GAGARIN, Yuri (1934-1968). The first person to enter space as a space traveler. Cosmonaut Gagarin flew into space on April 12, 1961, at a speed of 17,000 mph. His voyage lasted one hour and forty-eight minutes in his Vostok Space Craft. This hero of the Soviet Union was killed in a plane accident during a training mission. He was only 34 years old. Color portrait of Gagarin, in uniform, on a Russian postcard. Measures 4”x6” and signed with a fine signature on the lighter portion of the card. Rubber stamp of the 23rdCongress of the Communist Party held in Moscow. Corners a little rounded and a small strip of clear tape across the top not detracting from the overall appearance. Desirable in color portraits especially of this size. $1,100.00
