From the Personal Files of John Wayne Gacy
GACY, John Wayne #37. (1942-May 10, 1994). American serial killer who is also known as the “Killer Clown”. He was convicted of sexual assault and murder of at least 33 teenage boys and young men. The killings took place between 1972 and 1978 in the Chicago area. Twenty-six of Gacy’s victims were buried in a crawl space under his home. Three others were buried on his property and the last four were dumped in the Des Plains River. Gacy was convicted of the 33 murders and sentenced to death for 12 of them. He spent 14 years on death row before being executed by lethal injection. Actual page from Gacy’s personal files, kept in his cell that he signed just a day or two before his execution. He is also known for his statement of saying he was only guilty of running a cemetery without a license. His execution was without question a media sensation. The people of the State of Illinois vs. John Wayne Gacy. One interesting page of what Gacy calls “Little Known Facts.” Statistics of 31 days during the entire trial. Gacy lists number of witnesses, total transcript pages, number of side bars, number of objections and how the judge rules, how many times the defense objected and how the judge ruled and more. Hand signed “John Wayne Gacy” at the bottom of the page. Usual file holes otherwise fine condition..................$185.00
