe Aces
HARTMANN, Eric (352V), RALL, Gunther (275V), BATZ, Wilhelm ( 237V), GRAF, Herman (212V), KRUPINSKI, Walter (197V), RUDOFFER, Erich (222V), GALLAND, Adolf (104V), SCHACK, Gunther (174V), SPATE, Wolfgang (99V), VON EICHEL-STREIBER, Diethlem (96V), SCHUCK, Walter (206V). Postcard commemorating the First non-stop Atlantic flight by Alcock and Brown. Affixed at the top left corner is their postage stamp. To the right is the English “Concord” stamp. Both stamps cancelled November 11, 1969, First UK Flight, International Air Mail. All eleven Aces have signed totaling 2,174 Victories. In fine condition................$450.00
