Invitation Signed By The First Cosmonaut In Space
And the First Cosmonaut To Walk in Space
GAGARIN, Yuri (1934-1968). The first man to enter space as a space traveler. Cosmonaut Gagarin flew into space on April 12, 1961 at a speed of 17,000 mph lasting one hour and forty-eight minutes in his Vostok space craft. This hero of the Soviet Union was killed during a training mission six years after his historic flight. He was only 34 years old. Attractive invitation for Comrade I.S. Novikov and his wife from the Central Committee to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Government of the U.S.S.R. to take participation in the meeting which will take place in the Kremlin Palace of Congress on Saturday at 12:00, July 3, 1965. The purpose of the meeting is a dedication to the graduation of the final year of students of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the U.S.S.R. The invitation measures appx: 5”x7.25” with the embossed coat of arms of the former Soviet Union. Boldly signed by Yuri Gagarin and A. Leonov (who made the first space walk). Choice uncommon early signature of Leonov and three others. On the verso is an inscription in German and signed by two others including Pavel Beleyaev (flew in Vostok with Leonov). A very attractive display item with an uncommon combination of signatures. Worthy of further research. In excellent condition.............$950.00
