Founder and Long Time President of the World Jewish Congress
GOLDMANN, Nahum. (1895-1982). Statesman and Zionist leader born in Lithuania. During WWI he supported a pro-German orientation of the Zionist Movement and sought means of gaining the Kaiser’s support for the Zionist cause. In 1921-22 he conceived the idea of publishing a German-language Jewish Encyclopedia and founded the publishing house “Eshkol”. Together with Stephen Wise he organized the World Jewish Congress and at the First Conference in 1936 he was appointed Chairman. He established the Zionist Emergency Council for political work and in 1935 as the head of the Zionist faction, he declared that the principal task of the Zionist movement was to create among the Jewish people the momentum for the establishment of a Jewish State in Erez Israel. He took an active and decisive part in activities designed to bring about the immediate establishment of a Jewish State. When the State of Israel came into being he was elected one of the two chairmen of the Executive of the Zionist Organization. Upon the death of Stephen Wise, he was elected president of the World Jewish Congress. He was the chairman of the first international conference for Soviet Jewry (Paris 1960). His autobiography appeared in 1969. Typed letter signed, one page, July 24, 1965. Signed in Hebrew...........SOLD